help for ^venndiag^(STB-47 gr34 to STB-49: gr34.2; STB-54: gr34.3)

Draw Venn diagram -----------------

^venndiag^ varlist [^if^] [^in^] [, ^c1()^ ^c2()^ ^c3()^ ^c4()^ ^ca()^ ^SQ^uar > e ^CIR^cle ^EL^lipse ^la^bel^()^ ^nof^rame ^nog^raph ^nol^abel ^g^en^()^ ^mis^sing ^sh^ow^()^ ^ > xoff()^ ^yoff()^ ^t1^itle^()^ ^t2^title^()^ ^t3^title^()^ ^pr^int ^sa^ving^()^ ^pen()^ ^thic > k()^ ^r1^itle^()^ ^r2^title^()^ ^r3^title^()^ ^r4^itle^()^ ^r5^title^()^ ^r6^ti > tle^()^]

Description ------------

^venndiag^ produces a so-called ^Venn diagram^ of the variables in varlist

The ^Venn diagram^ consists of a number of rectangles each corresponding to one of the variables in varlist. The rectangles are arranged such that they overlap and delimit areas. In each area the counts of records is shown for the relevant combination of ^varlist^

With two variables A and B, the counts of records (A== 1 & B== 1) is placed in the overlapping area of A and B. In area A (non A+B) the count (A== 1 & B!= 1) is placed and in area B (non A+B) the count (A!=1 & B==1).

Note: ^-^ Information retrievable in S_* variables after execution ^-^ Size of text can be set with ^Set textsize^ (<120 recommended) ^-^ Some options changed from version 1 to 2. ^-^ For Stata version 5 get gr34_2 from STB49 ^-^ Some options changed from version 1 to 2 (moved from label to show). ---------

^venndiag^ could be used, for example, to

^-^ show how many persons have different symptoms indicated in the variables in varlist. E.g astma, hayfever and eczema ^-^ show in a household survey the numbers of having cats, dogs and birds ^-^ count specific diagnoses placed in one or several variables ^-^ combine variables and achieve frequency counts in logfile and in a new variable ^-^ create combined variable of 2-4 variables (with or without missing)

Options --------

^square^ Show rectangles as in stb version of venndiag

^ellipse^ Show ellipses with two-four variables (default: 4 variables)

^circle^ Show circles with two and three variables (default)

^nograph^ Do not show graph, regardless of contents of ^show^

^show()^ Show in diagram: (rectangle: ^cpdtf^) (ellip+circ: ^cpdtfl^) ^l^ variable lables (circle and ellipses only) ^p^ percent of area (area/total) ^c^ Count in each area ^t^ Percent of each variable (variable/total) (! SUM > 100 %) ^v^ Add variable name ^d^ Add date of creation ^f^ Add footnote explaining percentages and filename ^n^ Display Nill (= 0) counts and percentages ^x^ Leave out counts and percentages in the nonABCD area

^nolabel^ Disregards all labelling, regardless of contents of ^label^

^label()^ Show to the right of diagram: (rectangle: ^ad^) (ellip+circ: ^t^) ^c^ variable names and value ^c^ounted in each variable ^d^ overall description ^m^ indicates counts of missing in each variable ^t^ titles are shown ^i^ information of number of records ^x^ show e^x^tra titles in r1title....r6title (do not use with ^mic^)

^t1title(^string^)^ ^t2title(^string^)^ ^t3title(^string^)^ titles shown on gra > ph Default t1(Venn Diagram) t2() t3(N = #observations)

^r1title()^ ^r2title()^ ^r3title()^ ^r4itle()^ ^r5title()^ ^r6title()^ Titles to show if ^x^ is included in ^label()^

^xoff()^ Defines top "margin": From top to r1title (default 6000) ^yoff()^ Defines left "margin": From left to r1title (default 22000)

^saving(^file^)^ Save graph to file named as string (replacing file) On Win-95/MAC also saved as wmf file (see @gphprint@)

^gen()^ Add variable named in () to dataset. Must be non existing. The user must save the dataset after running venndiag to keep the generated variable. A note describing if/in or missing values is created for the generated variable. Can be redisplayed with @note@

^c1(^integer^)^ ^c2(^integer^)^ ^c3(^integer^)^ ^c4(^integer^)^ Specifies which value to regard as outcome in v1...v4 (default 1)

^ca(^int^)^ Count on specified value for all variables. E.g. ^ca(2)^ to use 2 as outcome.

^noframe^ Exclude frame with square design

^missing^ Include all records regardless of missing variables in ^varlist^

^pen()^ which pens to use in the graph. E.g. pen(257): Pen 2 for texts pen 5 for rectangles, pen 7 for frame. Default pen(123)

^print^ print graph immediately (Win-95 & MAC only)

^thick()^ thickness of pens on ^printing^ (Win-95 & Mac), default ^thick(995)^ > . Note link to ^pen()^. Eg. ^thick(112)^ when ^pen(234)^. Thickness on screen can vary depending on the local setup. Some experimentation might be necessary. See @help grcolor@

Examples ---------

. ^venndiag astma eczema hayfever^ . ^venndiag astma eczema hayfever, ellipse missing^ . ^venndiag cat dog bird, square label(tv) pen(246) thick(191714) print^ . ^venndiag astma eczema hayfever, show(pf) /*^ ^*/ t1(Selfreported Allergic Outcomes in Youngsters) /*^ ^*/ t2(The Odense Adolescence Cohort) t3(Study. Denmark,1996) la(dt)^

Counting on different outcome values . ^venndiag d1 d2 d3, c1(812) c2(2) c3(830) gen(vdvar) r1(Example title) xoff(1 > 000)^

Applying if or in . ^venndiag d1 d2 if r > 0, saving(diagnose,replace)^ . ^venndiag d1 d2 in 1/400, label(ma) show(fpn) ^

Author -------

Jens M.Lauritsen County of Funen, Odense Denmark. jm.lauritsen@@dadlnet.dk Martin Willumsen sorted out the mathematics of drawing ellipses

Also see ---------

STB: STB-54 gr34.3 STB-49 gr34.2 STB-48 gr34.1, STB-47 gr34 On-line: help for @stb@, @gphprint@, @set textsize@, @gph@, @note@