help for ^vlist^                                                 (David E. Moor
> e)

Unabbreviate variable list programming command ----------------------------------------------

^vlist^ varlist

Description -----------

^vlist^ expands and unabbreviates a varlist of either all new or all existing variables; see ^[U] 18.4 varlists^. The result is returned in the global macro ^S_1^. The number of variables is returned in the global macro ^S_2^. This is a more general command than Stata's @unabbrev@, since it can expand a list of new variables. Also, unlike Stata's @parse@, ^vlist^ knows how to expand varlists with embedded numbers, such as, v1_1-v1_4. Finally, when used with @array@, ^vlist^ can expand varlists containing array references; see help for @array@.

Example -------

. vlist v1-v4 . vlist x1v1-x1v4 . vlist varray{1,1} - varray{1,5}

The last example assumes varray has been previously defined as a two dimensional variable array, with at least one row and five columns.

Author ------

David E. Moore University of Cincinnati email: moordi@@email.uc.edu

Also see --------

Manual: ^[U] 18.4 varlists^ ^[R] unabbrev^ On-line: help for @parse@, @array@