wbopendata - World Bank Open Databases
wbopendata , country(country code) or indicator(indicator code) or topics(topic code) [language(language code) year(year1:year2) long latest nometadata clear]
wbopendata support the Stata dialogue function (wbopendata) and requires a connection to the internet.
wbopendata allows Stata users to download over 7,000 thousand indicators from the World Bank databases, including: Development Africa Development Indicators; Doing Business; Education Statistics; Enterprise Surveys; Global Development Finance; Gender Statistics; Health Nutrition and Population Statistics; International Development Association - Results Measurement System; Millennium Development Goals; World Development Indicators; Worldwide Governance Indicators. These indicators include information from over 256 countries and regions, since 1960.
Users can chose from one of three of the languages supported by the database (and Stata), namely, English, Spanish, or French.
Five possible downloads options are currently supported:
country - 1,076 indicators for all selected years for a single country (WDI Catalogue: 1,076 series). topic - WDI indicators within a specific topic, for all selected years and all countries (WDI Catalogue: 1,076 series). indicator - all selected years for all countries for a single indicator (from any of the catalogues: 7,349 series). indicator and country - all selected years for selected countries for a single indicator (from any of the catalogues: 5,067 series). multiple indicator - all selected years for selected indicators separated by ; (from any of the catalogues: 7,349 series).
Users can also choose to have the data displayed in either the wide or long format (wide is the default option). Note that the reshape is the local machine, so it will require the appropriate amount of RAM to work properly.
wbopendata draws from the main World Bank collections of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.
The access to this databases is made possible by the World Bank's Open Data Initiative which provide open full access to World Bank databases.
Thanks for citing wbopendata as follows
Azevedo, J.P. (2011) "wbopendata: Stata module to access World Bank databases," Statistical Software Components S457234, Boston College Department of Economics. http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s457234.html
Please make reference to the date when the database was consulted, as statistics may change.
Data terms of use
The use of World Bank datasets listed in the Data Catalog is governed by a specific Terms of Use for World Bank Data. The terms of use of the APIs is governed by the World Bank Terms and Conditions.
Users should not use wbopendata without checking first for more detailed information on the definitions of each indicator and data-catalogues . The indicators names and codes used by wbopendata are precisely the same used in the World Bank data catalogue in order to facilitate such cross reference.
When downloading specific series, through the indicator options, wbopendata will by default display in the Stata results window the metadata available for this particular series, including information on the name of the series, the source, a detailed description of the indicator, and the organization responsible for compiling this indicator.
long imports the data in the long format. The default option is to import the data in the wide format. It is important note that wbopendata uses Stata resources to reshape the variables, hence user has to make sure that Stata will have sufficient RAM to complete this operation.
clear replace data in memory.
latest keep only the latest available value of a a single indicator (it only work if the data in the long format).
nometadata omits the display of the metadata information from the series. Metadata information is only available when downloading specific series (indicator option). The metadata available include information on the name of the series, the source, a detailed description of the indicator, and the organization responsible for compiling this indicator.
year(year1:year2) allow users to select a specific time interval. Year1=Initial year; Year2=Final year.
language(language) three languages are supported: The default language is English.
en - English es - Spanish fr - French
topics(topics) - list of topic codes (WDI series only).
1 - Agriculture & Rural Development - For the 70 percent of the world's poor who live in rural areas, agriculture is the main source of income and employment. But depletion and degradation of land and water pose serious challenges to producing enough food and other agricultural products to sustain livelihoods here and meet the needs of urban populations. Data presented here include measures of agricultural inputs, outputs, and productivity compiled by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. 2 - Aid Effectiveness - Aid effectiveness is the impact that aid has in reducing poverty and inequality, increasing growth, building capacity, and accelerating achievement of the Millennium Development Goals set by the international community. Indicators here cover aid received as well as progress in reducing poverty and improving education, health, and other measures of human welfare. 3 - Economic Policy and External Debt - Economic indicators measure outcomes in the structure and rates of change of output, trade, and aggregate demand, and in macroeconomic performance. The data here consist of national accounts, government finances, money supply, prices, balance of payments, and external debt. Data are gathered from national statistical organizations and central banks by World Bank missions and from the International Monetary Fund's data files. 4 - Education - Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic growth. The World Bank compiles data on education inputs, participation, efficiency, and outcomes. Data on education are compiled by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics from official responses to surveys and from reports provided by education authorities in each country. 5 - Energy & Mining - The world economy needs ever-increasing amounts of energy to sustain economic growth, raise living standards, and reduce poverty. But today's trends in energy use are not sustainable. As the world's population grows and economies become more industrialized, nonrenewable energy sources will become scarcer and more costly. Data here on energy production, use, dependency, and efficiency are compiled by the World Bank from the International Energy Agency and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. 6 - Environment - Natural and man-made environmental resources - fresh water, clean air, forests, grasslands, marine resources, and agro-ecosystems - provide sustenance and a foundation for social and economic development. The need to safeguard these resources crosses all borders. Today, the World Bank is one of the key promoters and financiers of environmental upgrading in the developing world. Data here cover forests, biodiversity, emissions, and pollution. Other indicators relevant to the environment are found under data pages for Agriculture & Rural Development, Energy & Mining, Infrastructure, and Urban Development. 7 - Financial Sector - An economy's financial markets are critical to its overall development. Banking systems and stock markets enhance growth, the main factor in poverty reduction. Strong financial systems provide reliable and accessible information that lowers transaction costs, which in turn bolsters resource allocation and economic growth. Indicators here include the size and liquidity of stock markets; the accessibility, stability, and efficiency of financial systems; and international migration and workers' remittances, which affect growth and social welfare in both sending and receiving countries. 8 - Health - Improving health is central to the Millennium Development Goals, and the public sector is the main provider of health care in developing countries. To reduce inequities, many countries have emphasized primary health care, including immunization, sanitation, access to safe drinking water, and safe motherhood initiatives. Data here cover health systems, disease prevention, reproductive health, nutrition, and population dynamics. Data are from the United Nations Population Division, World Health Organization, United Nations Children's Fund, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, and various other sources. 9 - Infrastructure - Infrastructure helps determine the success of manufacturing and agricultural activities. Investments in water, sanitation, energy, housing, and transport also improve lives and help reduce poverty. And new information and communication technologies promote growth, improve delivery of health and other services, expand the reach of education, and support social and cultural advances. Data here are compiled from such sources as the International Road Federation, Containerisation International, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Energy Association, and the International Telecommunications Union. 10 - Labor & Social Protection - The supply of labor available in an economy includes people who are employed, those who are unemployed but seeking work, and first-time job-seekers. Not everyone who works is included: unpaid workers, family workers, and students are often omitted, while some countries do not count members of the armed forces. Data on labor and employment are compiled by the International Labour Organization (ILO) from labor force surveys, censuses, establishment censuses and surveys, and administrative records such as employment exchange registers and unemployment insurance schemes. 11 - Poverty - The World Bank periodically prepares poverty assessments of countries in which it has an active program, in close collaboration with national institutions, other development agencies, and civil society, including poor people's organizations. Assessments report the extent and causes of poverty and propose strategies to reduce it. Countries have varying definitions of poverty, and comparisons can be difficult. National poverty lines tend to have higher purchasing power in rich countries, where standards used are more generous than in poor countries. Poverty measures based on an international poverty line attempt to hold the real value of the poverty line constant across countries, including when making comparisons over time. Data here includes measures of population living below the national poverty line as well as the international poverty line. Also included are income distributions and urban and rural poverty rates. 12 - Private Sector - Private markets drive economic growth, tapping initiative and investment to create productive jobs and raise incomes. Trade is also a driver of economic growth as it integrates developing countries into the world economy and generates benefits for their people. Data on the private sector and trade are from the World Bank Group's Private Participation in Infrastructure Project Database, Enterprise Surveys, and Doing Business Indicators, as well as from the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments database and International Financial Statistics, the UN Commission on Trade and Development, the World Trade Organization, and various other sources. 13 - Public Sector - Effective governments improve people's standard of living by ensuring access to essential services - health, education, water and sanitation, electricity, transport - and the opportunity to live and work in peace and security. Data here includes World Bank staff assessments of country performance in economic management, structural policies, policies for social inclusion and equity, and public sector management and institutions for the poorest countries. Also included are indicators on revenues and expenses from the International Monetary Fund's Government Finance Statistics, and on tax policies from various sources. 14 - Science & Technology - Technological innovation, often fueled by governments, drives industrial growth and helps raise living standards. Data here aims to shed light on countries technology base: research and development, scientific and technical journal articles, high-technology exports, royalty and license fees, and patents and trademarks. Sources include the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the U.S. National Science Board, the UN Statistics Division, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. 15 - Social Development - Data here cover child labor, gender issues, refugees, and asylum seekers. Children in many countries work long hours, often combining studying with work for pay. The data on their paid work are from household surveys conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, and national statistical offices. Gender disparities are measured using a compilation of data on key topics such as education, health, labor force participation, and political participation. Data on refugees are from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees complemented by statistics on Palestinian refugees under the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. 16 - Urban Development - Cities can be tremendously efficient. It is easier to provide water and sanitation to people living closer together, while access to health, education, and other social and cultural services is also much more readily available. However, as cities grow, the cost of meeting basic needs increases, as does the strain on the environment and natural resources. Data on urbanization, traffic and congestion, and air pollution are from the United Nations Population Division, World Health Organization, International Road Federation, World Resources Institute, and other sources.
country(country) - list of country and regional codes. If solely specified, this option will return all the WDI indicators (1,076 series) for a single country or region (no multiple country selection allowed in this case). If this option is selected jointly with a specific indicator, the output is a series for a specific country or region, or multiple countries or region. When selecting multiple countries please use the three letters code, separated by a semicolon (;), with no spaces.
abw - Aruba afg - Afghanistan ago - Angola alb - Albania and - Andorra ant - Netherlands Antilles are - United Arab Emirates arg - Argentina arm - Armenia asm - American Samoa atg - Antigua and Barbuda aus - Australia aut - Austria aze - Azerbaijan bdi - Burundi bel - Belgium ben - Benin bfa - Burkina Faso bgd - Bangladesh bgr - Bulgaria bhr - Bahrain bhs - Bahamas, The bih - Bosnia and Herzegovina blr - Belarus blz - Belize bmu - Bermuda bol - Bolivia bra - Brazil brb - Barbados brn - Brunei Darussalam btn - Bhutan bwa - Botswana caf - Central African Republic can - Canada che - Switzerland chi - Channel Islands chl - Chile chn - China civ - Cote d'Ivoire cmr - Cameroon cod - Congo, Dem. Rep. cog - Congo, Rep. col - Colombia com - Comoros cpv - Cape Verde cri - Costa Rica cub - Cuba cym - Cayman Islands cyp - Cyprus cze - Czech Republic deu - Germany dji - Djibouti dma - Dominica dnk - Denmark dom - Dominican Republic dza - Algeria eap - East Asia & Pacific (developing only) eas - East Asia & Pacific (all income levels) eca - Europe & Central Asia (developing only) ecs - Europe & Central Asia (all income levels) ecu - Ecuador egy - Egypt, Arab Rep. emu - Euro area eri - Eritrea esp - Spain est - Estonia eth - Ethiopia fin - Finland fji - Fiji fra - France fro - Faeroe Islands fsm - Micronesia, Fed. Sts. gab - Gabon gbr - United Kingdom geo - Georgia gha - Ghana gib - Gibraltar gin - Guinea gmb - Gambia, The gnb - Guinea-Bissau gnq - Equatorial Guinea grc - Greece grd - Grenada grl - Greenland gtm - Guatemala gum - Guam guy - Guyana hic - High income hkg - Hong Kong SAR, China hnd - Honduras hpc - Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) hrv - Croatia hti - Haiti hun - Hungary idn - Indonesia imn - Isle of Man ind - India irl - Ireland irn - Iran, Islamic Rep. irq - Iraq isl - Iceland isr - Israel ita - Italy jam - Jamaica jor - Jordan jpn - Japan kaz - Kazakhstan ken - Kenya kgz - Kyrgyz Republic khm - Cambodia kir - Kiribati kna - St. Kitts and Nevis kor - Korea, Rep. ksv - Kosovo kwt - Kuwait lac - Latin America & Caribbean (developing only) lao - Lao PDR lbn - Lebanon lbr - Liberia lby - Libya lca - St. Lucia lcn - Latin America & Caribbean (all income levels) ldc - Least developed countries: UN classification lic - Low income lie - Liechtenstein lka - Sri Lanka lmc - Lower middle income lmy - Low & middle income lso - Lesotho ltu - Lithuania lux - Luxembourg lva - Latvia mac - Macao SAR, China mar - Morocco mco - Monaco mda - Moldova mdg - Madagascar mdv - Maldives mea - Middle East & North Africa (all income levels) mex - Mexico mhl - Marshall Islands mic - Middle income mkd - Macedonia, FYR mli - Mali mlt - Malta mmr - Myanmar mna - Middle East & North Africa (developing only) mne - Montenegro mng - Mongolia mnp - Northern Mariana Islands moz - Mozambique mrt - Mauritania mus - Mauritius mwi - Malawi mys - Malaysia myt - Mayotte nac - North America nam - Namibia ncl - New Caledonia ner - Niger nga - Nigeria nic - Nicaragua nld - Netherlands noc - High income: nonOECD nor - Norway npl - Nepal nzl - New Zealand oec - High income: OECD omn - Oman pak - Pakistan pan - Panama per - Peru phl - Philippines plw - Palau png - Papua New Guinea pol - Poland pri - Puerto Rico prk - Korea, Dem. Rep. prt - Portugal pry - Paraguay pse - West Bank and Gaza pyf - French Polynesia qat - Qatar rou - Romania rus - Russian Federation rwa - Rwanda sas - South Asia sau - Saudi Arabia sdn - Sudan sen - Senegal sgp - Singapore slb - Solomon Islands sle - Sierra Leone slv - El Salvador smr - San Marino som - Somalia srb - Serbia ssa - Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only) ssf - Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels) stp - Sao Tome and Principe sur - Suriname svk - Slovak Republic svn - Slovenia swe - Sweden swz - Swaziland syc - Seychelles syr - Syrian Arab Republic tca - Turks and Caicos Islands tcd - Chad tgo - Togo tha - Thailand tjk - Tajikistan tkm - Turkmenistan tls - Timor-Leste ton - Tonga tto - Trinidad and Tobago tun - Tunisia tur - Turkey tuv - Tuvalu tza - Tanzania uga - Uganda ukr - Ukraine umc - Upper middle income ury - Uruguay usa - United States uzb - Uzbekistan vct - St. Vincent and the Grenadines ven - Venezuela, RB vir - Virgin Islands (U.S.) vnm - Vietnam vut - Vanuatu wld - World wsm - Samoa yem - Yemen, Rep. zaf - South Africa zmb - Zambia zwe - Zimbabwe indicator(indicator) - list of indicator codes (All series). When selecting multiple indicators please use semicolon (;), to separate differenet indicatos.
A1 - 01.Number of Exporters A10i - 26.Export Value per Incumbent: Mean A10ii - 27.Export Value per Incumbent: Median A10iii - 28.Export Value per Incumbent: StDev A10iv - 29.Export Value per Incumbent: First Quartile A10v - 30.Export Value per Incumbent: Third Quartile A11i - 31.Growth of Incumbents: Mean A11ii - 32.Growth of Incumbents: Median A11iii - 33.Growth of Incumbents: StDev A11iv - 34.Growth of Incumbents: First Quartile A11v - 35.Growth of Incumbents: Third Quartile A12i - 36.Growth of Survivors: Mean A12ii - 37.Growth of Survivors: Median A12iii - 38.Growth of Survivors: StDev A12iv - 39.Growth of Survivors: First Quartile A12v - 40.Growth of Survivors: Third Quartile A2 - 02.Number of Entrants A3 - 03.Number of Exiters A4 - 04.Number of Survivors A5 - 05.Number of Incumbents A6i - 06.Export Value per Exporter: Mean A6ii - 07.Export Value per Exporter: Median A6iii - 08.Export Value per Exporter: StDev A6iv - 09.Export Value per Exporter: First Quartile A6v - 10.Export Value per Exporter: Third Quartile A7i - 11.Export Value per Entrant: Mean A7ii - 12.Export Value per Entrant: Median A7iii - 13.Export Value per Entrant: StDev A7iv - 14.Export Value per Entrant: First Quartile A7v - 15.Export Value per Entrant: Third Quartile A8i - 16.Export Value per Exiter: Mean A8ii - 17.Export Value per Exiter: Median A8iii - 18.Export Value per Exiter: StDev A8iv - 19.Export Value per Exiter: First Quartile A8v - 20.Export Value per Exiter: Third Quartile A9i - 21.Export Value per Survivor: Mean A9ii - 22.Export Value per Survivor: Median A9iii - 23.Export Value per Survivor: StDev A9iv - 24.Export Value per Survivor: First Quartile A9v - 25.Export Value per Survivor: Third Quartile AG.AGR.TRAC.NO - Agricultural machinery, tractors AG.AID.CREL.MT - Cereal food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes) AG.AID.FOOD.MT - Total food (cereals and non-cereal) food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes) AG.AID.NCREL.MT - Non-cereal food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes) AG.CON.FERT.MT - Fertilizer consumption (metric tons) AG.CON.FERT.PT.ZS - Fertilizer consumption (% of fertilizer production) AG.CON.FERT.ZS - Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land) AG.CRP.BLY.CD - Producer Price for Barley (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.BLY.CN - Producer Price for Barley (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.FNO.CD - Producer Price for Fonio (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.FNO.CN - Producer Price for Fonio (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.MLT.CD - Producer Price for Millet (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.MLT.CN - Producer Price for Millet (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.MZE.CD - Producer Price for Maize (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.MZE.CN - Producer Price for Maize (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.RICE.CD - Producer Price for Rice, paddy (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.RICE.CN - Producer Price for Rice, paddy (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.SGM.CD - Producer Price for Sorghum (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.SGM.CN - Producer Price for Sorghum (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.WHT.CD - Producer Price for Wheat (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.WHT.CN - Producer Price for Wheat (per tonne, current LCU) AG.FRST.PROD.CHAR - Wood charcoal production quantity (tonnes) AG.FRST.PROD.WOOD - Wood fuel production quantity (CUM, solid volume units) AG.LND.AGRI.HA - Agricultural land (hectares) AG.LND.AGRI.K2 - Agricultural land (sq. km) AG.LND.AGRI.ZS - Agricultural land (% of land area) AG.LND.ARBL.HA - Arable land (hectares) AG.LND.ARBL.HA.PC - Arable land (hectares per person) AG.LND.ARBL.ZS - Arable land (% of land area) AG.LND.BLY.HA - Land under barley production (hectares) AG.LND.CERE.ZS - Cereal cropland (% of land area) AG.LND.CREL.HA - Land under cereal production (hectares) AG.LND.CROP.HA - Permanent cropland (hectares) AG.LND.CROP.ZS - Permanent cropland (% of land area) AG.LND.CRPA.HA - Arable and permanent cropland (hectares) AG.LND.EL5M.ZS - Land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area) AG.LND.FNO.HA - Land under fonio production (hectares) AG.LND.FRST.HA - Forest area (hectares) AG.LND.FRST.K2 - Forest area (sq. km) AG.LND.FRST.ZS - Forest area (% of land area) AG.LND.IRIG.AG.ZS - Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land) AG.LND.IRIG.HA.AG - Agricultural area irrigated (ha) AG.LND.IRIG.PO.HA - Land area equipped for irrigation (hectares) AG.LND.MLT.HA - Land under millet production (hectares) AG.LND.MZE.HA - Land under maize production (hectares) AG.LND.PRCP.MM - Average precipitation in depth (mm per year) AG.LND.RICE.HA - Land under rice production (hectares) AG.LND.SGM.HA - Land under sorghum production (hectares) AG.LND.TOTL.HA - Land area (hectares) AG.LND.TOTL.K2 - Land area (sq. km) AG.LND.TRAC.ZS - Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land AG.LND.WHT.HA - Land under wheat production (hectares) AG.PRD.AGRI.XD - Agriculture production index (1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.BLY.MT - Barley production (metric tons) AG.PRD.CREL.MT - Cereal production (metric tons) AG.PRD.CREL.XD - Cereal production index (1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.CROP.XD - Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100) AG.PRD.FNO.MT - Fonio production (metric tons) AG.PRD.FOOD.XD - Food production index (2004-2006 = 100) AG.PRD.GAGRI.XD - Agriculture production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GCREL.XD - Cereal production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GCROP.XD - Crop production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GFOOD.XD - Food production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GLVSK.XD - Livestock production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GNFOOD.XD - Non-food production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.LVSK.XD - Livestock production index (2004-2006 = 100) AG.PRD.MLT.MT - Millet production (metric tons) AG.PRD.MZE.MT - Maize production (metric tons) AG.PRD.NFOOD.XD - Gross non-food production index (1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.RICE.MT - Rice production (metric tons) AG.PRD.SGM.MT - Sorghum production (metric tons) AG.PRD.WHT.MT - Wheat production (metric tons) AG.SED.BLY.MT - Barley seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.CREL.MT - Cereal seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.FNO.MT - Fonio seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.MLT.MT - Millet seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.MZE.MT - Maize seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.RICE.MT - Rice seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.SGM.MT - Sorghum seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.WHT.MT - Wheat seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SRF.TOTL.HA - Surface area (ha) AG.SRF.TOTL.K2 - Surface area (sq. km) AG.YLD.BLY.KG - Barley yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.CREL.KG - Cereal yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.FNO.KG - Fonio yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.MLT.KG - Millet yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.MZE.KG - Maize yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.RICE.KG - Rice yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.SGM.KG - Sorghum yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.WHT.KG - Wheat yield (kg per hectare) allsa.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - All Social Safety Nets allsa.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cdg_ci - Concentration index - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - All Social Safety Nets allsa.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - All Social Safety Nets allsa.expen - Expenditures in benefits of All Social Safety Nets allsa.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets allsa.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 1st 20% allsa.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 2nd 20% allsa.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 3rd 20% allsa.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 4th 20% allsa.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 5th 20% allsa.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - All Social Safety Nets allsa.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - All Social Safety Nets allsa.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - All Social Safety Nets allsa.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -All Social Safety Nets allsa.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - All Social Safety Nets allsa.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- All Social Safety Nets (%) allsi.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - All Social Insurance allsi.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - All Social Insurance allsi.cdg_ci - Concentration index - All Social Insurance allsi.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - All Social Insurance allsi.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - All Social Insurance allsi.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - All Social Insurance allsi.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - All Social Insurance allsi.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - All Social Insurance allsi.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - All Social Insurance allsi.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - All Social Insurance allsi.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - All Social Insurance allsi.expen - Expenditures in benefits of All Social Insurance allsi.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance allsi.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 1st 20% allsi.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 2nd 20% allsi.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 3rd 20% allsi.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 4th 20% allsi.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 5th 20% allsi.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - All Social Insurance allsi.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - All Social Insurance allsi.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - All Social Insurance allsi.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -All Social Insurance allsi.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - All Social Insurance allsi.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- All Social Insurance (%) allsp.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - All Social Protection allsp.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - All Social Protection allsp.cdg_ci - Concentration index - All Social Protection allsp.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - All Social Protection allsp.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - All Social Protection allsp.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - All Social Protection allsp.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - All Social Protection allsp.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - All Social Protection allsp.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - All Social Protection allsp.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - All Social Protection allsp.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - All Social Protection allsp.expen - Expenditures in benefits of All Social Protection allsp.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of All Social Protection allsp.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 1st 20% allsp.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 2nd 20% allsp.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 3rd 20% allsp.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 4th 20% allsp.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 5th 20% allsp.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - All Social Protection allsp.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - All Social Protection allsp.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - All Social Protection allsp.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -All Social Protection allsp.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - All Social Protection allsp.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- All Social Protection (%) ALUMINUM - Aluminum, $/mt, current$ B1 - 41.Herfindahl-Hirschman Index B2i - 42.Share of top 1% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value) B2ii - 43.Share of top 5% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value) B2iii - 44.Share of top 25% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value) B3i - 45.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: Mean B3ii - 46.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: Median B3iii - 47.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: StDev B4i - 48.Number of Destinations per Exporter: Mean B4ii - 49.Number of Destinations per Exporter: Median B4iii - 50.Number of Destinations per Exporter: StDev B5i - 51.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: Mean B5ii - 52.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: Median B5iii - 53.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: StDev B6i - 54.Number of Exporters per Destination: Mean B6ii - 55.Number of Exporters per Destination: Median B6iii - 56.Number of Exporters per Destination: StDev BANANA_EU - Bananas, EU, $/mt, current$ BANANA_US - Bananas, US, $/mt, current$ BAR.NOED.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, no education BAR.NOED.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, no education BAR.NOED.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, no education BAR.NOED.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, no education BAR.NOED.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, no education BAR.NOED.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, no education BAR.NOED.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, no education BAR.NOED.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, no education BAR.NOED.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, no education BAR.NOED.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, no education BAR.NOED.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, no education BAR.NOED.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, no education BAR.NOED.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, no education BAR.NOED.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, no education BAR.NOED.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, no education BAR.NOED.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, no education BAR.NOED.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, no education BAR.NOED.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, no education BAR.NOED.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, no education BAR.NOED.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, no education BAR.NOED.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, no education BAR.NOED.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, no education BAR.NOED.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, no education BAR.NOED.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, no education BAR.NOED.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, no education BAR.NOED.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, no education BAR.NOED.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, no education BAR.NOED.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, no education BAR.NOED.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, no education BAR.NOED.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, no education BAR.POP.1519 - population in thousands (age 15+), 15-19, total BAR.POP.1519.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 15-19, female BAR.POP.15UP - population in thousands (age 15+), 15+, total BAR.POP.15UP.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 15+, female BAR.POP.2024 - population in thousands (age 15+), 20-24, total BAR.POP.2024.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 20-24, female BAR.POP.2529 - population in thousands (age 15+), 25-29, total BAR.POP.2529.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 25-29, female BAR.POP.25UP - population in thousands (age 15+), 25+, total BAR.POP.25UP.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 25+, female BAR.POP.3034 - population in thousands (age 15+), 30-34, total BAR.POP.3034.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 30-34, female BAR.POP.3539 - population in thousands (age 15+), 35-39, total BAR.POP.3539.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 35-39, female BAR.POP.4044 - population in thousands (age 15+), 40-44, total BAR.POP.4044.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 40-44, female BAR.POP.4549 - population in thousands (age 15+), 45-49, total BAR.POP.4549.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 45-49, female BAR.POP.5054 - population in thousands (age 15+), 50-54, total BAR.POP.5054.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 50-54, female BAR.POP.5559 - population in thousands (age 15+), 55-59, total BAR.POP.5559.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 55-59, female BAR.POP.6064 - population in thousands (age 15+), 60-64, total BAR.POP.6064.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 60-64, female BAR.POP.6569 - population in thousands (age 15+), 65-69, total BAR.POP.6569.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 65-69, female BAR.POP.7074 - population in thousands (age 15+), 70-74, total BAR.POP.7074.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 70-74, female BAR.POP.75UP - population in thousands (age 15+), 75+, total BAR.POP.75UP.FE - population in thousands (age 15+), 75+, female BAR.PRM.CMPT.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, completed primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, completed primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, incomplete primary BAR.PRM.SCHL.1519 - average years of primary schooling, 15-19, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.1519.FE - average years of primary schooling, 15-19, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.15UP - average years of primary schooling, 15+, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.15UP.FE - average years of primary schooling, 15+, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.2024 - average years of primary schooling, 20-24, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.2024.FE - average years of primary schooling, 20-24, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.2529 - average years of primary schooling, 25-29, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.2529.FE - average years of primary schooling, 25-29, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.25UP - average years of primary schooling, 25+, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.25UP.FE - average years of primary schooling, 25+, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.3034 - average years of primary schooling, 30-34, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.3034.FE - average years of primary schooling, 30-34, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.3539 - average years of primary schooling, 35-39, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.3539.FE - average years of primary schooling, 35-39, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.4044 - average years of primary schooling, 40-44, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.4044.FE - average years of primary schooling, 40-44, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.4549 - average years of primary schooling, 45-49, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.4549.FE - average years of primary schooling, 45-49, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.5054 - average years of primary schooling, 50-54, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.5054.FE - average years of primary schooling, 50-54, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.5559 - average years of primary schooling, 55-59, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.5559.FE - average years of primary schooling, 55-59, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.6064 - average years of primary schooling, 60-64, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.6064.FE - average years of primary schooling, 60-64, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.6569 - average years of primary schooling, 65-69, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.6569.FE - average years of primary schooling, 65-69, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.7074 - average years of primary schooling, 70-74, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.7074.FE - average years of primary schooling, 70-74, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.75UP - average years of primary schooling, 75+, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.75UP.FE - average years of primary schooling, 75+, female BAR.SCHL.1519 - average years of total schooling, 15-19, total BAR.SCHL.1519.FE - average years of total schooling, 15-19, female BAR.SCHL.15UP - average years of total schooling, 15+, total BAR.SCHL.15UP.FE - average years of total schooling, 15+, female BAR.SCHL.2024 - average years of total schooling, 20-24, total BAR.SCHL.2024.FE - average years of total schooling, 20-24, female BAR.SCHL.2529 - average years of total schooling, 25-29, total BAR.SCHL.2529.FE - average years of total schooling, 25-29, female BAR.SCHL.25UP - average years of total schooling, 25+, total BAR.SCHL.25UP.FE - average years of total schooling, 25+, female BAR.SCHL.3034 - average years of total schooling, 30-34, total BAR.SCHL.3034.FE - average years of total schooling, 30-34, female BAR.SCHL.3539 - average years of total schooling, 35-39, total BAR.SCHL.3539.FE - average years of total schooling, 35-39, female BAR.SCHL.4044 - average years of total schooling, 40-44, total BAR.SCHL.4044.FE - average years of total schooling, 40-44, female BAR.SCHL.4549 - average years of total schooling, 45-49, total BAR.SCHL.4549.FE - average years of total schooling, 45-49, female BAR.SCHL.5054 - average years of total schooling, 50-54, total BAR.SCHL.5054.FE - average years of total schooling, 50-54, female BAR.SCHL.5559 - average years of total schooling, 55-59, total BAR.SCHL.5559.FE - average years of total schooling, 55-59, female BAR.SCHL.6064 - average years of total schooling, 60-64, total BAR.SCHL.6064.FE - average years of total schooling, 60-64, female BAR.SCHL.6569 - average years of total schooling, 65-69, total BAR.SCHL.6569.FE - average years of total schooling, 65-69, female BAR.SCHL.7074 - average years of total schooling, 70-74, total BAR.SCHL.7074.FE - average years of total schooling, 70-74, female BAR.SCHL.75UP - average years of total schooling, 75+, total BAR.SCHL.75UP.FE - average years of total schooling, 75+, female BAR.SEC.CMPT.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, completed secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, completed secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, incomplete secondary BAR.SEC.SCHL.1519 - average years of secondary schooling, 15-19, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.1519.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 15-19, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.15UP - average years of secondary schooling, 15+, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.15UP.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 15+, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.2024 - average years of secondary schooling, 20-24, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.2024.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 20-24, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.2529 - average years of secondary schooling, 25-29, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.2529.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 25-29, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.25UP - average years of secondary schooling, 25+, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.25UP.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 25+, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.3034 - average years of secondary schooling, 30-34, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.3034.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 30-34, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.3539 - average years of secondary schooling, 35-39, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.3539.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 35-39, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.4044 - average years of secondary schooling, 40-44, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.4044.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 40-44, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.4549 - average years of secondary schooling, 45-49, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.4549.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 45-49, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.5054 - average years of secondary schooling, 50-54, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.5054.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 50-54, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.5559 - average years of secondary schooling, 55-59, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.5559.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 55-59, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.6064 - average years of secondary schooling, 60-64, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.6064.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 60-64, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.6569 - average years of secondary schooling, 65-69, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.6569.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 65-69, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.7074 - average years of secondary schooling, 70-74, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.7074.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 70-74, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.75UP - average years of secondary schooling, 75+, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.75UP.FE - average years of secondary schooling, 75+, female BAR.TER.CMPT.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, completed tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, completed tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.1519.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.1519.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.15UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.15UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.2024.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.2024.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.2529.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.2529.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.25UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.25UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.3034.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.3034.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.3539.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.3539.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.4044.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.4044.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.4549.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.4549.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.5054.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.5054.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.5559.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.5559.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.6064.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.6064.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.6569.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.6569.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.7074.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.7074.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.75UP.FE.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.75UP.ZS - percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, incomplete tertiary BAR.TER.SCHL.1519 - average years of tertiary schooling, 15-19, total BAR.TER.SCHL.1519.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 15-19, female BAR.TER.SCHL.15UP - average years of tertiary schooling, 15+, total BAR.TER.SCHL.15UP.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 15+, female BAR.TER.SCHL.2024 - average years of tertiary schooling, 20-24, total BAR.TER.SCHL.2024.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 20-24, female BAR.TER.SCHL.2529 - average years of tertiary schooling, 25-29, total BAR.TER.SCHL.2529.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 25-29, female BAR.TER.SCHL.25UP - average years of tertiary schooling, 25+, total BAR.TER.SCHL.25UP.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 25+, female BAR.TER.SCHL.3034 - average years of tertiary schooling, 30-34, total BAR.TER.SCHL.3034.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 30-34, female BAR.TER.SCHL.3539 - average years of tertiary schooling, 35-39, total BAR.TER.SCHL.3539.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 35-39, female BAR.TER.SCHL.4044 - average years of tertiary schooling, 40-44, total BAR.TER.SCHL.4044.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 40-44, female BAR.TER.SCHL.4549 - average years of tertiary schooling, 45-49, total BAR.TER.SCHL.4549.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 45-49, female BAR.TER.SCHL.5054 - average years of tertiary schooling, 50-54, total BAR.TER.SCHL.5054.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 50-54, female BAR.TER.SCHL.5559 - average years of tertiary schooling, 55-59, total BAR.TER.SCHL.5559.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 55-59, female BAR.TER.SCHL.6064 - average years of tertiary schooling, 60-64, total BAR.TER.SCHL.6064.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 60-64, female BAR.TER.SCHL.6569 - average years of tertiary schooling, 65-69, total BAR.TER.SCHL.6569.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 65-69, female BAR.TER.SCHL.7074 - average years of tertiary schooling, 70-74, total BAR.TER.SCHL.7074.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 70-74, female BAR.TER.SCHL.75UP - average years of tertiary schooling, 75+, total BAR.TER.SCHL.75UP.FE - average years of tertiary schooling, 75+, female BARLEY - Barley, $/mt, current$ BEEF - Meat, beef, cents/kg, current$ BG.GSR.NFSV.GD.ZS - Trade in services (% of GDP) BM.AG.AGR.TRAC.CD - Agricultural tractors, exports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.AGR.TRAC.NO - Agricultural tractors, exports BM.AG.CREL.CD - Cereal exports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.CREL.MT - Cereal exports quantity (FAO, tonnes) BM.AG.FRST.CD - Forest products imports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.HZ.PEST.CD - Hazardous pesticides imports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.PEST.CD - Pesticides imports (FAO, current US$) BM.FOD.AGRI.CD - Food imports excluding fish (FAO, current US$) BM.GSR.AGRI.CD - Total agricultural imports (FAO, current US$) BM.GSR.CMCP.ZS - Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP) BM.GSR.FCTY.CD - Income payments (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.FXAI.CD - Other income payments (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.GNFS.CD - Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.INSF.ZS - Insurance and financial services (% of service imports, BoP) BM.GSR.MRCH.CD - Goods imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.NFSV.CD - Service imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.ROYL.CD - Royalty and license fees, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.SERV.CD - Imports of total services (Debit, current US$) BM.GSR.TOTL.CD - Imports of goods, services and income (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.TRAN.ZS - Transport services (% of service imports, BoP) BM.GSR.TRVL.ZS - Travel services (% of service imports, BoP) BM.KLT.DINV.GD.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP) BM.TRF.MGR.CD - Migrant remittance outflows (current US$) BM.TRF.PRVT.CD - Private current transfers, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.TRF.PWKR.CD - Workers' remittances, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT - Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid (current US$) BMGSRGNFSCD - Imports GNFS, BOP, current US$, millions BMGSRGNFSKD - Imports GNFS, BOP, constant US$, millions BMGSRGNFSXD - Imports GNFS, BOP, deflator, US$ BMGSRMRCHCD - Imports Merchandise, BOP, current US$, millions BMGSRMRCHKD - Imports Merchandise, BOP, constant US$, millions BMGSRMRCHXD - Imports Merchandise, BOP, deflator, US$ BMGSRNFSVCD - Imports Services, BOP, current US$, millions BMGSRNFSVKD - Imports Services, BOP, constant US$, millions BMGSRNFSVXD - Imports Services, BOP, deflator, US$ BMOTHCACD - Imports Other, BOP, current US$, millions BN.CAB.XOKA.CD - Current account balance (BoP, current US$) BN.CAB.XOKA.GD.ZS - Current account balance (% of GDP) BN.CAB.XOKA.GN.ZS - Current account balance (% of GNP) BN.CUR.GDPM.ZS - Current account balance excluding net official capital grants (% of GDP) BN.DSR.UNPD.CD - Debt service not paid (BoP, current US$) BN.FAC.ARAC.CD - Debt Service not paid: Arrears Accumulation (BoP, current US$) BN.GSR.FCTY.CD - Net income (BoP, current US$) BN.GSR.FCTY.CD.ZS - Net income (% of GDP) BN.GSR.GNFS.CD - Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$) BN.GSR.MRCH.CD - Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$) BN.KAC.EOMS.CD - Net errors and omissions, adjusted (BoP, current US$) BN.KAC.FNEI.CD - Capital flows not elsewhere included (BoP, current US$) BN.KAC.OTHR.CD - Other capital flows, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.DINV.CD - Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.DINV.CD.ZS - Foreign direct investment (% of GDP) BN.KLT.OTHR.CD - Other long-term inflows, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.PRVT.CD - Private capital flows, total (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.PRVT.GD.ZS - Private capital flows, total (% of GDP) BN.KLT.PTXL.CD - Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR (BoP, current US$) BN.RES.INCL.CD - Changes in net reserves (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.CURR.CD - Net current transfers (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.CURR.CD.ZS - Net current transfers (% of GDP) BN.TRF.KOGT.CD - Net capital account (BoP, current US$) BN.TRN.KOGT.CD - Grants (disbursements) from new commitments (BoP, current US$) BNCABFUNDCD - Current Account Balance, current US$, millions BNCABFUNDCD_ - Current Account Balance, %GDP BNGSRGNFSCD - Net Exports GNFS, BOP, current US$, millions BNGSRGNFSKD - Net Exports GNFS, BOP, constant US$, millions BNGSRMRCHCD - Trade Balance, BOP, current US$, millions BNGSRMRCHKD - Trade Balance, BOP, constant US$, millions BNGSRNFSVCD - Services Balance, BOP, current US$, millions BNGSRNFSVKD - Services Balance, BOP, constant US$, millions BNOTHCACD - Net Exports Other, BOP, current US$, millions BX.AG.AGR.TRAC.CD - Agricultural tractors, imports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.AGR.TRAC.NO - Agricultural tractors, imports BX.AG.CREL.CD - Cereal imports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.CREL.MT - Cereal imports quantity (FAO, tonnes) BX.AG.FRST.CD - Forest products exports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.HZ.PEST.CD - Hazardous pesticides exports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.PEST.CD - Pesticides exports (FAO, current US$) BX.FOD.AGRI.CD - Food exports excluding fish (FAO, current US$) BX.GRT.EXTA.CD.WD - Grants, excluding technical cooperation (BoP, current US$) BX.GRT.TECH.CD.WD - Technical cooperation grants (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.AGRI.CD - Total agricultural exports (FAO, current US$) BX.GSR.CCIS.CD - ICT service exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.CCIS.ZS - ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.CMCP.ZS - Communications, computer, etc. (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.FCTY.CD - Income receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.GNFS.CD - Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.INCL.CD - Exports of goods, services, income and workers' remittances (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.INSF.ZS - Insurance and financial services (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.MRCH.CD - Goods exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.NFSV.CD - Service exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.ROYL.CD - Royalty and license fees, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.TOTL.CD - Exports of goods, services and income (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.TRAN.ZS - Transport services (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.TRVL.ZS - Travel services (% of service exports, BoP) BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) BX.KLT.DINV.WD.GD.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) BX.KLT.DREM.CD.DT - Profit remittances on FDI (current US$) BX.PEF.TOTL.CD.WD - Portfolio equity, net inflows (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.CURR.CD - Current transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.MGR.CD - Migrant remittance inflows (current US$) BX.TRF.MGR.DT.GD.ZS - Migrant remittance inflows (% of GDP) BX.TRF.OFFT.CD - Official transfers, current and capital (Credit, current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.CD - Workers' remittances, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT - Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received (current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.DT.GD.ZS - Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received (% of GDP) BX.TRF.PWKR.GD.ZS - Workers' remittances, receipts (% of GDP) BXGSRGNFSCD - Exports GNFS, BOP, current US$, millions BXGSRGNFSKD - Exports GNFS, BOP, constant US$, millions BXGSRGNFSXD - Exports GNFS, BOP, deflator, US$ BXGSRMRCHCD - Exports Merchandise, BOP, current US$, millions BXGSRMRCHKD - Exports Merchandise, BOP, constant US$, millions BXGSRMRCHXD - Exports Merchandise, BOP, deflator, US$ BXGSRNFSVCD - Exports Services, BOP, current US$, millions BXGSRNFSVKD - Exports Services, BOP, constant US$, millions BXGSRNFSVXD - Exports Services, BOP, deflator, US$ BXOTHCACD - Exports Other, BOP, current US$, millions C1 - 57.Firm Entry Rate C2 - 58.Firm Exit Rate C3 - 59.Firm Survival Rate C4 - 60.Share of Entrants in TEV (Total Export Value) C5 - 61.2-year Firm Survival Rate C6 - 62.3-year Firm Survival Rate CC.EST - Control of Corruption: Estimate CC.NO.SRC - Control of Corruption: Number of Sources CC.PER.RNK - Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank CC.STD.ERR - Control of Corruption: Standard Error CHICKEN - Meat, chicken, cents/kg, current$ CM.MKT.INDX.ZG - S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change) CM.MKT.LCAP.CD - Market capitalization of listed companies (current US$) CM.MKT.LCAP.GD.ZS - Market capitalization of listed companies (% of GDP) CM.MKT.LDOM.NO - Listed domestic companies, total CM.MKT.TRAD.CD - Stocks traded, total value (current US$) CM.MKT.TRAD.GD.ZS - Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP) CM.MKT.TRNR - Stocks traded, turnover ratio (%) COAL_AUS - Coal, Australia, $/mt, current$ COCOA - Cocoa, cents/kg, current$ COCONUT_OIL - Coconut oil, $/mt, current$ COFFEE_ARABIC - Coffee, Arabica, cents/kg, current$ COFFEE_ROBUS - Coffee, Robusta, cents/kg, current$ COPPER - Copper, $/mt, current$ COPRA - Copra, $/mt, current$ COTTON_A_INDX - Cotton, A Index, cents/kg, current$ CPTOTNSXN - CPI Price, nominal CPTOTNSXNZGY - CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal CPTOTSAXMZGY - CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj. CPTOTSAXN - CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj. CPTOTSAXNZGY - CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj. CRUDE_BRENT - Crude oil, Brendt, $/bbl, current$ CRUDE_DUBAI - Crude oil, Dubai, $/bbl, current$ CRUDE_PETRO - Crude oil, avg, spot, $/bbl, current$ CRUDE_WTI - Crude oil, WTI, $/bbl, current$ D1i - 63.