help vlgen


vlgen -- Generate or replace variable labels automatically while generating or replacing the variable.

Syntax vlgen varname {=exp} [if] [in] [, options]

vlgen (variable and label generate) acts much like labgen, but uses labels one from one level deeper -- see examples below.

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- replace replace an existing variable and label nopromote same as nopromote option with replace, see replace noconditionals keeps "if" and "in" statements out of the label -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Comparing labgen and vlgen ------------------------------

Suppose your data set contains the following variables.

Name Label -------------- x1 blah x2 x3 etc


. labgen x4 = x1+x3

you would have

Name Label -------------- x1 blah x2 x3 etc x4 x1+x3

If instead you used

. vlgen x4 = x1+x3

you would have

Name Label -------------- x1 blah x2 x3 etc x4 blah + etc

If a variable has no label, the variable name is used, as in labgen.

. vlgen x5 = x1 + x2

would give you

Name Label -------------- x1 blah x2 x3 etc x4 blah + etc x5 blah + x2

Using the replace option ------------------------------

Starting with the data set

Name Label -------------- x1 blah x2 x3 etc x4 blah + etc

. vlgen x4 = abs(x1) + x2, replace

would give you

Name Label -------------- x1 blah x2 x3 etc x4 abs( blah ) + etc

replacing both variable values and label.


James Fiedler, Universities Space Research Association