Vertical parallel line plot ---------------------------
^vplplot^ yvar1 yvar2 [xvar] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^,^ { ^d^iff | ^r^atio } ^b^ase^(^#^)^ { ^m^ean | ^g^mean | ^so^rt^(^sortvarlist^)^ } graph_options ]
Description -----------
^vplplot^ plots paired data for yvar1 and yvar2 using parallel vertical lines to show the differences between values.
By default, yvar1 and yvar2 are plotted on the vertical axis. Normally yvar1 and yvar2 will have the same units. If xvar is specified it is used for the horizontal axis: otherwise by default the order of the observations is used for the horizontal axis.
Other kinds of plots may be obtained through particular options.
Options -------
^diff^ specifies that the y axis should show the difference between yvar1 and yvar2, i.e. yvar1 - yvar2.
^ratio^ specifies that the y axis should show the ratio of yvar1 and yvar2, i.e. yvar1 / yvar2.
^base(^#^)^ specifies a baseline for comparison if either ^diff^ or ^ratio^ is specified. With ^diff^, ^base^ has default 0. With ^ratio^, ^base^ has default 1.
^mean^ specifies that the x axis should show the mean of yvar1 and yvar2. This option may not be combined with specification of xvar, or with ^gmean^ or ^sort( )^. ^gmean^ specifies that the x axis should show the geometric mean of yvar1 and yvar2. This option may not be combined with specification of xvar, or with ^mean^ or ^sort( )^. It requires that data be positive for both yvar1 and yvar2.
^sort(^sortvarlist^)^ specifies that the order of the data is determined by sortvarlist. The x axis then shows order of observations on sortvarlist. This option invokes @gsort@, so that the order of sorting may be indicated by + or - signs. This option may not be combined with specification of xvar, or with ^mean^ or ^gmean^.
graph_options refers to options of ^graph, twoway^.
The defaults include ^symbol(Opii) connect(..||) pen(2344) gap(6)^
Users wishing to vary graph_options should note that four choices should be specified for ^symbol^, ^connect^ and ^pen^.
Remarks -------
The default graph is
^graph^ y1var y2var y1var y2var xvar ^, sy(Opii) c(..||)^
where xvar is observation number, a specified x variable, or the mean of y1 and y2, or the geometric mean of y1 and y2.
With ^diff^ the default graph is
^graph^ (y1var - y2var) base (y1var - y2var) base xvar ^, sy(Opii) c(..||)^
With ^ratio^ the default graph is
^graph^ (y1var / y2var) base (y1var / y2var) base xvar ^, sy(Opii) c(..||)^
Note that
^vplplot^ y1 y2 ^, ratio gmean xlog ylog^
is equivalent to
^vplplot^ log(y1) log(y2) ^, diff mean^
except for the axis labelling.
Examples --------
. ^vplplot before after^ . ^vplplot before after, sort(before)^ . ^vplplot before after, diff mean^ . ^vplplot before after, ratio base(2)^
Reference ---------
McNeil, D.R. 1992. On graphing paired data. American Statistician 46, 307-11.
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham
Also see --------
On-line: help for @graph@, @gsort@