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: Mean D1ii - 64.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: Median D1iii - 65.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: StDev D2i - 66.Product Entry Rate of Survivors: Mean D2ii - 67.Product Entry Rate of Survivors: Median D2iii - 68.Product Entry Rate of Survivors: StDev D3i - 69.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: Mean D3ii - 70.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: Median D3iii - 71.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: StDev D4i - 72.Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors: Mean D4ii - 73.Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors: Median D4iii - 74.Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors: StDev D5i - 75.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: Mean D5ii - 76.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: Median D5iii - 77.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: StDev D6i - 78.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Mean D6ii - 79.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Median D6iii - 80.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: StDev DAP - DAP, $/mt, current$ db_approve_1_dismiss - Third-party approval if 1 worker is dismissed? db_approvie_9_dismiss - Third-party approval if 9 workers are dismissed? DB_ft_prohib_perm - Fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent tasks? db_max_hr_day - Maximum working days per week DB_mw_19apprentice - Minimum wage for a 19-year old worker or an apprentice (US$/month) db_mw_val - Ratio of minimum wage to value added per worker db_notice_20yr - Notice period for redundancy dismissal (for a worker with 20 years of tenure, in salary weeks) db_notice_5yr - Notice period for redundancy dismissal (for a worker with 5 years of tenure, in salary weeks) db_notify_1_dismiss - Third-party notification if 1 worker is dismissed? db_notify_9_dismiss - Third-party notification if 9 workers are dismissed? db_paid_vacation_20yr - Paid annual leave for a worker with 20 years of tenure (in working days) db_paid_vacation_5yr - Paid annual leave for a worker with 5 years of tenure (in working days) db_prem_night_wk - Premium for night work (% of hourly pay) in case of continuous operations db_prem_wkend - Premium for work on weekly rest day (% of hourly pay) in case of continuous operations db_priority_redundancies - Priority rules for redundancies? db_retrain_before_fire - Retraining or reassignment obligation before redundancy? db_sev_pau_20yr - Weeks of severance pay for redundancy of experienced workers db_sev_pay_5yr - Severance pay for redundancy dismissal (for a worker with 5 years of tenure, in salary weeks) DC.DAC.AUSL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Australia (current US$) DC.DAC.AUTL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Austria (current US$) DC.DAC.BELL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Belgium (current US$) DC.DAC.CANL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Canada (current US$) DC.DAC.CECL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, European Union institutions (current US$) DC.DAC.CHEL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Switzerland (current US$) DC.DAC.DEUL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Germany (current US$) DC.DAC.DNKL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Denmark (current US$) DC.DAC.ESPL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Spain (current US$) DC.DAC.FINL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Finland (current US$) DC.DAC.FRAL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, France (current US$) DC.DAC.GBRL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United Kingdom (current US$) DC.DAC.GRCL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Greece (current US$) DC.DAC.IRLL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Ireland (current US$) DC.DAC.ITAL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Italy (current US$) DC.DAC.JPNL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Japan (current US$) DC.DAC.KORL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Korea, Rep. (current US$) DC.DAC.LUXL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Luxembourg (current US$) DC.DAC.NLDL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Netherlands (current US$) DC.DAC.NORL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Norway (current US$) DC.DAC.NZLL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, New Zealand (current US$) DC.DAC.PRTL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Portugal (current US$) DC.DAC.SWEL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) DC.DAC.TOTL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Total (current US$) DC.DAC.USAL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United States (current US$) DC.ODA.SOCL.ZS - Bilateral, sector-allocable ODA to basic social services (% of bilateral ODA commitments) DC.ODA.TLDC.CD - Net ODA provided, to the least developed countries (current US$) DC.ODA.TLDC.GN.ZS - Net ODA provided to the least developed countries (% of GNI) DC.ODA.TOTL.CD - Net ODA provided, total (current US$) DC.ODA.TOTL.GN.ZS - Net ODA provided, total (% of GNI) DC.ODA.TOTL.KD - Net ODA provided, total (constant 2008 US$) DC.ODA.UNTD.ZS - Bilateral ODA commitments that is untied (% of bilateral ODA commitments) DMGSRMRCHNSCD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions DMGSRMRCHNSKD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions DMGSRMRCHNSXD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$ DMGSRMRCHSACD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj. DMGSRMRCHSAKD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj. DMGSRMRCHSAXD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj. DP.DOD.DECD.CR.BC.CD - 092.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.CG.CD - 060.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.FC.CD - 156.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.GG.CD - 028.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.NF.CD - 124.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.PS.CD - 188.Gross Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.BC.CD - 095.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.CG.CD - 063.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.FC.CD - 159.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, Foreign currency US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.GG.CD - 031.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.NF.CD - 127.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, Foreign currency US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.PS.CD - 191.Gross Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.BC.CD - 094.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.CG.CD - 062.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.FC.CD - 158.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic currency US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.GG.CD - 030.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.NF.CD - 126.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic currency US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.PS.CD - 190.Gross Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.BC.CD - 065.Gross Budgetary Central Government Debt (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.CG.CD - 033.Gross Central Government Debt (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.FC.CD - 129.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.GG.CD - 001.General Govt. Public Sector Debt (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.NF.CD - 097.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.PS.CD - 161.Gross Public Sector Debt (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.BC.CD - 093.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.CG.CD - 061.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.FC.CD - 157.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, External creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.GG.CD - 029.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.NF.CD - 125.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, External creditors US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.PS.CD - 189.Gross Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.BC.CD - 087.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.CG.CD - 055.Currency and deposits (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.FC.CD - 151.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.GG.CD - 023.Currency and deposits (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.BC.CD - 074.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.CG.CD - 042.Currency and deposits (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.FC.CD - 138.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.GG.CD - 010.Currency and deposits (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.NF.CD - 106.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.PS.CD - 170.Currency and deposits (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.BC.CD - 081.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.CG.CD - 049.Currency and deposits (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.FC.CD - 145.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.GG.CD - 017.Currency and deposits (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.NF.CD - 113.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.PS.CD - 177.Currency and deposits (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.NF.CD - 119.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.PS.CD - 183.Currency and deposits (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.BC.CD - 088.Debt securities (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.CG.CD - 056.Debt securities (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.FC.CD - 152.Debt securities (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.GG.CD - 024.Debt securities (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.BC.CD - 075.Debt securities (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.CG.CD - 043.Debt securities (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.FC.CD - 139.Debt securities (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.GG.CD - 011.Debt securities (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.NF.CD - 107.Debt securities (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.PS.CD - 171.Debt securities (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.BC.CD - 082.Debt securities (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.CG.CD - 050.Debt securities (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.FC.CD - 146.Debt securities (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.GG.CD - 018.Debt securities (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.NF.CD - 114.Debt securities (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.PS.CD - 178.Debt securities (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.BC.CD - 096.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.CG.CD - 064.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.FC.CD - 160.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt Securities at market value US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.GG.CD - 032.General Govt. Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.NF.CD - 128.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt Securities at market value US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.PS.CD - 192.Gross Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.NF.CD - 120.Debt securities (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.PS.CD - 184.Debt securities (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.BC.CD - 090.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.CG.CD - 058.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.FC.CD - 154.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.GG.CD - 026.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.BC.CD - 077.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.CG.CD - 045.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.FC.CD - 141.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.GG.CD - 013.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.NF.CD - 109.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.PS.CD - 173.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.BC.CD - 084.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.CG.CD - 052.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.FC.CD - 148.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.GG.CD - 020.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.NF.CD - 116.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.PS.CD - 180.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.NF.CD - 122.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.PS.CD - 186.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.BC.CD - 089.Loans (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.CG.CD - 057.Loans (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.FC.CD - 153.Loans (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.GG.CD - 025.Loans (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.BC.CD - 076.Loans (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.CG.CD - 044.Loans (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.FC.CD - 140.Loans (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.GG.CD - 012.Loans (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.NF.CD - 108.Loans (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.PS.CD - 172.Loans (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.BC.CD - 083.Loans (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.CG.CD - 051.Loans (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.FC.CD - 147.Loans (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.GG.CD - 019.Loans (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.NF.CD - 115.Loans (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.PS.CD - 179.Loans (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.NF.CD - 121.Loans (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.PS.CD - 185.Loans (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.BC.CD - 091.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.CG.CD - 059.Other accounts payable (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.FC.CD - 155.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.GG.CD - 027.Other accounts payable (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.BC.CD - 078.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.CG.CD - 046.Other accounts payable (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.FC.CD - 142.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.GG.CD - 014.Other accounts payable (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.NF.CD - 110.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.PS.CD - 174.Other accounts payable (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.BC.CD - 085.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.CG.CD - 053.Other accounts payable (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.FC.CD - 149.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.GG.CD - 021.Other accounts payable (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.NF.CD - 117.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.PS.CD - 181.Other accounts payable (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.NF.CD - 123.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.PS.CD - 187.Other accounts payable (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.BC.CD - 086.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCGGB) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.CG.CD - 054.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCG) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.FC.CD - 150.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.GG.CD - 022.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDGG) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.BC.CD - 080.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.CG.CD - 048.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.FC.CD - 144.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.GG.CD - 016.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.NF.CD - 112.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.PS.CD - 176.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.NF.CD - 118.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDNFPC) US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.PS.CD - 182.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDT) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.BC.CD - 072.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDCGGB, LT) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.CG.CD - 040.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDCG, LT) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.FC.CD - 136.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDFPC, LT) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.GG.CD - 008.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDGG, LT) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.BC.CD - 073.With payment due in one year or less (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.CG.CD - 041.With payment due in one year or less (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.FC.CD - 137.With payment due in one year or less (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.GG.CD - 009.With payment due in one year or less (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.NF.CD - 105.With payment due in one year or less (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.PS.CD - 169.With payment due in one year or less (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.BC.CD - 079.With payment due in more than one year (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.CG.CD - 047.With payment due in more than one year (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.FC.CD - 143.With payment due in more than one year (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.GG.CD - 015.With payment due in more than one year (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.NF.CD - 111.With payment due in more than one year (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.PS.CD - 175.With payment due in more than one year (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.NF.CD - 104.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDNFPC, LT) US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.PS.CD - 168.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDT, LT) US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.BC.CD - 067.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.CG.CD - 035.Currency and deposits (PSDCG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.FC.CD - 131.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.GG.CD - 003.Currency and deposits (PSDGG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.NF.CD - 099.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.PS.CD - 163.Currency and deposits (PSDT, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.BC.CD - 068.Debt securities (PSDCGGB, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.CG.CD - 036.Debt securities (PSDCG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.FC.CD - 132.Debt securities (PSDFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.GG.CD - 004.Debt securities (PSDGG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.NF.CD - 100.Debt securities (PSDNFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.PS.CD - 164.Debt securities (PSDT, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.BC.CD - 070.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.CG.CD - 038.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.FC.CD - 134.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.GG.CD - 006.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.NF.CD - 102.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.PS.CD - 166.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.BC.CD - 069.Loans (PSDCGGB, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.CG.CD - 037.Loans (PSDCG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.FC.CD - 133.Loans (PSDFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.GG.CD - 005.Loans (PSDGG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.NF.CD - 101.Loans (PSDNFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.PS.CD - 165.Loans (PSDT, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.BC.CD - 071.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.CG.CD - 039.Other accounts payable (PSDCG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.FC.CD - 135.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.GG.CD - 007.Other accounts payable (PSDGG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.NF.CD - 103.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.PS.CD - 167.Other accounts payable (PSDT, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.BC.CD - 066.Short-term by original maturity (PSDCGGB, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.CG.CD - 034.Short-term by original maturity (PSDCG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.FC.CD - 130.Short-term by original maturity (PSDFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.GG.CD - 002.Short-term by original maturity (PSDGG, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.NF.CD - 098.Short-term by original maturity (PSDNFPC, ST) US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.PS.CD - 162.Short-term by original maturity (PSDT, ST) US$ DPANUSIFS - Exchange rate (IFS), LCU per USD, period average DPANUSLCU - Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average DPANUSSPB - Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average DPANUSSPF - Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average DSTKMKTXD - Stock Markets, US$ DSTKMKTXN - Stock Markets, LCU DT.AMD.DLXF.CD - LT Principal due per balance of payments account (BoP, current US$) DT.AMT.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DECT.00.03.MO.CD - 027_T2_Total, Principal, 0 to 3 Months DT.AMT.DECT.03.YR.CD - 081_T2_Total, Principal, 3rd yr DT.AMT.DECT.04.06.MO.CD - 036_T2_Total, Principal, 4 to 6 Months DT.AMT.DECT.04.YR.CD - 090_T2_Total, Principal, 4th yr DT.AMT.DECT.05.10.YR.CD - 108_T2_Total, Principal, 5 to 10 yr DT.AMT.DECT.05.YR.CD - 099_T2_Total, Principal, 5th yr DT.AMT.DECT.07.09.MO.CD - 045_T2_Total, Principal, 7 to 9 Months DT.AMT.DECT.10.12.MO.CD - 054_T2_Total, Principal, 10 to 12 Months DT.AMT.DECT.10.15.YR.CD - 117_T2_Total, Principal, 10 to 15 yr DT.AMT.DECT.13.18.MO.CD - 063_T2_Total, Principal, 13 to 18 Months DT.AMT.DECT.15.UP.YR.CD - 126_T2_Total, Principal, 15 plus DT.AMT.DECT.19.24.MO.CD - 072_T2_Total, Principal, 19 to 24 Months DT.AMT.DECT.CD - Principal repayments, Total (current US$) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.03 - 104_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (0-3 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.1012 - 158_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (10-12 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.1318 - 176_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (13-18 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.1924 - 194_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (19-24 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.24P - 212_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (2 years or more) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.46 - 122_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (4-6 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.79 - 140_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (7-9 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB - 077_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (Immediate quarter) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.03 - 095_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (0-3 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.1012 - 149_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (10-12 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.1318 - 167_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (13-18 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.1924 - 185_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (19-24 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.24P - 203_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (2 years or more) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.46 - 113_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (4-6 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.79 - 131_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (7-9 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG - 071_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (Immediate quarter) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.03 - 089_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (0-3 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.1012 - 143_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (10-12 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.1318 - 161_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (13-18 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.1924 - 179_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (19-24 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.24P - 197_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (2 years or more) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.46 - 107_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (4-6 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.79 - 125_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (7-9 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL - 083_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (Immediate quarter) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.03 - 101_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (0-3 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.1012 - 155_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (10-12 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.1318 - 173_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (13-18 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.1924 - 191_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (19-24 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.24P - 209_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (2 years or more) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.46 - 119_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (4-6 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.79 - 137_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (7-9 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA - 074_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (Immediate quarter) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.03 - 092_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (0-3 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.1012 - 146_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (10-12 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.1318 - 164_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (13-18 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.1924 - 182_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (19-24 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.24P - 200_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (2 years or more) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.46 - 110_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (4-6 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.79 - 128_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (7-9 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS - 080_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (Immediate quarter) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.03 - 098_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (0-3 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.1012 - 152_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (10-12 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.1318 - 170_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (13-18 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.1924 - 188_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (19-24 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.24P - 206_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (2 years or more) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.46 - 116_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (4-6 months) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.79 - 134_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (7-9 months) DT.AMT.DECT.IQ.CD - 018_T2_Total, Principal Immediate qtr DT.AMT.DIMF.CD - IMF repurchases (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DLTF.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, long-term + IMF (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DLXF.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, long-term (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DPNG.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DPPG.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PGNG.CD - Principal repayments, PPG and PNG private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRVS.00.03.MO.CD - 024_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 0 to 3 Months DT.AMT.PRVS.03.YR.CD - 078_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 3rd yr DT.AMT.PRVS.04.06.MO.CD - 033_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 4 to 6 Months DT.AMT.PRVS.04.YR.CD - 087_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 4th yr DT.AMT.PRVS.05.10.YR.CD - 105_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 5 to 10 yr DT.AMT.PRVS.05.YR.CD - 096_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 5th yr DT.AMT.PRVS.07.09.MO.CD - 042_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 7 to 9 Months DT.AMT.PRVS.10.12.MO.CD - 051_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 10 to 12 Months DT.AMT.PRVS.10.15.YR.CD - 114_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 10 to 15 yr DT.AMT.PRVS.13.18.MO.CD - 060_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 13 to 18 Months DT.AMT.PRVS.15.UP.YR.CD - 123_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 15 plus DT.AMT.PRVS.19.24.MO.CD - 069_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 19 to 24 Months DT.AMT.PRVS.IQ.CD - 015_T2_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector, Principal, Immediate qtr DT.AMT.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PUBS.00.03.MO.CD - 021_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 0 to 3 Months DT.AMT.PUBS.03.YR.CD - 075_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 3rd yr DT.AMT.PUBS.04.06.MO.CD - 030_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 4 to 6 Months DT.AMT.PUBS.04.YR.CD - 084_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 4th yr DT.AMT.PUBS.05.10.YR.CD - 102_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 5 to 10 yr DT.AMT.PUBS.05.YR.CD - 093_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 5th yr DT.AMT.PUBS.07.09.MO.CD - 039_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 7 to 9 Months DT.AMT.PUBS.10.12.MO.CD - 048_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 10 to 12 Months DT.AMT.PUBS.10.15.YR.CD - 111_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 10 to 15 yr DT.AMT.PUBS.13.18.MO.CD - 057_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 13 to 18 Months DT.AMT.PUBS.15.UP.YR.CD - 120_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 15 plus DT.AMT.PUBS.19.24.MO.CD - 066_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 19 to 24 Months DT.AMT.PUBS.IQ.CD - 012_T2_Public Sector, Principal, Immediate qtr DT.AXA.DEAF.CD.IL - 374_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.CB - 353_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks, Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.GG - 345_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (GG), Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.MA - 349_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (MA), Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT - 357_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.HH - 369_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NPISH), Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.NB - 361_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NBFC), Principal DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.NF - 365_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NFC), Principal DT.AXA.DELD.CD.IL - 378_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Principal DT.AXA.DPPG.CD - Principal arrears, public and publicly guaranteed (current US$) DT.AXA.OFFT.CD - Principal arrears, official creditors (current US$) DT.AXA.PRVT.CD - Principal arrears, private creditors (current US$) DT.AXF.DPPG.CD - Principal forgiven (current US$) DT.AXR.DPPG.CD - Principal rescheduled (current US$) DT.AXR.OFFT.CD - Principal rescheduled, official (current US$) DT.AXR.PRVT.CD - Principal rescheduled, private (current US$) DT.COM.DPPG.CD - Commitments, public and publicly guaranteed (COM, current US$) DT.COM.MIBR.CD - Commitments, IBRD (COM, current US$) DT.COM.MIDA.CD - Commitments, IDA (COM, current US$) DT.COM.OFFT.CD - Commitments, official creditors (COM, current US$) DT.COM.PRVT.CD - Commitments, private creditors (COM, current US$) DT.CUR.DMAK.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Deutsche mark (%) DT.CUR.EURO.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Euro (%) DT.CUR.FFRC.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, French franc (%) DT.CUR.JYEN.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Japanese yen (%) DT.CUR.MULC.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Multiple currencies (%) DT.CUR.OTHC.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, all other currencies (%) DT.CUR.SDRW.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, SDR (%) DT.CUR.SWFR.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Swiss franc (%) DT.CUR.UKPS.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Pound sterling (%) DT.CUR.USDL.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, U.S. dollars (%) DT.DFR.DPPG.CD - Debt forgiveness or reduction (current US$) DT.DIS.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLCT.CD - Disbursements, Bilateral on nonconcessional terms (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DECT.CD - Disbursements, Total (current US$) DT.DIS.DIMF.CD - IMF purchases (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DLTF.CD - Disbursements on external debt, long-term + IMF (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DLXF.CD - Disbursements on external debt, long-term (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DPNG.CD - Disbursements on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DPPG.CD - Disbursements on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DSTC.CD - Disbursements, Short-term (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.IDAG.CD - IDA grants (current US$) DT.DIS.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLCT.CD - Disbursements, PPG Multilateral creditors nonconcessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PGNG.CD - Disbursements, PPG and PNG private creditors (current US$) DT.DIS.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DOD.ALLC.CD - External debt stocks, concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.ALLC.ZS - Concessional debt (% of total external debt) DT.DOD.ALLC.ZSG - Debt on Concessional terms to GDP (% of GDP) DT.DOD.ALLC.ZSX - Debt on Concessional terms to export ratio (% of exports) DT.DOD.ALLN.CD - Debt on Non-concessional terms (current US$) DT.DOD.ALLN.ZSG - Debt on Non-concessional terms to GDP (% of GDP) DT.DOD.ALLN.ZSX - Debt on Non-concessional terms to export ratio (% of exports) DT.DOD.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTN.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG Bilateral on nonconcessional terms (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BNLT.CD.PR - 331_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Bonds and notes (LT) DT.DOD.BNLT.CD.PU - 309_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Bonds and notes (LT) DT.DOD.CDLT.CD.PR - 333_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Currency and deposits (LT) DT.DOD.CDLT.CD.PU - 311_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Currency and deposits (LT) DT.DOD.CDST.CD.PR - 325_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Currency and deposits (ST) DT.DOD.CDST.CD.PU - 303_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Currency and deposits (ST) DT.DOD.DEAA.CD.IL - 057_T1_Gross External Debt, Liabilities.to.affiliated.enterp. (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Arrears DT.DOD.DEAE.CD.IL - 056_T1_Gross External Debt, Liabilities.to.affiliated.enterp. (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending) DT.DOD.DEAO.CD.IL - 058_T1_Gross External Debt, Liabilities.to.affiliated.enterp. (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Other DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.CB.EU - 503_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.CB.JY - 545_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.CB.OT - 587_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.CB.TO - 419_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.CB.US - 461_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.GG.EU - 497_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.GG.JY - 539_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.GG.OT - 581_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.GG.TO - 413_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.GG.US - 455_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.MA.EU - 500_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.MA.JY - 542_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.MA.OT - 584_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.MA.TO - 416_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.MA.US - 458_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.OT.EU - 506_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.OT.JY - 548_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.OT.OT - 590_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.OT.TO - 422_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.PF.OT.US - 464_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.CB.EU - 490_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.CB.JY - 532_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.CB.OT - 574_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.CB.TO - 406_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.CB.US - 448_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.GG.EU - 484_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.GG.JY - 526_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.GG.OT - 568_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.GG.TO - 400_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.GG.US - 442_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.MA.EU - 487_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.MA.JY - 529_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.MA.OT - 571_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.MA.TO - 403_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.MA.US - 445_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.OT.EU - 493_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Euro) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.OT.JY - 535_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Yen) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.OT.OT - 577_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Other) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.OT.TO - 409_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Total) DT.DOD.DECF.CD.RF.OT.US - 451_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.CB.EU - 504_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.CB.JY - 546_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.CB.OT - 588_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.CB.TO - 420_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.CB.US - 462_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.GG.EU - 498_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.GG.JY - 540_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.GG.OT - 582_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.GG.TO - 414_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.GG.US - 456_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.MA.EU - 501_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.MA.JY - 543_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.MA.OT - 585_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.MA.TO - 417_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.MA.US - 459_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.OT.EU - 507_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.OT.JY - 549_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.OT.OT - 591_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.OT.TO - 423_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.PF.OT.US - 465_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.CB.EU - 491_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.CB.JY - 533_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.CB.OT - 575_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.CB.TO - 407_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.CB.US - 449_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.GG.EU - 485_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.GG.JY - 527_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.GG.OT - 569_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.GG.TO - 401_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.GG.US - 443_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.MA.EU - 488_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.MA.JY - 530_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.MA.OT - 572_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.MA.TO - 404_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.MA.US - 446_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.OT.EU - 494_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Euro) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.OT.JY - 536_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Yen) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.OT.OT - 578_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Other) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.OT.TO - 410_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Total) DT.DOD.DECO.CD.RF.OT.US - 452_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD - External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB - 027_T1_Gross External Debt, Banks DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.TD.MP - 239_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Banks (Banks, market price change) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.TD.MV - 256_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Banks (Banks, market value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.TD.NV - 222_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Banks (Banks, nominal value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CG - Total change in external debt stocks (current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.DC - 066_T2_Gross External Debt, Domestic.Currency.Debt DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC - 063_T2_Gross External Debt, Foreign.Currency.Debt DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.EU - 472_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.JY - 514_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.OT - 556_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.TO - 388_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.US - 430_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.EU - 466_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.JY - 508_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.OT - 550_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.TO - 382_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.US - 424_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.EU - 478_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.JY - 520_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.OT - 562_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.TO - 394_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.US - 436_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.EU - 469_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.JY - 511_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.OT - 553_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.TO - 385_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.US - 427_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.EU - 475_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.JY - 517_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.OT - 559_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.TO - 391_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.US - 433_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FD - 069_T2_Gross External Debt DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.EU - 481_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.JY - 523_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.OT - 565_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.TO - 397_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.US - 439_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG - 001_T1_Gross External Debt, General.Government (GG) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.TD.MP - 231_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, General Government (GG, market price change) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.TD.MV - 248_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, General Government (GG, market value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.TD.NV - 214_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, General Government (GG, nominal value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.HH - 287_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL - 055_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA - 014_T1_Gross External Debt, Monetary.Authorities (MA) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.TD.MP - 235_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Monetary Authorities (MA, market price change) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.TD.MV - 252_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Monetary Authorities (MA, market value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.TD.NV - 218_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Monetary Authorities (MA, nominal value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.NB - 265_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations DT.DOD.DECT.CD.NF - 276_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OS - 298_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Table 1.2) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT - 040_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.Sectors (Oth. Sectors, Table 1) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.TD.MP - 243_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors, market price change) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.TD.MV - 260_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors, market value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.TD.NV - 226_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors, nominal value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PC - Debt outstanding and disbursed, Total per capita (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.CB.EU - 502_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.CB.JY - 544_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.CB.OT - 586_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.CB.TO - 418_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.CB.US - 460_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.EU - 495_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.GG.EU - 496_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.GG.JY - 538_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.GG.OT - 580_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.GG.TO - 412_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.GG.US - 454_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.JY - 537_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.MA.EU - 499_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.MA.JY - 541_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.MA.OT - 583_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.MA.TO - 415_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.MA.US - 457_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.OT - 579_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.OT.EU - 505_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.OT.JY - 547_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.OT.OT - 589_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.OT.TO - 421_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.OT.US - 463_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.TO - 411_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PF.US - 453_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.CB.EU - 489_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.CB.JY - 531_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.CB.OT - 573_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.CB.TO - 405_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.CB.US - 447_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.EU - 482_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.GG.EU - 483_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.GG.JY - 525_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.GG.OT - 567_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.GG.TO - 399_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.GG.US - 441_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.JY - 524_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.MA.EU - 486_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.MA.JY - 528_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.MA.OT - 570_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.MA.TO - 402_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.MA.US - 444_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.OT - 566_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.OT.EU - 492_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Euro) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.OT.JY - 534_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Yen) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.OT.OT - 576_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Other) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.OT.TO - 408_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.OT.US - 450_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.TO - 398_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Total) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.RF.US - 440_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TD.MP - 247_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, (market price change) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TD.MV - 264_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, (market value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TD.NV - 230_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, (nominal value) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.ZSG - Debt outstanding and disbursed, Total to GDP (% of GDP) DT.DOD.DECT.EX.ZS - External debt stocks (% of exports of goods, services and income) DT.DOD.DECT.GN.ZS - External debt stocks (% of GNI) DT.DOD.DECT.T3.CD - 160_T3_Total_Public and Publicly-Guranteed External Debt DT.DOD.DECT.T4.CD - 212_T4_Total_Public and Publicly-Guranteed External Debt DT.DOD.DIAA.CD.IL - 060_T1_Gross External Debt, Liabilities.to.direct.investors (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Arrears DT.DOD.DIAO.CD.IL - 061_T1_Gross External Debt, Liabilities.to.direct.investors (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Other DT.DOD.DIIL.CD.PR - 336_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS) DT.DOD.DIIL.CD.PU - 314_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS) DT.DOD.DILD.CD.IL - 059_T1_Gross External Debt, Liabilities.to.direct.investors (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), DT.DOD.DIMF.CD - Use of IMF credit (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DLAE.CD.FC.IL.EU - 479_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Euro) DT.DOD.DLAE.CD.FC.IL.JY - 521_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Yen) DT.DOD.DLAE.CD.FC.IL.OT - 563_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Other) DT.DOD.DLAE.CD.FC.IL.TO - 395_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Total) DT.DOD.DLAE.CD.FC.IL.US - 437_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (US$) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB - 036_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, Banks) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.TD.MP - 241_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Banks, market price change) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.TD.MV - 258_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Banks, market value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.TD.NV - 224_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Banks, nominal value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG - 010_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, GG) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.TD.MP - 233_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (GG, market price change) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.TD.MV - 250_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (GG, market value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.TD.NV - 216_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (GG, nominal value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.HH - 294_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Bonds and notes (LT) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA - 023_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, MA) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.TD.MP - 237_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (MA, market price change) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.TD.MV - 254_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (MA, market value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.TD.NV - 220_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (MA, nominal value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.NB - 272_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Bonds and notes (LT) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.NF - 283_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Bonds and notes (LT) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT - 050_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.TD.MP - 245_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors, market price change) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.TD.MV - 262_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors, market value) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.TD.NV - 228_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors, nominal value) DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB - 038_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (LT, Banks) DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA - 025_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (LT, MA) DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.NB - 274_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Currency and deposits (LT) DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT - 052_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (LT, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DLDI.CD.FC.IL.EU - 480_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Euro) DT.DOD.DLDI.CD.FC.IL.JY - 522_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Yen) DT.DOD.DLDI.CD.FC.IL.OT - 564_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Other) DT.DOD.DLDI.CD.FC.IL.TO - 396_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Total) DT.DOD.DLDI.CD.FC.IL.US - 438_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (US$) DT.DOD.DLIA.CD.PR - 337_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises DT.DOD.DLIA.CD.PU - 315_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises DT.DOD.DLII.CD.PR - 340_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to direct investors DT.DOD.DLII.CD.PU - 318_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to direct investors DT.DOD.DLTF.