vioplot -- Violin Plots
vioplot varlist [if] [in] [weight] [, options]
options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group options over(varname[, over_options]) categories; option may be repeated twice missing keep missing values as a category for this overvar total add total group (can only be specified in one over() option) nolabel do not use value labels to label category axis
nofill omit empty categories
Orientation vertical orient densities vertically (the default) horizontal orient densities horizontally
Number of cases obs include number of observations per category obs(alt) move display of obs to the opposite axis; implies option obs
kdensity options kernel(kernel) specify kernel function; default is kernel(epanechnikov) bwidth(#) half-width of kernel
Scaling & labelling barwidth(#) width of bars as percentage of default dscale(#) width of densities as percentage of default
ygap(#) gap between y variables as percentage of default ogap(#) gap between 2d level over categories as percentage of default noylabel use yvar names rather than labels for legending
Graph appearance density(area_options) options affecting the plotting of the densities bar(barlook_options) options affecting the plotting of the bars line(line_options) options affecting the plotting of the spikes median(marker_options) options affecting the plotting of the medians obsopts(marker_label_options) options affecting the plotting of observation counts
twoway_options Options affecting the graph as a whole
vioplot displays a violin plot for one or more variables, optionally by categories formed by one or two other variables. Violin plots are a modification of box plots that add plots of the estimated kernel density to the summary statistics displayed by box plots. They were first suggested by Hintze and Nelson (1998).
Violin plots include a marker for the median of the data, a box indicating the interquartile range, and spikes extending to the upper- and lower-adjacent values, as in standard box plots. Overlaid with this modified box plot is a density, estimated by kdensity.
vioplot allows aweights, fweights, and pweights; see weight.
Hintze, Jerry L., and Ray D. Nelson. 1998. "Violin Plots: A Box Plot-Density Trace Synergism." The American Statistician 52(2):181-84.
sysuse auto, clear
vioplot mpg, over(rep78)
vioplot mpg, over(rep78) over(foreign)
vioplot mpg, over(rep78, missing) over(foreign)
vioplot mpg, over(rep78) over(foreign) nofill
vioplot mpg, over(rep78) horizontal name(myplot) title("Violin Plot of Mileage") subtitle("By repair record") ytitle(Repair Record) ylab(, angle(horiz)) scheme(s2mono)
vioplot gear head, over(foreign) scheme(s2color)
vioplot gear head, over(rep78) legend( ring(0) pos(2) cols(1)) xtitle("Categories of Repair Record") scheme(s2color)
vioplot gear head, over(rep78, m) over(foreign, total) scheme(s2color)
Nick Winter University of Virginia
Austin Nichols Urban Institute Washington DC austinnichols@gmail.com