{smcl} {* April 2014}{...} {hline} help for {hi:unemp (Version 1.0)}{right:Carlos Gradín (April 2014)} {hline} {title: Measures of employment deprivation (unemployment) among households} {p 8 17 2} {cmd:unemp} {it:unempvar} [{it:weights}] [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] , {cmdab:hid:}{it:(hidvar)} [ {cmdab:hs:ize}{it:(hsizevar)} {cmdab:th:ao}{it:(#)} {cmdab:f:ormat}{it:(%9.#f)} {cmdab:g:amma}{it:(# [# ...])} {cmdab:a:lpha}{it:(# [# ...])} {cmdab:gen:erate}{it:(newvar)} {cmdab:dec:omp} ] {p 4 4 2} {cmd:fweights}, {cmd:aweights} and {cmd:iweights} are allowed; see {help weights}. {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:unemp} computes aggregate households' employment deprivation measures, which are sensitive to the distribution of employment among deprived households. {p 4 4 2} The program computes the family of FGT-type employment deprivation measures at the household level proposed in Gradín, Cantó, and Del Río (REHO 2014). {p 4 4 2} The measure first computes indices of employment deprivation for each household based on individual information on either unemployment (a dummy variable: 1 if unemployed, 0 if employed), or underemployment (a continuous variable; i.e. relative gap in hours worked with respect to whished hours, ranging between 0 and 1). {p 8 8 2} Households deprivation indices can be saved as new variables using {cmdab:gen}{it:(newvar)} with _subscripts indicating the value of gamma (i.e. with {cmdab:gen(u)}, u_0, u_1, u_2... are created standing for household deprivation index for gamma=0, 1, 2 ...). This could be useful to further analyze their distribution drawing kernel densities (see {help akdensity} if installed) or computing "employment deprivation curves" (similar to TIP curves in poverty analysis) (using {help glcurve} if installed). {p 4 4 2} In a second step, the program aggregates households' employment deprivation indices across the entire target population in order to obtain a distribution-sensitive aggregate index of households' deprivation in employment. {p 8 4 2} By default, the aggregate index weights households by the number of economically active members (units are individuals) such as in official unemployment rates. {p 8 4 2} It is possible to weight each household by the number of members (whether in the labor force or not) or any other household-level variable using the {cmdab:hs:ize} option. See examples below. {p 4 4 2} By default, a household is considered to be deprived in employment if any member has a positive gap (i.e. is unemployed or underemployed). For restricting deprived households to be only those having a deprivation level (proportion of unemployed members or of hours, depending on how the gap was measured) greater than a given threshold (i.e .20, .50, ...), use option {cmdab:th:ao}{it:(#)}, the default is {cmdab:th:ao}{it:(0)}. If {cmdab:th:ao}{it:(1)}, only households with all their members fully deprived contribute to aggregate deprivation. {title:Data requirements} {p 4 4 2} Microdata are required with observations being individuals in the labor force (economically active). Information identiying the households they belong to is necessary too. {it:unempvar} is a variable containing individual unemployment gaps that can be either a dummy variable (1 if unemployed, 0 if employed) or a continuous variable between 0 and 1 (i.e. indicating the relative gap in hours worked with respect to whished hours). {it:hidvar} is the household identifier. Observations can be weighted by the number of households members (see example below). Individuals with missing values in {it:unempvar} or {it:hidvar} will not be used in calculations. {title:Reporting} {p 4 4 2} * Aggregate measure of households' employment deprivation U() for the specified values of the parameters: {p 8 8 2} . gamma, for one or more nonnegative integer numbers (0, 1,2 3,...) specified in option {cmdab:g:amma}{it:(integer [integer ...])}, the default is to report gamma=0,1,2. {p 12 12 2} If {it:unempvar} is a dummy, the index does not vary with gamma, thus {cmdab:g:amma}{it:(1)} is recommended. {p 12 12 2} This parameter captures the sensitivity of household-level deprivation indices to variability of employment gaps across their members. {p 8 8 2} . alpha, for one or more nonnegative integer numbers specified in option {cmdab:a:lpha}{it:(integer [integer ...])}, the default is to report alpha=0,1,2. {p 12 12 2} This parameter captures the sensitivity of the aggregate measure of households deprivation in employment to inequality of employment indices among deprived households. {p 4 4 2} * If option {cmdab:dec:omp} is specified, the decomposition of the aggregate indices into deprivation incidence, intensity and inequality of employment among the deprived households is also reported. {title:Required Option} {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:hid:}{it:(hidvar)} to indicate household identifier. {title:Other Options} {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:g:amma}{it:(integer [integer ...])} to indicate the values of gamma, the default is {cmdab:g:amma}{it:(0 1 2)}. {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:a:lpha}{it:(integer [integer ...])