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, Long-term debt including IMF credit (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB - 037_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, Banks) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG - 011_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, GG) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.HH - 295_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Loans (LT) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA - 024_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, MA) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.NB - 273_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Loans (LT) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.NF - 284_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Loans (LT) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT - 051_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB - 039_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, Banks) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG - 013_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, GG) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.HH - 297_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Other debt liabilities (LT) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA - 026_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, MA) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.NB - 275_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Other debt liabilities (LT) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.NF - 286_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Other debt liabilities (LT) DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT - 054_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG - 012_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (LT, GG) DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.HH - 296_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Trade credits (LT) DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.NF - 285_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Trade credits (LT) DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT - 053_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (LT, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD - External debt stocks, long-term (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB - 035_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, Banks) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.DC - 068_T2_Gross External Debt, Domestic.Currency.Debt (LT) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC - 065_T2_Gross External Debt, Foreign.Currency.Debt (LT) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.EU - 474_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Euro) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.JY - 516_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Yen) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.OT - 558_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Other) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.TO - 390_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Total) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.US - 432_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.EU - 468_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Euro) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.JY - 510_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Yen) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.OT - 552_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Other) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.TO - 384_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Total) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.US - 426_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.EU - 471_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Euro) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.JY - 513_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Yen) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.OT - 555_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Other) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.TO - 387_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Total) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.US - 429_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.EU - 477_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Euro) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.JY - 519_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Yen) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.OT - 561_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Other) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.TO - 393_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Total) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.US - 435_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG - 009_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, GG) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.HH - 293_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH) (LT) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA - 022_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, MA) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.NB - 271_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations (LT) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.NF - 282_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations (LT) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT - 049_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DPNG.CD - External debt stocks, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DPNG.LT.CD - 010_T1_Nonguaranteed Private Sector (LT) DT.DOD.DPNG.ST.CD - 009_T1_Nonguaranteed Private Sector (ST) DT.DOD.DPPG.CD - External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB - 031_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA - 018_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.NB - 269_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Currency and deposits (ST) DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.NF - 280_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Trade credits (ST) DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT - 044_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.CB - 033_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.CB.TD.MP - 242_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Banks, market price change) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.CB.TD.MV - 259_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Banks, market value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.CB.TD.NV - 225_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Banks, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.GG - 007_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.GG.TD.MP - 234_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (GG, market price change) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.GG.TD.MV - 251_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (GG, market value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.GG.TD.NV - 217_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (GG, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.MA - 020_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.MA.TD.MP - 238_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (MA, market price change) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.MA.TD.MV - 255_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (MA, market value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.MA.TD.NV - 221_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (MA, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.OT - 047_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.OT.TD.MP - 246_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Oth. Sectors, market price change) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.OT.TD.MV - 263_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Oth. Sectors, market value) DT.DOD.DSOA.CD.OT.TD.NV - 229_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Oth. Sectors, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB - 034_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG - 008_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA - 021_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT - 048_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD - External debt stocks, short-term (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB - 028_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.DC - 067_T2_Gross External Debt, Domestic.Currency.Debt (ST) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC - 064_T2_Gross External Debt, Foreign.Currency.Debt (ST) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.EU - 473_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Euro) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.JY - 515_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Yen) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.OT - 557_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Other) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.TO - 389_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Total) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.US - 431_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.EU - 467_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Euro) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.JY - 509_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Yen) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.OT - 551_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Other) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.TO - 383_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Total) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.US - 425_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.EU - 470_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Euro) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.JY - 512_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Yen) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.OT - 554_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Other) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.TO - 386_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Total) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.US - 428_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.EU - 476_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Euro) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.JY - 518_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Yen) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.OT - 560_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Other) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.TO - 392_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Total) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.US - 434_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG - 002_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.HH - 288_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH) (ST) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA - 015_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.NB - 266_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations (ST) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.NF - 277_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations (ST) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT - 041_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.TD.MP - 244_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors, market price change) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.TD.MV - 261_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors, market value) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.TD.NV - 227_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSTC.IR.ZS - Short-term debt (% of total reserves) DT.DOD.DSTC.XP.ZS - Short-term debt (% of exports of goods, services and income) DT.DOD.DSTC.ZS - Short-term debt (% of total external debt) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB - 030_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG - 004_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.HH - 290_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Loans (ST) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA - 017_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.NB - 268_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Loans (ST) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.NF - 279_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Loans (ST) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT - 043_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB - 029_T1_Gross External Debt, Money.market.instruments (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.TD.MP - 240_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Banks, market price change) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.TD.MV - 257_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Banks, market value) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.TD.NV - 223_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Banks, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG - 003_T1_Gross External Debt, Money.market.instruments (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.TD.MP - 232_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (GG, market price change) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.TD.MV - 249_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (GG, market value) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.TD.NV - 215_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (GG, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.HH - 289_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Money market instruments (ST) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA - 016_T1_Gross External Debt, Money.market.instruments (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.TD.MP - 236_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (MA, market price change) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.TD.MV - 253_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (MA, market value) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.TD.NV - 219_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (MA, nominal value) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.NB - 267_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Money market instruments (ST) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.NF - 278_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Money market instruments (ST) DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT - 042_T1_Gross External Debt, Money.market.instruments (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.CB - 032_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, Banks) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.GG - 006_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.HH - 292_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Other debt liabilities (ST) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.MA - 019_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, MA) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.NB - 270_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Other debt liabilities (ST) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.NF - 281_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Other debt liabilities (ST) DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.OT - 046_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG - 005_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (ST, GG) DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.HH - 291_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Trade credits (ST) DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT - 045_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (ST, Oth. Sectors) DT.DOD.LAIA.CD.PR - 338_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Arrears DT.DOD.LAIA.CD.PU - 316_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Arrears DT.DOD.LAII.CD.PR - 341_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Arrears DT.DOD.LAII.CD.PU - 319_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Arrears DT.DOD.LOIA.CD.PR - 339_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Other DT.DOD.LOIA.CD.PU - 317_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Other DT.DOD.LOII.CD.PR - 342_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Other DT.DOD.LOII.CD.PU - 320_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Other DT.DOD.LOLT.CD.PR - 332_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Loans (LT) DT.DOD.LOLT.CD.PU - 310_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Loans (LT) DT.DOD.LOST.CD.PR - 324_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Loans (ST) DT.DOD.LOST.CD.PU - 302_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Loans (ST) DT.DOD.MDRI.CD - Debt forgiveness grants (current US$) DT.DOD.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.ZS - Multilateral debt (% of total external debt) DT.DOD.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLTN.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG Multilateral on nonconcessional terms (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MMST.CD.PR - 323_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Money market instruments (ST) DT.DOD.MMST.CD.PU - 301_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Money market instruments (ST) DT.DOD.MWBG.CD - IBRD loans and IDA credits (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OAST.CD.PR - 328_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities:Arears (ST) DT.DOD.OAST.CD.PU - 306_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities:Arears (ST) DT.DOD.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.CD.PR - 321_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS) DT.DOD.OFFT.CD.PU - 299_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS) DT.DOD.OLLT.CD.PR - 335_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities (LT) DT.DOD.OLLT.CD.PU - 313_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities (LT) DT.DOD.OLST.CD.PR - 327_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities (ST) DT.DOD.OLST.CD.PU - 305_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities (ST) DT.DOD.OOST.CD.PR - 329_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities: Other (ST) DT.DOD.OOST.CD.PU - 307_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities: Other (ST) DT.DOD.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCCR.CD - 161_T3_Paris Club member creditors 5/ DT.DOD.PCPR.CD - 165_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt DT.DOD.PCPR.LT.CD - 167_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (LT) DT.DOD.PCPR.ST.CD - 166_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (ST) DT.DOD.PCPU.CD - 162_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Public Sector External Debt DT.DOD.PCPU.LT.CD - 164_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Public Sector (LT) DT.DOD.PCPU.ST.CD - 163_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Public Sector (ST) DT.DOD.PGNG.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG and PNG private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRAE.IL.CD - 206_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending (AE) DT.DOD.PRAO.IL.CD - 208_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Other (AE) DT.DOD.PRBA.CD - 151_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Banks DT.DOD.PRBA.LT.CD - 153_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Banks (LT) DT.DOD.PRBA.ST.CD - 152_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Banks (ST) DT.DOD.PRBL.CD - 148_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Bilat. 4/ DT.DOD.PRBL.LT.CD - 150_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Bilat. (LT) DT.DOD.PRBL.ST.CD - 149_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Bilat. (ST) DT.DOD.PRBN.LT.CD - 200_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Bonds and Notes (LT) DT.DOD.PRCD.LT.CD - 202_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Currency & Deposits (LT) 5/ DT.DOD.PRCD.ST.CD - 194_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Currency & Deposits (ST) 5/ DT.DOD.PRDI.IL.CD - 209_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending (DI) DT.DOD.PREA.IL.CD - 207_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (AE) DT.DOD.PRIA.IL.CD - 210_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (DI) DT.DOD.PRIO.IL.CD - 211_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Other (DI) DT.DOD.PRLO.LT.CD - 201_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Loans (LT) DT.DOD.PRLO.ST.CD - 193_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Loans (ST) DT.DOD.PRLT.CD.PR - 330_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS) (LT) DT.DOD.PRMM.ST.CD - 192_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Money Mrkt. Inst. (ST) DT.DOD.PRMU.CD - 145_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Mult. DT.DOD.PRMU.LT.CD - 147_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Mult. (LT) DT.DOD.PRMU.ST.CD - 146_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Mult. (ST) DT.DOD.PROD.AR.ST.CD - 197_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities, Arrears (ST) DT.DOD.PROD.LT.CD - 204_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities (LT) 6/ DT.DOD.PROD.OT.ST.CD - 198_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities, Other (ST) DT.DOD.PROD.ST.CD - 196_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities (ST) 6/ DT.DOD.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PROT.CD - 154_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Others DT.DOD.PROT.LT.CD - 156_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Others (LT) DT.DOD.PROT.ST.CD - 155_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Others (ST) DT.DOD.PRST.CD.PR - 322_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS) (ST) DT.DOD.PRTC.LT.CD - 203_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Trade Credits (LT) DT.DOD.PRTC.ST.CD - 195_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Trade Credits (ST) DT.DOD.PRTD.CD - 157_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Traded-debt securitires DT.DOD.PRTD.LT.CD - 159_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Traded-debt securitires (LT) DT.DOD.PRTD.ST.CD - 158_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Traded-debt securitires (ST) DT.DOD.PRVS.CD - External debt stocks, long-term private sector (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRVS.IL.CD - 205_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Direct investment: Intercompany lending 7/ DT.DOD.PRVS.LT.CD - 006_T1_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (LT) DT.DOD.PRVS.LT.T4.CD - 199_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private (LT) DT.DOD.PRVS.ST.CD - 005_T1_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (ST) DT.DOD.PRVS.ST.T4.CD - 191_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private (ST) DT.DOD.PRVS.T3.CD - 144_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt DT.DOD.PRVS.T4.CD - 190_T4_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt 4/ DT.DOD.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PUAE.IL.CD - 184_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending Debt, liabilities to affiliated enterprises (AE) DT.DOD.PUAO.IL.CD - 186_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Other (AE) DT.DOD.PUBA.CD - 135_T3_Public Sector, Banks DT.DOD.PUBA.LT.CD - 137_T3_Public Sector, Banks (LT) DT.DOD.PUBA.ST.CD - 136_T3_Public Sector, Banks (ST) DT.DOD.PUBL.CD - 132_T3_Public Sector, Official Bilateral creditors 4/ DT.DOD.PUBL.LT.CD - 134_T3_Public Sector, Official Bilateral Creditors (LT) DT.DOD.PUBL.ST.CD - 133_T3_Public Sector, Official Bilateral Creditors (ST) DT.DOD.PUBN.LT.CD - 178_T4_Public Sector, Bonds and Notes (LT) DT.DOD.PUBS.CD - External debt stocks, long-term public sector (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PUBS.IL.CD - 183_T4_Public Sector, Direct investment: Intercompany lending 7/ DT.DOD.PUBS.LT.CD - 003_T1_Public Sector (LT) DT.DOD.PUBS.LT.T4.CD - 177_T4_Public Sector (LT) DT.DOD.PUBS.ST.CD - 002_T1_Public Sector (ST) DT.DOD.PUBS.ST.T4.CD - 169_T4_Public Sector (ST) DT.DOD.PUBS.T3.CD - 128_T3_Public Sector External Debt DT.DOD.PUBS.T4.CD - 168_T4_Public Sector External Debt 3/ DT.DOD.PUCD.LT.CD - 180_T4_Public Sector, Currency & Deposits (LT) 5/ DT.DOD.PUCD.ST.CD - 172_T4_Public Sector, Currency & Deposits (ST) 5/ DT.DOD.PUDI.IL.CD - 187_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Debt liabilities to direct investors (DI) DT.DOD.PUEA.IL.CD - 185_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (AE) DT.DOD.PUIA.IL.CD - 188_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (DI) DT.DOD.PUIO.IL.CD - 189_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Other (DI) DT.DOD.PULO.LT.CD - 179_T4_Public Sector, Loans (LT) DT.DOD.PULO.ST.CD - 171_T4_Public Sector, Loans (ST) DT.DOD.PULT.CD.PU - 308_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS) (LT) DT.DOD.PUMM.ST.CD - 170_T4_Public Sector, Money Market (ST) DT.DOD.PUMU.CD - 129_T3_Public Sector, Multilateral Creditors DT.DOD.PUMU.LT.CD - 131_T3_Public Sector, Multilateral Creditors (LT) DT.DOD.PUMU.ST.CD - 130_T3_Public Sector, Multilateral Creditors (ST) DT.DOD.PUOA.ST.CD - 175_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities, Arrears (ST) DT.DOD.PUOD.LT.CD - 182_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities (LT) 6/ DT.DOD.PUOD.ST.CD - 174_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities (ST) 6/ DT.DOD.PUOO.ST.CD - 176_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities, Other (ST) DT.DOD.PUOT.CD - 138_T3_Public Sector, Other Creditors DT.DOD.PUOT.LT.CD - 140_T3_Public Sector, Other Creditors (LT) DT.DOD.PUOT.ST.CD - 139_T3_Public Sector, Other Creditors (ST) DT.DOD.PUST.CD.PU - 300_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS) (ST) DT.DOD.PUTC.LT.CD - 181_T4_Public Sector, Trade Credits (LT) DT.DOD.PUTC.ST.CD - 173_T4_Public Sector, Trade Credits (ST) DT.DOD.PUTD.CD - 141_T3_Public Sector,Traded-debt securitires DT.DOD.PUTD.LT.CD - 143_T3_Public Sector,Traded-debt securitires (LT) DT.DOD.PUTD.ST.CD - 142_T3_Public Sector,Traded-debt securitires (ST) DT.DOD.PVLX.CD - Present value of external debt (current US$) DT.DOD.PVLX.EX.ZS - Present value of external debt (% of exports of goods, services and income) DT.DOD.PVLX.GN.ZS - Present value of external debt (% of GNI) DT.DOD.PVLX.ND.ZS - Present value to nominal value of debt (%) DT.DOD.RSDL.CD - Residual, debt stock-flow reconciliation (current US$) DT.DOD.TCLT.CD.PR - 334_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Trade credits (LT) DT.DOD.TCLT.CD.PU - 312_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Trade credits (LT) DT.DOD.TCST.CD.PR - 326_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Trade credits (ST) DT.DOD.TCST.CD.PU - 304_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Trade credits (ST) DT.DOD.VTOT.CD - External debt stocks, variable rate (DOD, current US$) DT.DOR.DEAA.CD.IL - 649_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Arrears DT.DOR.DEAE.CD.IL - 648_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises DT.DOR.DEAO.CD.IL - 650_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Other DT.DOR.DECT.CD.CB - 618_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (Banks) DT.DOR.DECT.CD.GG - 592_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (GG) DT.DOR.DECT.CD.IL - 646_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending DT.DOR.DECT.CD.MA - 605_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (MA) DT.DOR.DECT.CD.OT - 631_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DIAA.CD.IL - 652_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to direct investors, Arrears DT.DOR.DIAO.CD.IL - 653_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to direct investors, Other DT.DOR.DILD.CD.IL - 651_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to direct investors DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.CB - 627_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (Banks) DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.GG - 601_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (GG) DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.MA - 614_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (MA) DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.OT - 641_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DLCD.CD.CB - 629_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Currency and deposits (Banks) DT.DOR.DLCD.CD.MA - 616_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Currency and deposits (MA) DT.DOR.DLCD.CD.OT - 643_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Currency and deposits (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.CB - 628_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (Banks) DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.GG - 602_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (GG) DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.MA - 615_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (MA) DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.OT - 642_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.CB - 630_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (Banks) DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.GG - 604_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (GG) DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.MA - 617_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (MA) DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.OT - 645_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DLTT.CD.GG - 603_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Trade credits (GG) DT.DOR.DLTT.CD.OT - 644_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Trade credits (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.CB - 626_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (Banks) DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.GG - 600_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (GG) DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.MA - 613_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (MA) DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.OT - 640_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.CB - 622_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Currency and deposits (Banks) DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.MA - 609_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Currency and deposits (MA) DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.OT - 635_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Currency and deposits (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSOA.CD.CB - 624_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (Banks) DT.DOR.DSOA.CD.GG - 598_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (GG) DT.DOR.DSOA.CD.MA - 611_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (MA) DT.DOR.DSOA.CD.OT - 638_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.CB - 625_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (Banks) DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.GG - 599_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (GG) DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.MA - 612_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (MA) DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.OT - 639_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.CB - 619_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (Banks) DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.GG - 593_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (GG) DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.IL - 647_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.MA - 606_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (MA) DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.OT - 632_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.RM - 657_T3.1_Total Short-Term (ST) External Debt (remaining maturity basis) DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.CB - 621_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (Banks) DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.GG - 595_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (GG) DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.MA - 608_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (MA) DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.OT - 634_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.CB - 620_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (Banks) DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.GG - 594_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (GG) DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.MA - 607_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (MA) DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.OT - 633_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSTO.CD.CB - 623_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (Banks) DT.DOR.DSTO.CD.GG - 597_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (GG) DT.DOR.DSTO.CD.MA - 610_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (MA) DT.DOR.DSTO.CD.OT - 637_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.DSTT.CD.GG - 596_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Trade credits (GG) DT.DOR.DSTT.CD.OT - 636_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Trade credits (Oth. Sectors) DT.DOR.LTAE.CD.IL.RM - 655_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, LT obligations due for payment within one yeare or less, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises DT.DOR.LTDI.CD.IL.RM - 656_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, LT obligations due for payment within one yeare or less, Debt liabilities to direct investors DT.DOR.LTOT.CD.IL.RM - 654_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, LT obligations due for payment within one yeare or less DT.DSB.DPPG.CD - Debt buyback (current US$) DT.DSF.DPPG.CD - Debt stock reduction (current US$) DT.DTA.DLXF.CD - Total stock of arrears (principal and ineterest payments) (current US$) DT.DTA.OADJ.CD - Adjustment to Arrears DT.DXR.DPPG.CD - Debt stock rescheduled (current US$) DT.GPA.DPPG - Average grace period on new external debt commitments (years) DT.GPA.OFFT - Average grace period on new external debt commitments, official (years) DT.GPA.PRVT - Average grace period on new external debt commitments, private (years) DT.GRE.DPPG - Average grant element on new external debt commitments (%) DT.GRE.OFFT - Average grant element on new external debt commitments, official (%) DT.GRE.PRVT - Average grant element on new external debt commitments, private (%) DT.HPC.COMR.PV - Debt relief committed under HIPC initiative, cumulative US$ in end-2008 NPV terms DT.HPC.MDRI.PV - Debt relief delivered in full under MDRI initiative, cumulative US$ in end-2008 NPV terms DT.HPC.STTS - Status under enhanced HIPC initiative DT.IIA.DECT.CD.CB - 355_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks, Interest on arrears DT.IIA.DECT.CD.GG - 347_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (GG), Interest on arrears DT.IIA.DECT.CD.MA - 351_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (MA), Interest on arrears DT.IIA.DECT.CD.OT - 359_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Interest on arrears DT.IIA.DECT.CD.OT.HH - 371_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NPISH), Interest on arrears DT.IIA.DECT.CD.OT.NB - 363_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NBFC), Interest on arrears DT.IIA.DECT.CD.OT.NF - 367_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NFC), Interest on arrears DT.IIAA.DEAF.CD.IL - 376_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Interest on arrears DT.IIAA.DELD.CD.IL - 380_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Interest on arrears DT.INA.DECT.CD - Adjustments to scheduled interest (current US$) DT.IND.DEXF.CD - Interest due, total long-term and short term, including IMF per BOP (current US$) DT.INR.DPPG - Average interest on new external debt commitments (%) DT.INR.OFFT - Average interest on new external debt commitments, official (%) DT.INR.PRVT - Average interest on new external debt commitments, private (%) DT.INT.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DECT.00.03.MO.CD - 028_T2_Total, Interest, 0 to 3 Months DT.INT.DECT.03.YR.CD - 082_T2_Total, Interest, 3rd yr DT.INT.DECT.04.06.MO.CD - 037_T2_Total, Interest, 4 to 6 Months DT.INT.DECT.04.YR.CD - 091_T2_Total, Interest, 4th yr DT.INT.DECT.05.10.YR.CD - 109_T2_Total, Interest, 5 to 10 yr DT.INT.DECT.05.YR.CD - 100_T2_Total, Interest, 5th yr DT.INT.DECT.07.09.MO.CD - 046_T2_Total, Interest, 7 to 9 Months DT.INT.DECT.10.12.MO.CD - 055_T2_Total, Interest, 10 to 12 Months DT.INT.DECT.10.15.YR.CD - 118_T2_Total, Interest, 10 to 15 yr DT.INT.DECT.13.18.MO.CD - 064_T2_Total, Interest, 13 to 18 Months DT.INT.DECT.15.UP.YR.CD - 127_T2_Total, Interest, 15 plus DT.INT.DECT.19.24.MO.CD - 073_T2_Total, Interest, 19 to 24 Months DT.INT.DECT.CD - Interest payments on external debt, total (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DECT.CD.03 - 105_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (0-3 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.1012 - 159_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (10-12 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.1318 - 177_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (13-18 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.1924 - 195_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (19-24 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.24P - 213_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (2 years or more) DT.INT.DECT.CD.46 - 123_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (4-6 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.79 - 141_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (7-9 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB - 078_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (Immediate quarter) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.03 - 096_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (0-3 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.1012 - 150_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (10-12 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.1318 - 168_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (13-18 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.1924 - 186_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (19-24 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.24P - 204_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (2 years or more) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.46 - 114_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (4-6 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.79 - 132_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (7-9 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG - 072_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (Immediate quarter) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.03 - 090_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (0-3 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.1012 - 144_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (10-12 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.1318 - 162_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (13-18 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.1924 - 180_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (19-24 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.24P - 198_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (2 years or more) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.46 - 108_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (4-6 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.79 - 126_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (7-9 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL - 084_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (Immediate quarter) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.03 - 102_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (0-3 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.1012 - 156_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (10-12 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.1318 - 174_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (13-18 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.1924 - 192_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (19-24 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.24P - 210_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (2 years or more) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.46 - 120_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (4-6 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.79 - 138_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (7-9 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA - 075_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (Immediate quarter) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.03 - 093_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (0-3 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.1012 - 147_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (10-12 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.1318 - 165_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (13-18 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.1924 - 183_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (19-24 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.24P - 201_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (2 years or more) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.46 - 111_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (4-6 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.79 - 129_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (7-9 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS - 081_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (Immediate quarter) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.03 - 099_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (0-3 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.1012 - 153_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (10-12 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.1318 - 171_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (13-18 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.1924 - 189_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (19-24 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.24P - 207_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (2 years or more) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.46 - 117_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (4-6 months) DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.79 - 135_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (7-9 months) DT.INT.DECT.EX.ZS - Interest payments on external debt (% of exports of goods, services and income) DT.INT.DECT.GN.ZS - Interest payments on external debt (% of GNI) DT.INT.DECT.IQ.CD - 019_T2_Total, Interest Immediate qtr DT.INT.DIMF.CD - IMF charges (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DLTF.CD - Interest payments, Long-term debt including IMF credit (current US$) DT.INT.DLXF.CD - Interest payments on external debt, long-term (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DPNG.CD - Interest payments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DPPG.CD - Interest payments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DSTC.CD - Interest payments on external debt, short-term (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PGNG.CD - Interest payments, PPG and PNG Private creditors (current US$) DT.INT.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRVS.00.03.MO.CD - 025_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 0 to 3 Months DT.INT.PRVS.03.YR.CD - 079_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 3rd yr DT.INT.PRVS.04.06.MO.CD - 034_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 4 to 6 Months DT.INT.PRVS.04.YR.CD - 088_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 4th yr DT.INT.PRVS.05.10.YR.CD - 106_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 5 to 10 yr DT.INT.PRVS.05.YR.CD - 097_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 5th yr DT.INT.PRVS.07.09.MO.CD - 043_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 7 to 9 Months DT.INT.PRVS.10.12.MO.CD - 052_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 10 to 12 Months DT.INT.PRVS.10.15.YR.CD - 115_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 10 to 15 yr DT.INT.PRVS.13.18.MO.CD - 061_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 13 to 18 Months DT.INT.PRVS.15.UP.YR.CD - 124_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interrest, 15 plus DT.INT.PRVS.19.24.MO.CD - 070_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 19 to 24 Months DT.INT.PRVS.IQ.CD - 016_T2_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector, Interest, Immediate qtr DT.INT.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PUBS.00.03.MO.CD - 022_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 0 to 3 Months DT.INT.PUBS.03.YR.CD - 076_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 3rd yr DT.INT.PUBS.04.06.MO.CD - 031_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 4 to 6 Months DT.INT.PUBS.04.YR.CD - 085_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 4th yr DT.INT.PUBS.05.10.YR.CD - 103_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 5 to 10 yr DT.INT.PUBS.05.YR.CD - 094_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 5th yr DT.INT.PUBS.07.09.MO.CD - 040_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 7 to 9 Months DT.INT.PUBS.10.12.MO.CD - 049_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 10 to 12 Months DT.INT.PUBS.10.15.YR.CD - 112_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 10 to 15 yr DT.INT.PUBS.13.18.MO.CD - 058_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 13 to 18 Months DT.INT.PUBS.15.UP.YR.CD - 121_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 15 plus DT.INT.PUBS.19.24.MO.CD - 067_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 19 to 24 Months DT.INT.PUBS.IQ.CD - 013_T2_Public Sector, Interest, Immediate qtr DT.IXA.DEAF.CD.IL - 375_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.CB - 354_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks, Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.GG - 346_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (GG), Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.MA - 350_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (MA), Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.OT - 358_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.OT.HH - 370_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NPISH), Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.OT.NB - 362_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NBFC), Interest DT.IXA.DECT.CD.OT.NF - 366_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NFC), Interest DT.IXA.DELD.CD.IL - 379_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Interest DT.IXA.DPPG.CD - Interest arrears, public and publicly guaranteed (current US$) DT.IXA.DPPG.CD.CG - Net change in interest arrears (current US$) DT.IXA.OFFT.CD - Interest arrears, official creditors (current US$) DT.IXA.PRVT.CD - Interest arrears, private creditors (current US$) DT.IXF.DPPG.CD - Interest forgiven (current US$) DT.IXR.DPPG.CD - Interest rescheduled (capitalized) (current US$) DT.IXR.OFFT.CD - Interest rescheduled, official (current US$) DT.IXR.PRVT.CD - Interest rescheduled, private (current US$) DT.MAT.DPPG - Average maturity on new external debt commitments (years) DT.MAT.OFFT - Average maturity on new external debt commitments, official (years) DT.MAT.PRVT - Average maturity on new external debt commitments, private (years) DT.NFL.BLAT.CD - Net financial flows, bilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BOND.CD - Portfolio investment, bonds (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DECT.CD - Net flows on external debt, total (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DLXF.CD - Net flows on external debt, long-term (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DPNG.CD - Net flows on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DPPG.CD - Net flows on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DSTC.CD - Net flows on external debt, short-term (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.IAEA.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, IAEA (current US$) DT.NFL.IFAD.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, IFAD (current US$) DT.NFL.IMFC.CD - Net financial flows, IMF concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.IMFN.CD - Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MIBR.CD - Net financial flows, IBRD (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MIDA.CD - Net financial flows, IDA (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLAT.CD - Net financial flows, multilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MOTH.CD - Net financial flows, others (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.NEBR.CD - EBRD, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.NIFC.CD - IFC, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBO.CD - Commercial banks and other lending (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.RDBC.CD - Net financial flows, RDB concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.RDBN.CD - Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.UNAI.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNAIDS (current US$) DT.NFL.UNCF.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNICEF (current US$) DT.NFL.UNCR.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNHCR (current US$) DT.NFL.UNDP.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNDP (current US$) DT.NFL.UNEC.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNECE (current US$) DT.NFL.UNFP.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNFPA (current US$) DT.NFL.UNPB.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNPBF (current US$) DT.NFL.UNRW.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNRWA (current US$) DT.NFL.UNTA.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNTA (current US$) DT.NFL.WFPG.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, WFP (current US$) DT.NFL.WHOL.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, WHO (current US$) DT.NTR.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DECT.CD - Net transfers on external debt, total (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DLXF.CD - Net transfers on external debt, long-term (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DPNG.CD - Net transfers on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DPPG.CD - Net transfers on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.CD - Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.GD.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GDP) DT.ODA.ALLD.GI.ZS - Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.ALLD.GN.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GNP) DT.ODA.ALLD.HIV.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.HIV.MITI.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.KD - Net official development assistance and official aid received (constant 2010 US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.MLR.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Malaria control, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.MP.ZS - Net ODA received (% exports and imports) DT.ODA.ALLD.PC.ZS - Net ODA received per capita (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.PRVT.CD - Total ODA Private Net, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.XP.ZS - Net ODA received (% of central government expenditure) DT.ODA.BILT.CD - Net ODA received from other donors (current US$) DT.ODA.BILT.KD - Net ODA received from other donors (constant 2008 US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ADMN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for administrative costs of donors, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.BDGT.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general budget support, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for commodity and general program assistance, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.FOOD.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for developmental food aid/food security assistance, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.OCOM.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for other commodity assistance, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ALLS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for all sectors and functions, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.CD - Net ODA received from DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.CD.PC - Net ODA received per capita from DAC donors(current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.DEBT.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for action related to debt, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.BKFN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for banking & financial services, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.BUSN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for business & other services, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for economic infrastructure, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.COMM.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for communications, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.NRGY.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for energy, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.TRSP.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for transport and storage, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.BAS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for basic education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.PSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for post-secondary education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.SEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for secondary education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.UNKN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for education (level unspecified), DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for humanitarian aid, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.DISA.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for disaster prevention & preparedness, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.OTHR.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for emergency response, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.RCST.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for reconstruction relief and rehabilitation, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.GVCS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for government & civil society, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.GVCS.CPS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for conflict, peace and security, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.GVCS.GEN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general government and civil society, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HIV.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HIV.MITI.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HLTH.BAS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for basic health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HLTH.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HLTH.GEN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.KD - Net ODA received from DAC donors (constant 2008 US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for multisector, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MSEC.GENV.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general environment protection, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MSEC.OMSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for other multisector initiatives, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.POP.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for population programmes and reproductive health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.AGR.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for agriculture, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for agriculture, forestry and fishing sector, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.FISH.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for fishing, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.FORS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for forestry, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for production sectors, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for industry, mining and construction, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.CON.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for construction, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.IND.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for industry, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.MIN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for mineral resources and mining, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.TRDP.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for trade policy and regulations, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.TRSM.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for tourism sector, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PRVT.CD - Total ODA Private Net, DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.RFGE.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for refugees in donor countries, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.SNGO.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for support to non-governmental organizations, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.SOCI.