*! version 1.3.0 Patrick McNeal 13sep2016 pr veracrypt vers 9 if !inlist(c(os), "Windows", "MacOSX") { di as err "Stata for Windows or Mac required" ex 198 } syntax [anything(name=volume)], [Mount DISmount truecryptvolume DRive(str) PROGdir(str)] ***Check syntax*** * Check strings. loc volume `volume' loc temp : subinstr loc volume `"""' "", count(loc dq) if `dq' { di as err `"filename cannot contain ""' ex 198 } foreach option in drive progdir { loc temp : subinstr loc `option' `"""' "", count(loc dq) if `dq' { di as err `"option `option'() cannot contain ""' ex 198 } } * -mount-, -dismount- if "`mount'`dismount'" == "" loc mount mount else if "`mount'" != "" & "`dismount'" != "" { di as err "options mount and dismount are mutually exclusive" ex 198 } * -mount- if "`mount'" != "" { * `volume' conf f "`volume'" * Make `volume' a clean absolute reference. * VeraCrypt can't handle absolute references that are unclean * (understood by Stata but not the OS) or relative references up the * directory tree (containing ..). mata: st_local("file", pathbasename("`volume'")) mata: st_local("path", strreverse(subinstr(strreverse("`volume'"), strreverse("`file'"), "", 1))) nobreak { loc curdir = c(pwd) * -cd ""- in Stata for Mac changes the working directory to the home * directory. if "`path'" != "" qui cd "`path'" loc path = c(pwd) qui cd "`curdir'" } loc volume `path'`=cond(c(os) == "Windows", "\", "/")'`file' } * -dismount- else { * `volume' if "`volume'" != "" { di as err "option dismount: filename not allowed" ex 198 } * -drive()- if "`drive'" == "" { di as err "option dismount must be specified with option drive()" ex 198 } } * -drive()- if "`drive'" != "" { if !regexm("`drive'", "^[A-Za-z]:?$") { di as err "option drive(): invalid drive" ex 198 } loc driveletter = regexr("`drive'", ":$", "") if c(os) == "Windows" /// loc drive `driveletter': else /// loc drive = "~/`driveletter'colon" * Check that the drive is available if -mount- or is mounted if -dismount-. mata: st_local("mounted", strofreal(direxists("`drive'"))) if "`mount'" != "" & `mounted' { di as err "option mount: drive letter `driveletter' not available" ex 198 } else if "`dismount'" != "" & !`mounted' { di as err "option dismount: no volume specified by drive letter `driveletter'" ex 198 } } else if "`mount'" != "" & c(os) == "MacOSX" { * If -mount- is specified and -drive()- is not, we want VeraCrypt to use * the first free drive letter. On Windows, VeraCrypt will do this * automatically if not specified a drive letter, but on Mac, it will * select something other than a drive letter as the mount directory. So * if -VeraCrypt- is run on Stata for Mac, we'll have Stata determine the * first free drive letter, then pass it to VeraCrypt. foreach letter in `c(ALPHA)' { loc drive ~/`letter'colon mata: st_local("mounted", strofreal(direxists("`drive'"))) if !`mounted' continue, break } if `mounted' { di as err "option mount: no drive letter available" ex 198 } } * -progdir()- if "`progdir'" == "" { if c(os) == "Windows" /// loc progdir C:\Program Files\VeraCrypt else /// loc progdir /Applications/VeraCrypt.app/Contents/MacOS } else if c(os) == "MacOSX" /// loc progdir `progdir'/VeraCrypt.app/Contents/MacOS conf f "`progdir'/VeraCrypt`=cond(c(os) == "Windows", ".exe", "")'" ***End*** if c(os) == "Windows" { * -mount- if "`mount'" != "" /// sh "`progdir'\VeraCrypt.exe" `=cond("`truecryptvolume'" != "", "/truecrypt", "")' /v "`volume'" `=cond("`drive'" != "", "/l `drive'", "")' /q * -dismount- else /// sh "`progdir'\VeraCrypt.exe" /d `drive' /q } else { if "`mount'" != "" /// sh "`progdir'/VeraCrypt" `=cond("`truecryptvolume'" != "", "--truecrypt", "")' "`volume'" `drive' else /// sh "`progdir'/VeraCrypt" -d `drive' } end * Changes history * version 1.0.0 21feb2012 * version 1.1.0 14mar2012 * -progdir()- is optional * Syntax checks added * version 1.2.0 03jul2012 * Compatible with Mac OS X * All references to the TrueCrypt volume accepted * version 1.3.0 13sep2016 * replace all code references to TrueCrypt with VeraCrypt