Save and load variable labels
varlab save [varlist] using filename [, replace ]
varlab load [varlist] using filename [, replace ]
varlab save saves the variable labels of variables in varlist using filename.
varlab load loads the variable labels of variables in varlist using filename. Extraneous variable labels are ignored.
filename is saved or retrieved from the current directory unless the full path and filename is specified in filename (see help cd). If filename is specified without an extension, .lbl is assumed. If no varlist is specified, labels are saved or retrieved for all variables in the data, if defined.
replace carries a different meaning depending on whether it is used in conjucntion with varlab save or varlab load. With varlab save, replace specifies that filename be overwritten if it exists. When used with varlab load, replace means that labels of variables in varlist be overwritten if they exists. By default, existing labels are held inviolate. (In this context, its meaning is consistent with that of option replace in merge (see help merge).)
Patrick Joly, Industry Canada
Also see
On-line: help for label