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for social infrastructure & services, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.TSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for total sector allocable, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.UNAL.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for unallocated/unspecified support, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.WSS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for water supply and sanitation, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ZSG - Net ODA received from DAC donors (% of recipient's GDP) DT.ODA.DACD.ZSI - Net ODA received from DAC donors (% of recipient's GDI) DT.ODA.MULT.CD - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULT.CD.PC - Net ODA received per capita from multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULT.KD - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (constant 2008 US$) DT.ODA.MULT.ZSG - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (% of GDP) DT.ODA.MULT.ZSI - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.MULTI.HIV.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, Multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULTI.HIV.MITI.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, Multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.CD - Net ODA received from non-DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.KD - Net ODA received from non-DAC donors (constant 2008 US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.PRVT.CD - Total ODA Private Net, non-DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.ZSG - Net ODA received from non-DAC bilateral donors (% of GDP) DT.ODA.NDAC.ZSI - Net ODA received from non-DAC bilateral donors (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.OATL.CD - Net official aid received (current US$) DT.ODA.OATL.KD - Net official aid received (constant 2010 US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.CD - Net official development assistance received (current US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.GI.ZS - Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.ODAT.GN.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GNI) DT.ODA.ODAT.KD - Net official development assistance received (constant 2010 US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.MP.ZS - Net ODA received (% of imports of goods and services) DT.ODA.ODAT.PC.ZS - Net ODA received per capita (current US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.XP.ZS - Net ODA received (% of central government expense) DT.SRV.POST.ZS - Debt service to export ratio, ex-post (%) DT.TDA.DECT.CD - Adjustments to scheduled debt service (current US$) DT.TDS.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DECT.00.03.MO.CD - 026_T2_Total Debt Service, 0 to 3 Months DT.TDS.DECT.03.YR.CD - 080_T2_Total Debt Service, 3rd yr DT.TDS.DECT.04.06.MO.CD - 035_T2_Total Debt Service, 4 to 6 Months DT.TDS.DECT.04.YR.CD - 089_T2_Total Debt Service, 4th yr DT.TDS.DECT.05.10.YR.CD - 107_T2_Total Debt Service, 5 to 10 yr DT.TDS.DECT.05.YR.CD - 098_T2_Total Debt Service, 5th yr DT.TDS.DECT.07.09.MO.CD - 044_T2_Total Debt Service, 7 to 9 Months DT.TDS.DECT.10.12.MO.CD - 053_T2_Total Debt Service, 10 to 12 Months DT.TDS.DECT.10.15.YR.CD - 116_T2_Total Debt Service, 10 to 15 yr DT.TDS.DECT.13.18.MO.CD - 062_T2_Total Debt Service, 13 to 18 Months DT.TDS.DECT.15.UP.YR.CD - 125_T2_Total Debt Service, 15 plus DT.TDS.DECT.19.24.MO.CD - 071_T2_Total Debt Service, 19 to 24 Months DT.TDS.DECT.CD - Debt service on external debt, total (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.03 - 103_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (0-3 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.1012 - 157_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (10-12 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.1318 - 175_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (13-18 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.1924 - 193_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (19-24 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.24P - 211_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (2 years or more) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.46 - 121_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (4-6 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.79 - 139_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (7-9 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB - 076_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (Immediate quarter) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.03 - 094_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (0-3 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.1012 - 148_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (10-12 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.1318 - 166_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (13-18 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.1924 - 184_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (19-24 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.24P - 202_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (2 years or more) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.46 - 112_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (4-6 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.79 - 130_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (7-9 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG - 070_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (Immediate quarter) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.03 - 088_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (0-3 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.1012 - 142_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (10-12 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.1318 - 160_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (13-18 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.1924 - 178_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (19-24 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.24P - 196_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (2 years or more) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.46 - 106_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (4-6 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.79 - 124_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (7-9 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL - 082_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (Immediate quarter) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.03 - 100_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (0-3 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.1012 - 154_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (10-12 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.1318 - 172_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (13-18 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.1924 - 190_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (19-24 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.24P - 208_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (2 years or more) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.46 - 118_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (4-6 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.79 - 136_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (7-9 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA - 073_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (Immediate quarter) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.03 - 091_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (0-3 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.1012 - 145_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (10-12 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.1318 - 163_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (13-18 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.1924 - 181_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (19-24 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.24P - 199_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (2 years or more) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.46 - 109_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (4-6 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.79 - 127_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (7-9 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS - 079_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (Immediate quarter) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.03 - 097_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (0-3 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.1012 - 151_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (10-12 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.1318 - 169_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (13-18 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.1924 - 187_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (19-24 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.24P - 205_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (2 years or more) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.46 - 115_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (4-6 months) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.79 - 133_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (7-9 months) DT.TDS.DECT.EX.ZS - Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and income) DT.TDS.DECT.GD.ZS - Total debt service (% of GDP) DT.TDS.DECT.GN.ZS - Total debt service (% of GNI) DT.TDS.DECT.IQ.CD - 017_T2_Total Debt Service, Immediate qtr DT.TDS.DIMF.CD - IMF repurchases and charges (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DLXF.CD - Debt service on external debt, long-term (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DPNG.CD - Debt service on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DPPF.XP.ZS - Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports, excluding workers' remittances) DT.TDS.DPPG.CD - Debt service on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DPPG.GN.ZS - Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of GNI) DT.TDS.DPPG.XP.ZS - Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of exports, excluding workers' remittances) DT.TDS.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.CD - Multilateral debt service (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.PG.ZS - Multilateral debt service (% of public and publicly guaranteed debt service) DT.TDS.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PGNG.CD - Debt service, PPG and PNG private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRVS.00.03.MO.CD - 023_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 0 to 3 Months 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.03.YR.CD - 077_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 3rd yr 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.04.06.MO.CD - 032_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 4 to 6 Months 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.04.YR.CD - 086_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 4th yr 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.05.10.YR.CD - 104_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 5 to 10 yr 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.05.YR.CD - 095_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 5th yr 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.07.09.MO.CD - 041_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 7 to 9 Months 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.10.12.MO.CD - 050_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 10 to 12 Months 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.10.15.YR.CD - 113_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 10 to 15 yr 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.13.18.MO.CD - 059_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 13 to 18 Months 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.15.UP.YR.CD - 122_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 15 plus 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.19.24.MO.CD - 068_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 19 to 24 Months 5/ DT.TDS.PRVS.IQ.CD - 014_T2_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt, Immediate qtr 5/ DT.TDS.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PUBS.00.03.MO.CD - 020_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 0 to 3 Months 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.03.YR.CD - 074_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 3rd yr 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.04.06.MO.CD - 029_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 4 to 6 Months 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.04.YR.CD - 083_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 4th yr 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.05.10.YR.CD - 101_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 5 to 10 yr 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.05.YR.CD - 092_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 5th yr 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.07.09.MO.CD - 038_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 7 to 9 Months 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.10.12.MO.CD - 047_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 10 to 12 Months 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.10.15.YR.CD - 110_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 10 to 15 yr 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.13.18.MO.CD - 056_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 13 to 18 Months 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.15.UP.YR.CD - 119_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 15 plus 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.19.24.MO.CD - 065_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 19 to 24 Months 4/ DT.TDS.PUBS.IQ.CD - 011_T2_Public Sector External Debt, Immediate qtr 4/ DT.TRA.DECT.CD - Debt service, reduction in arrears/prepayments (current US$) DT.TXA.DEAF.CD.IL - 373_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises DT.TXA.DECT.CD - 381_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears DT.TXA.DECT.CD.CB - 352_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks DT.TXA.DECT.CD.GG - 344_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, General Government (GG) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.IL - 372_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Direct Inv.: Intercompany Lending (DIICL) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.MA - 348_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Monetary Authorities (MA) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT - 356_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.HH - 368_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), HH and nonprofit inst. serving HH (NPISH) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.NB - 360_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Nonbank financial corporations (NBFC) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.NF - 364_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Nonfinancial corporations (NFC) DT.TXA.DELD.CD.IL - 377_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors DT.TXR.DPPG.CD - Total amount of debt rescheduled (current US$) DT.UND.DPPG.CD - Undisbursed external debt, total (UND, current US$) DT.UND.OFFT.CD - Undisbursed external debt, official creditors (UND, current US$) DT.UND.PRVT.CD - Undisbursed external debt, private creditors (UND, current US$) DXGSRMRCHNSCD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions DXGSRMRCHNSKD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions DXGSRMRCHNSXD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$ DXGSRMRCHSACD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj. DXGSRMRCHSAKD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj. DXGSRMRCHSAXD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj. E1i - 81.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: Mean E1ii - 82.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: Median E1iii - 83.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: StDev E2i - 84.Destination Entry Rate of Survivors: Mean E2ii - 85.Destination Entry Rate of Survivors: Median E2iii - 86.Destination Entry Rate of Survivors: StDev E3i - 87.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: Mean E3ii - 88.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: Median E3iii - 89.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: StDev E4i - 90.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors: Mean E4ii - 91.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors: Median E4iii - 92.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors: StDev E5i - 93.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: Mean E5ii - 94.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: Median E5iii - 95.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: StDev E6i - 96.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Mean E6ii - 97.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Median E6iii - 98.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: StDev EA.PRD.AGRI.KD - Agriculture value added per worker (constant 2000 US$) EE.BOD.CGLS.ZS - Water pollution, clay and glass industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.CHEM.ZS - Water pollution, chemical industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.FOOD.ZS - Water pollution, food industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.MTAL.ZS - Water pollution, metal industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.OTHR.ZS - Water pollution, other industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.PAPR.ZS - Water pollution, paper and pulp industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.TOTL.KG - Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day) EE.BOD.TXTL.ZS - Water pollution, textile industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.WOOD.ZS - Water pollution, wood industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.WRKR.KG - Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day per worker) EG.EGY.PROD.KT.OE - Energy production (kt of oil equivalent) EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS - Access to electricity (% of population) EG.ELC.COAL.KH - Electricity production from coal sources (kWh) EG.ELC.COAL.ZS - Electricity production from coal sources (% of total) EG.ELC.FOSL.ZS - Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total) EG.ELC.HOUS.ZS - Household electrification rate (% of households) EG.ELC.HYRO.KH - Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (kWh) EG.ELC.HYRO.ZS - Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total) EG.ELC.LOSS.KH - Electric power transmission and distribution losses (kWh) EG.ELC.LOSS.ZS - Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output) EG.ELC.NGAS.KH - Electricity production from natural gas sources (kWh) EG.ELC.NGAS.ZS - Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total) EG.ELC.NUCL.KH - Electricity production from nuclear sources (kWh) EG.ELC.NUCL.ZS - Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total) EG.ELC.PETR.KH - Electricity production from oil sources (kWh) EG.ELC.PETR.ZS - Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) EG.ELC.PROD.KH - Electricity production (kWh) EG.ELC.RNEW.KH - Electricity production from renewable sources (kWh) EG.ELC.RNWX.KH - Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh) EG.ELC.RNWX.ZS - Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total) EG.GDP.PUSE.KO.PP - GDP per unit of energy use (PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent) EG.GDP.PUSE.KO.PP.KD - GDP per unit of energy use (constant 2005 PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent) EG.IMP.CONS.ZS - Energy imports, net (% of energy use) EG.IMP.TOTL.KT.OE - Energy imports (kt of oil equivalent) EG.USE.COMM.CL.ZS - Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use) EG.USE.COMM.FO.ZS - Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total) EG.USE.COMM.GD.PP.KD - Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2005 PPP) EG.USE.COMM.KT.OE - Energy use (kt of oil equivalent) EG.USE.CRNW.KT.OE - Combustible renewables and waste (metric tons of oil equivalent) EG.USE.CRNW.ZS - Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) EG.USE.ELEC.KH - Electric power consumption (kWh) EG.USE.ELEC.KH.PC - Electric power consumption (kWh per capita) EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE - Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) EMBI - J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI+) EN.AGR.EMPL - Economically active population in agriculture (number) EN.AGR.EMPL.FE - Economically active population in agriculture, female (FAO, number) EN.AGR.EMPL.IN - Agricultural population (FAO, number) EN.AGR.EMPL.MA - Economically active population in agriculture, male (FAO, number) EN.ANM.THRD.NO - Animal species, threatened EN.ATM.CO2E.CP.KT - CO2 emissions from cement production (thousand metric tons) EN.ATM.CO2E.EG.ZS - CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use) EN.ATM.CO2E.FF.KT - CO2 emissions from fossil-fuels, total (thousand metric tons) EN.ATM.CO2E.FF.ZS - CO2 emissions from fossil-fuels (% of total) EN.ATM.CO2E.GF.KT - CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.GF.ZS - CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (% of total) EN.ATM.CO2E.GL.KT - CO2 emissions from gas flaring (thousand metric tons) EN.ATM.CO2E.KD.GD - CO2 emissions (kg per 2000 US$ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.KT - CO2 emissions (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.LF.KT - CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.LF.ZS - CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (% of total) EN.ATM.CO2E.PC - CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD - CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD.KD - CO2 emissions (kg per 2005 PPP $ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.SF.KT - CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.SF.ZS - CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total) EN.ATM.GHGO.KT.CE - Other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.HFCG.KT.CE - HFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.AG.KT.CE - Agricultural methane emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.AG.ZS - Agricultural methane emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.METH.EG.KT.CE - Methane emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.EG.ZS - Energy related methane emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.METH.IN.ZS - Industrial methane emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.METH.KT.CE - Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.KT.CE - Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.ZS - Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.NOXE.EG.KT.CE - Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.EI.ZS - Nitrous oxide emissions in industrial and energy processes (% of total nitrous oxide emissions) EN.ATM.NOXE.IN.KT.CE - Industrial nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.IN.ZS - Industrial nitrous oxide emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.NOXE.KT.CE - Nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.PFCG.KT.CE - PFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.PM10.MC.M3 - PM10, country level (micrograms per cubic meter) EN.ATM.SF6G.KT.CE - SF6 gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.BIR.THRD.NO - Bird species, threatened EN.CLC.DRSK.XQ - Disaster risk reduction progress score (1-5 scale; 5=best) EN.CLC.GHGR.MT.CE - GHG net emissions/removals by LUCF (Mt of CO2 equivalent) EN.CLC.MDAT.ZS - Droughts, floods, extreme temperatures (% of population, average 1990-2009) EN.CO2.BLDG.MT - CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons) EN.CO2.BLDG.ZS - CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.ETOT.MT - CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (million metric tons) EN.CO2.ETOT.ZS - CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.MANF.MT - CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (million metric tons) EN.CO2.MANF.ZS - CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.OTHX.MT - CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons) EN.CO2.OTHX.ZS - CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.TRAN.MT - CO2 emissions from transport (million metric tons) EN.CO2.TRAN.ZS - CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion) EN.FSH.THRD.NO - Fish species, threatened EN.HPT.THRD.NO - Plant species (higher), threatened EN.MAM.THRD.NO - Mammal species, threatened EN.NAGR.EMPL.IN - Non-agricultural population (FAO, number) EN.POP.DNST - Population density (people per sq. km of land area) EN.POP.EL5M.ZS - Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population) EN.POP.SLUM.UR.ZS - Population living in slums, (% of urban population) EN.RUR.DNST - Rural population density (rural population per sq. km of arable land) EN.URB.LCTY - Population in largest city EN.URB.LCTY.UR.ZS - Population in the largest city (% of urban population) EN.URB.MCTY - Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million EN.URB.MCTY.TL.ZS - Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population) EP.PMP.DESL.CD - Pump price for diesel fuel (US$ per liter) EP.PMP.SGAS.CD - Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) eq_pay_eq_wk - Do legal provisions mandate equal pay for equal work (1=Yes, 0=No)? ER.BDV.TOTL.XQ - GEF benefits index for biodiversity (0 = no biodiversity potential to 100 = maximum) ER.FST.DFST.ZG - Annual deforestation (% of change) ER.GDP.FWTL.M3.KD - Water productivity, total (constant 2000 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWAG.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWDM.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, domestic (% of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWIN.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, industry (% of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWTL.K3 - Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters) ER.H2O.FWTL.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources) ER.H2O.INTR.K3 - Renewable internal freshwater resources, total (billion cubic meters) ER.H2O.INTR.PC - Renewable internal freshwater resources per capita (cubic meters) ER.LND.PTLD.K2 - Terrestrial protected areas (sq. km) ER.LND.PTLD.ZS - Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area) ER.MRN.PTMR.K2 - Marine protected areas (sq. km) ER.MRN.PTMR.ZS - Marine protected areas (% of territorial waters) ER.PTD.TOTL.ZS - Terrestrial and marine protected areas (% of total territorial area) FB.AST.LOAN.CB.P3 - Loan accounts, commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.AST.LOAN.MF.P3 - Loan accounts, microfinance institutions (per 1,000 adults) FB.AST.NPER.ZS - Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%) FB.ATM.TOTL.K2 - Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 1,000 sq km) FB.ATM.TOTL.P5 - Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 100,000 adults) FB.BNK.CAPA.ZS - Bank capital to assets ratio (%) FB.CBK.BRCH.K2 - Commercial bank branches (per 1000 sq km) FB.CBK.BRCH.P5 - Commercial bank branches (per 100,000 adults) FB.CBK.BRWR.P3 - Borrowers from commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.CBK.DPST.P3 - Number of deposit accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults FB.CBK.DPTR.P3 - Depositors with commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.CBK.LOAN.P3 - Loan accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults FB.POS.TOTL.P5 - Point-of-sale terminals (per 100,000 adults) FB.SME.BRWR.ZS - SME borrowers with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation borrowers with commercial banks) FB.SME.DPST.ZS - SME deposit accounts with commercial banks (% of deposit accounts by non-financial corporations with commercial banks) FB.SME.DPTR.ZS - SME depositors with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation depositors with commercial banks): FB.SME.LOAN.ZS - SME loan accounts with commercial banks (% of loan accounts by non-financial corporations with commercial banks) FD.RES.LIQU.AS.ZS - Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%) FI.RES.GOLD.CD.WB - Gold, valued at year-end London prices (current US$) FI.RES.TOTL.CD - Total reserves (includes gold, current US$) FI.RES.TOTL.CD.WB - Total reserves including gold valued at London gold price (current US$) FI.RES.TOTL.CD.ZS - Total reserves includes gold (% of GDP) FI.RES.TOTL.DT.ZS - Total reserves (% of total external debt) FI.RES.TOTL.MO - Total reserves in months of imports FI.RES.TOTL.MO.WB - Total reserves in months of imports of goods and services FI.RES.XGLD.CD - Total reserves minus gold (current US$) FIN14_FM - Percent of SMEs who have a female senior manager with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees) FIN14_FO - Percent of female-owned SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees) FIN14_LARGE - Percent of large enterprises with an outstanding loan or line of credit (100+ employees) FIN14_MEDIUM - Percent of medium enterprises with an outstanding loan or line of credit (20-99 employees) FIN14_MM - Percent of SMEs who have a male senior manager with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees) FIN14_MO - Percent of male-owned SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees) FIN14_SMALL - Percent of small enterprises with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-19 employees) FIN14_SME - Percent of SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees) FIN15_FM - Percent of SMEs who have a female senior manager with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees) FIN15_FO - Percent of female-owned SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees) FIN15_LARGE - Percent of large enterprises with an account at a formal financial institution (100+ employees) FIN15_MEDIUM - Percent of medium enterprises with an account at a formal financial institution (20-99 employees) FIN15_MM - Percent of SMEs who have a male senior manager with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees) FIN15_MO - Percent of male-owned SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees) FIN15_SMALL - Percent of small enterprises with an account at a formal financial institution (5-19 employees) FIN15_SME - Percent of SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees) FISH_MEAL - Fishmeal, $/mt, current$ FM.ASC.DOMO.CN - Claims on private sector, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.DOMS.CN - Net domestic credit, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.GOVT.CN - Net domestic credit to government, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.NCGV.CN - Claims on central government, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.NFGD.CN - Total assets, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.NFRG.CN - Net foreign assets, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.OFFO.CN - Claims on other official entities, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.OFIN.CN - Claims on nonmonetary financial institutions, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.TOTP.CN - Claims on private sector and other financial institutions, flow (current LCU) FM.AST.CGOV.ZG.M3 - Claims on central government (annual growth as % of broad money) FM.AST.DOMO.CN - Net domestic credit to private sector, stock (current LCU) FM.AST.DOMO.ZG.M3 - Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (annual growth as % of broad money) FM.AST.DOMS.CN - Net domestic credit (current LCU) FM.AST.GOVT.CN - Claims on governments and other public entities (current LCU) FM.AST.GOVT.CN.ZS - Claims on governments and other public entities (% of GDP) FM.AST.GOVT.ZG.M2 - Claims on governments, etc. (annual growth as % of M2) FM.AST.NCGV.CN - Claims on central government (current LCU) FM.AST.NFGD.CN - Total assets (current LCU) FM.AST.NFRG.CD - Net foreign assets (current US$) FM.AST.NFRG.CN - Net foreign assets (current LCU) FM.AST.OFFO.CN - Net domestic credit to other official entities, stock (current LCU) FM.AST.OFIN.CN - Net domestic credit to other private financial institutions, stock (current LCU) FM.AST.PRVT.ZG.M2 - Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of M2) FM.AST.PRVT.ZG.M3 - Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of broad money) FM.AST.TOTP.CN - Net domestic credit to rest of economy, stock (current LCU) FM.LBC.MQMY.CN - Money and quasi money (M2), flow (current LCU) FM.LBC.XMQM.CN - Other liabilities excluding M2, flow (current LCU) FM.LBL.BMNY.CN - Broad money (current LCU) FM.LBL.BMNY.GD.ZS - Broad money (% of GDP) FM.LBL.BMNY.IR.ZS - Broad money to total reserves ratio FM.LBL.BMNY.ZG - Broad money growth (annual %) FM.LBL.MONY.CN - Money (current LCU) FM.LBL.MQMY.CN - Money and quasi money (M2) (current LCU) FM.LBL.MQMY.GD.ZS - Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP FM.LBL.MQMY.IR.ZS - Money and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio FM.LBL.MQMY.ZG - Money and quasi money growth (annual %) FM.LBL.QMNY.CN - Quasi money (current LCU) FM.LBL.XMQM.CN - Other liabilities excluding M2 (current LCU) FN.INR.CBIR - Central bank intervention rate (%) fourfiveprog.numprog4pop - % of population receiving 4 or more program fourfiveprog.numprog4q1 - % of 1st 20% population receiving 4 or more programs FP.CPI.TOTL - Consumer price index (2005 = 100) FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG - Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) FP.WPI.TOTL - Wholesale price index (2005 = 100) FR.INR.DPST - Deposit interest rate (%) FR.INR.DPST.DP - Real deposit interest rate (%) FR.INR.GBND - Bond interest rate (%) FR.INR.IMPL - International interest rate, implicit (%) FR.INR.LEND - Lending interest rate (%) FR.INR.LNDP - Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %) FR.INR.MMKT - Money market rate (%) FR.INR.RINR - Real interest rate (%) FR.INR.RISK - Risk premium on lending (prime rate minus treasury bill rate, %) FR.INR.TDPT - Time deposits interest rate (%) FR.INR.TDPT.RL - Real interest on time deposit (%) FS.AST.CGOV.GD.ZS - Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP) FS.AST.DOMO.GD.ZS - Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (% of GDP) FS.AST.DOMS.GD.ZS - Domestic credit provided by banking sector (% of GDP) FS.AST.PRVT.CN - Banking survey: claims on private sector (current LCU) FS.AST.PRVT.GD.ZS - Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) FS.LBL.LIQU.GD.ZS - Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP FS.LBL.QLIQ.GD.ZS - Quasi-liquid liabilities (% of GDP) FS.XPC.DDPT.CN - Demand deposits (current LCU) FS.XPC.TDPT.CN - Time deposits (current LCU) GB.AMA.ABRD.CN - Adjustments to foreign scheduled principal repayments (current LCU) GB.BAL.CIGR.CN - Current budget balance, including grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.OVRL.CN - Overall budget balance, including grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.OVRX.CN - Overall surplus/deficit, excluding current grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.OVXG.CN - Overall surplus/deficit, excluding all grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.XINT.CN - Primary balance, excluding interest (current LCU) GB.DOD.DMSY.CN - Central government debt, monetary system credit (current LCU) GB.DOD.DNMS.CN - Central government debt, other domestic (current LCU) GB.DOD.FRGN.CD - External debt, end year (current US$) GB.DOD.FRGN.CN - External debt, end year (current LCU) GB.DOD.TOTL.CN - Total government debt (current LCU) GB.DTA.DOMS.CN - Central government arrears on domestic debt (current LCU) GB.DTA.FRGN.CN - Central government arrears on external debt (current LCU) GB.FIN.ABRD.CN - External borrowing, net (current LCU) GB.FIN.DMSY.CN - Domestic financing, monetary system credit (current LCU) GB.FIN.DNMS.CN - Other domestic borrowing (current LCU) GB.FIN.IKFR.CN - Financing, including external capital grants (current LCU) GB.GRT.CTOT.CN - Total current grants (current LCU) GB.GRT.KFRN.CN - External capital grants (current LCU) GB.NTX.CIGR.CN - Nontax receipts (current LCU) GB.REV.IGRT.CN - Total revenue including current grants (current LCU) GB.REV.XAGT.CN - Central government revenue excluding all grants (current LCU) GB.REV.XAGT.CN.ZS - Central government revenues, excluding all grants (% of GDP) GB.RVC.IGRT.CN - Total currrent revenues including current grants (current LCU) GB.RVC.TOTL.CN - Current revenue, excluding grants (current LCU) GB.RVK.TOTL.CN - Capital revenue (current LCU) GB.TAX.CMAR.ZS - Highest marginal tax rate, corporate rate (%) GB.TAX.DRCT.CN - Direct taxes (current LCU) GB.TAX.GSRV.CN - Taxes on goods and services, GB (current LCU) GB.TAX.IDRT.CN - Indirect taxes less subsidies (current LCU) GB.TAX.INTT.CN - Taxes on international trade, GB (current LCU) GB.TDS.ABRD.CN - Adjustments to foreign scheduled debt service (current LCU) GB.TDS.FRGN.CN - Central government debt service, external (current LCU) GB.XPC.GSRV.CN - Government consumption (current LCU) GB.XPC.INTD.CN - Interest on domestic debt (current LCU) GB.XPC.INTE.CN - Interest on external debt (current LCU) GB.XPC.SUBS.CN - Subsidies (GFS, current LCU) GB.XPC.TOTL.CN - Current expenditure, total (current LCU) GB.XPC.TRFO.CN - Other current transfers (current LCU) GB.XPC.WAGE.CN - Wages and salaries (current LCU) GB.XPD.DEFN.CN - Defense expenditure (current LCU) GB.XPD.INLD.CN - Total expenditure and net lending (current LCU) GB.XPD.RSDV.GD.ZS - Research and development expenditure (% of GDP) GB.XPK.INLD.CN - Total capital expenditure and net lending (current LCU) GB.XPK.RINV.CN - Budgetary investment (current LCU) GB.XPL.TRNL.CN - Capital transfers (current LCU) GC.BAL.CASH.CD - Fiscal balance, cash surplus/deficit (current US$) GC.BAL.CASH.CN - Cash surplus/deficit (current LCU) GC.BAL.CASH.GD.ZS - Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP) GC.DOD.TOTL.CN - Central government debt, total (current LCU) GC.DOD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Central government debt, total (% of GDP) GC.FIN.DOMS.CN - Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (current LCU) GC.FIN.DOMS.GD.ZS - Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (% of GDP) GC.FIN.FRGN.CN - Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (current LCU) GC.FIN.FRGN.GD.ZS - Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (% of GDP) GC.REV.GOTR.CN - Grants and other revenue (current LCU) GC.REV.GOTR.ZS - Grants and other revenue (% of revenue) GC.REV.SOCL.CN - Social contributions (current LCU) GC.REV.SOCL.ZS - Social contributions (% of revenue) GC.REV.TOTL.CD - Total revenue (current US$) GC.REV.TOTL.CN - Total revenue (current LCU) GC.REV.XGRT.CD - Revenue, excluding grants (current US$) GC.REV.XGRT.CN - Revenue, excluding grants (current LCU) GC.REV.XGRT.GD.ZS - Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) GC.TAX.EXPT.CN - Taxes on exports (current LCU) GC.TAX.EXPT.ZS - Taxes on exports (% of tax revenue) GC.TAX.GSRV.CN - Taxes on goods and services (current LCU) GC.TAX.GSRV.RV.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue) GC.TAX.GSRV.VA.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services) GC.TAX.IMPT.CN - Customs and other import duties (current LCU) GC.TAX.IMPT.ZS - Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue) GC.TAX.INTT.CN - Taxes on international trade (current LCU) GC.TAX.INTT.RV.ZS - Taxes on international trade (% of revenue) GC.TAX.OTHR.CN - Other taxes (current LCU) GC.TAX.OTHR.RV.ZS - Other taxes (% of revenue) GC.TAX.TOTL.CN - Tax revenue (current LCU) GC.TAX.TOTL.GD.ZS - Tax revenue (% of GDP) GC.TAX.YPKG.CN - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (current LCU) GC.TAX.YPKG.RV.ZS - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenue) GC.TAX.YPKG.ZS - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes) GC.XPN.COMP.CN - Compensation of employees (current LCU) GC.XPN.COMP.ZS - Compensation of employees (% of expense) GC.XPN.GSRV.CN - Goods and services expense (current LCU) GC.XPN.GSRV.ZS - Goods and services expense (% of expense) GC.XPN.INTP.CN - Interest payments (current LCU) GC.XPN.INTP.RV.ZS - Interest payments (% of revenue) GC.XPN.INTP.ZS - Interest payments (% of expense) GC.XPN.OTHR.CN - Other expense (current LCU) GC.XPN.OTHR.ZS - Other expense (% of expense) GC.XPN.TOTL.CD - Expense (current US$) GC.XPN.TOTL.CN - Expense (current LCU) GC.XPN.TOTL.GD.ZS - Expense (% of GDP) GC.XPN.TRFT.CN - Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU) GC.XPN.TRFT.ZS - Subsidies and other transfers (% of expense) GCI.10THPILLAR.XQ - 10th pillar: Market size GCI.11THPILLAR.XQ - 11th pillar: Business sophistication GCI.12THPILLAR.XQ - 12th pillar: Innovation GCI.1STPILLAR.XQ - 1st pillar: Institutions GCI.2NDPILLAR.XQ - 2nd pillar: Infrastructure GCI.3RDPILLAR.XQ - 3rd pillar: Macroeconomic stability GCI.4THPILLAR.XQ - 4th pllar: Health and primary education GCI.5THPILLAR.XQ - 5th pillar: Higher education and training GCI.6THPILLAR.XQ - 6th pillar: Goods market efficiency GCI.7THPILLAR.XQ - 7th pillar: Labor market efficiency GCI.8THPILLAR.XQ - 8th pillar: Financial market sophistication GCI.9THPILLAR.XQ - 9th pillar: Techonological readiness GCI.INDEX.XQ - Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) GCI.PILLAR11TO12.XQ - Innovation and sophistication factors (weighted index 11th pillar to 12 th pillar) GCI.PILLAR1TO4.XQ - Basic requirements (weighted index 1st pillar to 4th pillar) GCI.PILLAR5TO10.XQ - Efficiency enhancers (weighted index 5th to 10th pillar) GCI.RANK.XQ - Global Competitive Index (GCI) rank GDPPCKD - GDP per Capita, constant US$, millions GDPPCKN - Real GDP per Capita (real local currency units, various base years) GE.EST - Government Effectiveness: Estimate GE.NO.SRC - Government Effectiveness: Number of Sources GE.PER.RNK - Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank GE.STD.ERR - Government Effectiveness: Standard Error GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.0004.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 0-4) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.0004.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 0-4) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.0509.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 5-9) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.0509.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 5-9) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.1014.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 10-14) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.1014.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 10-14) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.1519.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 15-19) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.1519.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 15-19) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.2024.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 20-24) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.2024.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 20-24) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.2529.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 25-29) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.2529.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 25-29) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.3034.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 30-34) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.3034.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 30-34) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.3539.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 35-39) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.3539.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 35-39) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.4044.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 40-44) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.4044.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 40-44) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.4549.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 45-49) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.4549.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 45-49) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.5054.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 50-54) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.5054.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 50-54) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.5559.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 55-59) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.5559.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 55-59) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.6064.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 60-64) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.6064.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 60-64) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.6569.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 65-69) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.6569.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 65-69) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.7074.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 70-74) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.7074.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 70-74) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.75UP.FE - Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 75+) GER.PRE.POP.ATTN.75UP.MA - Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 75+) GER.PRI.CMPT.FE - primary completion rate, female GER.PRI.CMPT.MA - primary completion rate, male GER.PRI.CMPT.TOT - primary completion rate, total GER.PRI.GENR.FE.ZS - Gross enrollment rate, primary, female GER.PRI.GENR.MA.ZS - Gross enrollment rate, primary, male GER.PRI.GENR.ZS - Gross enrollment rate, primary, total GER.PRI.GPI.GENR.ZS - GPI for gross enrollment rate, primary GER.PRI.GPI.NENR.ZS - GPI for net enrollment rate, primary GER.PRI.NENR.FE.ZS - Net enrollment rate, primary, female GER.PRI.NENR.MA.ZS - Net enrollment rate, primary, male GER.PRI.NENR.ZS - Net enrollment rate, primary, total GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.0004.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 0-4) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.0004.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 0-4) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.0509.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 5-9) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.0509.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 5-9) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.1014.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 10-14) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.1014.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 10-14) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.1519.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 15-19) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.1519.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 15-19) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.2024.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 20-24) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.2024.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 20-24) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.2529.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 25-29) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.2529.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 25-29) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.3034.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 30-34) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.3034.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 30-34) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.3539.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 35-39) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.3539.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 35-39) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.4044.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 40-44) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.4044.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 40-44) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.4549.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 45-49) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.4549.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 45-49) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.5054.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 50-54) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.5054.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 50-54) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.5559.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 55-59) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.5559.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 55-59) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.6064.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 60-64) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.6064.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 60-64) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.6569.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 65-69) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.6569.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 65-69) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.7074.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 70-74) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.7074.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 70-74) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.75UP.FE - Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 75+) GER.PRI.POP.ATTN.75UP.MA - Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 75+) GER.SEC.GENR.FE.ZS - Gross enrollment rate, secondary, female GER.SEC.GENR.MA.ZS - Gross enrollment rate, secondary, male GER.SEC.GENR.ZS - Gross enrollment rate, secondary, total GER.SEC.GPI.GENR.ZS - GPI for gross enrollment rate,secondary GER.SEC.GPI.NENR.ZS - GPI for net enrollment rate, secondary GER.SEC.NENR.FE.ZS - Net enrollment rate, secondary, female GER.SEC.NENR.MA.ZS - Net enrollment rate, secondary, male GER.SEC.NENR.ZS - Net enrollment rate, secondary, total GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.0004.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 0-4) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.0004.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 0-4) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.0509.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 5-9) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.0509.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 5-9) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.1014.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 10-14) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.1014.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 10-14) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.1519.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 15-19) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.1519.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 15-19) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.2024.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 20-24) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.2024.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 20-24) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.2529.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 25-29) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.2529.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 25-29) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.3034.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 30-34) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.3034.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 30-34) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.3539.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 35-39) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.3539.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 35-39) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.4044.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 40-44) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.4044.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 40-44) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.4549.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 45-49) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.4549.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 45-49) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.5054.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 50-54) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.5054.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 50-54) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.5559.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 55-59) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.5559.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 55-59) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.6064.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 60-64) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.6064.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 60-64) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.6569.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 65-69) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.6569.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 65-69) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.7074.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 70-74) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.7074.