help for vgettoken                                                  Bill Rising

Pull the First Token from Each Observation of a Variable

vgettoken result_varname [rest_varname] : source_varname [if exp] [in range] , [parse(delimiters) nospace replaceresult replacerest nodelimiters


vgettoken does for variables what gettoken does for macros: it pulls a token from each observation of source_varlist, and stores the result in result_variable. If the optional rest_variable is specified, the remainder (possibly minus the intervening delimiter) is stored in the rest_variable.


parse(delimiters) gives the list of delimiters which are used to separate tokens. If omitted, the only delimiter is whitespace (one or more spaces). There is no need to specify space a delimiter, though explicitly specifying it will not cause problems.

nospace is used to prevent spaces from being used as delimiters.

nodelimiters is used to prevent delimiters from being stored as tokens. Note that just as with gettoken, spaces are never kept as tokens.

replacereslt allows the result_variable to be overwritten.

replacerest allows the rest_variable to be overwritten.


. vgettoken foo : bar Will take the first word (space delimited!) from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged.

. vgettoken foo rest : bar Will take the first word from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged, and putting the remaining words into rest.

. vgettoken foo bar : bar Will take the first word from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, and replace bar with the remaining words.

. vgettoken foo : bar, parse(":") nospace Will take everything up to the first colon (:) from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged. If the first character of an observation of bar is itself a colon, the colon will be placed in the corresponding observation of foo.

. vgettoken foo rest : bar, parse(":") nospace Will take everything up to the first colon (:) from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged. If the first character of an observation of bar is itself a colon, the colon will be placed in the corresponding observation of foo. The observations in rest will contain everything left over, so concatinating foo and rest will reconstruct bar.

. vgettoken foo : bar, parse(":") nospace nodelimiters Will take everything up to the first colon (:) from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged. If the first character of an observation of bar is itself a colon, an empty observation will be placed in the corresponding observation of foo.

. vgettoken foo rest : bar, parse(":") nospace nodelimiters Will take everything up to the first colon (:) from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged. If the first character of an observation of bar is itself a colon, the corresponding observation of foo will be empty. The observations in rest will contain everything left over, except any leading delimiters (just as would happen if spaces were used as the delimiters).

. vgettoken foo : bar, parse(":|!") Will take everything up to either the first space, colon (:), vertical bar (|), or exclamation point (!) from each observation in bar and put it in the corresponding observation of foo, leaving bar unchanged. If the first character of an observation of bar is itself a delimiter, the delimiter will be placed in the corresponding observation of foo unless the delimiter is a space (or spaces), in which case the observation in foo will be empty.


While this could possibly be useful for splitting up variables by hand when working with nasty text files, it will probably be more useful to use vtokenize to split up the source_variable into all its tokens.

Also see

gettoken, tokenize, vtokenize

Author Bill Rising email: brising@louisville.edu web: http://www.louisville.edu/~wrrisi01

snailmail: Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292

Last Updated: December 9, 2003 @ 22:28:15