vorter -- Reorder variables in dataset based on sorted values
vorter [+|-] varlist [in #] [, order-options return]
vorter reorders variables in the dataset based on their sorted values in the # observation. If no observation is specified using the in qualifier, the first observation is used. Values are sorted in ascending order if + or nothing is typed in front of varlist, and in descending order if - is typed.
order-options are any options used with order
return does not reorder variables, but only returns the order in r().
. sysuse auto . list price mpg headroom turn in 1 . vorter price mpg headroom turn
Saved results
vorter saves the following in r():
Macros r(varlist) varlist in current order (reorderd) r(oorder) varlist in original order
A first draft of the program appeared as an answer to a question on Statalist posted by Pedro Nakashima.
Daniel Klein, University of Kassel, klein.daniel.81@gmail.com
Also see
Online: order, sort, gsort