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 70-74) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.75UP.FE - Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 75+) GER.SEC.POP.ATTN.75UP.MA - Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 75+) GFDD.AI.01 - Bank accounts per 1000 adults (commercial banks-bank survey) GFDD.AI.02 - Bank branches per 100,000 adults (commercial banks) GFDD.AI.03 - Firms with line of credit to total firms (all firms) (%) GFDD.AI.04 - Small firms with line of credit to total small firms (%) GFDD.AI.05 - Adults with an account at a formal fin. inst. to total adults (%) GFDD.AI.06 - Adults saving at a fin. inst. in the past year to total adults (Household survey) (%) GFDD.AI.07 - Adults borrowing from a formal fin. inst. in the past year to total adults (HH survey) (%) GFDD.AM.01 - Value traded of top 10 traded companies to total value traded (%) GFDD.AM.02 - Market cap. outside of top 10 largest companies to total market cap. (%) GFDD.AM.03 - Corporate bonds to total bonds and notes outstanding (%) GFDD.DI.01 - Bank private credit to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.02 - Deposit money bank assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.03 - Non-bank financial institutions assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.04 - Deposit money bank assets to deposit money bank assets and central bank assets (%) GFDD.DI.05 - Liquid liabilities to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.06 - Central bank assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.07 - Mutual fund assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.08 - Financial system deposits to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.09 - Life insurance premium volume to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.10 - Non-Life insurance premium volume to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.11 - Insurance company assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.12 - Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.13 - Pension fund assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.01 - Stock market capitalization to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.02 - Stock market total value traded to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.03 - Outstanding domestic private debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.04 - Outstanding domestic public debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.05 - Outstanding international private debt decurities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.06 - Outstanding international public debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.07 - International debt issues to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.08 - Gross portfolio equity liabilities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.09 - Gross portfolio equity assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.10 - Gross portfolio debt liabilities to GDP (%) GFDD.EI.01 - Net interest margin (%) GFDD.EI.02 - Lending-deposit spread (%) GFDD.EI.03 - Non-interest income to total income (%) GFDD.EI.04 - Overhead costs to total assets (%) GFDD.EI.05 - Return on assets (%) GFDD.EI.06 - Return on equity (%) GFDD.EI.07 - Cost to income ratio (%) GFDD.EI.08 - Credit to government and state-owned enterprises to GDP (%) GFDD.EM.01 - Stock market turnover ratio (value traded/capitalization) (%) GFDD.OE.01 - December Consumper Price Index (2005=100) GFDD.OE.02 - Average Consumer Price Index (2005=100) GFDD.OE.02.ZG - Average consumer price Index (annual % change) GFDD.OI.01 - Bank concentration (%) GFDD.OI.02 - Bank deposits to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.03 - H-statistic GFDD.OI.04 - Lerner index GFDD.OI.05 - Boone indicator GFDD.OI.06 - 5-bank asset concentration (%) GFDD.OI.07 - Liquid liabilities in millions 2000 USD GFDD.OI.08 - Loans from non-resident banks (net) to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.09 - Loans from non-resident banks (amounts outstanding) to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.10 - Offshore bank deposits to domestic bank deposits (%) GFDD.OI.11 - Remittance inflows to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.12 - Consolidated foreign claims of BIS-reporting banks to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.13 - Percentage of foreign banks among total banks (%) GFDD.OI.14 - Percentage of foreign bank assets among total bank assets (%) GFDD.OM.01 - Number of listed companies per 10,000 people GFDD.SI.01 - Bank Z-score GFDD.SI.02 - Bank non-performing loans to gross loans (%) GFDD.SI.03 - Bank capital to total assets (%) GFDD.SI.04 - Bank credit to bank deposits (%) GFDD.SI.05 - Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets (%) GFDD.SI.06 - Liquid assets to deposits and short term funding (%) GFDD.SI.07 - Provisions to non-performing loans (%) GFDD.SM.01 - Volatility of stock price index GGBALOVRLCD - General Govt. Balance, current US$, millions GGBALOVRLCD_ - General Govt. Balance, %GDP GGBALOVRLCN - General Govt. Balance, current LCU, millions GOLD - Gold, $/toz, current$ GRNUT_OIL - Groundnut oil, $/mt, current$ GV.CONT.CO.ES - Control of Corruption (estimate) GV.CONT.CO.NO - Control of Corruption (number of surveys/polls) GV.CONT.CO.SD - Control of Corruption (standard error) GV.GOVT.EF.ES - Government Effectiveness (estimate) GV.GOVT.EF.NO - Government Effectiveness (number of surveys/polls) GV.GOVT.EF.SD - Government Effectiveness (standard error) GV.POLI.ST.ES - Political Stability/No Violence (estimate) GV.POLI.ST.NO - Political Stability/No Violence (number of surveys/polls) GV.POLI.ST.SD - Political Stability/No Violence (standard error) GV.REGL.LA.ES - Regulatory Quality (estimate) GV.REGL.LA.NO - Regulatory Quality (number of surveys/polls) GV.REGL.LA.SD - Regulatory Quality (standard error) GV.RULE.LW.ES - Rule of Law (estimate) GV.RULE.LW.NO - Rule of Law (number off surveys/polls) GV.RULE.LW.SD - Rule of Law (standard error) GV.TI.RANK.IDX - Corruption Perceptions Index (rank) GV.TI.SCOR.IDX - Corruption Perceptions Index (score) GV.VOIC.AC.ES - Voice and Accountability (estimate) GV.VOIC.AC.NO - Voice and Accountability (number of surveys/polls) GV.VOIC.AC.SD - Voice and Accountability (standard error) HH.DHS.GAR.456 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary HH.DHS.GAR.456.F - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Female HH.DHS.GAR.456.M - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Male HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q1 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q2 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q3 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q4 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q5 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.GAR.456.R - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Rural HH.DHS.GAR.456.U - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Urban HH.DHS.NAR.1 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary HH.DHS.NAR.1.F - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Female HH.DHS.NAR.1.M - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Male HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q1 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q2 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q3 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q4 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q5 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.NAR.1.R - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Rural HH.DHS.NAR.1.U - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Urban HH.DHS.NAR.23 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary HH.DHS.NAR.23.F - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Female HH.DHS.NAR.23.M - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Male HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q1 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q2 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q3 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q4 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q5 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.NAR.23.R - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Rural HH.DHS.NAR.23.U - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Urban HH.DHS.NIR.1 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education HH.DHS.NIR.1.F - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Female HH.DHS.NIR.1.M - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Male HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q1 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q2 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q3 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q4 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q5 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.NIR.1.R - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Rural HH.DHS.NIR.1.U - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Urban HH.DHS.OOS.1 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary HH.DHS.OOS.1.F - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Female HH.DHS.OOS.1.M - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Male HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q1 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q2 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q3 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q4 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q5 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOS.1.R - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Rural HH.DHS.OOS.1.U - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Urban HH.DHS.OOST.DO - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out HH.DHS.OOST.DO.F - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Female HH.DHS.OOST.DO.M - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Male HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q1 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q2 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q3 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q4 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q5 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.R - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Rural HH.DHS.OOST.DO.U - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Urban HH.DHS.OOST.L - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry HH.DHS.OOST.L.F - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Female HH.DHS.OOST.L.M - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Male HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q1 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q2 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q3 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q4 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q5 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOST.L.R - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Rural HH.DHS.OOST.L.U - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Urban HH.DHS.OOST.X - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school HH.DHS.OOST.X.F - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Female HH.DHS.OOST.X.M - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Male HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q1 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q2 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q3 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q4 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q5 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOST.X.R - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Rural HH.DHS.OOST.X.U - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Urban HH.DHS.PCR - DHS: Primary completion rate HH.DHS.PCR.F - DHS: Primary completion rate. Female HH.DHS.PCR.M - DHS: Primary completion rate. Male HH.DHS.PCR.Q1 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.PCR.Q2 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.PCR.Q3 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.PCR.Q4 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.PCR.Q5 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.PCR.R - DHS: Primary completion rate. Rural HH.DHS.PCR.U - DHS: Primary completion rate. Urban HH.DHS.SCR - DHS: Secondary completion rate HH.DHS.SCR.F - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Female HH.DHS.SCR.M - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Male HH.DHS.SCR.Q1 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.SCR.Q2 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.SCR.Q3 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.SCR.Q4 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.SCR.Q5 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.SCR.R - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Rural HH.DHS.SCR.U - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Urban HH.DHS.TR.12 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary HH.DHS.TR.12.F - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Female HH.DHS.TR.12.M - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Male HH.DHS.TR.12.Q1 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q2 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q3 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q4 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q5 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.TR.12.R - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Rural HH.DHS.TR.12.U - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Urban HH.DHS.YRS.1519 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.F - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Female HH.DHS.YRS.1519.M - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Male HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q1 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q2 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q3 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q4 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q5 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.R - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Rural HH.DHS.YRS.1519.U - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Urban HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+ HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.F - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Female HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.M - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Male HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q1 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q2 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q3 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q4 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q5 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.R - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Rural HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.U - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Urban HH.MICS.GAR.456 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary HH.MICS.GAR.456.F - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Female HH.MICS.GAR.456.M - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Male HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q1 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q2 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q3 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q4 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q5 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.GAR.456.R - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Rural HH.MICS.GAR.456.U - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Urban HH.MICS.NAR.1 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary HH.MICS.NAR.1.F - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Female HH.MICS.NAR.1.M - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Male HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q1 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q2 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q3 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q4 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q5 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.NAR.1.R - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Rural HH.MICS.NAR.1.U - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Urban HH.MICS.NAR.23 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary HH.MICS.NAR.23.F - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Female HH.MICS.NAR.23.M - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Male HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q1 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q2 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q3 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q4 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q5 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.NAR.23.R - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Rural HH.MICS.NAR.23.U - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Urban HH.MICS.NIR.1 - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education HH.MICS.NIR.1.F - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Female HH.MICS.NIR.1.M - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Male HH.MICS.NIR.1.Q1 - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.NIR.1.Q2 - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.NIR.1.Q3 - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.NIR.1.Q4 - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.NIR.1.Q5 - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.NIR.1.R - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Rural HH.MICS.NIR.1.U - MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Urban HH.MICS.OOS.1 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary HH.MICS.OOS.1.F - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Female HH.MICS.OOS.1.M - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Male HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q1 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q2 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q3 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q4 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q5 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOS.1.R - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Rural HH.MICS.OOS.1.U - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Urban HH.MICS.OOST.DO - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out HH.MICS.OOST.DO.F - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Female HH.MICS.OOST.DO.M - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Male HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q1 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q2 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q3 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q4 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q5 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.R - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Rural HH.MICS.OOST.DO.U - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Urban HH.MICS.OOST.L - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry HH.MICS.OOST.L.F - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Female HH.MICS.OOST.L.M - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Male HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q1 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q2 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q3 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q4 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q5 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOST.L.R - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Rural HH.MICS.OOST.L.U - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Urban HH.MICS.OOST.X - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school HH.MICS.OOST.X.F - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Female HH.MICS.OOST.X.M - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Male HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q1 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q2 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q3 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q4 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q5 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOST.X.R - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Rural HH.MICS.OOST.X.U - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Urban HH.MICS.PCR - MICS: Primary completion rate HH.MICS.PCR.F - MICS: Primary completion rate. Female HH.MICS.PCR.M - MICS: Primary completion rate. Male HH.MICS.PCR.Q1 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.PCR.Q2 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.PCR.Q3 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.PCR.Q4 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.PCR.Q5 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.PCR.R - MICS: Primary completion rate. Rural HH.MICS.PCR.U - MICS: Primary completion rate. Urban HH.MICS.SCR - MICS: Secondary completion rate HH.MICS.SCR.F - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Female HH.MICS.SCR.M - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Male HH.MICS.SCR.Q1 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.SCR.Q2 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.SCR.Q3 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.SCR.Q4 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.SCR.Q5 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.SCR.R - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Rural HH.MICS.SCR.U - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Urban HH.MICS.TR.12 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary HH.MICS.TR.12.F - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Female HH.MICS.TR.12.M - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Male HH.MICS.TR.12.Q1 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q2 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q3 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q4 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q5 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.TR.12.R - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Rural HH.MICS.TR.12.U - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Urban HH.MICS.YRS.1519 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.F - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Female HH.MICS.YRS.1519.M - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Male HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q1 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q2 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q3 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q4 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q5 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.R - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Rural HH.MICS.YRS.1519.U - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Urban HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+ HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.F - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Female HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.M - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Male HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q1 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q2 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q3 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q4 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q5 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.R - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Rural HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.U - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Urban IAGRICULTURE - Agriculture, 2000=100, current$ IBEVERAGES - Agr: Beverages, 2000=100, current$ IBP.OBI.XQ - Open Budget Index Overall Country Score IC.BUS.DIR.XQ - Protecting investors, director liability index IC.BUS.DISC.XQ - Business extent of disclosure index (0=less disclosure to 10=more disclosure) IC.BUS.EASE.XQ - Ease of doing business index (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.BUS.INVS.XQ - Protecting investors, investor protection index IC.BUS.NDNS.ZS - New business density (new registrations per 1,000 people ages 15-64) IC.BUS.NREG - New businesses registered (number) IC.BUS.SHR.XQ - Protecting investors, shareholder suits index IC.BUS.XQ - Protecting investors (rank) IC.CLS.COST.EST.ZS - Closing a business, cost (% of estate) IC.CLS.DURS - Closing a business, time (years) IC.CLS.REC.CD - Closing a business, recovery rate (cents on the dollar) IC.CLS.XQ - Closing a business (rank) IC.CNS.CORR.ZS - Corruption (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.CRIM.ZS - Crime (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.ELEC.ZS - Electricity (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.FINA.ZS - Finance (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.GEN.ZS - Firms that share or own their own generator (% of firms) IC.CNS.IMP.DURS - Days to Obtain Import License IC.CNS.INFM.ZS - Practices Informal Sector (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LAND.ZS - Access to Land (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LBRG.ZS - Labor regulations (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LBSK.ZS - Labor skills (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LEGL.ZS - Courts (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LIC.DURS - Days to Obtain Operating License IC.CNS.LIC.ZS - Licenses & Permits (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LOSS.ZS - Losses Due to Theft, Robbery, Vandalism, and Arson Against the Firm (% of Sales) IC.CNS.PER.DURS - Days to Obtain Construction-related Permit IC.CNS.POLC.ZS - Policy uncertainty (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TAXAD.ZS - Tax administration (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TAXR.ZS - Tax rates (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TRAD.ZS - Customs & trade regulations (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TRSP.ZS - Transportation (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CON.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get a Construction Permit (% of firms) IC.CRD.INFO.XQ - Credit depth of information index (0=low to 6=high) IC.CRD.LGL.XQ - Getting credit, legal rights index IC.CRD.PRVT.ZS - Private credit bureau coverage (% of adults) IC.CRD.PUBL.ZS - Public credit registry coverage (% of adults) IC.CRD.XQ - Getting credit (rank) IC.CUS.DURS.EX - Average time to clear exports through customs (days) IC.CUS.DURS.IM - Average time to clear imports from customs (days) IC.DCP.COST - Cost to build a warehouse (% of income per capita) IC.DCP.PROC - Procedures required to build a warehouse (number) IC.DCP.TIME - Time required to build a warehouse (days) IC.DMKT.BRK.ZS - Products shipped to supply domestic markets lost due to breakage or spoilage (%) IC.DMKT.LOSS.ZS - Products shipped to supply domestic markets lost due to theft (%) IC.EC.COST - Cost to enforce a contract (% of claim) IC.EC.PROC - Procedures required to enforce a contract (number) IC.EC.TIME - Time required to enforce a contract (days) IC.ELC.DURS - Delay in obtaining an electrical connection (days) IC.ELC.GEN.ZS - Electricity from Generator (%) IC.ELC.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection (% of firms) IC.ELC.OUTG - Power outages in firms in a typical month (number) IC.ELC.OUTG.HR - Average duration of power outages (hours) IC.ELC.TIME - Time required to get electricity (days) IC.EMP.FIRE.WK - Firing cost (weeks of wages) IC.EMPL.FTRNG.ZS - Employees offered formal training (%) IC.EXP.COST.CD - Cost to export (US$ per container) IC.EXP.COST.EXP - Trade: Cost to export (US$ per container) IC.EXP.COST.IMP - Trade: Cost to import (US$ per container) IC.EXP.DOCS - Documents to export (number) IC.EXP.DOCS.IMP - Trade: Documents to import (number) IC.EXP.DURS - Time to export (days) IC.EXP.TIME.EXP - Trade: Time to export (day) IC.EXP.TIME.IMP - Trade: Time to import (days) IC.FRM.ACC.ZS - Firms with a Checking or Savings Account (% of firms) IC.FRM.AGE.YR - Age of firm (years) IC.FRM.AUDIT.ZS - Firms with annual Financial Statement reviewed by External Auditor (% of firms) IC.FRM.BNKS.ZS - Firms using banks to finance investment (% of firms) IC.FRM.COMP.ZS - Firms identifying practices of competitors in the Informal Sector as a major constraint (% of firms) IC.FRM.COR.ZS - Firms identifying corruption as a major constraint (% of firms) IC.FRM.CORR.CORR1 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials IC.FRM.CORR.CORR10 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an operating license IC.FRM.CORR.CORR11 - Percent of firms identifying corruption as a major constraint IC.FRM.CORR.CORR2 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to secure government contract IC.FRM.CORR.CORR3 - Value of gift expected to secure a government contract (% of contract value) IC.FRM.CORR.CORR4 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to public officials "to get things done" IC.FRM.CORR.CORR6 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection IC.FRM.CORR.CORR7 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get a water connection IC.FRM.CORR.CORR8 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get a construction permit IC.FRM.CORR.CORR9 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an import license IC.FRM.CORR.CRIME9 - Percent of firms identifying the courts system as a major constraint IC.FRM.CORR.GRAFT2 - Bribery index (% of gift or informal payment requests during public transactions) IC.FRM.CORR.ZS - Informal payments to public officials (% of firms) IC.FRM.COST.PC.ZS - Dealing with construction permits, cost (% of income per capita) IC.FRM.CRD.ZS - Firms with Line of Credit or Loans from Financial Institutions (% of firms) IC.FRM.CRIM.ZS - Losses due to theft, robbery, vandalism, and arson (% sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME1 - Percent of firms paying for security IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME2 - Security costs (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME2_C - If the establishment pays for security, average security costs (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME3 - Losses due to theft and vandalism against the firm (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME3_C - If there were losses, average losses due to theft and vandalism (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME5 - Products shipped to supply domestic markets that were lost due to theft (% of product value) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME8 - Percent of firms identifying crime, theft and disorder as a major constraint IC.FRM.CRT.ZS - Believing the court system is fair, impartial and uncorrupted (% of firms identifying this as a major contraint) IC.FRM.CUS.ZS - Firms that trade identifying customs & trade regulations as a major constraint (% of firms) IC.FRM.DURS - Time required to obtain an operating license (days) IC.FRM.ELEC.ZS - Electricity (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.EMAIL.ZS - Firms using email to communicate with clients/suppliers (% of firms) IC.FRM.EMPL.PERM - Average number of permanent, full time employees IC.FRM.EMPL.SKILL - Average number of skilled production employees IC.FRM.EMPL.TEMP - Average number of seasonal/temporary, full-time employees IC.FRM.EMPL.UNSKILL - Average number of unskilled production workers IC.FRM.EXP.ZS - Exporter firms (% of firms) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR1 - Age of the establishment (years) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR2 - Proportion of private domestic ownership in a firm (%) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR3 - Proportion of private foreign ownership in a firm (%) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR4 - Proportion of government/state ownership in a firm (%) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR6 - Proportion of a firm held by the largest owner(s) (%) IC.FRM.FCHAR.LFORM1 - Percent of firms with legal status of publicly listed company IC.FRM.FCHAR.LFORM2 - Percent of firms with legal status of privately held Limited Liability Company IC.FRM.FCHAR.LFORM3 - Percent of firms with legal status of Sole Proprietorship IC.FRM.FCHAR.LFORM4 - Percent of firms with legal status of Partnership IC.FRM.FCHAR.LFORM5 - Percent of firms with legal status of Limited Partnership IC.FRM.FEMM.ZS - Firms with female top manager (% of firms) IC.FRM.FEMO.ZS - Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms) IC.FRM.FEMW.ZS - Full time female workers (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN1 - Proportion of investment financed internally (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN10 - Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN11 - Proportion of loans requiring collateral (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN12 - Percent of firms using banks to finance investments IC.FRM.FIN.FIN13 - Percent of firms using banks to finance working capital IC.FRM.FIN.FIN14 - Percent of firms with a bank loan/line of credit IC.FRM.FIN.FIN15 - Percent of firms with a checking or savings account IC.FRM.FIN.FIN16 - Percent of firms identifying access to finance as a major constraint IC.FRM.FIN.FIN18 - Proportion of sales sold on credit (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN2 - Proportion of investment financed by banks (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN20 - Percent of firms not needing a loan IC.FRM.FIN.FIN21 - Percent of firms whose recent loan application was rejected IC.FRM.FIN.FIN3 - Proportion of investment financed by supplier credit (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN4 - Proportion of investment financed by equity or stock sales (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN5 - Proportion of investment financed by other financing (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN7 - Proportion of working capital financed by banks (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN8 - Proportion of working capital financed by supplier credit (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN9 - Proportion of working capital financed by other financing (%) IC.FRM.FINA.ZS - Access to finance (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.FINPUT.ZS - Firms that use material inputs and/or supplies of foreign origin IC.FRM.FNCRT.ZS - Functioning of the courts (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.FREG.ZS - Firms formally registered when operations started (% of firms) IC.FRM.GEN.GEND1 - Percent of firms with female participation in ownership IC.FRM.GEN.GEND2 - Proportion of permanent full-time workers that are female (%) IC.FRM.GEN.GEND3 - Proportion of permanent full-time non-production workers that are female (%) IC.FRM.GEN.GEND4 - Percent of firms with a female top manager IC.FRM.INFM.ZS - Firms that do not report all sales for tax purposes (% of firms) IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR1 - Percent of firms competing against unregistered or informal firms IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR2 - Percent of firms identifying practices of competitors in the informal sector as a major constraint IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR4 - Percent of firms formally registered when they started operations in the country IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR5 - Number of years firm operated without formal registration IC.FRM.INFRA.IN1 - Days to obtain an electrical connection (upon application) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN10 - Proportion of electricity from a generator (%) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN10_C - If a generator is used, average proportion of electricity from a generator (%) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN11 - Percent of firms identifying transportation as a major constraint IC.FRM.INFRA.IN12 - Percent of firms identifying electricity as a major constraint IC.FRM.INFRA.IN14 - Proportion of products lost to breakage or spoilage during shipping to domestic markets (%) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN2 - Number of electrical outages in a typical month IC.FRM.INFRA.IN3 - Duration of a typical electrical outage (hours) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN3_C - If there were outages, average duration of a typical electrical outage (hours) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN4 - Losses due to electrical outages (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN6 - Number of water insufficiencies in a typical month IC.FRM.INFRA.IN9 - Percent of firms owning or sharing a generator IC.FRM.INFRM.ZS - Services Firms Competing Against Unregistered or Informal Firms (% of service firms) IC.FRM.INNOV.T1 - Percent of firms with an internationally-recognized quality certification IC.FRM.INNOV.T2 - Percent of firms with an annual financial statement reviewed by external auditors IC.FRM.INNOV.T3 - Capacity utilization (%) IC.FRM.INNOV.T4 - Percent of firms using technology licensed from foreign companies IC.FRM.INNOV.T5 - Percent of firms having their own Web site IC.FRM.INNOV.T6 - Percent of firms using e-mail to interact with clients/suppliers IC.FRM.ISOC.ZS - ISO certification ownership (% of firms) IC.FRM.LBRG.ZS - Labor regulations (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.LBSK.ZS - Labor skill level (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.LIC.ZS - Business Licensing and Permits (% of firms Identifying this as major constraint) IC.FRM.MGR.EXP - Years of experience of the Top Manager working in the firm's sector IC.FRM.OBS.OBST1 - Percent of firms choosing access to finance as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST10 - Percent of firms choosing labor regulations as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST11 - Percent of firms choosing political instability as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST12 - Percent of firms choosing practices of the informal sector as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST13 - Percent of firms choosing tax administration as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST14 - Percent of firms choosing tax rates as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST15 - Percent of firms choosing transportation as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST2 - Percent of firms choosing access to land as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST3 - Percent of firms choosing business licensing and permits as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST4 - Percent of firms choosing corruption as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST5 - Percent of firms choosing courts as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST6 - Percent of firms choosing crime, theft and disorder as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST7 - Percent of firms choosing customs and trade regulations as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST8 - Percent of firms choosing electricity as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST9 - Percent of firms choosing inadequately educated workforce as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OUTG.ZS - Value lost due to electrical outages (% of sales) IC.FRM.OWN.GOV.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Government/state (%) IC.FRM.OWN.OTH.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Other (%) IC.FRM.OWN.PFOR.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Private Foreign (%) IC.FRM.OWN.PLOC.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Private Domestic (%) IC.FRM.OWN.ZS - Largest shareholder ownership (%) IC.FRM.PROC - Dealing with construction, procedures (number) IC.FRM.REG.BUS1 - Days to obtain an import license IC.FRM.REG.BUS2 - Days to obtain an operating license IC.FRM.REG.BUS3 - Days to obtain a construction-related permit IC.FRM.REG.BUS5 - Percent of firms identifying business licensing and permits as a major constraint IC.FRM.REG.REG1 - Senior management time spent dealing with the requirements of government regulation (%) IC.FRM.REG.REG2 - Number of visits or required meetings with tax officials IC.FRM.REG.REG2_C - If there were visits, average number of visits or required meetings with tax officials IC.FRM.REG.REG4 - Percent of firms identifying tax rates as a major constraint IC.FRM.REG.REG5 - Percent of firms identifying tax administration as a major constraint IC.FRM.REG.ZS - Firms Formally Registered when Started Operations in the Country (% of firms) IC.FRM.SEC.ZS - Firms Paying for Security (% of firms) IC.FRM.SECR.ZS - Security costs (% of sales) IC.FRM.TAXAD.ZS - Tax Administration (% of firms identifying this as major constraint) IC.FRM.TAXR.ZS - Tax rates (% of firms identifying this as major constraint) IC.FRM.TECH.ZS - Firms using technology licensed from foreign companies (% of firms) IC.FRM.TRD.TR1 - Days to clear direct exports through customs IC.FRM.TRD.TR10 - Percent of firms exporting directly or indirectly (at least 1% of sales) IC.FRM.TRD.TR11 - Percent of firms using material inputs and/or supplies of foreign origin IC.FRM.TRD.TR14 - Days of inventory of main input IC.FRM.TRD.TR15 - Percent of firms exporting directly (at least 1% of sales) IC.FRM.TRD.TR2 - Days to clear imports from customs IC.FRM.TRD.TR4 - Proportion of total sales that are domestic sales (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR5 - Proportion of total sales that are exported directly (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR6 - Proportion of total sales that are exported indirectly (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR7 - Proportion of total inputs that are of domestic origin (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR8 - Proportion of total inputs that are of foreign origin (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR9 - Percent of firms identifying customs and trade regulations as a major constraint IC.FRM.TRNG.ZS - Firms offering formal training (% of firms) IC.FRM.TRSP.ZS - Transportation (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.WEB.ZS - Firms using its own website (% of firms) IC.FRM.WRKF.WK1 - Percent of firms offering formal training IC.FRM.WRKF.WK10 - Percent of firms identifying an inadequately educated workforce as a major constraint IC.FRM.WRKF.WK11 - Number of temporary workers IC.FRM.WRKF.WK12 - Number of permanent full-time workers IC.FRM.WRKF.WK13 - Proportion of unskilled workers (out of all production workers) (%) IC.FRM.WRKF.WK2 - Proportion of workers offered formal training (%) IC.FRM.WRKF.WK3 - Number of permanent skilled production workers IC.FRM.WRKF.WK4 - Number of permanent unskilled production workers IC.FRM.WRKF.WK6 - Number of permanent production workers IC.FRM.WRKF.WK7 - Number of permanent non-production workers IC.FRM.WRKF.WK8 - Years of the top manager's experience working in the firm's sector IC.FRM.WRKF.WK9 - Percent of firms identifying labor regulations as a major constraint IC.FRM.WTLIC.DURS - Number of years firms operated without formal registration IC.FRM.XQ - Dealing with construction permits (rank) IC.GCON.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to secure a Government contract (% of firms) IC.GE.COST - Cost to get electricity(% of income per capita) IC.GE.NUM - Procedures required to connect to electricity (number) IC.GE.TIME - Time required to connect to electricity (days) IC.GOV.DURS.ZS - Management time dealing with officials (% of management time) IC.GRAFT.XQ - Incidence of Graft index IC.IMP.COST.CD - Cost to import (US$ per container) IC.IMP.DOCS - Documents to import (number) IC.IMP.DURS - Time to import (days) IC.IMP.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get an Import License (% of firms) IC.ISV.COST - Resolving insolvency: cost (% of estate) IC.ISV.DURS - Time to resolve insolvency (years) IC.ISV.RECRT - Resolving insolvency: recovery rate (cents on the dollar) IC.LGL.CONT.XQ - Enforcing contracts (rank) IC.LGL.COST.DEBT.ZS - Enforcing contracts, cost (% of claim) IC.LGL.CRED.XQ - Strength of legal rights index (0=weak to 10=strong) IC.LGL.DURS - Time required to enforce a contract (days) IC.LGL.EMP.XQ - Employing workers (rank) IC.LGL.EMPL.XQ - Rigidity of employment index (0=less rigid to 100=more rigid) IC.LGL.FIRE.DURS - Employing workers, redundancy (weeks of wages) IC.LGL.FIRE.XQ - Employing workers, difficulty of redundancy index IC.LGL.HIRE.XQ - Employing workers, difficulty of hiring index IC.LGL.HRS.XQ - Employing workers, rigidity of hours index IC.LGL.PROC - Procedures to enforce a contract (number) IC.LIC.NUM - Procedures required to build a warehouse (number) IC.LIC.TIME - Time required to build a warehouse (days) IC.LOAN.COL.ZS - Loans requiring collateral (%) IC.OPER.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get an Operating License (% of firms) IC.PI.DIR - Extent of director liability index (0 to 10) IC.PI.DISCL - Extent of disclosure index (0 to 10) IC.PI.INV - Strength of investor protection index (0 to 10) IC.PI.SHAR - Ease of shareholder suits index (0 to 10) IC.PRP.COST.PROP.ZS - Cost of registering property (% of property value) IC.PRP.DURS - Time required to register property (days) IC.PRP.PROC - Procedures to register property (number) IC.PRP.XQ - Registering property (rank) IC.REG.CAP - Minimum paid-in capital required to start a business (% of income per capita) IC.REG.CAP.PC.ZS - Minimum capital for starting a business (% of income per capita) IC.REG.COST - Cost to start a business (% of income per capita) IC.REG.COST.PC.ZS - Cost of business start-up procedures (% of GNI per capita) IC.REG.DURS - Time required to start a business (days) IC.REG.PROC - Start-up procedures to register a business (number) IC.REG.XQ - Starting a business (rank) IC.RP.COST - Cost to register property (% of property value) IC.RP.PROC - Procedures required to register property (number) IC.RP.TIME - Time required to register property (days) IC.SALE.DOM.ZS - Domestic Sales (% sales) IC.TAX.DURS - Time to prepare and pay taxes (hours) IC.TAX.GIFT.ZS - Firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials (% of firms) IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS - Labor tax and contributions (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.LBR.ZS - Paying taxes, labor tax and contributions (%) IC.TAX.METG - Average number of times firms spent in meetings with tax officials IC.TAX.OTH.ZS - Paying taxes, other taxes (%) IC.TAX.OTHR.CP.ZS - Other taxes payable by businesses (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.PAYM - Tax payments (number) IC.TAX.PFT.ZS - Paying taxes, profit tax (%) IC.TAX.PRFT.CP.ZS - Profit tax (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.TOTL.CP.ZS - Total tax rate (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.XQ - Paying taxes (rank) IC.TEL.DURS - Delay in obtaining a mainline telephone connection (days) IC.TEL.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get a phone connection (% of firms) IC.TRD.XQ - Trading across borders (rank) IC.VAL.COL.ZS - Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount) IC.VALG.GIFT.ZS - Value of gift expected to secure Government Contract (% of Contract) IC.WAT.DURS - Delay in obtaining a water connections (days) IC.WAT.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get a water connection (% of firms) IC.WAT.SS.HR - Average duration of insufficient water supply (hours) IC.WRH.DURS - Time required to build a warehouse (days) IC.WRH.PROC - Procedures to build a warehouse (number) IE.ICT.PCAP.CD - Information and communication technology expenditure per capita (current US$) IE.ICT.TOTL.CD - Information and communication technology expenditure (current US$) IE.ICT.TOTL.GD.ZS - Information and communication technology expenditure (% of GDP) IE.PPI.ENGY.CD - Investment in energy with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.TELE.CD - Investment in telecoms with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.TRAN.CD - Investment in transport with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.WATR.CD - Investment in water and sanitation with private participation (current US$) IENERGY - Energy, 2000=100, current$ IFATS_OILS - Agr: Food: Fats and oils, 2000=100, current$ IFERTILIZERS - Fertilizers, 2000=100, current$ IFOOD - Agr: Food, 2000=100, current$ IGRAINS - Agr: Food: Grains, 2000=100, current$ IMETMIN - Metals and minerals, 2000=100, current$ IMETMIN_DV100 - Base Metals, 2000=100, current$ IMPCOV - Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods INONFUEL - Non-energy commodities, 2000=100, current$ IOTHERFOOD - Agr: Food: Other food, 2000=100, current$ IOTHERRAWMAT - Agr: Raw:2 Oth raw materials, 2000=100, current$ IP.JRN.ARTC.SC - Scientific and technical journal articles IP.PAT.NRES - Patent applications, nonresidents IP.PAT.RESD - Patent applications, residents IP.TMK.AGGD - Trademark applications, aggregate direct IP.TMK.MDRD - Trademark applications, Madrid IP.TMK.NRES - Trademark applications, direct nonresident IP.TMK.RESD - Trademark applications, direct resident IP.TMK.TOTL - Trademark applications, total IPTOTNSKD - Industrial Production, constant US$ IPTOTSAKD - Industrial Production, constant US$, seas. adj. IQ.BTI.STTS.XQ - State institutions with adequately established/differentiated power structure index (1=lowest; 10=highest) IQ.CPA.BREG.XQ - CPIA business regulatory environment rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.DEBT.XQ - CPIA debt policy rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.ECON.XQ - CPIA economic management cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.ENVR.XQ - CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.FINQ.XQ - CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.FINS.XQ - CPIA financial sector rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.FISP.XQ - CPIA fiscal policy rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.GNDR.XQ - CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.HRES.XQ - CPIA building human resources rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.IRAI.XQ - IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.MACR.XQ - CPIA macroeconomic management rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PADM.XQ - CPIA quality of public administration rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PRES.XQ - CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PROP.XQ - CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PROT.XQ - CPIA social protection rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PUBS.XQ - CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.REVN.XQ - CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.SOCI.XQ - CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.STRC.XQ - CPIA structural policies cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.TRAD.XQ - CPIA trade rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.TRAN.XQ - CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.FRH.GEFF.XQ - Effective and accountable government index (0=lowest; 7=highest) IQ.GII.INFO.XQ - Public access to information index (0=lowest; 100=highest) IQ.SCI.OVRL - Overall level of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100) IQ.WEF.CUST.XQ - Burden of customs procedure, WEF (1=extremely inefficient to 7=extremely efficient) IQ.WEF.PORT.XQ - Quality of port infrastructure, WEF (1=extremely underdeveloped to 7=well developed and efficient by international standards) IR10Y - Interest Rates (10YR) IRAW_MATERIAL - Agr: Raw materials, 2000=100, current$ IRON_ORE - Iron ore, cents/dmtu, current$ IRON_ORE_SPOT - Iron ore, $/dmt, current$ IRSPREAD - Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries IS.AIR.DPRT - Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide IS.AIR.GOOD.MT.K1 - Air transport, freight (million ton-km) IS.AIR.PSGR - Air transport, passengers carried IS.ROD.ALLS.ZS - Access to an all-season road (% of rural population) IS.ROD.DESL.KT - Road sector diesel fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.DESL.PC - Road sector diesel fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.DNST.K2 - Road density (km of road per 100 sq. km of land area) IS.ROD.ENGY.KT - Road sector energy consumption (kt of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.ENGY.PC - Road sector energy consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.ENGY.ZS - Road sector energy consumption (% of total energy consumption) IS.ROD.GOOD.MT.K6 - Roads, goods transported (million ton-km) IS.ROD.PAVE.ZS - Roads, paved (% of total roads) IS.ROD.PSGR.K6 - Roads, passengers carried (million passenger-km) IS.ROD.SGAS.KT - Road sector gasoline fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.SGAS.PC - Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.TOTL.KM - Roads, total network (km) IS.RRS.GOOD.MT.K6 - Railways, goods transported (million ton-km) IS.RRS.PASG.KM - Railways, passengers carried (million passenger-km) IS.RRS.TOTL.KM - Rail lines (total route-km) IS.SHP.GCNW.XQ - Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum value in 2004 = 100) IS.SHP.GOOD.TU - Container port traffic (TEU: 20 foot equivalent units) IS.VEH.NVEH.P3 - Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people) IS.VEH.PCAR.P3 - Passenger cars (per 1,000 people) IS.VEH.ROAD.K1 - Vehicles (per km of road) IT.CEL.SETS - Mobile cellular subscriptions IT.CEL.SETS.P2 - Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) IT.CEL.SETS.P3 - Mobile phone subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.CELL.3MIN.CD.OP - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (off-peak rate - current US$) IT.CELL.3MIN.CD.PK - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (peak rate - current US$) IT.CELL.3MIN.CN.OP - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (off-peak rate - current LCU) IT.CELL.3MIN.CN.PK - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (peak rate - current LCU) IT.CELL.MSUB.CD - Mobile cellular monthly subscription (current US$) IT.CELL.MSUB.CN - Mobile cellular monthly subscription (current LCU) IT.CELL.PO.CONN.CD - Mobile cellular postpaid connection charge (current US$) IT.CELL.PO.CONN.CN - Mobile cellular postpaid connection charge (current LCU) IT.CELL.PR.CONN.CD - Mobile cellular prepaid connection charge (current US$) IT.CELL.PR.CONN.CN - Mobile cellular prepaid connection charge (current LCU) IT.CMP.PCMP.P2 - Personal computers (per 100 people) IT.CMP.PCMP.P3 - Personal computers (per 1,000 people) IT.MLT.3MIN.CD.OP - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (off-peak rate - current US$) IT.MLT.3MIN.CD.PK - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate - current US$) IT.MLT.3MIN.CD.US - Telephone average cost of call to US (US$ per three minutes) IT.MLT.3MIN.CN.OP - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (off-peak rate - current LCU) IT.MLT.3MIN.CN.PK - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate - current LCU) IT.MLT.BCONN.CD - Business telephone connection charge (current US$) IT.MLT.BCONN.CN - Business telephone connection charge (current LCU) IT.MLT.BSUB.CD - Business telephone monthly subscription (current US$) IT.MLT.BSUB.CN - Business telephone monthly subscription (current LCU) IT.MLT.CONN.CD - Residential telephone connection charge (current US$) IT.MLT.CONN.CN - Residential telephone connection charge (current LCU) IT.MLT.FALT.CL - Telephone faults cleared by next working day (%) IT.MLT.FALT.M2 - Telephone faults (per 100 mainlines) IT.MLT.INVS.CD - Fixed telephone service investment (current US$) IT.MLT.INVS.CN - Fixed telephone service investment (current LCU) IT.MLT.MAIN - Telephone lines IT.MLT.MAIN.P2 - Telephone lines (per 100 people) IT.MLT.MAIN.P3 - Telephone mainlines (per 1,000 people) IT.MLT.REVN.CD - Revenue from fixed telephone service (current US$) IT.MLT.REVN.CN - Revenue from fixed telephone service (current LCU) IT.MLT.RSUB.CD - Residential monthly telephone subscription (current US$) IT.MLT.RSUB.CN - Residential monthly telephone subscription (current LCU) IT.MOB.COV.ZS - Population coverage of mobile cellular telephony (%) IT.MOB.INVS.CD - Mobile communication investment (current US$) IT.MOB.INVS.CN - Mobile communication investment (current LCU) IT.MOB.REVN.CD - Revenue from mobile communication (current US$) IT.MOB.REVN.CN - Revenue from mobile communication (current LCU) IT.NET.BBND - Fixed broadband Internet subscribers IT.NET.BBND.P2 - Fixed broadband Internet subscribers (per 100 people) IT.NET.BBND.P3 - Broadband subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.NET.CONN.CD - Fixed broadband Internet connection charge (current US$) IT.NET.CONN.CN - Fixed broadband Internet connection charge (current LCU) IT.NET.SECR - Secure Internet servers IT.NET.SECR.P6 - Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people) IT.NET.SUB.CD - Fixed broadband Internet monthly subscription (current US$) IT.NET.SUB.CN - Fixed broadband Internet monthly subscription (current LCU) IT.NET.USER - Internet users IT.NET.USER.FE.ZS - Internet users, female (%) IT.NET.USER.MA.ZS - Internet users, male (%) IT.NET.USER.P2 - Internet users (per 100 people) IT.NET.USER.P3 - Internet users (per 1,000 people) IT.PAY.PHONES - Public payphones IT.PAY.PHONES.P3 - Public payphones (per 1,000 people) IT.PC.HOUS.ZS - Homes with a personal computer (%) IT.PRT.NEWS.P3 - Daily newspapers (per 1,000 people) IT.RAD.HOUS.ZS - Households with a radio (%) IT.RAD.SETS - Number of radio sets IT.RAD.SETS.P3 - Radio sets (per 1,000 people) IT.TEL.HOUS.ZS - Households with a telephone (%) IT.TEL.INVS.CD - Total annual investment in telecom (current US$) IT.TEL.REVN.CD - Total revenue from all telecommunication services (current US$) IT.TEL.TOTL.P2 - Mobile and fixed-line telephone subscribers (per 100 people) IT.TEL.TOTL.P3 - Telephone (mainlines and mobile phone) subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.TEL.UNMT.ZS - Unmet demand (% of waiting list to number main fixed telephone lines in operation) IT.TELC.IM.CD - Telecommunication equipment - import (current US$) IT.TELC.XP.CD - Telecommunication equipment - export (current US$) ITIMBER - Agr: Raw:1 Timber, 2000=100, current$ KALUMINUM - Aluminum, $/mt, constant 2000$ KBANANA_EU - Bananas, EU, $/mt, constant 2000$ KBANANA_US - Bananas, US, $/mt, constant 2000$ KBARLEY - Barley, $/mt, constant 2000$ KBEEF - Meat, beef, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KCHICKEN - Meat, chicken, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KCOAL_AUS - Coal, Australia, $/mt, constant 2000$ KCOCOA - Cocoa, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KCOCONUT_OIL - Coconut oil, $/mt, constant 2000$ KCOFFEE_ARABIC - Coffee, Arabica, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KCOFFEE_ROBUS - Coffee, Robusta, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KCOPPER - Copper, $/mt, constant 2000$ KCOPRA - Copra, $/mt, constant 2000$ KCOTTON_A_INDX - Cotton, A Index, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KCRUDE_BRENT - Crude oil, Brendt, $/bbl, constant 2000$ KCRUDE_DUBAI - Crude oil, Dubai, $/bbl, constant 2000$ KCRUDE_PETRO - Crude oil, avg, spot, $/bbl, constant 2000$ KCRUDE_WTI - Crude oil, WTI, $/bbl, constant 2000$ KDAP - DAP, $/mt, constant 2000$ KFISH_MEAL - Fishmeal, $/mt, constant 2000$ KGOLD - Gold, $/toz, constant 2000$ KGRNUT_OIL - Groundnut oil, $/mt, constant 2000$ KIAGRICULTURE - Agriculture, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIBEVERAGES - Agr: Beverages, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIENERGY - Energy, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIFATS_OILS - Agr: Food: Fats and oils, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIFERTILIZERS - Fertilizers, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIFOOD - Agr: Food, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIGRAINS - Agr: Food: Grains, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIMETMIN - Metals and minerals, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIMETMIN_DV100 - Base Metals, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KINONFUEL - Non-energy commodities, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIOTHERFOOD - Agr: Food: Other food, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIOTHERRAWMAT - Agr: Raw:2 Other raw materials, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIRAW_MATERIAL - Agr: Raw materials, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KIRON_ORE - Iron ore, cents/dmtu, constant 2000$ KIRON_ORE_SPOT - Iron ore, $/dmt, constant 2000$ KITIMBER - Agr: Raw:1 Timber, 2000=100, constant 2000$ KLAMB - Meat, sheep, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KLEAD - Lead, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KLOGS_CMR - Logs, Cameroon, $/cum, constant 2000$ KLOGS_MYS - Logs, Malaysia, $/cum, constant 2000$ KMAIZE - Maize, $/mt, constant 2000$ KNGAS_EUR - Natural gas, Europe, $/mmbtu, constant 2000$ KNGAS_JP - Natural gas LNG, $/mmbtu, constant 2000$ KNGAS_US - Natural gas, US, $/mmbtu, constant 2000$ KNICKEL - Nickel, $/mt, constant 2000$ KORANGE - Oranges, $/mt, constant 2000$ KPALM_OIL - Palm oil, $/mt, constant 2000$ KPHOSROCK - Phosphate rock, $/mt, constant 2000$ KPLMKRNL_OIL - Palmkernal oil, $/mt, constant 2000$ KPLYWOOD - Plywood, cents/sheets, constant 2000$ KPOTASH - Potassium Chloride, $/mt, constant 2000$ KRICE_05 - Rice, Thailand, 5%, $/mt, constant 2000$ KRICE_05_VNM - Rice, Vietnamese, 5%, $/mt, constant 2000$ KRICE_25 - Rice, Thailand, 25%, $/mt, constant 2000$ KRICE_A1 - Rice, Thai, A1.Special, $/mt, constant 2000$ KRUBBER1_MYSG - Rubber, Singapore, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KRUBBER1_TSR20 - Rubber, TSR20, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KSAWNWD_CMR - Sawnwood, Cameroon, $/cum, constant 2000$ KSAWNWD_MYS - Sawnwood, Malaysia, $/cum, constant 2000$ KSHRIMP_MEX - Shrimp, Mexico, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KSILVER - Silver, cents/toz, constant 2000$ KSORGHUM - Sorghum, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSOYBEAN_MEAL - Soybean meal, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSOYBEAN_OIL - Soybean oil, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSOYBEANS - Soybeans, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSTL_JP_CROLL - Steel cr coilsheet, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSTL_JP_HROLL - Steel hr coilsheet, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSTL_JP_REBAR - Steel, rebar, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSTL_JP_WIROD - Steel wire rod, $/mt, constant 2000$ KSUGAR_EU - Sugar, EU, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KSUGAR_US - Sugar, US, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KSUGAR_WLD - Sugar, world, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KTEA_AVG - Tea, auctions (3) average, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KTEA_COLOMBO - Tea, Colombo auctions, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KTEA_KOLKATA - Tea, Kokata auctions, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KTEA_MOMBASA - Tea, Mombasa auctions, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KTIN - Tin, cents/kg, constant 2000$ KTOBAC_US - Tobacco, $/mt, constant 2000$ KTSP - TSP, $/mt, constant 2000$ KUREA_EE_BULK - Urea, E. Europe, bulk, $/mt, constant 2000$ KWHEAT_CANADI - Wheat, Canada, $/mtv, constant 2000$ KWHEAT_US_HRW - Wheat, US, HRW, $/mt, constant 2000$ KWHEAT_US_SRW - Wheat, US, SRW, $/mt, constant 2000$ KWOODPULP - Woodpulp, $/mt, constant 2000$ KZINC - Zinc, cents/kg, constant 2000$ LAMB - Meat, sheep, cents/kg, current$ LEAD - Lead, cents/kg, current$ LIBOR3M - London Interbank Offered 3-month rates (LIBOR) LIBOR6M - London Interbank Offered 6-month rates (LIBOR) lm_ub.