{smcl} {* 05mar2002}{...} {hline} help for {hi:varlab}{right:[P.Joly]} {hline} {title:Save and load variable labels} {p 8 14} {cmd:varlab save} [{it:varlist}] {cmd:using} {it:filename} [{cmd:,} {cmd:replace} ] {p 8 14} {cmd:varlab load} [{it:varlist}] {cmd:using} {it:filename} [{cmd:,} {cmd:replace} ] {title:Description} {p} {cmd:varlab save} saves the variable labels of variables in {it:varlist} using {it:filename}. {p} {cmd:varlab load} loads the variable labels of variables in {it:varlist} using {it:filename}. Extraneous variable labels are ignored. {p} {it:filename} is saved or retrieved from the current directory unless the full path and filename is specified in {it:filename} (see help {help cd}). If {it:filename} is specified without an extension, {cmd:.lbl} is assumed. If no varlist is specified, labels are saved or retrieved for all variables in the data, if defined. {title:Options} {p 0 4} {cmd:replace} carries a different meaning depending on whether it is used in conjucntion with {cmd:varlab save} or {cmd:varlab load}. With {cmd:varlab save}, {cmd:replace} specifies that {it:filename} be overwritten if it exists. When used with {cmd:varlab load}, {cmd:replace} means that labels of variables in {it:varlist} be overwritten if they exists. By default, existing labels are held inviolate. (In this context, its meaning is consistent with that of option {hi:replace} in {cmd:merge} (see help {help merge}).) {title:Author} Patrick Joly, Industry Canada pat.joly@utoronto.ca {title:Also see} {p 0 19} On-line: help for {help label}{p_end}