vcf -- Used to import VCF (Variant Caller Format) Files into Stata and format genotype data.
This program does 2 challenging things:
(1) Splits the INFO column (delimited by ;) into seperate columns. It also pulls out variable descriptions and assigns them as variable labels.
(2) Recodes genotypic data, showing the genotypes of each individual.
Important! This is a new release, as such it is still undergoing development. Please report any issues/errors/comments/suggests (email above).
vcf using "path/to/file.vcf"
(1) While it is possible to read in very large files - this program cannot handle enormous VCF Files. I have successfully loaded in files that are a few gigabytes.
(2) If your VCF Files has more than 9 alternative alleles, this program will incorrectly assign alleles beyond the 9th alternative allele.
Initial Release - 12/17/12