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 1st 20% lm_ub.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 2nd 20% lm_ub.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 3rd 20% lm_ub.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 4th 20% lm_ub.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 5th 20% lm_ub.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Unemp benefits and ALMP lm_ub.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Unemp benefits and ALMP (%) lmonly.overlap_lm_pop - % of population only receiving Labor Market lmonly.overlap_lm_q1 - % of 1st 20% population only receiving Labor Market LO.LLECE.MAT3 - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, total LO.LLECE.MAT3.FE - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, female LO.LLECE.MAT3.HIG - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total LO.LLECE.MAT3.HIG.FE - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.LLECE.MAT3.HIG.MA - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.LLECE.MAT3.LOW - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total LO.LLECE.MAT3.LOW.FE - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.LLECE.MAT3.LOW.MA - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.LLECE.MAT3.MA - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, male LO.LLECE.MAT4 - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 4th grade students, total LO.LLECE.MAT6 - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, total LO.LLECE.MAT6.FE - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, female LO.LLECE.MAT6.HIG - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total LO.LLECE.MAT6.HIG.FE - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.LLECE.MAT6.HIG.MA - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.LLECE.MAT6.LOW - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total LO.LLECE.MAT6.LOW.FE - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.LLECE.MAT6.LOW.MA - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.LLECE.MAT6.MA - LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, male LO.LLECE.REA3 - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, total LO.LLECE.REA3.FE - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, female LO.LLECE.REA3.HIG - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total LO.LLECE.REA3.HIG.FE - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.LLECE.REA3.HIG.MA - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.LLECE.REA3.LOW - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total LO.LLECE.REA3.LOW.FE - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.LLECE.REA3.LOW.MA - LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.LLECE.REA3.MA - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, male LO.LLECE.REA4 - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 4th grade students, total LO.LLECE.REA6 - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, total LO.LLECE.REA6.FE - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, female LO.LLECE.REA6.HIG - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total LO.LLECE.REA6.HIG.FE - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.LLECE.REA6.HIG.MA - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.LLECE.REA6.LOW - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total LO.LLECE.REA6.LOW.FE - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.LLECE.REA6.LOW.MA - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.LLECE.REA6.MA - LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, male LO.LLECE.SCI6 - LLECE:Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, total LO.LLECE.SCI6.FE - LLECE:Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, female LO.LLECE.SCI6.HIG - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), total LO.LLECE.SCI6.HIG.FE - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female LO.LLECE.SCI6.HIG.MA - LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male LO.LLECE.SCI6.LOW - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), total LO.LLECE.SCI6.LOW.FE - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female LO.LLECE.SCI6.LOW.MA - LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male LO.LLECE.SCI6.MA - LLECE:Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, male LO.PASEC.FRE5 - PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, total LO.PASEC.FRE5.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, female LO.PASEC.FRE5.HIG - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.FRE5.HIG.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.FRE5.HIG.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.FRE5.LO - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.FRE5.LO.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.FRE5.LO.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.FRE5.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, male LO.PASEC.MAT5 - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, total LO.PASEC.MAT5.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, female LO.PASEC.MAT5.HIG - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.MAT5.HIG.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.MAT5.HIG.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.MAT5.LO - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.MAT5.LO.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.MAT5.LO.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.MAT5.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, male LO.PIRLS.REA - PIRLS:Mean performance on the reading scale, total LO.PIRLS.REA.ADV - PIRLS:Students reaching the advanced international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.FE - PIRLS:Mean performance on the reading scale, female LO.PIRLS.REA.LOW - PIRLS:Students reaching the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.MA - PIRLS:Mean performance on the reading scale, male LO.PISA.MAT - PISA:Mean performance on the mathematics scale LO.PISA.MAT.FE - PISA:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, female LO.PISA.MAT.HIG - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%) LO.PISA.MAT.HIG.FE - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.PISA.MAT.HIG.MA - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.PISA.MAT.LOW - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%) LO.PISA.MAT.LOW.FE - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.PISA.MAT.LOW.MA - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.PISA.MAT.MA - PISA:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, male LO.PISA.REA - PISA:Mean performance on the reading scale LO.PISA.REA.FE - PISA:Mean performance on the reading scale, female LO.PISA.REA.HIG - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%) LO.PISA.REA.HIG.FE - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.PISA.REA.HIG.MA - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.PISA.REA.LOW - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%) LO.PISA.REA.LOW.FE - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.PISA.REA.LOW.MA - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.PISA.REA.MA - PISA:Mean performance on the reading scale, male LO.PISA.SCI - PISA:Mean performance on the science scale LO.PISA.SCI.FE - PISA:Mean performance on the science scale, female LO.PISA.SCI.HIG - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%) LO.PISA.SCI.HIG.FE - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female LO.PISA.SCI.HIG.MA - PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male LO.PISA.SCI.LOW - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%) LO.PISA.SCI.LOW.FE - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female LO.PISA.SCI.LOW.MA - PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male LO.PISA.SCI.MA - PISA:Mean performance on the science scale, male LO.SACMEQ.MAT - SACMEQ:Mean performance on the mathematics scale LO.SACMEQ.MAT.FE - SACMEQ:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, female LO.SACMEQ.MAT.HIG - SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%) LO.SACMEQ.MAT.HIG.FE - SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.SACMEQ.MAT.HIG.MA - SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.SACMEQ.MAT.LOW - SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%) LO.SACMEQ.MAT.LOW.FE - SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female LO.SACMEQ.MAT.LOW.MA - SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male LO.SACMEQ.MAT.MA - SACMEQ:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, male LO.SACMEQ.REA - SACMEQ:Mean performance on the reading scale, total LO.SACMEQ.REA.FE - SACMEQ:Mean performance on the reading scale, female LO.SACMEQ.REA.HIG - SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%) LO.SACMEQ.REA.HIG.FE - SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.SACMEQ.REA.HIG.MA - SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.SACMEQ.REA.LOW - SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%) LO.SACMEQ.REA.LOW.FE - SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female LO.SACMEQ.REA.LOW.MA - SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male LO.SACMEQ.REA.MA - SACMEQ:Mean performance on the reading scale, male LO.TIMSS.MAT4 - TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.MAT4.ADV - TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.FE - TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.MAT4.LOW - TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.MA - TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.MAT8 - TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.MAT8.ADV - TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.FE - TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.MAT8.LOW - TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.MA - TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.SCI4 - TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.SCI4.ADV - TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.FE - TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.SCI4.LOW - TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.MA - TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.SCI8 - TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.SCI8.ADV - TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.FE - TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.SCI8.LOW - TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.MA - TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, male LOGS_CMR - Logs, Cameroon, $/cum, current$ LOGS_MYS - Logs, Malaysia, $/cum, current$ LP.EXP.DURS.MD - Lead time to export, median case (days) LP.IMP.DURS.MD - Lead time to import, median case (days) LP.LPI.CUST.XQ - Logistics performance index: Efficiency of customs clearance process (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.INFR.XQ - Logistics performance index: Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.ITRN.XQ - Logistics performance index: Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.LOGS.XQ - Logistics performance index: Competence and quality of logistics services (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.OVRL.XQ - Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.TIME.XQ - Logistics performance index: Frequency with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or expected time (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.TRAC.XQ - Logistics performance index: Ability to track and trace consignments (1=low to 5=high) M2BYR - Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio M2MULT - Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier) MAIZE - Maize, $/mt, current$ MO.INDEX.ECON.XQ - Sustainable Economic Opportunity MO.INDEX.HDEV.XQ - Human Development MO.INDEX.PHR.XQ - Participation and Human Rights MO.INDEX.SRLW.XQ - Safety and Rule of Law MO.INDEX.XQ - Overall MS.MIL.MPRT.KD - Arms imports (constant 1990 US$) MS.MIL.TOTL.P1 - Armed forces personnel, total MS.MIL.TOTL.TF.ZS - Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force) MS.MIL.XPND.CN - Military expenditure (current LCU) MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS - Military expenditure (% of GDP) MS.MIL.XPND.ZS - Military expenditure (% of central government expenditure) MS.MIL.XPRT.KD - Arms exports (constant 1990 US$) MUV - MUV 2000=100 MYS.MEA.YSCH.1519.FE - mean years of schooling, 15-19, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.1519.MA - mean years of schooling, 15-19, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.1519.MF - mean years of schooling, 15-19, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.1544.FE - mean years of schooling, 15-44, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.1544.MA - mean years of schooling, 15-44, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.1544.MF - mean years of schooling, 15-44, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.1564.FE - mean years of schooling, 15-64, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.1564.MA - mean years of schooling, 15-64, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.1564.MF - mean years of schooling, 15-64, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.15UP.FE - mean years of schooling, 15+, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.15UP.MA - mean years of schooling, 15+, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.15UP.MF - mean years of schooling, 15+, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.2024.FE - mean years of schooling, 20 - 24, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.2024.MA - mean years of schooling, 20 - 24, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.2024.MF - mean years of schooling, 20 - 24, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.2529.FE - mean years of schooling, 25 - 29, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.2529.MA - mean years of schooling, 25 - 29, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.2529.MF - mean years of schooling, 25 - 29, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.25UP.FE - mean years of schooling, 25+, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.25UP.MA - mean years of schooling, 25+, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.25UP.MF - mean years of schooling, 25+, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.3034.FE - mean years of schooling, 30 - 34, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.3034.MA - mean years of schooling, 30 - 34, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.3034.MF - mean years of schooling, 30 - 34, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.3539.FE - mean years of schooling, 35-39, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.3539.MA - mean years of schooling, 35-39, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.3539.MF - mean years of schooling, 35-39, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.4044.FE - mean years of schooling, 40-44, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.4044.MA - mean years of schooling, 40-44, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.4044.MF - mean years of schooling, 40-44, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.4549.FE - mean years of schooling, 45-49, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.4549.MA - mean years of schooling, 45-49, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.4549.MF - mean years of schooling, 45-49, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.4564.FE - mean years of schooling, 45-64, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.4564.MA - mean years of schooling, 45-64, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.4564.MF - mean years of schooling, 45-64, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.5054.FE - mean years of schooling, 50-54, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.5054.MA - mean years of schooling, 50-54, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.5054.MF - mean years of schooling, 50-54, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.5559.FE - mean years of schooling, 55-59, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.5559.MA - mean years of schooling, 55-59, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.5559.MF - mean years of schooling, 55-59, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.6064.FE - mean years of schooling, 60-64, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.6064.MA - mean years of schooling, 60-64, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.6064.MF - mean years of schooling, 60-64, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.6569.FE - mean years of schooling, 65-69, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.6569.MA - mean years of schooling, 65-69, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.6569.MF - mean years of schooling, 65-69, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.65UP.FE - mean years of schooling, 65+, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.65UP.MA - mean years of schooling, 65+, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.65UP.MF - mean years of schooling, 65+, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.7074.FE - mean years of schooling, 70-74, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.7074.MA - mean years of schooling, 70-74, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.7074.MF - mean years of schooling, 70-74, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.7579.FE - mean years of schooling, 75-79, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.7579.MA - mean years of schooling, 75-79, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.7579.MF - mean years of schooling, 75-79, total MYS.MEA.YSCH.80UP.FE - mean years of schooling, 80+, female MYS.MEA.YSCH.80UP.MA - mean years of schooling, 80+, male MYS.MEA.YSCH.80UP.MF - mean years of schooling, 80+, total MYS.POP.1519.NED.FE - population in thousand, 15-19, female, no education MYS.POP.1519.NED.MA - population in thousand, 15-19, male, no education MYS.POP.1519.NED.MF - population in thousand, 15-19, total, no education MYS.POP.1519.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 15-19, female, primary MYS.POP.1519.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 15-19, male, primary MYS.POP.1519.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 15-19, total, primary MYS.POP.1519.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 15-19, female, secondary MYS.POP.1519.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 15-19, male, secondary MYS.POP.1519.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 15-19, total, secondary MYS.POP.1519.TER.FE - population in thousand, 15-19, female, tertiary MYS.POP.1519.TER.MA - population in thousand, 15-19, male, tertiary MYS.POP.1519.TER.MF - population in thousand, 15-19, total, tertiary MYS.POP.1544.NED.FE - population in thousand, 15-44, female, no education MYS.POP.1544.NED.MA - population in thousand, 15-44, male, no education MYS.POP.1544.NED.MF - population in thousand, 15-44, total, no education MYS.POP.1544.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 15-44, female, primary MYS.POP.1544.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 15-44, male, primary MYS.POP.1544.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 15-44, total, primary MYS.POP.1544.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 15-44, female, secondary MYS.POP.1544.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 15-44, male, secondary MYS.POP.1544.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 15-44, total, secondary MYS.POP.1544.TER.FE - population in thousand, 15-44, female, tertiary MYS.POP.1544.TER.MA - population in thousand, 15-44, male, tertiary MYS.POP.1544.TER.MF - population in thousand, 15-44, total, tertiary MYS.POP.1564.NED.FE - population in thousand, 15-64, female, no education MYS.POP.1564.NED.MA - population in thousand, 15-64, male, no education MYS.POP.1564.NED.MF - population in thousand, 15-64, total, no education MYS.POP.1564.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 15-64, female, primary MYS.POP.1564.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 15-64, male, primary MYS.POP.1564.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 15-64, total, primary MYS.POP.1564.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 15-64, female, secondary MYS.POP.1564.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 15-64, male, secondary MYS.POP.1564.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 15-64, total, secondary MYS.POP.1564.TER.FE - population in thousand, 15-64, female, tertiary MYS.POP.1564.TER.MA - population in thousand, 15-64, male, tertiary MYS.POP.1564.TER.MF - population in thousand, 15-64, total, tertiary MYS.POP.15UP.NED.FE - population in thousand, 15+, female, no education MYS.POP.15UP.NED.MA - population in thousand, 15+, male, no education MYS.POP.15UP.NED.MF - population in thousand, 15+, total, no education MYS.POP.15UP.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 15+, female, primary MYS.POP.15UP.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 15+, male, primary MYS.POP.15UP.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 15+, total, primary MYS.POP.15UP.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 15+, female, secondary MYS.POP.15UP.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 15+, male, secondary MYS.POP.15UP.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 15+, total, secondary MYS.POP.15UP.TER.FE - population in thousand, 15+, female, tertiary MYS.POP.15UP.TER.MA - population in thousand, 15+, male, tertiary MYS.POP.15UP.TER.MF - population in thousand, 15+, total, tertiary MYS.POP.2024.NED.FE - population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, no education MYS.POP.2024.NED.MA - population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, noedu MYS.POP.2024.NED.MF - population in thousand, 20 - 24,total, no education MYS.POP.2024.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, primary MYS.POP.2024.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, primary MYS.POP.2024.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 20 - 24, total, primary MYS.POP.2024.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, secondary MYS.POP.2024.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, secondary MYS.POP.2024.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 20 - 24, total, secondary MYS.POP.2024.TER.FE - population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, tertiary MYS.POP.2024.TER.MA - population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, tertiary MYS.POP.2024.TER.MF - population in thousand, 20 - 24, total, tertiary MYS.POP.2529.NED.FE - population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, no education MYS.POP.2529.NED.MA - population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, no education MYS.POP.2529.NED.MF - population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, no education MYS.POP.2529.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, primary MYS.POP.2529.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, primary MYS.POP.2529.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, primary MYS.POP.2529.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, secondary MYS.POP.2529.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, secondary MYS.POP.2529.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, secondary MYS.POP.2529.TER.FE - population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, tertiary MYS.POP.2529.TER.MA - population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, tertiary MYS.POP.2529.TER.MF - population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, tertiary MYS.POP.25UP.NED.FE - population in thousand, 25+, female, no education MYS.POP.25UP.NED.MA - population in thousand, 25+, male, no education MYS.POP.25UP.NED.MF - population in thousand, 25+, total, no education MYS.POP.25UP.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 25+, female, primary MYS.POP.25UP.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 25+, male, primary MYS.POP.25UP.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 25+, total, primary MYS.POP.25UP.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 25+, female, secondary MYS.POP.25UP.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 25+, male, secondary MYS.POP.25UP.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 25+, total, secondary MYS.POP.25UP.TER.FE - population in thousand, 25+, female, tertiary MYS.POP.25UP.TER.MA - population in thousand, 25+, male, tertiary MYS.POP.25UP.TER.MF - population in thousand, 25+, total, tertiary MYS.POP.3034.NED.FE - population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, no education MYS.POP.3034.NED.MA - population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, no education MYS.POP.3034.NED.MF - population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, no education MYS.POP.3034.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, primary MYS.POP.3034.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, primary MYS.POP.3034.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, primary MYS.POP.3034.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, secondary MYS.POP.3034.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, secondary MYS.POP.3034.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, secondary MYS.POP.3034.TER.FE - population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, tertiary MYS.POP.3034.TER.MA - population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, tertiary MYS.POP.3034.TER.MF - population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, tertiary MYS.POP.3539.NED.FE - population in thousand, 35-39, female, no education MYS.POP.3539.NED.MA - population in thousand, 35-39, male, no education MYS.POP.3539.NED.MF - population in thousand, 35-39, total, no education MYS.POP.3539.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 35-39, female, primary MYS.POP.3539.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 35-39, male, primary MYS.POP.3539.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 35-39, total, primary MYS.POP.3539.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 35-39, female, secondary MYS.POP.3539.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 35-39, male, secondary MYS.POP.3539.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 35-39, total, secondary MYS.POP.3539.TER.FE - population in thousand, 35-39, female, tertiary MYS.POP.3539.TER.MA - population in thousand, 35-39, male, tertiary MYS.POP.3539.TER.MF - population in thousand, 35-39, total, tertiary MYS.POP.4044.NED.FE - population in thousand, 40-44, female, no education MYS.POP.4044.NED.MA - population in thousand, 40-44, male, no education MYS.POP.4044.NED.MF - population in thousand, 40-44, total, no education MYS.POP.4044.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 40-44, female, primary MYS.POP.4044.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 40-44, male, primary MYS.POP.4044.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 40-44, total, primary MYS.POP.4044.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 40-44, female, secondary MYS.POP.4044.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 40-44, male, secondary MYS.POP.4044.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 40-44, total, secondary MYS.POP.4044.TER.FE - population in thousand, 40-44, female, tertiary MYS.POP.4044.TER.MA - population in thousand, 40-44, male, tertiary MYS.POP.4044.TER.MF - population in thousand, 40-44, total, tertiary MYS.POP.4549.NED.FE - population in thousand, 45-49, female, no education MYS.POP.4549.NED.MA - population in thousand, 45-49, male, no education MYS.POP.4549.NED.MF - population in thousand, 45-49, total, no education MYS.POP.4549.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 45-49, female, primary MYS.POP.4549.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 45-49, male, primary MYS.POP.4549.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 45-49, total, primary MYS.POP.4549.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 45-49, female, secondary MYS.POP.4549.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 45-49, male, secondary MYS.POP.4549.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 45-49, total, secondary MYS.POP.4549.TER.FE - population in thousand, 45-49, female, tertiary MYS.POP.4549.TER.MA - population in thousand, 45-49, male, tertiary MYS.POP.4549.TER.MF - population in thousand, 45-49, total, tertiary MYS.POP.4564.NED.FE - population in thousand, 45-64, female, no education MYS.POP.4564.NED.MA - population in thousand, 45-64, male, no education MYS.POP.4564.NED.MF - population in thousand, 45-64, total, no education MYS.POP.4564.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 45-64, female, primary MYS.POP.4564.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 45-64, male, primary MYS.POP.4564.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 45-64, total, primary MYS.POP.4564.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 45-64, female, secondary MYS.POP.4564.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 45-64, male, secondary MYS.POP.4564.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 45-64, total, secondary MYS.POP.4564.TER.FE - population in thousand, 45-64, female, tertiary MYS.POP.4564.TER.MA - population in thousand, 45-64, male, tertiary MYS.POP.4564.TER.MF - population in thousand, 45-64, total, tertiary MYS.POP.5054.NED.FE - population in thousand, 50-54, female, no education MYS.POP.5054.NED.MA - population in thousand, 50-54, male, no education MYS.POP.5054.NED.MF - population in thousand, 50-54, total, no education MYS.POP.5054.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 50-54, female, primary MYS.POP.5054.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 50-54, male, primary MYS.POP.5054.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 50-54, total, primary MYS.POP.5054.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 50-54, female, secondary MYS.POP.5054.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 50-54, male, secondary MYS.POP.5054.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 50-54, total, secondary MYS.POP.5054.TER.FE - population in thousand, 50-54, female, tertiary MYS.POP.5054.TER.MA - population in thousand, 50-54, male, tertiary MYS.POP.5054.TER.MF - population in thousand, 50-54, total, tertiary MYS.POP.5559.NED.FE - population in thousand, 55-59, female, no education MYS.POP.5559.NED.MA - population in thousand, 55-59, male, no education MYS.POP.5559.NED.MF - population in thousand, 55-59, total, no education MYS.POP.5559.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 55-59, female, primary MYS.POP.5559.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 55-59, male, primary MYS.POP.5559.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 55-59, total, primary MYS.POP.5559.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 55-59, female, secondary MYS.POP.5559.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 55-59, male, secondary MYS.POP.5559.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 55-59, total, secondary MYS.POP.5559.TER.FE - population in thousand, 55-59, female, tertiary MYS.POP.5559.TER.MA - population in thousand, 55-59, male, tertiary MYS.POP.5559.TER.MF - population in thousand, 55-59, total, tertiary MYS.POP.6064.NED.FE - population in thousand, 60-64, female, no education MYS.POP.6064.NED.MA - population in thousand, 60-64, male, no education MYS.POP.6064.NED.MF - population in thousand, 60-64, total, no education MYS.POP.6064.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 60-64, female, primary MYS.POP.6064.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 60-64, male, primary MYS.POP.6064.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 60-64, total, primary MYS.POP.6064.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 60-64, female, secondary MYS.POP.6064.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 60-64, male, secondary MYS.POP.6064.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 60-64, total, secondary MYS.POP.6064.TER.FE - population in thousand, 60-64, female, tertiary MYS.POP.6064.TER.MA - population in thousand, 60-64, male, tertiary MYS.POP.6064.TER.MF - population in thousand, 60-64, total, tertiary MYS.POP.6569.NED.FE - population in thousand, 65-69, female, no education MYS.POP.6569.NED.MA - population in thousand, 65-69, male, no education MYS.POP.6569.NED.MF - population in thousand, 65-69, total, no education MYS.POP.6569.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 65-69, female, primary MYS.POP.6569.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 65-69, male, primary MYS.POP.6569.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 65-69, total, primary MYS.POP.6569.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 65-69, female, secondary MYS.POP.6569.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 65-69, male, secondary MYS.POP.6569.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 65-69, total, secondary MYS.POP.6569.TER.FE - population in thousand, 65-69, female, tertiary MYS.POP.6569.TER.MA - population in thousand, 65-69, male, tertiary MYS.POP.6569.TER.MF - population in thousand, 65-69, total, tertiary MYS.POP.65UP.NED.FE - population in thousand, 65+, female, no education MYS.POP.65UP.NED.MA - population in thousand, 65+, male, no education MYS.POP.65UP.NED.MF - population in thousand, 65+, total, no education MYS.POP.65UP.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 65+, female, primary MYS.POP.65UP.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 65+, male, primary MYS.POP.65UP.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 65+, total, primary MYS.POP.65UP.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 65+, female, secondary MYS.POP.65UP.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 65+, male, secondary MYS.POP.65UP.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 65+, total, secondary MYS.POP.65UP.TER.FE - population in thousand, 65+, female, tertiary MYS.POP.65UP.TER.MA - population in thousand, 65+, male, tertiary MYS.POP.65UP.TER.MF - population in thousand, 65+, total, tertiary MYS.POP.7074.NED.FE - population in thousand, 70-74, female, no education MYS.POP.7074.NED.MA - population in thousand, 70-74, male, no education MYS.POP.7074.NED.MF - population in thousand, 70-74, total, no education MYS.POP.7074.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 70-74, female, primary MYS.POP.7074.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 70-74, male, primary MYS.POP.7074.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 70-74, total, primary MYS.POP.7074.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 70-74, female, secondary MYS.POP.7074.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 70-74, male, secondary MYS.POP.7074.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 70-74, total, secondary MYS.POP.7074.TER.FE - population in thousand, 70-74, female, tertiary MYS.POP.7074.TER.MA - population in thousand, 70-74, male, tertiary MYS.POP.7074.TER.MF - population in thousand, 70-74, total, tertiary MYS.POP.7579.NED.FE - population in thousand, 75-79, female, no education MYS.POP.7579.NED.MA - population in thousand, 75-79, male, no education MYS.POP.7579.NED.MF - population in thousand, 75-79, total, no education MYS.POP.7579.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 75-79, female, primary MYS.POP.7579.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 75-79, male, primary MYS.POP.7579.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 75-79, total, primary MYS.POP.7579.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 75-79, female, secondary MYS.POP.7579.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 75-79, male, secondary MYS.POP.7579.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 75-79, total, secondary MYS.POP.7579.TER.FE - population in thousand, 75-79, female, tertiary MYS.POP.7579.TER.MA - population in thousand, 75-79, male, tertiary MYS.POP.7579.TER.MF - population in thousand, 75-79, total, tertiary MYS.POP.80UP.NED.FE - population in thousand, 80+, female, no education MYS.POP.80UP.NED.MA - population in thousand, 80+, male, no education MYS.POP.80UP.NED.MF - population in thousand, 80+, total, no education MYS.POP.80UP.PRI.FE - population in thousand, 80+, female, primary MYS.POP.80UP.PRI.MA - population in thousand, 80+, male, primary MYS.POP.80UP.PRI.MF - population in thousand, 80+, total, primary MYS.POP.80UP.SEC.FE - population in thousand, 80+, female, secondary MYS.POP.80UP.SEC.MA - population in thousand, 80+, male, secondary MYS.POP.80UP.SEC.MF - population in thousand, 80+, total, secondary MYS.POP.80UP.TER.FE - population in thousand, 80+, female, tertiary MYS.POP.80UP.TER.MA - population in thousand, 80+, male, tertiary MYS.POP.80UP.TER.MF - population in thousand, 80+, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.1519.NED.FE - proportion, 15-19, female, no education MYS.PROP.1519.NED.MA - proportion, 15-19, male, no education MYS.PROP.1519.NED.MF - proportion, 15-19, total, no education MYS.PROP.1519.PRI.FE - proportion, 15-19, female, primary MYS.PROP.1519.PRI.MA - proportion, 15-19, male, primary MYS.PROP.1519.PRI.MF - proportion, 15-19, total, primary MYS.PROP.1519.SEC.FE - proportion, 15-19, female, secondary MYS.PROP.1519.SEC.MA - proportion, 15-19, male, secondary MYS.PROP.1519.SEC.MF - proportion, 15-19, total, secondary MYS.PROP.1519.TER.FE - proportion, 15-19, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.1519.TER.MA - proportion, 15-19, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.1519.TER.MF - proportion, 15-19, total, tertiaryr MYS.PROP.1544.NED.FE - proportion, 15-44, female, no education MYS.PROP.1544.NED.MA - proportion, 15-44, male, no education MYS.PROP.1544.NED.MF - proportion, 15-44, total, no education MYS.PROP.1544.PRI.FE - proportion, 15-44, female, primary MYS.PROP.1544.PRI.MA - proportion, 15-44, male, primary MYS.PROP.1544.PRI.MF - proportion, 15-44, total, primary MYS.PROP.1544.SEC.FE - proportion, 15-44, female, secondary MYS.PROP.1544.SEC.MA - proportion, 15-44, male, secondary MYS.PROP.1544.SEC.MF - proportion, 15-44, total, secondary MYS.PROP.1544.TER.FE - proportion, 15-44, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.1544.TER.MA - proportion, 15-44, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.1544.TER.MF - proportion, 15-44, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.1564.NED.FE - proportion, 15-64, female, no education MYS.PROP.1564.NED.MA - proportion, 15-64, male, no education MYS.PROP.1564.NED.MF - proportion, 15-64, total, no education MYS.PROP.1564.PRI.FE - proportion, 15-64, female, primary MYS.PROP.1564.PRI.MA - proportion, 15-64, male, primary MYS.PROP.1564.PRI.MF - proportion, 15-64, total, primary MYS.PROP.1564.SEC.FE - proportion, 15-64, female, secondary MYS.PROP.1564.SEC.MA - proportion, 15-64, male, secondary MYS.PROP.1564.SEC.MF - proportion, 15-64, total, secondary MYS.PROP.1564.TER.FE - proportion, 15-64, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.1564.TER.MA - proportion, 15-64, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.1564.TER.MF - proportion, 15-64, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.15UP.NED.FE - proportion, 15+, female, no education MYS.PROP.15UP.NED.MA - proportion, 15+, male, no education MYS.PROP.15UP.NED.MF - proportion, 15+, total, no education MYS.PROP.15UP.PRI.FE - proportion, 15+, female, primary MYS.PROP.15UP.PRI.MA - proportion, 15+, male, primary MYS.PROP.15UP.PRI.MF - proportion, 15+, total, primary MYS.PROP.15UP.SEC.FE - proportion, 15+, female, secondary MYS.PROP.15UP.SEC.MA - proportion, 15+, male, secondary MYS.PROP.15UP.SEC.MF - proportion, 15+, total, secondary MYS.PROP.15UP.TER.FE - proportion, 15+, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.15UP.TER.MA - proportion, 15+, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.15UP.TER.MF - proportion, 15+, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.2024.NED.FE - proportion, 20 - 24, female, no education MYS.PROP.2024.NED.MA - proportion, 20 - 24, male, no education MYS.PROP.2024.NED.MF - proportion, 20 - 24, total, no education MYS.PROP.2024.PRI.FE - proportion, 20 - 24, female, primary MYS.PROP.2024.PRI.MA - proportion, 20 - 24, male, primary MYS.PROP.2024.PRI.MF - proportion, 20 - 24, total, primary MYS.PROP.2024.SEC.FE - proportion, 20 - 24, female, secondary MYS.PROP.2024.SEC.MA - proportion, 20 - 24, male, secondary MYS.PROP.2024.SEC.MF - proportion, 20 - 24, total, secondary MYS.PROP.2024.TER.FE - proportion, 20 - 24, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.2024.TER.MA - proportion, 20 - 24, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.2024.TER.MF - proportion, 20 - 24, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.2529.NED.FE - proportion, 25 - 29, female, no education MYS.PROP.2529.NED.MA - proportion, 25 - 29, male, no education MYS.PROP.2529.NED.MF - proportion, 25 - 29, total, no education MYS.PROP.2529.PRI.FE - proportion, 25 - 29, female, primary MYS.PROP.2529.PRI.MA - proportion, 25 - 29, male, primary MYS.PROP.2529.PRI.MF - proportion, 25 - 29, total, primary MYS.PROP.2529.SEC.FE - proportion, 25 - 29, female, secondary MYS.PROP.2529.SEC.MA - proportion, 25 - 29, male, secondary MYS.PROP.2529.SEC.MF - proportion, 25 - 29, total, secondary MYS.PROP.2529.TER.FE - proportion, 25 - 29, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.2529.TER.MA - proportion, 25 - 29, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.2529.TER.MF - proportion, 25 - 29, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.25UP.NED.FE - proportion, 25+, female, no education MYS.PROP.25UP.NED.MA - proportion, 25+, male, no education MYS.PROP.25UP.NED.MF - proportion, 25+, total, no education MYS.PROP.25UP.PRI.FE - proportion, 25+, female, primary MYS.PROP.25UP.PRI.MA - proportion, 25+, male, primary MYS.PROP.25UP.PRI.MF - proportion, 25+, total, primary MYS.PROP.25UP.SEC.FE - proportion, 25+, female, secondary MYS.PROP.25UP.SEC.MA - proportion, 25+, male, secondary MYS.PROP.25UP.SEC.MF - proportion, 25+, total, secondary MYS.PROP.25UP.TER.FE - proportion, 25+, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.25UP.TER.MA - proportion, 25+, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.25UP.TER.MF - proportion, 25+, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.3034.NED.FE - proportion, 30 - 34, female, no education MYS.PROP.3034.NED.MA - proportion, 30 - 34, male, no education MYS.PROP.3034.NED.MF - proportion, 30 - 34, total, no education MYS.PROP.3034.PRI.FE - proportion, 30 - 34, female, primary MYS.PROP.3034.PRI.MA - proportion, 30 - 34, male, primary MYS.PROP.3034.PRI.MF - proportion, 30 - 34, total, primary MYS.PROP.3034.SEC.FE - proportion, 30 - 34, female, secondary MYS.PROP.3034.SEC.MA - proportion, 30 - 34, male, secondary MYS.PROP.3034.SEC.MF - proportion, 30 - 34, total, secondary MYS.PROP.3034.TER.FE - proportion, 30 - 34, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.3034.TER.MA - proportion, 30 - 34, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.3034.TER.MF - proportion, 30 - 34, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.3539.NED.FE - proportion, 35-39, female, no education MYS.PROP.3539.NED.MA - proportion, 35-39, male, no education MYS.PROP.3539.NED.MF - proportion, 35-39, total, no education MYS.PROP.3539.PRI.FE - proportion, 35-39, female, primary MYS.PROP.3539.PRI.MA - proportion, 35-39, male, primary MYS.PROP.3539.PRI.MF - proportion, 35-39, total, primary MYS.PROP.3539.SEC.FE - proportion, 35-39, female, secondary MYS.PROP.3539.SEC.MA - proportion, 35-39, male, secondary MYS.PROP.3539.SEC.MF - proportion, 35-39, total, secondary MYS.PROP.3539.TER.FE - proportion, 35-39, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.3539.TER.MA - proportion, 35-39, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.3539.TER.MF - proportion, 35-39, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.4044.NED.FE - proportion, 40-44, female, no education MYS.PROP.4044.NED.MA - proportion, 40-44, male, no education MYS.PROP.4044.NED.MF - proportion, 40-44, total, no education MYS.PROP.4044.PRI.FE - proportion, 40-44, female, primary MYS.PROP.4044.PRI.MA - proportion, 40-44, male, primary MYS.PROP.4044.PRI.MF - proportion, 40-44, total, primary MYS.PROP.4044.SEC.FE - proportion, 40-44, female, secondary MYS.PROP.4044.SEC.MA - proportion, 40-44, male, secondary MYS.PROP.4044.SEC.MF - proportion, 40-44, total, secondary MYS.PROP.4044.TER.FE - proportion, 40-44, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.4044.TER.MA - proportion, 40-44, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.4044.TER.MF - proportion, 40-44, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.4549.NED.FE - proportion, 45-49, female, no education MYS.PROP.4549.NED.MA - proportion, 45-49, male, no education MYS.PROP.4549.NED.MF - proportion, 45-49, total, no education MYS.PROP.4549.PRI.FE - proportion, 45-49, female, primary MYS.PROP.4549.PRI.MA - proportion, 45-49, male, primary MYS.PROP.4549.PRI.MF - proportion, 45-49, total, primary MYS.PROP.4549.SEC.FE - proportion, 45-49, female, secondary MYS.PROP.4549.SEC.MA - proportion, 45-49, male, secondary MYS.PROP.4549.SEC.MF - proportion, 45-49, total, secondary MYS.PROP.4549.TER.FE - proportion, 45-49, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.4549.TER.MA - proportion, 45-49, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.4549.TER.MF - proportion, 45-49, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.4564.NED.FE - proportion, 45-64, female, no education MYS.PROP.4564.NED.MA - proportion, 45-64, male, no education MYS.PROP.4564.NED.MF - proportion, 45-64, total, no education MYS.PROP.4564.PRI.FE - proportion, 45-64, female, primary MYS.PROP.4564.PRI.MA - proportion, 45-64, male, primary MYS.PROP.4564.PRI.MF - proportion, 45-64, total, primary MYS.PROP.4564.SEC.FE - proportion, 45-64, female, secondary MYS.PROP.4564.SEC.MA - proportion, 45-64, male, secondary MYS.PROP.4564.SEC.MF - proportion, 45-64, total, secondary MYS.PROP.4564.TER.FE - proportion, 45-64, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.4564.TER.MA - proportion, 45-64, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.4564.TER.MF - proportion, 45-64, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.5054.NED.FE - proportion, 50-54, female, no education MYS.PROP.5054.NED.MA - proportion, 50-54, male, no education MYS.PROP.5054.NED.MF - proportion, 50-54, total, no education MYS.PROP.5054.PRI.FE - proportion, 50-54, female, primary MYS.PROP.5054.PRI.MA - proportion, 50-54, male, primary MYS.PROP.5054.PRI.MF - proportion, 50-54, total, primary MYS.PROP.5054.SEC.FE - proportion, 50-54, female, secondary MYS.PROP.5054.SEC.MA - proportion, 50-54, male, secondary MYS.PROP.5054.SEC.MF - proportion, 50-54, total, secondary MYS.PROP.5054.TER.FE - proportion, 50-54, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.5054.TER.MA - proportion, 50-54, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.5054.TER.MF - proportion, 50-54, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.5559.NED.FE - proportion, 55-59, female, no education MYS.PROP.5559.NED.MA - proportion, 55-59, male, no education MYS.PROP.5559.NED.MF - proportion, 55-59, total, no education MYS.PROP.5559.PRI.FE - proportion, 55-59, female, primary MYS.PROP.5559.PRI.MA - proportion, 55-59, male, primary MYS.PROP.5559.PRI.MF - proportion, 55-59, total, primary MYS.PROP.5559.SEC.FE - proportion, 55-59, female, secondary MYS.PROP.5559.SEC.MA - proportion, 55-59, male, secondary MYS.PROP.5559.SEC.MF - proportion, 55-59, total, secondary MYS.PROP.5559.TER.FE - proportion, 55-59, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.5559.TER.MA - proportion, 55-59, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.5559.TER.MF - proportion, 55-59, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.6064.NED.FE - proportion, 60-64, female, no education MYS.PROP.6064.NED.MA - proportion, 60-64, male, no education MYS.PROP.6064.NED.MF - proportion, 60-64, total, no education MYS.PROP.6064.PRI.FE - proportion, 60-64, female, primary MYS.PROP.6064.PRI.MA - proportion, 60-64, male, primary MYS.PROP.6064.PRI.MF - proportion, 60-64, total, primary MYS.PROP.6064.SEC.FE - proportion, 60-64, female, secondary MYS.PROP.6064.SEC.MA - proportion, 60-64, male, secondary MYS.PROP.6064.SEC.MF - proportion, 60-64, total, secondary MYS.PROP.6064.TER.FE - proportion, 60-64, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.6064.TER.MA - proportion, 60-64, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.6064.TER.MF - proportion, 60-64, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.6569.NED.FE - proportion, 65-69, female, no education MYS.PROP.6569.NED.MA - proportion, 65-69, male, no education MYS.PROP.6569.NED.MF - proportion, 65-69, total, no education MYS.PROP.6569.PRI.FE - proportion, 65-69, female, primary MYS.PROP.6569.PRI.MA - proportion, 65-69, male, primary MYS.PROP.6569.PRI.MF - proportion, 65-69, total, primary MYS.PROP.6569.SEC.FE - proportion, 65-69, female, secondary MYS.PROP.6569.SEC.MA - proportion, 65-69, male, secondary MYS.PROP.6569.SEC.MF - proportion, 65-69, total, secondary MYS.PROP.6569.TER.FE - proportion, 65-69, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.6569.TER.MA - proportion, 65-69, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.6569.TER.MF - proportion, 65-69, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.65UP.NED.FE - proportion, 65+, female, no education MYS.PROP.65UP.NED.MA - proportion, 65+, male, no education MYS.PROP.65UP.NED.MF - proportion, 65+, total, no education MYS.PROP.65UP.PRI.FE - proportion, 65+, female, primary MYS.PROP.65UP.PRI.MA - proportion, 65+, male, primary MYS.PROP.65UP.PRI.MF - proportion, 65+, total, primary MYS.PROP.65UP.SEC.FE - proportion, 65+, female, secondary MYS.PROP.65UP.SEC.MA - proportion, 65+, male, secondary MYS.PROP.65UP.SEC.MF - proportion, 65+, total, secondary MYS.PROP.65UP.TER.FE - proportion, 65+, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.65UP.TER.MA - proportion, 65+, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.65UP.TER.MF - proportion, 65+, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.7074.NED.FE - proportion, 70-74, female, no education MYS.PROP.7074.NED.MA - proportion, 70-74, male, no education MYS.PROP.7074.NED.MF - proportion, 70-74, total, no education MYS.PROP.7074.PRI.FE - proportion, 70-74, female, primary MYS.PROP.7074.PRI.MA - proportion, 70-74, male, primary MYS.PROP.7074.PRI.MF - proportion, 70-74, total, primary MYS.PROP.7074.SEC.FE - proportion, 70-74, female, secondary MYS.PROP.7074.SEC.MA - proportion, 70-74, male, secondary MYS.PROP.7074.SEC.MF - proportion, 70-74, total, secondary MYS.PROP.7074.TER.FE - proportion, 70-74, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.7074.TER.MA - proportion, 70-74, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.7074.TER.MF - proportion, 70-74, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.7579.NED.FE - proportion, 75-79, female, no education MYS.PROP.7579.NED.MA - proportion, 75-79, male, no education MYS.PROP.7579.NED.MF - proportion, 75-79, total, no education MYS.PROP.7579.PRI.FE - proportion, 75-79, female, primary MYS.PROP.7579.PRI.MA - proportion, 75-79, male, primary MYS.PROP.7579.PRI.MF - proportion, 75-79, total, primary MYS.PROP.7579.SEC.FE - proportion, 75-79, female, secondary MYS.PROP.7579.SEC.MA - proportion, 75-79, male, secondary MYS.PROP.7579.SEC.MF - proportion, 75-79, total, secondary MYS.PROP.7579.TER.FE - proportion, 75-79, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.7579.TER.MA - proportion, 75-79, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.7579.TER.MF - proportion, 75-79, total, tertiary MYS.PROP.80UP.NED.FE - proportion, 80+, female, no education MYS.PROP.80UP.NED.MA - proportion, 80+, male, no education MYS.PROP.80UP.NED.MF - proportion, 80+, total, no education MYS.PROP.80UP.PRI.FE - proportion, 80+, female, primary MYS.PROP.80UP.PRI.MA - proportion, 80+, male, primary MYS.PROP.80UP.PRI.MF - proportion, 80+, total, primary MYS.PROP.80UP.SEC.FE - proportion, 80+, female, secondary MYS.PROP.80UP.SEC.MA - proportion, 80+, male, secondary MYS.PROP.80UP.SEC.MF - proportion, 80+, total, secondary MYS.PROP.80UP.TER.FE - proportion, 80+, female, tertiary MYS.PROP.80UP.TER.MA - proportion, 80+, male, tertiary MYS.PROP.80UP.TER.MF - proportion, 80+, total, tertiary NE.CON.GOVT.CD - General government final consumption expenditure (current US$) NE.CON.GOVT.CN - General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU) NE.CON.GOVT.KD - General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$) NE.CON.GOVT.KD.ZG - General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) NE.CON.GOVT.KN - General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) NE.CON.GOVT.ZS - General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) NE.CON.PCAP.CD - Final consumption expenditure plus discrepancy, per capita (current US$) NE.CON.PETC.CD - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$) NE.CON.PETC.CN - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU) NE.CON.PETC.KD - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2000 US$) NE.CON.PETC.KD.ZG - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth) NE.CON.PETC.KN - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU) NE.CON.PETC.ZS - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) NE.CON.PRVT.CD - Household final consumption expenditure (current US$) NE.CON.PRVT.CN - Household final consumption expenditure (current LCU) NE.CON.PRVT.KD - Household final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$) NE.CON.PRVT.KD.ZG - Household final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) NE.CON.PRVT.KN - Household final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD - Household final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2000 US$) NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD.ZG - Household final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %) NE.CON.PRVT.PP.CD - Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (current international $) NE.CON.PRVT.PP.KD - Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2005 international $) NE.CON.TETC.CD - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$) NE.CON.TETC.CN - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU) NE.CON.TETC.KD - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2000 US$) NE.CON.TETC.KD.ZG - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth) NE.CON.TETC.KN - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU) NE.CON.TETC.ZS - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) NE.CON.TOTL.CD - Final consumption expenditure (current US$) NE.CON.TOTL.CN - Final consumption expenditure (current LCU) NE.CON.TOTL.KD - Final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$) NE.CON.TOTL.KN - Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) NE.DAB.DEFL.ZS - Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country) NE.DAB.TOTL.CD - Gross national expenditure (current US$) NE.DAB.TOTL.CN - Gross national expenditure (current LCU) NE.DAB.TOTL.KD - Gross national expenditure (constant 2000 US$) NE.DAB.TOTL.KN - Gross national expenditure (constant LCU) NE.DAB.TOTL.ZS - Gross national expenditure (% of GDP) NE.EXP.GNFS.CD - Exports of goods and services (current US$) NE.EXP.GNFS.CN - Exports of goods and services (current LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.KD - Exports of goods and services (constant 2000 US$) NE.EXP.GNFS.KD.ZG - Exports of goods and services (annual % growth) NE.EXP.GNFS.KN - Exports of goods and services (constant LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.KN.ZG - Exports of goods and non-financial services, growth (%, constant LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.XN - Export price index (goods and services, 2000=100) NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS - Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) NE.GDI.FCGV.CD - GDFI - central government (current US$) NE.GDI.FCGV.CN - GDFI - central government (current LCU) NE.GDI.FCGV.KD - GDFI - central government (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FCGV.KN - GDFI - central government (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FGOV.CD - GDFI - general government (current US$) NE.GDI.FGOV.CN - GDFI - general government (current LCU) NE.GDI.FGOV.KD - GDFI - general government (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FGOV.KN - GDFI - general government (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FLGV.CD - GDFI - state and local government (current US$) NE.GDI.FLGV.CN - GDFI - state and local government (current LCU) NE.GDI.FLGV.KN - GDFI - state and local government (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPBE.CD - GDFI - public enterprises (current US$) NE.GDI.FPBE.CN - GDFI - public enterprises (current LCU) NE.GDI.FPBE.KN - GDFI - public enterprises (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPRV.CD - GDFI - private (current US$) NE.GDI.FPRV.CN - Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.FPRV.KD - GDFI - private sector (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FPRV.KN - GDFI - private sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPRV.ZS - Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP) NE.GDI.FPUB.CD - GDFI - public sector (current US$) NE.GDI.FPUB.KD - GDFI - public sector (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FPUB.KN - GDFI - public sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPUB.ZS - Gross public investment (% of GDP) NE.GDI.FTOT.CD - Gross fixed capital formation (current US$) NE.GDI.FTOT.CN - Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU) NE.GDI.FTOT.KD - Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FTOT.KD.ZG - Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth) NE.GDI.FTOT.KN - Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FTOT.ZS - Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) NE.GDI.STKB.CD - Changes in inventories (current US$) NE.GDI.STKB.CN - Changes in inventories (current LCU) NE.GDI.STKB.KN - Changes in inventories (constant LCU) NE.GDI.STPB.CD - Change in stocks public sector (current US$) NE.GDI.STPB.CN - Change in stocks public sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.STPB.KN - Change in stocks, public sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.STPV.CD - Change in stocks, private sector (current US$) NE.GDI.STPV.CN - Change in stocks, private sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.STPV.KN - Change in stocks, private sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.CD - Gross capital formation (current US$) NE.GDI.TOTL.CN - Gross capital formation (current LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.KD - Gross capital formation (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.TOTL.KD.ZG - Gross capital formation (annual % growth) NE.GDI.TOTL.KN - Gross capital formation (constant LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS - Gross capital formation (% of GDP) NE.IMP.GNFS.CD - Imports of goods and services (current US$) NE.IMP.GNFS.CN - Imports of goods and services (current LCU) NE.IMP.GNFS.KD - Imports of goods and services (constant 2000 US$) NE.IMP.GNFS.KD.ZG - Imports of goods and services (annual % growth) NE.IMP.GNFS.KN - Imports of goods and services (constant LCU) NE.IMP.GNFS.XN - Import price index (goods and services 2000=100) NE.IMP.GNFS.ZS - Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) NE.MRCH.GDP.ZS - Merchandise trade to GDP ratio (%) NE.RSB.GNFS.CD - External balance on goods and services (current US$) NE.RSB.GNFS.CN - External balance on goods and services (current LCU) NE.RSB.GNFS.KN - External balance on goods and services (constant LCU) NE.RSB.GNFS.ZS - External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) NE.TRD.GNFS.CD - Trade of goods and services (current US$) NE.TRD.GNFS.ZS - Trade (% of GDP) NE.TRM.TRAD.XN - Terms of trade index (2000=100) NECONGOVTCD - Government Consumption, current US$, millions NECONGOVTCN - Government Consumption, current LCU, millions NECONGOVTKD - Government Consumption, constant US$, millions NECONGOVTKN - Government Consumption, constant LCU, millions NECONGOVTXD - Government Consumption (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD) NECONGOVTXN - Government Consumption deflator, LCU NECONPRVTCD - Private Consumption, current US$, millions NECONPRVTCN - Private Consumption, current LCU, millions NECONPRVTKD - Private Consumption, constant US$, millions NECONPRVTKN - Private Consumption, constant LCU, millions NECONPRVTXD - Private Consumption (implicit price deflator contant 2005 USD) NECONPRVTXN - Private Consumption deflator, LCU NEER - Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate NEEXPGNFSCD - Exports GNFS, current US$, millions NEEXPGNFSCN - Exports GNFS, current LCU, millions NEEXPGNFSKD - Exports GNFS, constant US$, millions NEEXPGNFSKN - Exports GNFS, constant LCU, millions NEEXPGNFSXD - Exports, GNFS (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD) NEEXPGNFSXN - Exports GNFS deflator, LCU NEGDETOTTKD - Gross Domestic Expenditure (GDE) (real 2005 USD) NEGDETOTTKN - Gross Domestic Expenditure (GDE) (real local currency units, various base years) NEGDIFTOTCD - Fixed Investment, current US$, millions NEGDIFTOTCN - Fixed Investment, current LCU, millions NEGDIFTOTKD - Fixed Investment, constant US$, millions NEGDIFTOTKN - Fixed Investment, constant LCU, millions NEGDIFTOTXD - Gross Fixed Investment (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD) NEGDIFTOTXN - Fixed Investment deflator, LCU NEGDIKSTKKD - Estimated Capital stock (real 2005 USD) NEGDIKSTKKN - Estimated Capital stock (real local currency units, various base years) NEGDISTKBCD - Change in Inventories, current US$, millions NEGDISTKBCN - Change in Inventories, current LCU, millions NEGDISTKBKD - Change in Inventories, constant US$, millions NEGDISTKBKN - Change in Inventories, constant LCU, millions NEGDISTKBXN - Change in Inventories deflator, LCU NEGDITOTLCD - Total Investment, current US$, millions NEGDITOTLCN - Total Investment, current LCU, millions NEGDITOTLKD - Total Investment, constant US$, millions NEGDITOTLKN - Total Investment, constant LCU, millions NEGDITOTLXN - Total Investment deflator, LCU NEIMPGNFSCD - Imports GNFS, current US$, millions NEIMPGNFSCN - Imports GNFS, current LCU, millions NEIMPGNFSKD - Imports GNFS, constant US$, millions NEIMPGNFSKN - Imports GNFS, constant LCU, millions NEIMPGNFSXD - Imports, GNFS (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD) NEIMPGNFSXN - Imports GNFS deflator, LCU NGAS_EUR - Natural gas, Europe, $/mmbtu, current$ NGAS_JP - Natural gas LNG, $/mmbtu, current$ NGAS_US - Natural gas, US, $/mmbtu, current$ NICKEL - Nickel, $/mt, current$ noprog.overlap_np_pop - % of population not receiving Social Protection noprog.overlap_np_q1 - % of 1st 20% population not receiving Social Protection NV.AGR.PCAP.KD.ZG - Real agricultural GDP per capita growth rate (%) NV.AGR.TOTL.CD - Agriculture, value added (current US$) NV.AGR.TOTL.CN - Agriculture, value added (current LCU) NV.AGR.TOTL.KD - Agriculture, value added (constant 2000 US$) NV.AGR.TOTL.KD.ZG - Agriculture, value added (annual % growth) NV.AGR.TOTL.KN - Agriculture, value added (constant LCU) NV.AGR.TOTL.ZG - Real agricultural GDP growth rates (%) NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS - Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) NV.IND.MANF.CD - Manufacturing, value added (current US$) NV.IND.MANF.CN - Manufacturing, value added (current LCU) NV.IND.MANF.KD - Manufacturing, value added (constant 2000 US$) NV.IND.MANF.KD.ZG - Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth) NV.IND.MANF.KN - Manufacturing, value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.MANF.KN.ZG - Value added, manufacturing growth rate (%) NV.IND.MANF.ZS - Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) NV.IND.MINQ.KD - Value added, mining and quarrying (constant 2000 US$) NV.IND.TOTL.CD - Industry, value added (current US$) NV.IND.TOTL.CN - Industry, value added (current LCU) NV.IND.TOTL.KD - Industry, value added (constant 2000 US$) NV.IND.TOTL.KD.ZG - Industry, value added (annual % growth) NV.IND.TOTL.KN - Industry, value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.TOTL.ZS - Industry, value added (% of GDP) NV.MNF.CHEM.ZS.UN - Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.FBTO.ZS.UN - Food, beverages and tobacco (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.MTRN.ZS.UN - Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.OTHR.ZS.UN - Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.TXTL.ZS.UN - Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.SRV.TETC.CD - Services, etc., value added (current US$) NV.SRV.TETC.CN - Services, etc., value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.TETC.KD - Services, etc., value added (constant 2000 US$) NV.SRV.TETC.KD.ZG - Services, etc., value added (annual % growth) NV.SRV.TETC.KN - Services, etc., value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.TETC.KN.ZG - Value added, services and etc growth rate (%) NV.SRV.TETC.ZS - Services, etc., value added (% of GDP) NV.SRV.TOTL.KD - Value added, services (constant 2000 US$) NY.ADJ.AEDU.CD - Adjusted savings: education expenditure (current US$) NY.ADJ.AEDU.