} to indicate the values of alpha, the default is {cmdab:a:lpha}{it:(0 1 2)}. {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:th:ao}{it:(#)} to set the threshold in employement deprivation (real value between 0 and 1). For thao<1, only those households with a deprivation (for gamma=1) larger than the threshold will be considered deprived in employment. For thao=1, only fully deprived households are considered depived. The default is {cmdab:th:ao}{it:(0)} (i.e. a household with u_1>0 is considered deprived). {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:gen:erate}{it:(newvar)} to create new variables containing households' employment deprivation indices for different values of gamma. If this option is combined with {cmdab:hs:ize}, the variables created only take values for one observation per-household. {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:dec:omp} to make the general decompoistion of the index for each aplha into incidence, intensity (alpha>0) and inequality (alpha>1) among deprived households. It also computes the variance of individual households deprivation indices (u) and the coefficient of variation for 1-u in the case of alpha=2. {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:f:ormat}{it:(%9.#f)} to change numeric format, the default is {cmdab:f:ormat}{it:(%9.4f)}. {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:hs:ize}{it:(hsizevar)} to weight each household according to {it:(hsizevar)}. {it:(hsizevar)} might be the number of household members. If {it:hsizevar} is the same for all households, then the aggregate measure weights each household equally, regardless of their size. {title:Saved results} {p 4 4 2} Matrices: {p 8 8 2} r(unemp): aggregate employment deprivation measure, and main decomposition if option {cmdab:dec:omp} specified {p 8 8 2} r(dec2): alternative decomposition for alpha=2 if option {cmdab:dec:omp} specified {p 4 4 2} Scalars: {p 8 8 2} r(U_i_j): aggregate employment deprivation measures U() for gamma=i and alpha=j. {title:Inference} {p 4 4 2} It is possible to obtain bootstrap standard errors with {cmd:unemp} using the returned scalars (see example below). {title:Examples} {p 4 8 2} . {stata use unemp.dta, clear } {p 4 8 2} . {stata desc} {p 4 8 2} 1. Households are weighted according to the number of people in the labor force: {p 8 8 2} With a dummy indicating unemployment status (the index does not vary with gamma, only gamma=1 requested) {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp unemployed [aw=w] , hid(hid) gamma(1) } {p 8 8 2} With a variable indicating gap in hours, e.g. (whished-worked)/whished {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp hgap [aw=w] , hid(hid) } {p 8 8 2} Saved results {p 4 8 2} . {stata ret list} {p 4 8 2} 2. Households are equally weighted regardless of their size {p 4 8 2} . {stata gen hs=1 } {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp hgap [aw=w], hid(hid) hs(hs) } {p 4 8 2} 3. Households are weighted according to their household size (i.e. including non economically active members) {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp hgap [aw=w], hid(hid) hs(hsize) } {p 4 8 2} Generating household employment deprivation index {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp hgap [aw=w] , hid(hid) hs(hsize) gen(u) } {p 4 8 2} . {stata desc u_*} {p 4 8 2} Computing employment deprivation curve (gamma=2) across the population of households with at leat one member in the labor force (including members not in the labor force)[ {help glcurve} must be installed] {p 4 8 2} . {stata gen mu_2=-u_2} {p 4 8 2} . {stata glcurve u_2 [aw=w*hsize] , sort(mu_2)} {p 4 8 2} Estimating the density of household employment deprivation indices (gamma=1) across the target population [ {help akdensity} must be installed] {p 4 8 2} . {stata akdensity u_1 if u_1>0 [aw=w*hsize], at(u_1)} {p 4 8 2} Changing default values of the parameters {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp hgap [aw=w] if country==1, hid(hid) hs(hsize) th(.2) gamma(0 1 2 3) alpha(1 2 3 4) } {p 4 8 2} Specific rates: {p 4 8 2} Standard unemployment rate {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp unemployed [aw=w], hid(hid) g(1) a(1) } {p 4 8 2} Unemployment rate of households heads (% households) {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp unemployed [aw=w] if head==1 , hid(hid) g(1) a(1) } {p 4 8 2} Proportion of people whose household head is unemployed {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp unemployed [aw=w] if head==1 , hid(hid) hs(hsize) g(1) a(1) } {p 4 8 2} Proportion of households with all economically active members unemployed {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp unemployed [aw=w], hid(hid) hs(hs) thao(1) g(1) a(1) } {p 4 8 2} Proportion of people in households with all economically active members unemployed {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp unemployed [aw=w], hid(hid) hs(hsize) thao(1) g(1) a(1) } {p 4 8 2} Decomposition {p 4 8 2} . {stata unemp hgap [aw=w], hid(hid) hs(hsize) decomp} {p 4 8 2} Bootstrapping U(), exmaple for alpha=2, gamma=0,1,2 [BC estimates for Confidence Interval] {p 8 8 2} cap program drop hhu {p 8 8 2} program def hhu {p 8 8 2} unemp hgap [aw=w], hid(hid) hs(hsize) {p 8 8 2} end {p 8 8 2} bootstrap r(U_0_2) r(U_1_2) r(U_2_2) if country==1, reps(10): hhu {p 8 8 2} estat bootstrap {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}{browse "http://webs.uvigo.es/cgradin": Carlos Gradín} {break} Facultade de CC. Económicas{break} Universidade de Vigo{break} 36310 Vigo, Galicia, Spain. {title:References} {p 4 8 2} Gradín, C, Cantó, O., and Del Río, C.(2014), Measuring employment deprivation in the EU using a household-level index, Review of the Economics of the Household. {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2} {help akdensity} if installed; ; {help glcurve} if installed