p vaf module to compute mediation effect in SEM p valcuofon module for downloading daily share values and assets balances of Chile's unemployment insurance funds and pension system p validarcae module to provide several functionalities for dealing with codes from the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities (CAE) p validly module to correct Stata’s handling of missing values in logical and relational expressions p validscale module to assess validity and reliability of a multidimensional scale p vallab module to pack values and labels into a new string variable p vallabdef module to define value labels from label name, value and label variables p vallabframe module to convert a list of value labels to variables in a new data frame p vallabsave module to save and load label-only Stata datasets p vallist module to list distinct values of a variable p valtovar module to rename value labels to match variable names p valuesof module to return the contents of a variable in a macro p vam module to compute teacher value-added measures p vanelteren module to perform van Elteren's test (generalized Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney ranksum test) p var_nr module to estimate set identified SVARS p varcase module to toggle the case of variable names p vardistinct module to generate a variable representing the number(s) of distinct observations or values p variog module to calculate and graph semi-variograms p varlab module to save and load variable labels p varlabdef module to define a value label with values corresponding to variables p varlag module to determine the appropriate lag length in VARs, ECMs p varlocal module to transform values of a variable in local p varmi module to create a dummy variable that takes 1 when all the variable in the varlist are missing p varprod module to Generate Row Product of Variables p varsearch program to search variable names and labels p vartyp module to set variable types for codebook2 p vbkw module to perform Vector-Based Kernel Weighting p vc_pack module for the estimation of smooth varying coefficient models p vce2way module to adjust a Stata command's standard errors for two-way clustering p vce_mcov module to compute the Leave-Cluster-Out-Crossfit (LCOC) variance estimates for user-chosen coefficients in a linear regression model. p vcemway module to adjust a Stata command's standard errors for multi-way clustering p vcf module to import VCF (Variant Caller Format) Files into Stata and format genotype data p vclose module to close viewer windows p vecar module to estimate vector autoregressive (VAR) models p vecar6 module to estimate vector autoregressive (VAR) models (version 6) p vececm module to estimate vector error correction models (ECMs) p vennbar module to show Euler or Venn diagrams mapped to bar or dotcharts p venndiag module to generate Venn diagrams p veracrypt module to mount or dismount a VeraCrypt volume p viewresults module to display results of a command in the Viewer p vincenty module to calculate distances on the Earth's surface p violin module to generate violin plots p violinplot module to draw violin plots p vioplot module to produce violin plots with current graphics p vlc module to compare value labels across datasets p vlgen module to generate variables and descriptive labels based on how the variables were generated p vlist module to expand variable list in command syntax p vmatch module to match variables between subjects p vmerge module to provide a wrapper for the Stata merge command that provides additional details regarding the results of the update and replace options p vorter module to reorder variables in dataset based on sorted values p vplplot modules to generate paired data plots p vratio module to compute variation ratio and proportion of maximum heterogeneity (measures of dispersion) for categorical variables p vreverse module to reverse existing categorical variable p vsave module to save Stata dataset under version control p vselect module to perform linear regression variable selection p vtokenize module to split a variable into its tokens