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: education expenditure (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DCO2.CD - Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.DCO2.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DFOR.CD - Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (current US$) NY.ADJ.DFOR.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DKAP.CD - Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (current US$) NY.ADJ.DKAP.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DMIN.CD - Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (current US$) NY.ADJ.DMIN.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DNGY.CD - Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$) NY.ADJ.DNGY.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DPEM.CD - Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.DPEM.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DRES.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.ICTR.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: gross savings (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.NNAT.CD - Adjusted savings: net national savings (current US$) NY.ADJ.NNAT.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: net national savings (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.NNTY.CD - Adjusted net national income (current US$) NY.ADJ.NNTY.KD - Adjusted net national income (constant 2000 US$) NY.ADJ.NNTY.KD.ZG - Adjusted net national income (annual % growth) NY.ADJ.SVNG.CD - Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.SVNG.GN.ZS - Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.SVNX.CD - Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.SVNX.GN.ZS - Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (% of GNI) NY.AGR.SUBS.GD.ZS - Agricultural support estimate (% of GDP) NY.EXP.CAPM.KN - Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU) NY.GDP.COAL.RT.ZS - Coal rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.DEFL.KD.ZG - Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) NY.GDP.DEFL.ZS - GDP deflator (base year varies by country) NY.GDP.DISC.CN - Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU) NY.GDP.DISC.KN - Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU) NY.GDP.FCST.CD - Gross value added at factor cost (current US$) NY.GDP.FCST.CN - Gross value added at factor cost (current LCU) NY.GDP.FCST.KD - Gross value added at factor cost (constant 2000 US$) NY.GDP.FCST.KN - Gross value added at factor cost (constant LCU) NY.GDP.FRST.RT.ZS - Forest rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.MINR.RT.ZS - Mineral rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.MKTP.CD - GDP (current US$) NY.GDP.MKTP.CD.XD - GDP deflator, index (2000=100; US$ series) NY.GDP.MKTP.CN - GDP (current LCU) NY.GDP.MKTP.CN.XD - GDP deflator, period average (LCU index 2000=100) NY.GDP.MKTP.KD - GDP (constant 2000 US$) NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG - GDP growth (annual %) NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZS - GDP growth (annual%) NY.GDP.MKTP.KN - GDP (constant LCU) NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.CD - GDP, PPP (current international $) NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.KD - GDP, PPP (constant 2005 international $) NY.GDP.MKTP.XU.E - GDP deflator, end period (base year varies by country) NY.GDP.NGAS.RT.ZS - Natural gas rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.PCAP.CD - GDP per capita (current US$) NY.GDP.PCAP.KD - GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$) NY.GDP.PCAP.KD.ZG - GDP per capita growth (annual %) NY.GDP.PCAP.KN - GDP per capita (constant LCU) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD - GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD - GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD.ZG - GDP per capita, PPP annual growth (%) NY.GDP.PETR.RT.ZS - Oil rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.TOTL.RT.ZS - Total natural resources rents (% of GDP) NY.GDS.PRVT.CD - Gross domestic savings, private (current US$) NY.GDS.PRVT.CN - Gross domestic savings, private (current LCU) NY.GDS.PRVT.KN - Gross domestic savings, private (constant LCU) NY.GDS.PUBL.CD - Gross domestic savings, public (current US$) NY.GDS.PUBL.CN - Gross domestic savings, public (current LCU) NY.GDS.PUBL.KN - Gross domestic savings, public (constant LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.CD - Gross domestic savings (current US$) NY.GDS.TOTL.CN - Gross domestic savings (current LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.KD - Gross domestic savings, total (constant 2000 US$) NY.GDS.TOTL.KN - Gross domestic savings (constant LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.ZS - Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) NY.GDY.TOTL.KD - Gross domestic income (constant 2000 US$) NY.GDY.TOTL.KN - Gross domestic income (constant LCU) NY.GNP.ATLS.CD - GNI, Atlas method (current US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.CD - GNI (current US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.CN - GNI (current LCU) NY.GNP.MKTP.KD - GNI (constant 2000 US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.KD.ZG - GNI growth (annual %) NY.GNP.MKTP.KN - GNI (constant LCU) NY.GNP.MKTP.PP.CD - GNI, PPP (current international $) NY.GNP.PCAP.CD - GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) NY.GNP.PCAP.CD.ZG - GNI per capita growth, Atlas method (annual %) NY.GNP.PCAP.KD - GNI per capita (constant 2000 US$) NY.GNP.PCAP.KD.ZG - GNI per capita growth (annual %) NY.GNP.PCAP.KN - GNI per capita (constant LCU) NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.CD - GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) NY.GNS.ICTR.CD - Gross savings (current US$) NY.GNS.ICTR.CN - Gross savings (current LCU) NY.GNS.ICTR.GN.ZS - Gross savings (% of GNI) NY.GNS.ICTR.KD - Gross national savings, including net current transfers (constant 2000 US$) NY.GNS.ICTR.KN - Gross national savings, including net current transfers (constant LCU) NY.GNS.ICTR.ZS - Gross savings (% of GDP) NY.GNS.PRVT.CD - Gross national savings, private (current US$) NY.GNS.PRVT.CN - Gross national savings, private (current LCU) NY.GNS.PRVT.KN - Gross national savings, private (constant LCU) NY.GNS.PUBL.CD - Gross national savings, public (current US$) NY.GNS.PUBL.CN - Gross national savings, public (current LCU) NY.GNS.PUBL.KN - Gross national savings, public (constant LCU) NY.GNY.TOTL.CN - Gross national disposable income (current LCU) NY.GNY.TOTL.KD - Gross national income (constant 2000 US$) NY.GNY.TOTL.KN - Gross national income (constant LCU) NY.GSR.NFCY.CD - Net income from abroad (current US$) NY.GSR.NFCY.CN - Net income from abroad (current LCU) NY.GSR.NFCY.KN - Net income from abroad (constant LCU) NY.TAX.IDRT.CD - Indirect taxes (current US$) NY.TAX.IDRT.CN - Indirect taxes (current LCU) NY.TAX.NIND.CD - Net taxes on products (current US$) NY.TAX.NIND.CN - Net taxes on products (current LCU) NY.TAX.NIND.KN - Net taxes on products (constant LCU) NY.TAX.SUBS.CD - Subsidies (current US$) NY.TAX.SUBS.CN - Subsidies (current LCU; from SNA) NY.TRF.NCTR.CD - Net current transfers from abroad (current US$) NY.TRF.NCTR.CN - Net current transfers from abroad (current LCU) NY.TRF.NCTR.KN - Net current transfers from abroad (constant LCU) NY.TTF.GNFS.KN - Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU) NYGDPDISCCD - GDP Discrepancy, current US$, millions NYGDPDISCCN - GDP Discrepancy, current LCU, millions NYGDPDISCKD - GDP Discrepancy, constant US$, millions NYGDPDISCKN - GDP Discrepancy, constant LCU, millions NYGDPDISCXN - GDP Discrepancy deflator, LCU NYGDPGAP_ - Output gap, % NYGDPMKTPCD - GDP, current US$, millions NYGDPMKTPCN - GDP, current LCU, millions NYGDPMKTPCP - GDP, PPP basis, current intl $, millions NYGDPMKTPKD - GDP, constant US$, millions NYGDPMKTPKN - GDP, constant LCU, millions NYGDPMKTPKP - GDP, PPP basis, constant intl $, millions NYGDPMKTPXD - GDP (implicit price deflator contant 2005 USD) NYGDPMKTPXN - GDP deflator, LCU NYGDPMKTPXP - GDP, PPP basis, deflator NYGDPPOTLKD - GDP Potential, constant US$, millions NYGDPPOTLKN - Estimated Potential GDP (real local currency units, various base years) Off_shore_financial_centers - Countries categorized as offshore financial centers by the IMF and the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) oneprog.numprog1pop - % of population receiving only 1 program oneprog.numprog1q1 - % of 1st 20% population receiving 1 program ORANGE - Oranges, $/mt, current$ PA.NUS.ATLS - DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$) PA.NUS.FCRF - Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) PA.NUS.PPP - PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $) PA.NUS.PPPC.RF - PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate ratio PA.NUS.PRVT.PP - PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $) PALM_OIL - Palm oil, $/mt, current$ PANEUATLS - LCU: Euro PANUSATLS - DEC exchange rate (LCU per US$) PE.NUS.FCAE - Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, end period) PHOSROCK - Phosphate rock, $/mt, current$ PLMKRNL_OIL - Palmkernal oil, $/mt, current$ PLYWOOD - Plywood, cents/sheets, current$ PMKEY - Merchandise Import Price Index, US$ (Keyfitz-Savescu) POTASH - Potassium Chloride, $/mt, current$ PRT.PDCL.IND1.IDX - PDI-1 Country with operational national development strategies (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND10A.ALLD.ZS - PDI-10a Donor missions co-ordinated (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND10B.ALLD.ZS - PDI-10b Country-analysis co-ordinated (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND11.IDX - PDI-11 Existence of a monitorable performance assessment framework (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND12.IDX - PDI-12 Existence of a mutual accountability review (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND2A.IDX - PDI-2a Country financial management systems reliability (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND2B.IDX - PDI-2b Country procurement systems reliability (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND3.ALLD.ZS - PDI-3 Government budget estimates comprehensive and realistic (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND4.ALLD.ZS - PDI-4 Technical assistance aligned and co-ordinated with country programmes (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND5A.ALLD.ZS - PDI-5a Aid for government sectors uses country public finanacial management systems (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND5B.ALLD.ZS - PDI-5b Aid for government sectors uses country procurement systems (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND6.ALLD.NUM - PDI-6 Project implementation units parallel to country structures (number) PRT.PDCL.IND7.ALLD.ZS - PDI-7 Aid disbursements on schedule and recorded by government (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND8.ALLD.ZS - PDI-8 Bilateral aid that is untied (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND9.ALLD.ZS - PDI-9 Aid provided in the framework of programme-based appproaches (%) PV.EST - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate PV.NO.SRC - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Number of Sources PV.PER.RNK - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank PV.STD.ERR - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Standard Error PX.MUV.TOTL - Manufactures value index PX.MUV.TOTL.XU - Manufactured exports unit value (MUV) index (% change) PX.REX.REER - Real effective exchange rate index (2005 = 100) PXKEY - Merchandise Export Price Index, US$ (Keyfitz-Savescu) REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate rem.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Private Transfers rem.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Private Transfers rem.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Private Transfers rem.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Private Transfers rem.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Private Transfers rem.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Private Transfers rem.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Private Transfers rem.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Private Transfers rem.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Private Transfers rem.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Private Transfers rem.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Private Transfers rem.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Private Transfers rem.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Private Transfers rem.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Private Transfers rem.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Private Transfers rem.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Private Transfers rem.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Private Transfers rem.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Private Transfers rem.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Private Transfers rem.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Private Transfers rem.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Private Transfers rem.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Private Transfers rem.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Private Transfers rem.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Private Transfers rem.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Private Transfers rem.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Private Transfers rem.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Private Transfers rem.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Private Transfers rem.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 1st 20% rem.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 2nd 20% rem.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 3rd 20% rem.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 4th 20% rem.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 5th 20% rem.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Private Transfers rem.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Private Transfers rem.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Private Transfers rem.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Private Transfers rem.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Private Transfers rem.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Private Transfers (%) RICE_05 - Rice, Thailand, 5%, $/mt, current$ RICE_05_VNM - Rice, Vietnamese, 5%, $/mt, current$ RICE_25 - Rice, Thailand, 25%, $/mt, current$ RICE_A1 - Rice, Thai, A1.Special, $/mt, current$ RL.EST - Rule of Law: Estimate RL.NO.SRC - Rule of Law: Number of Sources RL.PER.RNK - Rule of Law: Percentile Rank RL.STD.ERR - Rule of Law: Standard Error RQ.EST - Regulatory Quality: Estimate RQ.NO.SRC - Regulatory Quality: Number of Sources RQ.PER.RNK - Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank RQ.STD.ERR - Regulatory Quality: Standard Error RUBBER1_MYSG - Rubber, Singapore, cents/kg, current$ RUBBER1_TSR20 - Rubber, TSR20, cents/kg, current$ sa_ct.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Cash Transfer sa_ct.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Cash Transfer sa_ct.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Cash Transfer sa_ct.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Cash Transfer sa_ct.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer sa_ct.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 1st 20% sa_ct.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 2nd 20% sa_ct.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 3rd 20% sa_ct.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 4th 20% sa_ct.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 5th 20% sa_ct.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Cash Transfer sa_ct.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Cash Transfer sa_ct.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Cash Transfer sa_ct.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Cash Transfer sa_ct.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Cash Transfer sa_ct.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Cash Transfer (%) sa_ik.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - In-Kind sa_ik.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - In-Kind sa_ik.cdg_ci - Concentration index - In-Kind sa_ik.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - In-Kind sa_ik.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - In-Kind sa_ik.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - In-Kind sa_ik.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - In-Kind sa_ik.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - In-Kind sa_ik.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - In-Kind sa_ik.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - In-Kind sa_ik.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - In-Kind sa_ik.expen - Expenditures in benefits of In-Kind sa_ik.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of In-Kind sa_ik.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 1st 20% sa_ik.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 2nd 20% sa_ik.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 3rd 20% sa_ik.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 4th 20% sa_ik.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 5th 20% sa_ik.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - In-Kind sa_ik.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - In-Kind sa_ik.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - In-Kind sa_ik.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -In-Kind sa_ik.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - In-Kind sa_ik.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- In-Kind (%) sa_oct.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Family/Child allowances sa_oct.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances sa_oct.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 1st 20% sa_oct.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 2nd 20% sa_oct.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 3rd 20% sa_oct.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 4th 20% sa_oct.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 5th 20% sa_oct.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Family/Child allowances sa_oct.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Family/Child allowances sa_oct.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Family/Child allowances (%) sa_osa.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - other SSN sa_osa.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - other SSN sa_osa.cdg_ci - Concentration index - other SSN sa_osa.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - other SSN sa_osa.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - other SSN sa_osa.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - other SSN sa_osa.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - other SSN sa_osa.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - other SSN sa_osa.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - other SSN sa_osa.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - other SSN sa_osa.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - other SSN sa_osa.expen - Expenditures in benefits of other SSN sa_osa.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of other SSN sa_osa.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of other SSN - 1st 20% sa_osa.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of other SSN - 2nd 20% sa_osa.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of other SSN - 3rd 20% sa_osa.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of other SSN - 4th 20% sa_osa.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of other SSN - 5th 20% sa_osa.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - other SSN sa_osa.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - other SSN sa_osa.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - other SSN sa_osa.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -other SSN sa_osa.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - other SSN sa_osa.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- other SSN (%) sa_pw.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Public Works sa_pw.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Public Works sa_pw.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Public Works sa_pw.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Public Works sa_pw.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Public Works sa_pw.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Public Works sa_pw.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Public Works sa_pw.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Public Works sa_pw.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Public Works sa_pw.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Public Works sa_pw.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Public Works sa_pw.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Public Works sa_pw.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Public Works sa_pw.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Public Works - 1st 20% sa_pw.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Public Works - 2nd 20% sa_pw.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Public Works - 3rd 20% sa_pw.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Public Works - 4th 20% sa_pw.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Public Works - 5th 20% sa_pw.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Public Works sa_pw.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Public Works sa_pw.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Public Works sa_pw.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Public Works sa_pw.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Public Works sa_pw.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Public Works (%) sa_sf.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - School-feeding sa_sf.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - School-feeding sa_sf.cdg_ci - Concentration index - School-feeding sa_sf.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - School-feeding sa_sf.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - School-feeding sa_sf.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - School-feeding sa_sf.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - School-feeding sa_sf.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - School-feeding sa_sf.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - School-feeding sa_sf.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - School-feeding sa_sf.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - School-feeding sa_sf.expen - Expenditures in benefits of School-feeding sa_sf.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of School-feeding sa_sf.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 1st 20% sa_sf.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 2nd 20% sa_sf.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 3rd 20% sa_sf.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 4th 20% sa_sf.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 5th 20% sa_sf.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - School-feeding sa_sf.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - School-feeding sa_sf.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - School-feeding sa_sf.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -School-feeding sa_sf.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - School-feeding sa_sf.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- School-feeding (%) sa_sp.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Social Pension sa_sp.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Social Pension sa_sp.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Social Pension sa_sp.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Social Pension sa_sp.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Social Pension sa_sp.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Social Pension sa_sp.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Social Pension sa_sp.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Social Pension sa_sp.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Social Pension sa_sp.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Social Pension sa_sp.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Social Pension sa_sp.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Social Pension sa_sp.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Social Pension sa_sp.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 1st 20% sa_sp.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 2nd 20% sa_sp.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 3rd 20% sa_sp.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 4th 20% sa_sp.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 5th 20% sa_sp.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Social Pension sa_sp.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Social Pension sa_sp.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Social Pension sa_sp.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Social Pension sa_sp.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Social Pension sa_sp.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Social Pension (%) sa_sst.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 1st 20% sa_sst.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 2nd 20% sa_sst.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 3rd 20% sa_sst.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 4th 20% sa_sst.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 5th 20% sa_sst.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Conditional Cash Transfer sa_sst.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Conditional Cash Transfer (%) saandot.overlap_sall_pop - % of population receiving SSN and other saandot.overlap_sall_q1 - % of 1st 20% population receiving SSN and other saonly.overlap_sa_pop - % of population only receiving All Social Safety Nets saonly.overlap_sa_q1 - % of 1st 20% population only receiving All Social Safety Nets SAWNWD_CMR - Sawnwood, Cameroon, $/cum, current$ SAWNWD_MYS - Sawnwood, Malaysia, $/cum, current$ SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS - Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS - Ratio of young literate females to males (% ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.LT.MA.ZS - Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.LT.ZS - Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS - Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.LITR.MA.ZS - Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.LITR.ZS - Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) SE.COM.DURS - Duration of education, compulsory SE.ENR.ORPH - Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans ages 10-14 SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS - Ratio of female to male primary enrollment (%) SE.ENR.PRSC.FM.ZS - Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) SE.ENR.PRSC.FM.ZS.GL - Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%), path to goal SE.ENR.SECO.FM.ZS - Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment (%) SE.ENR.TERT.FM.ZS - Ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment (%) SE.PRE.ENRL - Enrolment in pre-primary. Public and private. All programmes. Total SE.PRE.ENRL.FE - Enrolment in pre-primary. Public and private. All programmes. Female SE.PRE.ENRL.FE.ZS - Percentage of female students. Pre-primary SE.PRE.ENRL.MA - Enrolment in pre-primary. Public and private. All programmes. Male SE.PRE.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio. Pre-primary SE.PRE.ENRR - School enrollment, preprimary (% gross) SE.PRE.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, preprimary, female (% gross) SE.PRE.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, preprimary, male (% gross) SE.PRE.NENR - Net enrolment rate. Pre-primary. Total SE.PRE.NENR.FE - Net enrolment rate. Pre-primary. Female SE.PRE.NENR.MA - Net enrolment rate. Pre-primary. Male SE.PRE.PRIV.ZS - Percentage of private enrolment. Pre-primary. SE.PRE.TCHR - Teaching staff in pre-primary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total SE.PRE.TCHR.FE - Teaching staff in pre-primary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female SE.PRE.TCHR.FE.ZS - Percentage female teachers. Pre-primary SE.PRM.AGES - Primary school starting age (years) SE.PRM.CMPL.FE.ZS - Gross primary graduation ratio, female SE.PRM.CMPL.MA.ZS - Gross primary graduation ratio, male SE.PRM.CMPL.ZS - Gross primary graduation ratio, total SE.PRM.CMPT.FE.ZS - Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CMPT.MA.ZS - Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS - Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS.GL - Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group), path to goal SE.PRM.DROP.FE.ZS - Drop-out rate (%), primary, female SE.PRM.DROP.MA.ZS - Drop-out rate (%), primary, male SE.PRM.DROP.ZS - Drop-out rate (%), primary SE.PRM.DURS - Primary education, duration (years) SE.PRM.ENRL - Primary education, pupils SE.PRM.ENRL.FE - Student enrollment, primary, female SE.PRM.ENRL.FE.ZS - Primary education, pupils (% female) SE.PRM.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, primary SE.PRM.ENRR - School enrollment, primary (% gross) SE.PRM.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, primary, female (% gross) SE.PRM.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, primary, male (% gross) SE.PRM.EPCR.FE.ZS - Expected primary completion rate, female (% of population at theoretical entrance age) SE.PRM.EPCR.MA.ZS - Expected primary completion rate, male (% of population at theoretical entrance age) SE.PRM.EPCR.ZS - Expected primary completion rate (% of population at theoretical entrance age) SE.PRM.GINT.FE.ZS - Gross intake rate in grade 1, female (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.GINT.MA.ZS - Gross intake rate in grade 1, male (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.GINT.ZS - Gross intake rate in grade 1, total (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.NENR - School enrollment, primary (% net) SE.PRM.NENR.FE - School enrollment, primary, female (% net) SE.PRM.NENR.MA - School enrollment, primary, male (% net) SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS - Net intake rate in grade 1, female (% of official school-age population) SE.PRM.NINT.MA.ZS - Net intake rate in grade 1, male (% of official school-age population) SE.PRM.NINT.ZS - Net intake rate in grade 1 (% of official school-age population) SE.PRM.PRIV.ZS - School enrollment, primary, private (% of total primary) SE.PRM.PRS5.FE.ZS - Persistence to grade 5, female (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS5.MA.ZS - Persistence to grade 5, male (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS5.ZS - Persistence to grade 5, total (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS - Persistence to last grade of primary, female (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRSL.MA.ZS - Persistence to last grade of primary, male (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRSL.ZS - Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort) SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS - Repeaters, primary, female (% of female enrollment) SE.PRM.REPT.MA.ZS - Repeaters, primary, male (% of male enrollment) SE.PRM.REPT.ZS - Repeaters, primary, total (% of total enrollment) SE.PRM.TCAQ.FE.ZS - Trained teachers in primary education, female (% of female teachers) SE.PRM.TCAQ.MA.ZS - Trained teachers in primary education, male (% of male teachers) SE.PRM.TCAQ.ZS - Trained teachers in primary education (% of total teachers) SE.PRM.TCHR - Primary education, teachers SE.PRM.TCHR.FE - Teaching staff in primary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS - Primary education, teachers (% female) SE.PRM.TENR - Total enrollment, primary (% net) SE.PRM.TENR.FE - Total enrollment, primary, female (% net) SE.PRM.TENR.MA - Total enrollment, primary, male (% net) SE.PRM.UNER - Children out of school, primary SE.PRM.UNER.FE - Children out of school, primary, female SE.PRM.UNER.MA - Children out of school, primary, male SE.SCH.LIFE - Expected years of schooling SE.SCH.LIFE.FE - Expected years of schooling, female SE.SCH.LIFE.MA - Expected years of schooling, male SE.SEC.AGES - Secondary school starting age (years) SE.SEC.DURS - Secondary education, duration (years) SE.SEC.DURS.LO - Duration of 2A lower secondary SE.SEC.DURS.UP - Duration of education, upper secondary SE.SEC.ENRL - Secondary education, pupils SE.SEC.ENRL.FE - Student enrollment, secondary, female SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.VO.ZS - Vocational and Technical enrollment (% of total secondary enrollment), female SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS - Secondary education, pupils (% female) SE.SEC.ENRL.GC - Secondary education, general pupils SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE - Secondary education, general pupils, female SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS - Secondary education, general pupils (% female) SE.SEC.ENRL.MA.VO.ZS - Vocational and Technical enrollment (% of total secondary enrollment), male SE.SEC.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary SE.SEC.ENRL.VO - Secondary education, vocational pupils SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE - Secondary education, vocational pupils, female SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS - Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female) SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.ZS - Vocational and Technical enrollment (% of total secondary enrollment), total SE.SEC.ENRR - School enrollment, secondary (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR.LO - Gross enrollment rate (%), lower secondary, total SE.SEC.ENRR.LO.FE - Gross enrollment rate (%), lower secondary, female SE.SEC.ENRR.LO.MA - Gross enrollment rate (%), lower secondary, male SE.SEC.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR.UP - Gross enrollment rate (%), upper secondary, total SE.SEC.ENRR.UP.FE - Gross enrolment ratio. Upper secondary. All programmes. Female SE.SEC.ENRR.UP.MA - Gross enrolment ratio. Upper secondary. All programmes. Male SE.SEC.NENR - School enrollment, secondary (% net) SE.SEC.NENR.FE - School enrollment, secondary, female (% net) SE.SEC.NENR.MA - School enrollment, secondary, male (% net) SE.SEC.PRIV.ZS - School enrollment, secondary, private (% of total secondary) SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS - Progression to secondary school, female (%) SE.SEC.PROG.MA.ZS - Progression to secondary school, male (%) SE.SEC.PROG.ZS - Progression to secondary school (%) SE.SEC.REPT.FE.ZS - Repeaters, secondary, female (% of female enrollment) SE.SEC.REPT.MA.ZS - Repeaters, secondary, male (% of male enrollment) SE.SEC.REPT.ZS - Repeaters, secondary, total (% of total enrollment) SE.SEC.TCAQ.FE.ZS - Secondary education, teachers (% trained), female SE.SEC.TCAQ.MA.ZS - Secondary education, teachers (% trained), male SE.SEC.TCAQ.ZS - Secondary education, teachers (% trained) SE.SEC.TCHR - Secondary education, teachers SE.SEC.TCHR.FE - Secondary education, teachers, female SE.SEC.TCHR.FE.ZS - Secondary education, teachers (% female) SE.SEC.TCHR.MA - Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Male SE.TER.CMPL.FE.ZS - Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), female SE.TER.CMPL.MA.ZS - Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), male SE.TER.CMPL.ZS - Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), total SE.TER.ENRL - Student enrollment, tertiary, total SE.TER.ENRL.FE - Student enrollment, tertiary, female SE.TER.ENRL.FE.ZS - Girls enrollment share (%), tertiary SE.TER.ENRL.MA - Student enrollment, tertiary, male SE.TER.ENRR - School enrollment, tertiary (% gross) SE.TER.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross) SE.TER.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross) SE.TER.GRAD - Graduates, tertiary, total SE.TER.GRAD.AG.FE.ZS - Graduates in agriculture, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.AG.ZS - Graduates in agriculture (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.ED.FE.ZS - Graduates in education, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.ED.ZS - Graduates in education (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.EN.FE.ZS - Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.EN.ZS - Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE - Graduates, tertiary, female SE.TER.GRAD.FE.AG.ZS - Female share of graduates in agriculture (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.ED.ZS - Female share of graduates in education (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.EN.ZS - Female share of graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.HL.ZS - Female share of graduates in health (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.HU.ZS - Female share of graduates in humanities and arts (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.OT.ZS - Female share of graduates in unknown or unspecified fields (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SC.ZS - Female share of graduates in science (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SS.ZS - Female share of graduates in social science, business and law (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SV.ZS - Female share of graduates in services (%, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.ZS - Girls graduates share (%), tertiary SE.TER.GRAD.HL.FE.ZS - Graduates in health, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.HL.ZS - Graduates in health (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.HU.FE.ZS - Graduates in humanities and arts, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.HU.ZS - Graduates in humanities and arts (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.OT.FE.ZS - Graduates in unknown or unspecified fields, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.OT.ZS - Graduates in unknown or unspecified fields (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.SC.FE.ZS - Graduates in science, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.SC.ZS - Graduates in science (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.SS.FE.ZS - Graduates in social science, business, law, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.SS.ZS - Graduates in social science, business, law (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.SV.FE.ZS - Graduates in services, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.GRAD.SV.ZS - Graduates in services (% of total graduates, tertiary) SE.TER.PRIV.ZS - Private enrollment share (%), tertiary SE.TER.TCHR - Tertiary education, teachers SE.TER.TCHR.FE - Teaching staff in total tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female SE.TER.TCHR.FE.ZS - Tertiary education, teachers (% female) SE.TOT.ENRR - Gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary). Total SE.XPD.CUR.PRIM.ZS - Public current education expenditure, primary (% of current education expenditure) SE.XPD.CUR.SECO.ZS - Public current education expenditure, secondary (% of current education expenditure) SE.XPD.CUR.TERT.ZS - Public current education expenditure, tertiary (% of current education expenditure) SE.XPD.CUR.TOTL.ZS - Public current education expenditure (% of total education expenditure) SE.XPD.PRIM.PC.ZS - Expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita) SE.XPD.PRIM.ZS - Share of public expenditure for primary education (% of public education expenditure) SE.XPD.PTCH.ZS - Spending on teaching materials, primary (% of primary expenditure) SE.XPD.SECO.PC.ZS - Expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per capita) SE.XPD.SECO.ZS - Share of public expenditure for secondary education (% of public education expenditure) SE.XPD.STCH.ZS - Spending on teaching materials, secondary (% of secondary expenditure) SE.XPD.TCHR.XC.ZS - Teachers' salaries (% of current education expenditure) SE.XPD.TERT.PC.ZS - Expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita) SE.XPD.TERT.ZS - Share of expenditure for tertiary education (% of total education expenditure) SE.XPD.TOTL.GB.ZS - Public spending on education, total (% of government expenditure) SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) SE.XPD.TOTL.GN.ZS - Public education expenditure, % of GNI SE.XPD.TOTL.PC.ZS - Public education expenditure per student (% of p.c. GDP), all levels SG.GEN.LSOM.ZS - Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) SG.GEN.MNST.ZS - Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) SG.GEN.PARL.ZS - Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) SG.GEN.TECH.ZS - Female professional and technical workers (% of total) SH.ADM.INPT - Inpatient admission rate (% of population ) SH.CON.1524.FE.ZS - Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24) SH.CON.1524.MA.ZS - Condom use, population ages 15-24, male (% of males ages 15-24) SH.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS - Condom use with non regular partner, % adults(15-49), female SH.CON.AIDS.MA.ZS - Condom use with non regular partner, % adults(15-49), male SH.DAY.HSPL - Hospital, average length of stay (days) SH.DTH.COMM.ZS - Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total) SH.DTH.INJR.ZS - Cause of death, by injury (% of total) SH.DTH.NCOM.ZS - Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases (% of total) SH.DYN.AIDS - Adults (ages 15+) living with HIV SH.DYN.AIDS.DH - AIDS estimated deaths (UNAIDS estimates) SH.DYN.AIDS.FE.ZS - Women's share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) SH.DYN.AIDS.HG.ZS - HIV prevalence rate, adult 15-49 years (%; high estimate) SH.DYN.AIDS.LW.ZS - HIV prevalence rate, adult 15-49 years (%; low estimate) SH.DYN.AIDS.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) SH.DYN.CHLD.FE - Mortality rate, female child (per 1,000 female children age one) SH.DYN.CHLD.MA - Mortality rate, male child (per 1,000 male children age one) SH.DYN.MORT - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births) SH.DYN.MORT.FE - Mortality rate, under-5, female (per 1,000) SH.DYN.MORT.MA - Mortality rate, under-5, male (per 1,000) SH.DYN.NMRT - Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births) SH.FPL.SATI.ZS - Met need for contraception (% of married women ages 15-49) SH.H2O.SAFE.RU.ZS - Improved water source, rural (% of rural population with access) SH.H2O.SAFE.UR.ZS - Improved water source, urban (% of urban population with access) SH.H2O.SAFE.ZS - Improved water source (% of population with access) SH.HIV.0014 - Children (0-14) living with HIV SH.HIV.1524.FE.HG.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, young women 15-24 years (%; high estimate) SH.HIV.1524.FE.LW.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, young women 15-24 years (%; low estimate) SH.HIV.1524.FE.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, female (% ages 15-24) SH.HIV.1524.KW.FE.ZS - Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, ages 15-24, female (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions) SH.HIV.1524.KW.MA.ZS - Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, ages 15-24, male (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions) SH.HIV.1524.MA.HG.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, young men 15-24 years (%; high estimate) SH.HIV.1524.MA.LW.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, young men 15-24 years (%; low estimate) SH.HIV.1524.MA.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, male (% ages 15-24) SH.HIV.1524.PG.ZS - HIV prevalence among 15-to-24-year-old pregnant women in capital city (%) SH.HIV.ARTC.ZS - Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people with advanced HIV infection) SH.HIV.DTS.HG.NUM - AIDS deaths in adults and children (high estimate) SH.HIV.DTS.LW.NUM - AIDS deaths in adults and children (low estimate) SH.HIV.DTS.NUM - AIDS deaths in adults and children SH.HIV.KNOW.FE.ZS - % of females ages 15-49 having comprehensive correct knowledge about HIV (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions) SH.HIV.KNOW.MA.ZS - % of males ages 15-49 having comprehensive correct knowledge about HIV (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions) SH.HIV.NEW.0014.HG.NUM - New HIV infections (0-14 years), high estimate SH.HIV.NEW.0014.LW.NUM - New HIV infections (0-14 years), low estimate SH.HIV.NEW.0014.NUM - New HIV infections (0-14 years) SH.HIV.NEW.TOTL.HG.NUM - New HIV infections, high estimate SH.HIV.NEW.TOTL.LW.NUM - New HIV infections, low estimate SH.HIV.NEW.TOTL.NUM - New HIV infections SH.HIV.ORP.HG.NUM - Orphans 0-17 years currently living (high estimate) SH.HIV.ORP.LW.NUM - Orphans 0-17 years currently living (low estimate) SH.HIV.ORP.NUM - Orphans 0-17 years currently living SH.HIV.ORPH - Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS SH.HIV.PREG.VIRALS.HG.ZS - HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals, using WHO/UNAIDS methodology (%; high estimate) SH.HIV.PREG.VIRALS.LW.ZS - HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals, using WHO/UNAIDS methodology (%; low estimate) SH.HIV.PREG.VIRALS.NUM - Number of HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals SH.HIV.PREG.VIRALS.ZS - HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals, using WHO/UNAIDS methodology (%) SH.HIV.TOTL - Adults (ages 15+) and children (0-14 years) living with HIV SH.HIV.TOTL.HG.NUM - People living with HIV/AIDS, total (high estimate) SH.HIV.TOTL.LW.NUM - People living with HIV/AIDS, total (low estimate) SH.HIV.TOTL.NUM - People living with HIV/AIDS, total SH.IMM.HEPB - Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) SH.IMM.IBCG - Immunization, BCG (% of one-year-old children) SH.IMM.IDPT - Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months) SH.IMM.MEAS - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months) SH.IMM.POL3 - Immunization, Pol3 (% of one-year-old children) SH.MED.BEDS.ZS - Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) SH.MED.CMHW.P3 - Community health workers (per 1,000 people) SH.MED.MWIV.P3 - Midwives (per 1,000 people) SH.MED.NUMW.P3 - Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people) SH.MED.NURS.P3 - Nurses (per 1,000 people) SH.MED.PHYS.ZS - Physicians (per 1,000 people) SH.MLR.CSES.TOTL - Reported clinical malaria cases (total) SH.MLR.DTHS.CHLD.ZS - Deaths among children under five years of age due to malaria (%) SH.MLR.DTHS.TOTL - Reported malaria deaths (total) SH.MLR.INCD - Notified cases of malaria (per 100,000 people) SH.MLR.ITN.1HH.ZS - Households with one or more insect-treated mosquito net (%) SH.MLR.NETS.ZS - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population) SH.MLR.PREG.2IPT.ZS - Pregnant women who took at least 2 doses of intermittent preventative treatment (%) SH.MLR.PREG.ZS - Use of preventive treatment for malaria (% of pregnant women) SH.MLR.TRET.ZS - Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever) SH.MMR.DTHS - Number of maternal deaths SH.MMR.LEVE - Number of weeks of maternity leave SH.MMR.RISK - Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in: rate varies by country) SH.MMR.RISK.ZS - Lifetime risk of maternal death (%) SH.MMR.WAGE.ZS - Maternal leave benefits (% of wages paid in covered period) SH.PRG.ANEM - Prevalence of anemia among pregnant women (%) SH.PRV.SMOK.FE - Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults) SH.PRV.SMOK.MA - Smoking prevalence, males (% of adults) SH.SOL.FUEL.ZS - Population using solid fuels, total (% of population) SH.STA.ACSN - Improved sanitation facilities (% of population with access) SH.STA.ACSN.RU - Improved sanitation facilities, rural (% of rural population with access) SH.STA.ACSN.UR - Improved sanitation facilities, urban (% of urban population with access) SH.STA.ANV4.ZS - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women) SH.STA.ANVC.ZS - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) SH.STA.ARIC.ZS - ARI treatment (% of children under 5 taken to a health provider) SH.STA.BFED.ZS - Exclusive breastfeeding (% of children under 6 months) SH.STA.BRTC.ZS - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) SH.STA.BRTW.ZS - Low-birthweight babies (% of births) SH.STA.DIAB.ZS - Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79) SH.STA.MALN.FE.ZS - Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age, female (% of children under 5) SH.STA.MALN.MA.ZS - Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age, male (% of children under 5) SH.STA.MALN.ZS - Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age (% of children under 5) SH.STA.MALR - Malaria cases reported SH.STA.MMRT - Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) SH.STA.MMRT.NE - Maternal mortality ratio (national estimate, per 100,000 live births) SH.STA.ORCF.ZS - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding) SH.STA.OW15.FE.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, female (% of female population ages 15+) SH.STA.OW15.MA.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, male (% of male population ages 15+) SH.STA.OWGH.FE.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, female (% of children under 5) SH.STA.OWGH.MA.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, male (% of children under 5) SH.STA.OWGH.ZS - Prevalence of overweight (% of children under 5) SH.STA.STNT.FE.ZS - Malnutrition prevalence, height for age, female (% of children under 5) SH.STA.STNT.MA.ZS - Malnutrition prevalence, height for age, male (% of children under 5) SH.STA.STNT.ZS - Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% of children under 5) SH.STA.WAST.FE.ZS - Prevalence of wasting, female (% of children under 5) SH.STA.WAST.MA.ZS - Prevalence of wasting, male (% of children under 5) SH.STA.WAST.ZS - Prevalence of wasting (% of children under 5) SH.TBS.CURE.ZS - Tuberculosis treatment success rate (% of registered cases) SH.TBS.DTEC.ZS - Tuberculosis case detection rate (%, all forms) SH.TBS.INCD - Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people) SH.TBS.INCD.HG - Incidence of tuberculosis, high uncertainty bound (per 100,000 people) SH.TBS.INCD.LW - Incidence of tuberculosis, low uncertainty bound (per 100,000 people) SH.TBS.MORT - Tuberculosis death rate (per 100,000 people) SH.TBS.MORT.HG - Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-negative people, high uncertainty bound (per 100,000 population) SH.TBS.MORT.LW - Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-negative people, low uncertainty bound (per 100,000 population) SH.TBS.PREV - Tuberculosis prevalence rate (per 100,000 population, WHO) SH.TBS.PREV.HG - Tuberculosis prevalence rate, high uncertainty bound (per 1000,000 population, WHO) SH.TBS.PREV.LW - Tuberculosis prevalence rate, low uncertainty bound (per 1000,000 population, WHO) SH.VAC.TTNS.ZS - Newborns protected against tetanus (%) SH.VST.OUTP - Outpatient visits per capita SH.XPD.EXTR.ZS - External resources for health (% of total expenditure on health) SH.XPD.OOPC.TO.ZS - Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of total expenditure on health) SH.XPD.OOPC.ZS - Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health) SH.XPD.PCAP - Health expenditure per capita (current US$) SH.XPD.PCAP.GX - Government health expenditure per capita (current US$) SH.XPD.PCAP.PP.KD - Health expenditure per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $) SH.XPD.PRIV - Health expenditure, private (% of total health expenditure) SH.XPD.PRIV.CD - Health expenditure, private (current US$) SH.XPD.PRIV.PRPP.ZS - Private prepaid plans (% of private expenditure on health) SH.XPD.PRIV.ZS - Health expenditure, private (% of GDP) SH.XPD.PUBL - Health expenditure, public (% of total health expenditure) SH.XPD.PUBL.GX.ZS - Health expenditure, public (% of government expenditure) SH.XPD.PUBL.ZS - Health expenditure, public (% of GDP) SH.XPD.SOSE.GX.ZS - Social Security expenditure on health (% government expenditure on health) SH.XPD.TOTL.CD - Health expenditure (current US$) SH.XPD.TOTL.ZS - Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) SHRIMP_MEX - Shrimp, Mexico, cents/kg, current$ SI.DST.02ND.20 - Income share held by second 20% SI.DST.03RD.20 - Income share held by third 20% SI.DST.04TH.20 - Income share held by fourth 20% SI.DST.05TH.20 - Income share held by highest 20% SI.DST.10TH.10 - Income share held by highest 10% SI.DST.FRST.10 - Income share held by lowest 10% SI.DST.FRST.20 - Income share held by lowest 20% SI.POV.25DAY - Poverty headcount ratio at $2.5 a day (PPP) (% of population) SI.POV.2DAY - Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day (PPP) (% of population) SI.POV.4DAY - Poverty headcount ratio at $4 a day (PPP) (% of population) SI.POV.5DAY - Poverty headcount ratio at $5 a day (PPP) (% of population) SI.POV.DDAY - Poverty headcount ratio at $1.25 a day (PPP) (% of population) SI.POV.GAP2 - Poverty gap at $2 a day (PPP) (%) SI.POV.GAP25 - Poverty gap at $2.5 a day (PPP) (%) SI.POV.GAP4 - Poverty gap at $4 a day (PPP) (%) SI.POV.GAP5 - Poverty gap at $5 a day (PPP) (%) SI.POV.GAPS - Poverty gap at $1.25 a day (PPP) (%) SI.POV.GINI - GINI index SI.POV.NAGP - Poverty gap at national poverty line (%) SI.POV.NAHC - Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) SI.POV.NOP1 - Number of poor at $1.25 a day (PPP) (millions) SI.POV.NOP2 - Number of poor at $2 a day (PPP) (millions) SI.POV.NOP25 - Number of poor at $2.5 a day (PPP) (millions) SI.POV.NOP4 - Number of poor at $4 a day (PPP) (millions) SI.POV.NOP5 - Number of poor at $5 a day (PPP) (millions) SI.POV.RUGP - Poverty gap at rural poverty line (%) SI.POV.RUHC - Poverty headcount ratio at rural poverty line (% of rural population) SI.POV.URGP - Poverty gap at urban poverty line (%) SI.POV.URHC - Poverty headcount ratio at urban poverty line (% of urban population) si_oa.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Old Age Contributory si_oa.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Old Age Contributory si_oa.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Old Age Contributory si_oa.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Old Age Contributory si_oa.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory si_oa.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 1st 20% si_oa.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 2nd 20% si_oa.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 3rd 20% si_oa.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 4th 20% si_oa.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 5th 20% si_oa.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Old Age Contributory si_oa.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Old Age Contributory si_oa.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Old Age Contributory si_oa.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Old Age Contributory si_oa.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Old Age Contributory si_oa.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Old Age Contributory (%) si_ss.avt_pop - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Social Security si_ss.avt_q1 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Social Security si_ss.avt_q2 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Social Security si_ss.avt_q3 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Social Security si_ss.avt_q4 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Social Security si_ss.avt_q5 - Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Social Security si_ss.bi_q1 - (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Social Security si_ss.bi_q2 - (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Social Security si_ss.bi_q3 - (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Social Security si_ss.bi_q4 - (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Social Security si_ss.bi_q5 - (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Social Security si_ss.byi_q1 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Social Security si_ss.byi_q2 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Social Security si_ss.byi_q3 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Social Security si_ss.byi_q4 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Social Security si_ss.byi_q5 - (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Social Security si_ss.cba_q1 - Cost-benefit ratio - Social Security si_ss.cdg_ci - Concentration index - Social Security si_ss.cdg_d1 - CGH held by poorest 10% - Social Security si_ss.cdg_q1 - CGH held by poorest 20% population - Social Security si_ss.cov_pop - (%) Program participation - Social Security si_ss.cov_q1 - (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Social Security si_ss.cov_q2 - (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Social Security si_ss.cov_q3 - (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Social Security si_ss.cov_q4 - (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Social Security si_ss.cov_q5 - (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Social Security si_ss.expen - Expenditures in benefits of Social Security si_ss.gen_pop - (%) Generosity of Social Security si_ss.gen_q1 - (%) Generosity of Social Security - 1st 20% si_ss.gen_q2 - (%) Generosity of Social Security - 2nd 20% si_ss.gen_q3 - (%) Generosity of Social Security - 3rd 20% si_ss.gen_q4 - (%) Generosity of Social Security - 4th 20% si_ss.gen_q5 - (%) Generosity of Social Security - 5th 20% si_ss.inc_gini - Gini inequality reduction (%) - Social Security si_ss.inc_p0 - Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Social Security si_ss.inc_p1 - Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Social Security si_ss.lekbf_q1 - % benefits held by non poor -Social Security si_ss.lekby_q1 - % of non poor beneficiaries - Social Security si_ss.td_q1 - Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Social Security (%) silm.overlap_silm_pop - % of population receiving All Social Insurance and Labor Market silm.overlap_silm_q1 - % of 1st 20% population receiving All Social Insurance and Labor Market SILVER - Silver, cents/toz, current$ sionly.overlap_si_pop - % of population only receiving All Social Insurance sionly.overlap_si_q1 - % of 1st 20% population only receiving All Social Insurance SL.AGR.0714.FE.ZS - Child employment in agriculture, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14) SL.AGR.0714.MA.ZS - Child employment in agriculture, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14) SL.AGR.0714.ZS - Child employment in agriculture (% of economically active children ages 7-14) SL.AGR.EMPL.FE.ZS - Employees, agriculture, female (% of female employment) SL.AGR.EMPL.MA.ZS - Employees, agriculture, male (% of male employment) SL.AGR.EMPL.ZS - Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS - Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) SL.EMP.1524.SP.MA.ZS - Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) SL.EMP.1524.SP.ZS - Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) SL.EMP.INSV.FE.ZS - Share of women employed in the nonagricultural sector (% of total nonagricultural employment) SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS - Employers, female (% of employment) SL.EMP.MPYR.MA.ZS - Employers, male (% of employment) SL.EMP.MPYR.ZS - Employers, total (% of employment) SL.EMP.OWAC.FE.ZS - Own-account workers, female (% of employed) SL.EMP.OWAC.MA.ZS - Own-account workers, male (% of employed) SL.EMP.SELF.FE.ZS - Self-employed, female (% of females employed) SL.EMP.SELF.MA.ZS - Self-employed, male (% of males employed) SL.EMP.SELF.ZS - Self-employed, total (% of total employed) SL.EMP.TOTL - Total employment, total (ages 15+) SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS - Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.MA.ZS - Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.ZS - Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) SL.EMP.UNDR.FE.ZS - Time-related underemployment, female (% of employment) SL.EMP.UNDR.MA.ZS - Time-related underemployment, male (% of employment) SL.EMP.UNDR.ZS - Time-related underemployment, (% of employment) SL.EMP.UNMB.ZS - Union members (% of total paid employees) SL.EMP.VULN.FE.ZS - Vulnerable employment, female (% of female employment) SL.EMP.VULN.MA.ZS - Vulnerable employment, male (% of male employment) SL.EMP.VULN.ZS - Vulnerable employment, total (% of total employment) SL.EMP.WORK.FE.ZS - Wage and salaried workers, female (% of females employed) SL.EMP.WORK.MA.ZS - Wage and salary workers, male (% of males employed) SL.EMP.WORK.ZS - Wage and salaried workers, total (% of total employed) SL.FAM.WORK.FE.ZS - Contributing family workers, female (% of females employed) SL.FAM.WORK.MA.ZS - Contributing family workers, male (% of males employed) SL.FAM.WORK.ZS - Contributing family workers, total (% of total employed) SL.GDP.PCAP.EM.KD - GDP per person employed (constant 1990 PPP $) SL.GDP.PCAP.EM.KD.ZG - GDP per person employed (annual % growth) SL.IND.EMPL.FE.ZS - Employees, industry, female (% of female employment) SL.IND.EMPL.MA.ZS - Employees, industry, male (% of male employment) SL.IND.EMPL.ZS - Employment in industry (% of total employment) SL.ISV.IFRM.FE.ZS - Informal employment, female (% of total nonagricultural employment) SL.ISV.IFRM.MA.ZS - Informal employment, male (% of total nonagricultural employment) SL.MNF.0714.FE.ZS - Child employment in manufacturing, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14) SL.MNF.0714.MA.ZS - Child employment in manufacturing, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14) SL.MNF.0714.ZS - Child employment in manufacturing (% of economically active children ages 7-14) SL.MNF.WAGE.FM - Ratio of female to male wages in manufacturing (%) SL.SRV.0714.FE.ZS - Child employment in services, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14) SL.SRV.0714.MA.ZS - Child employment in services, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14) SL.SRV.0714.ZS - Child employment in services (% of economically active children ages 7-14) SL.SRV.EMPL.FE.ZS - Employees, services, female (% of female employment) SL.SRV.EMPL.MA.ZS - Employees, services, male (% of male employment) SL.SRV.EMPL.ZS - Employment in services (% of total employment) SL.TIM.DWRK.FE - Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work (housework and child care), female SL.TIM.DWRK.MA - Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work (housework and child care), male SL.TLF.0714.FE.ZS - Economically active children, female (% of female children ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.MA.ZS - Economically active children, male (% of male children ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.SW.FE.ZS - Economically active children, study and work, female (% of female economically active children, ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.SW.MA.ZS - Economically active children, study and work, male (% of male economically active children, ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.SW.ZS - Economically active children, study and work (% of economically active children, ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.WK.FE.ZS - Economically active children, work only, female (% of female economically active children, ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.WK.MA.ZS - Economically active children, work only, male (% of male economically active children, ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.WK.ZS - Economically active children, work only (% of economically active children, ages 7-14) SL.TLF.0714.ZS - Economically active children, total (% of children ages 7-14) SL.TLF.1524.FE.IN - Labor force (15-24 years), female SL.TLF.1524.FE.ZS - Labor force (15-24 years), female (% of total labor force 15-24 years) SL.TLF.1524.IN - Labor force (15-24 years), total SL.TLF.1524.MA.IN - Labor force (15-24 years), male SL.TLF.1524.MA.ZS - Labor force (15-24 years), male (% of total labor force 15-24 years) SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.FE.ZS - Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-24) SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.MA.ZS - Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-24) SL.TLF.ACTI.1524.ZS - Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15-24) SL.TLF.ACTI.FE.ZS - Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-64) SL.TLF.ACTI.MA.ZS - Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-64) SL.TLF.ACTI.ZS - Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15-64) SL.TLF.CACT.2534.FE.ZS - Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 25-34) SL.TLF.CACT.2534.MA.ZS - Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 25-34) SL.TLF.CACT.2534.ZS - Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 25-34) SL.TLF.CACT.2554.FE.ZS - Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 25-54) SL.TLF.CACT.2554.MA.ZS - Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 25-54) SL.TLF.CACT.2554.ZS - Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 25-54) SL.TLF.CACT.3554.FE.ZS - Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 35-54) SL.TLF.CACT.3554.MA.ZS - Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 35-54) SL.TLF.CACT.3554.ZS - Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 35-54) SL.TLF.CACT.5564.FE.ZS - Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 55-64) SL.TLF.CACT.5564.MA.ZS - Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 55-64) SL.TLF.CACT.5564.ZS - Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 55-64) SL.TLF.CACT.65UP.FE.ZS - Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 65+) SL.TLF.CACT.65UP.MA.ZS - Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 65+) SL.TLF.CACT.65UP.ZS - Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 65+) SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS - Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) SL.TLF.CACT.FM.ZS - Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) SL.TLF.CACT.MA.ZS - Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) SL.TLF.CACT.ZS - Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) SL.TLF.FE.IN - Labour force, female SL.TLF.MA.IN - Labour force, male SL.TLF.PART.FE.ZS - Part time employment, female (% of total female employment) SL.TLF.PART.MA.ZS - Part time employment, male (% of total male employment) SL.TLF.PART.TL.FE.ZS - Part time employment, female (% of total part time employment) SL.TLF.PART.ZS - Part time employment, total (% of total employment) SL.TLF.PRIM.FE.ZS - Labor force with primary education, female (% of female labor force) SL.TLF.PRIM.MA.ZS - Labor force with primary education, male (% of male labor force) SL.TLF.PRIM.ZS - Labor force with primary education (% of total) SL.TLF.SECO.FE.ZS - Labor force with secondary education, female (% of female labor force) SL.TLF.SECO.MA.ZS - Labor force with secondary education, male (% of male labor force) SL.TLF.SECO.ZS - Labor force with secondary education (% of total) SL.TLF.TERT.FE.ZS - Labor force with tertiary education, female (% of female labor force) SL.TLF.TERT.MA.ZS - Labor force with tertiary education, male (% of male labor force) SL.TLF.TERT.ZS - Labor force with tertiary education (% of total) SL.TLF.TOTL.FE.IN - Labor force, female SL.TLF.TOTL.FE.ZS - Labor force, female (% of total labor force) SL.TLF.TOTL.IN - Labor force, total SL.TLF.TOTL.MA.IN - Labor force, male SL.TLF.TOTL.MA.ZS - Labor force, male (% of total labor force) SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS - Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) SL.UEM.1524.FM.ZS - Ratio of female to male youth unemployment rate (% ages 15-24) SL.UEM.1524.MA.ZS - Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) SL.UEM.1524.ZS - Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) SL.UEM.LTRM.FE.ZS - Long-term unemployment, female (% of female unemployment) SL.UEM.LTRM.MA.ZS - Long-term unemployment, male (% of male unemployment) SL.UEM.LTRM.ZS - Long-term unemployment (% of total unemployment) SL.UEM.PRIM.FE.ZS - Unemployment with primary education, female (% of female unemployment) SL.UEM.PRIM.MA.ZS - Unemployment with primary education, male (% of male unemployment) SL.UEM.PRIM.ZS - Unemployment with primary education (% of total unemployment) SL.UEM.SECO.FE.ZS - Unemployment with secondary education, female (% of female unemployment) SL.UEM.SECO.MA.ZS - Unemployment with secondary education, male (% of male unemployment) SL.UEM.SECO.ZS - Unemployment with secondary education (% of total unemployment) SL.UEM.TERT.FE.ZS - Unemployment with tertiary education, female (% of female unemployment) SL.UEM.TERT.MA.ZS - Unemployment with tertiary education, male (% of male unemployment) SL.UEM.TERT.ZS - Unemployment with tertiary education (% of total unemployment) SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS - Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.ZS - Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS - Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) SM.EMI.TERT.ZS - Emigration rate of tertiary educated (% of total tertiary educated population) SM.POP.NETM - Net migration SM.POP.REFG - Refugee population by country or territory of asylum SM.POP.REFG.OR - Refugee population by country or territory of origin SM.POP.TOTL - International migrant stock, total SM.POP.TOTL.ZS - International migrant stock (% of population) SN.ITK.DEFC - Number of people who are undernourished SN.ITK.DEFC.POP - Prevalence of undernourishment (population) SN.ITK.DEFC.ZS - Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population) SN.ITK.DPTH - Depth of hunger (kilocalories per person per day) SN.ITK.SALT.ZS - Consumption of iodized salt (% of households) SN.ITK.VITA.ZS - Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (% of children ages 6-59 months) SORGHUM - Sorghum, $/mt, current$ SOYBEAN_MEAL - Soybean meal, $/mt, current$ SOYBEAN_OIL - Soybean oil, $/mt, current$ SOYBEANS - Soybeans, $/mt, current$ SP.ADO.TFRT - Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) SP.DTH.INFR.ZS - Completeness of infant death reporting (% of reported infant deaths to estimated infant deaths) SP.DTH.REPT.ZS - Completeness of total death reporting (% of reported total deaths to estimated total deaths) SP.DYN.1ANTE.ZS - Antenatal care coverage provided by a skilled health provider, at least one visit (%) SP.DYN.4ANTE.ZS - Antenatal care coverage provided by any provider (skilled or unskilled), at least four visits (%) SP.DYN.AMRT.FE - Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults) SP.DYN.AMRT.MA - Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) SP.DYN.CBRT.IN - Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) SP.DYN.CDRT.IN - Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people) SP.DYN.CONU.CDM.ZS - Contraceptive use among married women 15-49 years old, condom (%) SP.DYN.CONU.MDN.ZS - Contraceptive use among married women 15-49 years old, modern method (%) SP.DYN.CONU.ZS - Contraceptive prevalence (% of women ages 15-49) SP.DYN.IMRT.FE.IN - Mortality rate, infant, female (per 1,000 live births) SP.DYN.IMRT.IN - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) SP.DYN.IMRT.MA.IN - Mortality rate, infant, male (per 1,000 live births) SP.DYN.LE00.FE.IN - Life expectancy at birth, female (years) SP.DYN.LE00.IN - Life expectancy at birth, total (years) SP.DYN.LE00.MA.IN - Life expectancy at birth, male (years) SP.DYN.SMAM.FE - Age at first marriage, female SP.DYN.SMAM.MA - Age at first marriage, male SP.DYN.TFRT.IN - Fertility rate, total (births per woman) SP.DYN.TO65.FE.ZS - Survival to age 65, female (% of cohort) SP.DYN.TO65.MA.ZS - Survival to age 65, male (% of cohort) SP.DYN.WFRT - Wanted fertility rate (births per woman) SP.HOU.FEMA.ZS - Female headed households (% of households with a female head) SP.M18.2024.FE.ZS - Women who were first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20-24) SP.MTR.1519.ZS - Teenage mothers (% of women ages 15-19 who have had children or are currently pregnant) SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y - Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population) SP.POP.0004.MA.5Y - Population ages 0-4, male (% of male population) SP.POP.0014.FE.IN - Population ages 0-14, female SP.POP.0014.FE.ZS - Population ages 0-14, female (% of total) SP.POP.0014.MA.IN - Population ages 0-14, male SP.POP.0014.MA.ZS - Population ages 0-14, male (% of total) SP.POP.0014.TO - Population ages 0-14, total SP.POP.0014.TO.ZS - Population ages 0-14 (% of total) SP.POP.0024.TO.ZS - Population 0-24 (% of total population) SP.POP.0305.FE.UN - Population, aged 3- 5, female SP.POP.0305.MA.UN - Population, aged 3- 5, male SP.POP.0305.TO.UN - Population, aged 3- 5, total SP.POP.0406.FE.UN - Population, aged 4- 6, female SP.POP.0406.MA.UN - Population, aged 4- 6, male SP.POP.0406.TO.UN - Population, aged 4- 6, total SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y - Population ages 5-9, female (% of female population) SP.POP.0509.FE.UN - Population, aged 5- 9, female SP.POP.0509.MA.5Y - Population ages 5-9, male (% of male population) SP.POP.0509.MA.UN - Population, aged 5- 9, male SP.POP.0509.TO.UN - Population, aged 5- 9, total SP.POP.0510.FE.UN - Population, aged 5-10, female SP.POP.0510.MA.UN - Population, aged 5-10, male SP.POP.0510.TO.UN - Population, aged 5-10, total SP.POP.0511.FE.UN - Population, aged 5-11, female SP.POP.0511.MA.UN - Population, aged 5-11, male SP.POP.0511.TO.UN - Population, aged 5-11, total SP.POP.0609.FE.UN - Population, aged 6- 9,female SP.POP.0609.MA.UN - Population, aged 6- 9, male SP.POP.0609.TO.UN - Population, aged 6- 9, total SP.POP.0610.FE.UN - Population, aged 6-10, female SP.POP.0610.MA.UN - Population, aged 6-10, male SP.POP.0610.TO.UN - Population, aged 6-10, total SP.POP.0611.FE.UN - Population, aged 6-11, female SP.POP.0611.MA.UN - Population, aged 6-11, male SP.POP.0611.TO.UN - Population, aged 6-11, total SP.POP.0612.FE.UN - Population, aged 6-12, female SP.POP.0612.MA.UN - Population, aged 6-12, male SP.POP.0612.TO.UN - Population, aged 6-12, total SP.POP.0709.FE.UN - Population, aged 7- 9, female SP.POP.0709.MA.UN - Population, aged 7- 9, male SP.POP.0709.TO.UN - Population, aged 7- 9, total SP.POP.0710.FE.UN - Population, aged 7-10, female SP.POP.0710.MA.UN - Population, aged 7-10, male SP.POP.0710.TO.UN - Population, aged 7-10, total SP.POP.0711.FE.UN - Population, aged 7-11, female SP.POP.0711.MA.UN - Population, aged 7-11, male SP.POP.0711.TO.UN - Population, aged 7-11, total SP.POP.0712.FE.UN - Population, aged 7-12, female SP.POP.0712.MA.UN - Population, aged 7-12, male SP.POP.0712.TO.UN - Population, aged 7-12, total SP.POP.0713.FE.UN - Population, aged 7-13, female SP.POP.0713.MA.UN - Population, aged 7-13, male SP.POP.0713.TO.UN - Population, aged 7-13, total SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y - Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population) SP.POP.1014.FE.UN - Population, aged 10-14, female SP.POP.1014.MA.5Y - Population ages10-14, male (% of male population) SP.POP.1014.MA.UN - Population, aged 10-14, male SP.POP.1014.TO.UN - Population, aged 10-14, total SP.POP.1015.FE.UN - Population, aged 10-15, female SP.POP.1015.MA.UN - Population, aged 10-15, male SP.POP.1015.TO.UN - Population, aged 10-15, total SP.POP.1016.FE.UN - Population, aged 10-16, female SP.POP.1016.MA.UN - Population, aged 10-16, male SP.POP.1016.TO.UN - Population, aged 10-16, total SP.POP.1017.FE.UN - Population, aged 10-17, female SP.POP.1017.MA.UN - Population, aged 10-17, male SP.POP.1017.TO.UN - Population, aged 10-17, total SP.POP.1018.FE.UN - Population, aged 10-18, female SP.POP.1018.MA.UN - Population, aged 10-18, male SP.POP.1018.TO.UN - Population, aged 10-18, total SP.POP.1115.FE.UN - Population, aged 11-15, female SP.POP.1115.MA.UN - Population, aged 11-15, male SP.POP.1115.TO.UN - Population, aged 11-15, total SP.POP.1116.FE.UN - Population, aged 11-16, female SP.POP.1116.MA.UN - Population, aged 11-16, male SP.POP.1116.TO.UN - Population, aged 11-16, total SP.POP.1117.FE.UN - Population, aged 11-17, female SP.POP.1117.MA.UN - Population, aged 11-17, male SP.POP.1117.TO.UN - Population, aged 11-17, total SP.POP.1118.FE.UN - Population, aged 11-18, female SP.POP.1118.MA.UN - Population, aged 11-18, male SP.POP.1118.TO.UN - Population, aged 11-18, total SP.POP.1215.FE.UN - Population, aged 12-15, female SP.POP.1215.MA.UN - Population, aged 12-15, male SP.POP.1215.TO.UN - Population, aged 12-15, total SP.POP.1216.FE.UN - Population, aged 12-16, female SP.POP.1216.MA.UN - Population, aged 12-16, male SP.POP.1216.TO.UN - Population, aged 12-16, total SP.POP.1217.FE.UN - Population, aged 12-17, female SP.POP.1217.MA.UN - Population, aged 12-17, male SP.POP.1217.TO.UN - Population, aged 12-17, total SP.POP.1218.FE.UN - Population, aged 12-18, female SP.POP.1218.MA.UN - Population, aged 12-18, male SP.POP.1218.TO.UN - Population, aged 12-18, total SP.POP.1316.FE.UN - Population, aged 13-16, female SP.POP.1316.MA.UN - Population, aged 13-16, male SP.POP.1316.TO.UN - Population, aged 13-16, total SP.POP.1317.FE.UN - Population, aged 13-17, female SP.POP.1317.MA.UN - Population, aged 13-17, male SP.POP.1317.TO.UN - Population, aged 13-17, total SP.POP.1318.FE.UN - Population, aged 13-18, female SP.POP.1318.MA.UN - Population, aged 13-18, male SP.POP.1318.TO.UN - Population, aged 13-18, total SP.POP.1319.FE.UN - Population, aged 13-19, female SP.POP.1319.MA.UN - Population, aged 13-19, male SP.POP.1319.TO.UN - Population, aged 13-19, total SP.POP.1418.FE.UN - Population, aged 14-18, female SP.POP.1418.MA.UN - Population, aged 14-18, male SP.POP.1418.TO.UN - Population, aged 14-18, total SP.POP.1419.FE.UN - Population, aged 14-19, female SP.POP.1419.MA.UN - Population, aged 14-19, male SP.POP.1419.TO.UN - Population, aged 14-19, total SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y - Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population) SP.POP.1519.MA.5Y - Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population) SP.POP.1524.FE.UN - Population, aged 15-24, female SP.POP.1524.MA.UN - Population, aged 15-24, male SP.POP.1524.TO.UN - Population, aged 15-24, total SP.POP.1564.FE.IN - Population ages 15-64, female SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS - Population ages 15-64, female (% of total) SP.POP.1564.MA.IN - Population ages 15-64, male SP.POP.1564.MA.ZS - Population ages 15-64, male (% of total) SP.POP.1564.TO - Population ages 15-64, total SP.POP.1564.TO.ZS - Population ages 15-64 (% of total) SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y - Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population) SP.POP.2024.MA.5Y - Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population) SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y - Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population) SP.POP.2529.MA.5Y - Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population) SP.POP.2DAY.TO - Number of people living on less than $2.00 a day (PPP) SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y - Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population) SP.POP.3034.MA.5Y - Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population) SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y - Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population) SP.POP.3539.MA.5Y - Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population) SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y - Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population) SP.POP.4044.MA.5Y - Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population) SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y - Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population) SP.POP.4549.MA.5Y - Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population) SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y - Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population) SP.POP.5054.MA.5Y - Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population) SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y - Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population) SP.POP.5559.MA.5Y - Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population) SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y - Population ages 50-64, female (% of female population) SP.POP.6064.MA.5Y - Population ages 50-64, male (% of male population) SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y - Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population) SP.POP.6569.MA.5Y - Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population) SP.POP.65UP.FE.IN - Population ages 65 and above, female SP.POP.65UP.FE.ZS - Population ages 65 and above, female (% of total) SP.POP.65UP.MA.IN - Population ages 65 and above, male SP.POP.65UP.MA.ZS - Population ages 65 and above, male (% of total) SP.POP.65UP.TO - Population ages 65 and above, total SP.POP.65UP.TO.ZS - Population ages 65 and above (% of total) SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y - Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population) SP.POP.7074.MA.5Y - Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population) SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y - Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population) SP.POP.7579.MA.5Y - Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population) SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y - Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population) SP.POP.80UP.MA.5Y - Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population) SP.POP.AG00.FE.IN - Age population, age 0, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG00.FE.UN - Population, aged 0, female SP.POP.AG00.MA.IN - Age population, age 0, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG00.MA.UN - Population, aged 0, male SP.POP.AG00.TO.UN - Population, aged 0, total SP.POP.AG01.FE.IN - Age population, age 01, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG01.FE.UN - Population, aged 1, female SP.POP.AG01.MA.IN - Age population, age 01, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG01.MA.UN - Population, aged 1, male SP.POP.AG01.TO.UN - Population, aged 1, total SP.POP.AG02.FE.IN - Age population, age 02, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG02.FE.UN - Population, aged 2, female SP.POP.AG02.MA.IN - Age population, age 02, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG02.MA.UN - Population, aged 2, male SP.POP.AG02.TO.UN - Population, aged 2, total SP.POP.AG03.FE.IN - Age population, age 03, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG03.FE.UN - Population, aged 3, female SP.POP.AG03.MA.IN - Age population, age 03, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG03.MA.UN - Population, aged 3, male SP.POP.AG03.TO.UN - Population, aged 3, total SP.POP.AG04.FE.IN - Age population, age 04, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG04.FE.UN - Population, aged 4, female SP.POP.AG04.MA.IN - Age population, age 04, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG04.MA.UN - Population, aged 4, male SP.POP.AG04.TO.UN - Population, aged 4, total SP.POP.AG05.FE.IN - Age population, age 05, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG05.FE.UN - Population, aged 5, female SP.POP.AG05.MA.IN - Age population, age 05, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG05.MA.UN - Population, aged 5, male SP.POP.AG05.TO.UN - Population, aged 5, total SP.POP.AG06.FE.IN - Age population, age 06, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG06.FE.UN - Population, aged 6, female SP.POP.AG06.MA.IN - Age population, age 06, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG06.MA.UN - Population, aged 6, male SP.POP.AG06.TO.UN - Population, aged 6, total SP.POP.AG07.FE.IN - Age population, age 07, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG07.FE.UN - Population, aged 7, female SP.POP.AG07.MA.IN - Age population, age 07, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG07.MA.UN - Population, aged 7, male SP.POP.AG07.TO.UN - Population, aged 7, total SP.POP.AG08.FE.IN - Age population, age 08, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG08.FE.UN - Population, aged 8, female SP.POP.AG08.MA.IN - Age population, age 08, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG08.MA.UN - Population, aged 8, male SP.POP.AG08.TO.UN - Population, aged 8, total SP.POP.AG09.FE.IN - Age population, age 09, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG09.FE.UN - Population, aged 9, female SP.POP.AG09.MA.IN - Age population, age 09, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG09.MA.UN - Population, aged 9, male SP.POP.AG09.TO.UN - Population, aged 9, total SP.POP.AG10.FE.IN - Age population, age 10, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG10.FE.UN - Population, aged 10, female SP.POP.AG10.MA.IN - Age population, age 10, male SP.POP.AG10.MA.UN - Population, aged 10, male SP.POP.AG10.TO.UN - Population, aged 10, total SP.POP.AG11.FE.IN - Age population, age 11, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG11.FE.UN - Population, aged 11, female SP.POP.AG11.MA.IN - Age population, age 11, male SP.POP.AG11.MA.UN - Population, aged 11, male SP.POP.AG11.TO.UN - Population, aged 11, total SP.POP.AG12.FE.IN - Age population, age 12, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG12.FE.UN - Population, aged 12, female SP.POP.AG12.MA.IN - Age population, age 12, male SP.POP.AG12.MA.UN - Population, aged 12, male SP.POP.AG12.TO.UN - Population, aged 12, total SP.POP.AG13.FE.IN - Age population, age 13, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG13.FE.UN - Population, aged 13, female SP.POP.AG13.MA.IN - Age population, age 13, male SP.POP.AG13.MA.UN - Population, aged 13, male SP.POP.AG13.TO.UN - Population, aged 13, total SP.POP.AG14.FE.IN - Age population, age 14, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG14.FE.UN - Population, aged 14, female SP.POP.AG14.MA.IN - Age population, age 14, male SP.POP.AG14.MA.UN - Population, aged 14, male SP.POP.AG14.TO.UN - Population, aged 14, total SP.POP.AG15.FE.IN - Age population, age 15, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG15.FE.UN - Population, aged 15, female SP.POP.AG15.MA.IN - Age population, age 15, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG15.MA.UN - Population, aged 15, male SP.POP.AG15.TO.UN - Population, aged 15, total SP.POP.AG16.FE.IN - Age population, age 16, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG16.FE.UN - Population, aged 16, female SP.POP.AG16.MA.IN - Age population, age 16, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG16.MA.UN - Population, aged 16, male SP.POP.AG16.TO.UN - Population, aged 16, total SP.POP.AG17.FE.IN - Age population, age 17, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG17.FE.UN - Population, aged 17, female SP.POP.AG17.MA.IN - Age population, age 17, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG17.MA.UN - Population, aged 17, male SP.POP.AG17.TO.UN - Population, aged 17, total SP.POP.AG18.FE.IN - Age population, age 18, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG18.FE.UN - Population, aged 18, female SP.POP.AG18.MA.IN - Age population, age 18, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG18.MA.UN - Population, aged 18, male SP.POP.AG18.TO.UN - Population, aged 18, total SP.POP.AG19.FE.IN - Age population, age 19, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG19.FE.UN - Population, aged 19, female SP.POP.AG19.MA.IN - Age population, age 19, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG19.MA.UN - Population, aged 19, male SP.POP.AG19.TO.UN - Population, aged 19, total SP.POP.AG20.FE.IN - Age population, age 20, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG20.FE.UN - Population, aged 20, female SP.POP.AG20.MA.IN - Age population, age 20, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG20.MA.UN - Population, aged 20, male SP.POP.AG20.TO.UN - Population, aged 20, total SP.POP.AG21.FE.IN - Age population, age 21, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG21.FE.UN - Population, aged 21, female SP.POP.AG21.MA.IN - Age population, age 21, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG21.MA.UN - Population, aged 21, male SP.POP.AG21.TO.UN - Population, aged 21, total SP.POP.AG22.FE.IN - Age population, age 22, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG22.FE.UN - Population, aged 22, female SP.POP.AG22.MA.IN - Age population, age 22, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG22.MA.UN - Population, aged 22, male SP.POP.AG22.TO.UN - Population, aged 22, total SP.POP.AG23.FE.IN - Age population, age 23, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG23.FE.UN - Population, aged 23, female SP.POP.AG23.MA.IN - Age population, age 23, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG23.MA.UN - Population, aged 23, male SP.POP.AG23.TO.UN - Population, aged 23, total SP.POP.AG24.FE.IN - Age population, age 24, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG24.FE.UN - Population, aged 24, female SP.POP.AG24.MA.IN - Age population, age 24, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG24.MA.UN - Population, aged 24, male SP.POP.AG24.TO.UN - Population, aged 24, total SP.POP.AG25.FE.IN - Age population, age 25, female, interpolated SP.POP.AG25.FE.UN - Population, aged 25, female SP.POP.AG25.MA.IN - Age population, age 25, male, interpolated SP.POP.AG25.MA.UN - Population, aged 25, male SP.POP.AG25.TO.UN - Population, aged 25, total SP.POP.BRTH.MF - Sex ratio at birth (females per 1,000 males) SP.POP.DDAY.TO - Number of people living on less than $1.25 a day (PPP) SP.POP.DPND - Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) SP.POP.DPND.OL - Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population) SP.POP.DPND.YG - Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population) SP.POP.GROW - Population growth (annual %) SP.POP.SCIE.RD.P6 - Researchers in R&D (per million people) SP.POP.TECH.RD.P6 - Technicians in R&D (per million people) SP.POP.TOTL - Population, total SP.POP.TOTL.FE.IN - Population, female SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS - Population, female (% of total) SP.POP.TOTL.MA.IN - Population, male SP.POP.TOTL.MA.ZS - Population, male (% of total) SP.PRE.TOTL.FE.IN - Population, pre-primary, female SP.PRE.TOTL.IN - Population, pre-primary, total SP.PRE.TOTL.MA.IN - Population, pre-primary, male SP.PRM.GRAD.FE - School age population. Primary. Last Grade. Female SP.PRM.GRAD.MA - School age population. Primary. Last Grade. Male SP.PRM.GRAD.TO - School age population. Primary. Last Grade. Total SP.PRM.TOTL.FE.IN - Population, primary, female SP.PRM.TOTL.IN - Population, primary, total SP.PRM.TOTL.MA.IN - Population, primary, male SP.REG.BRTH.RU.ZS - Completeness of birth registration, rural (%) SP.REG.BRTH.UR.ZS - Completeness of birth registration, urban (%) SP.REG.BRTH.ZS - Completeness of birth registration (%) SP.RUR.TOTL - Rural population SP.RUR.TOTL.ZG - Rural population growth (annual %) SP.RUR.TOTL.ZS - Rural population (% of total population) SP.SEC.LTOT.FE.IN - Population, low secondary, female SP.SEC.LTOT.IN - Population, low secondary, total SP.SEC.LTOT.MA.IN - Population, low secondary, male SP.SEC.TOTL.FE.IN - Population, secondary, female SP.SEC.TOTL.IN - Population, secondary, total SP.SEC.TOTL.MA.IN - Population, secondary, male SP.SEC.UTOT.FE.IN - Population, upper secondary, female SP.SEC.UTOT.IN - Population, upper secondary, total SP.SEC.UTOT.MA.IN - Population, upper secondary, male SP.TER.TOTL.FE.IN - Population, tertiary, female SP.TER.TOTL.IN - Population, tertiary, total SP.TER.TOTL.MA.IN - Population, tertiary, male SP.URB.GROW - Urban population growth (annual %) SP.URB.TOTL - Urban population SP.URB.TOTL.IN.ZS - Urban population (% of total) SP.UWT.TFRT - Unmet need for contraception (% of married women ages 15-49) SPPOPTOTL - Population, millions SS.H2O.FAIL.DY - Water supply failure for firms receiving water (average days/year) ST.INT.ARVL - International tourism, number of arrivals ST.INT.DPRT - International tourism, number of departures ST.INT.RCPT.CD - International tourism, receipts (current US$) ST.INT.RCPT.XP.ZS - International tourism, receipts (% of total exports) ST.INT.TRNR.CD - International tourism, receipts for passenger transport items (current US$) ST.INT.TRNX.CD - International tourism, expenditures for passenger transport items (current US$) ST.INT.TVLR.CD - International tourism, receipts for travel items (current US$) ST.INT.TVLX.CD - International tourism, expenditures for travel items (current US$) ST.INT.XPND.CD - International tourism, expenditures (current US$) ST.INT.XPND.MP.ZS - International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports) STL_JP_CROLL - Steel cr coilsheet, $/mt, current$ STL_JP_HROLL - Steel hr coilsheet, $/mt, current$ STL_JP_REBAR - Steel, rebar, $/mt, current$ STL_JP_WIROD - Steel wire rod, $/mt, current$ SUGAR_EU - Sugar, EU, cents/kg, current$ SUGAR_US - Sugar, US, cents/kg, current$ SUGAR_WLD - Sugar, world, cents/kg, current$ TEA_AVG - Tea, acutions (3) average, cents/kg, current$ TEA_COLOMBO - Tea, Colombo auctions, cents/kg, current$ TEA_KOLKATA - Tea, Kokata auctions, cents/kg, current$ TEA_MOMBASA - Tea, Mombasa auctions, cents/kg, current$ TEL.FIR.OUTG.DURS - Duration of phone outages (hrs) TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS - Merchandise trade (% of GDP) threeprog.numprog3pop - % of population receiving 3 program threeprog.numprog3q1 - % of 1st 20% population receiving 3 programs TIN - Tin, cents/kg, current$ TM.CONC.DIV.NO - Number of product (imports) TM.CONC.IND.XQ - Import product concentration index TM.DIV.IND.XQ - Import product diversification index TM.GATS.XD - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) Commitments Index, all service sectors (0 least liberal to 100 most liberal) TM.MRC.NOTX.DV.ZS - Goods (excluding arms) admitted free of tariffs from developing countries (% total merchandise imports excluding arms) TM.MRC.NOTX.LD.ZS - Goods (excluding arms) admitted free of tariffs from least developed countries (% total merchandise imports excluding arms) TM.PRI.MRCH.XD.WB - Merchandise import price index TM.PRI.NFSV.XU - Import price index, (nonfactor) services TM.QTY.ENGY.XD.WB - Import volume index, POL and other energy TM.QTY.FOOD.XD.WB - Import volume index, food TM.QTY.KGDS.XD.WB - Import volume index, capital goods TM.QTY.MRCH.XD.WB - Merchandise import volume index TM.QTY.MRCH.XD.WD - Import volume index (2000 = 100) TM.QTY.NFCG.XD.WB - Import volume index, other consumer goods TM.QTY.NFSV.XD - Import volume index, (nonfactor) services TM.QTY.RAWM.XD.WB - Import volume index, manufactures TM.QTY.RAWP.XD.WB - Import volume index, primary goods TM.QTY.RAWT.XD.WB - Import volume index, intermediate goods TM.TAX.AGRI.CD.DV - Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products from developing countries (%) TM.TAX.AGRI.CD.LD - Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products from least developed countries (%) TM.TAX.CLTH.CD.DV - Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on clothing products from developing countries (%) TM.TAX.CLTH.CD.LD - Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on clothing products from least developed countries (%) TM.TAX.MANF.B.ZS - Tariff barriers, share of lines bound, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.BC.ZS - Binding coverage, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.BR.ZS - Bound rate, simple mean, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.DM.ZS - Tariff barriers, dispersion around the mean, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.DP.ZS - Tariff barriers, share of lines domestic peaks, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.IP.ZS - Share of tariff lines with international peaks, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.SM.AR.ZS - Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.SM.FN.ZS - Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.SR.ZS - Share of tariff lines with specific rates, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.WM.AR.ZS - Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MANF.WM.FN.ZS - Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, manufactured products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.B.ZS - Tariff barriers, share of lines bound, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.BC.ZS - Binding coverage, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.BR.ZS - Bound rate, simple mean, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.DM.ZS - Tariff barriers, dispersion around the mean, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.DP.ZS - Tariff barriers, share of lines domestic peaks, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.IP.ZS - Share of tariff lines with international peaks, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.SM.AR.ZS - Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.SM.FN.ZS - Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.SR.ZS - Share of tariff lines with specific rates, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.WM.AR.ZS - Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, all products (%) TM.TAX.MRCH.WM.FN.ZS - Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, all products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.B.ZS - Tariff barriers, share of lines bound, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.BC.ZS - Binding coverage, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.BR.ZS - Bound rate, simple mean, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.DM.ZS - Tariff barriers, dispersion around the mean, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.DP.ZS - Tariff barriers, share of lines domestic peaks, primary (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.IP.ZS - Share of tariff lines with international peaks, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.SM.AR.ZS - Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.SM.FN.ZS - Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.SR.ZS - Share of tariff lines with specific rates, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.WM.AR.ZS - Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TCOM.WM.FN.ZS - Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, primary products (%) TM.TAX.TXTL.CD.DV - Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on textile products from developing countries (%) TM.TAX.TXTL.CD.LD - Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on textile products from least developed countries (%) TM.VAL.AGRI.ZS.UN - Agricultural raw materials imports (% of merchandise imports) TM.VAL.ENGY.CD.WB - POL and other energy imports (current US$) TM.VAL.ENGY.KD.WB - POL and other energy imports (constant US$) TM.VAL.FOOD.CD.WB - Food imports (current US$) TM.VAL.FOOD.KD.WB - Food imports (constant US$) TM.VAL.FOOD.ZS.UN - Food imports (% of merchandise imports) TM.VAL.FUEL.ZS.UN - Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports) TM.VAL.ICTG.ZS.UN - ICT goods imports (% total goods imports) TM.VAL.INSF.ZS.WT - Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service imports) TM.VAL.KGDS.CD.WB - Capital goods imports (current US$) TM.VAL.KGDS.KD.WB - Capital goods imports (constant US$) TM.VAL.MANF.ZS.UN - Manufactures imports (% of merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MMTL.ZS.UN - Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.AL.ZS - Merchandise imports from economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.CD.WB - Merchandise imports, WB (current US$) TM.VAL.MRCH.CD.WT - Merchandise imports (current US$) TM.VAL.MRCH.HI.ZS - Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.KD.WB - Merchandise imports (constant US$) TM.VAL.MRCH.OR.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies outside region (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.R1.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.R2.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.R3.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.R4.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.R5.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.R6.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.RS.ZS - Merchandise imports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.WL.CD - Merchandise imports by the reporting economy (current US$) TM.VAL.MRCH.WR.ZS - Merchandise imports from developing economies within region (% of total merchandise imports) TM.VAL.MRCH.XD.WD - Import value index (2000 = 100) TM.VAL.NFCG.CD.WB - Other consumer goods imports (current US$) TM.VAL.NFCG.KD.WB - Other consumer goods imports (constant US$) TM.VAL.OTHR.ZS.WT - Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports) TM.VAL.RAWM.CD.WB - Intermediate goods imports, manufactures (current US$) TM.VAL.RAWM.KD.WB - Intermediate goods imports, manufactures (constant US$) TM.VAL.RAWP.CD.WB - Intermediate goods imports, primary (current US$) TM.VAL.RAWP.KD.WB - Intermediate goods imports, primary (constant US$) TM.VAL.RAWT.CD.WB - Intermediate goods imports, total (current US$) TM.VAL.RAWT.KD.WB - Intermediate goods imports, total (constant US$) TM.VAL.SERV.CD.WT - Commercial service imports (current US$) TM.VAL.TRAN.ZS.WT - Transport services (% of commercial service imports) TM.VAL.TRVL.ZS.WT - Travel services (% of commercial service imports) TOBAC_US - Tobacco, $/mt, current$ TOT - Terms of Trade TOTRESV - Total Reserves TSP - TSP, $/mt, current$ TT.PRI.MRCH.XD.WB - Merchandise Terms of Trade (1987 = 100) TT.PRI.MRCH.XD.WD - Net barter terms of trade index (2000 = 100) twoprog.numprog2pop - % of population receiving 2 program twoprog.numprog2q1 - % of 1st 20% population receiving 2 programs TX.CONC.DIV.NO - Number of product (exports) TX.CONC.IND.XQ - Export product concentration index TX.DEST.IND.XQ - Export market destination concentration index TX.DIV.IND.XQ - Export product diversification index TX.DVR.MRKT.XQ - Market export diversification index (0=less concentrated; 1=more concentrated) TX.DVR.PROD.XQ - Product export diversification index (0=less concentrated; 1=more concentrated) TX.PRI.MRCH.XD.WB - Merchandise export price index (1987 = 100) TX.PRI.NFSV.XU - Export price index, (nonfactor) services TX.QTY.COM1.XD.WB - Exports of commodity 1 (volume index) TX.QTY.COM2.XD.WB - Exports of commodity 2 (volume index) TX.QTY.COM3.XD.WB - Exports of commodity 3 (volume index) TX.QTY.COM4.XD.WB - Exports of commodity 4 (volume index) TX.QTY.MANF.XD.WB - Export volume index, manufactures TX.QTY.MRCH.XD.WB - Merchandise export volume index TX.QTY.MRCH.XD.WD - Export volume index (2000 = 100) TX.QTY.NFSV.XD - Export volume index, (nonfactor) services TX.QTY.OCOM.XD.WB - Export volume index, other primary commodities TX.VAL.AGRI.ZS.UN - Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports) TX.VAL.COM1.CD.WB - Exports of commodity 1 (current US$) TX.VAL.COM1.KD.WB - Exports of commodity 1 (constant US$) TX.VAL.COM2.CD.WB - Exports of commodity 2 (current US$) TX.VAL.COM2.KD.WB - Exports of commodity 2 (constant US$) TX.VAL.COM3.CD.WB - Exports of commodity 3 (current US$) TX.VAL.COM3.KD.WB - Exports of commodity 3 (constant US$) TX.VAL.COM4.CD.WB - Exports of commodity 4 (current US$) TX.VAL.COM4.KD.WB - Exports of commodity 4 (constant US$) TX.VAL.FOOD.ZS.UN - Food exports (% of merchandise exports) TX.VAL.FUEL.ZS.UN - Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports) TX.VAL.ICTG.ZS.UN - ICT goods exports (% of total goods exports) TX.VAL.INSF.ZS.WT - Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service exports) TX.VAL.MANF.CD.WB - Manufactures exports (current US$) TX.VAL.MANF.KD.WB - Manufactures exports (constant US$) TX.VAL.MANF.ZS.UN - Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MMTL.ZS.UN - Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.AL.ZS - Merchandise exports to economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.CD.WB - Merchandise exports, WB (current US$) TX.VAL.MRCH.CD.WT - Merchandise exports (current US$) TX.VAL.MRCH.HI.ZS - Merchandise exports to high-income economies (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.KD.WB - Merchandise exports (constant US$) TX.VAL.MRCH.OR.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies outside region (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.R1.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.R2.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.R3.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.R4.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.R5.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.R6.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.RS.ZS - Merchandise exports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.WL.CD - Merchandise exports by the reporting economy (current US$) TX.VAL.MRCH.WR.ZS - Merchandise exports to developing economies within region (% of total merchandise exports) TX.VAL.MRCH.XD.WD - Export value index (2000 = 100) TX.VAL.OCOM.CD.WB - Other primary commodities exports (current US$) TX.VAL.OCOM.KD.WB - Other primary commodities exports (constant US$) TX.VAL.OTHR.ZS.WT - Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports) TX.VAL.SERV.CD.WT - Commercial service exports (current US$) TX.VAL.TCOM.CD.WB - Primary commodities exports (current US$) TX.VAL.TCOM.KD.WB - Primary commodities exports (constant US$) TX.VAL.TECH.CD - High-technology exports (current US$) TX.VAL.TECH.MF.ZS - High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports) TX.VAL.TRAN.ZS.WT - Transport services (% of commercial service exports) TX.VAL.TRVL.ZS.WT - Travel services (% of commercial service exports) UIS.AIR.1.Glast.GPI - Gender parity index for gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary UIS.AIR.1.GPI - Gender parity index for gross intake ratio. Primary UIS.AIR.2.GPV - Gross entry ratio to lower secondary. General programmes. Total UIS.AIR.2.GPV.F - Gross entry ratio to lower secondary. General programmes. Female UIS.AIR.2.GPV.M - Gross entry ratio to lower secondary. General programmes. Male UIS.AIRE.1.GLAST.GPI - Gender parity index for expected primary completion rate UIS.AY.EM - Ending month of the academic year (Questionnaire A) UIS.AY.EY - Ending year of the academic year (Questionnaire A) UIS.AY.SM - Starting month of the academic year (Questionnaire A) UIS.AY.SY - Starting year of the academic year (Questionnaire A) UIS.CEAge.1 - Starting age of compulsory education UIS.CEAGEE.1 - Ending age of compulsory education UIS.DR.1.G1 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 1. Total UIS.DR.1.G1.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 1. Female UIS.DR.1.G1.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 1. Male UIS.DR.1.G2 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 2. Total UIS.DR.1.G2.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 2. Female UIS.DR.1.G2.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 2. Male UIS.DR.1.G3 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 3. Total UIS.DR.1.G3.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 3. Female UIS.DR.1.G3.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 3. Male UIS.DR.1.G4 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 4. Total UIS.DR.1.G4.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 4. Female UIS.DR.1.G4.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 4. Male UIS.DR.1.G5 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 5. Total UIS.DR.1.G5.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 5. Female UIS.DR.1.G5.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 5. Male UIS.DR.1.G6 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 6. Total UIS.DR.1.G6.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 6. Female UIS.DR.1.G6.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 6. Male UIS.DR.1.G7 - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 7. Total UIS.DR.1.G7.F - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 7. Female UIS.DR.1.G7.M - Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 7. Male UIS.E.0.AgI0 - Pupils of the official school age. Pre-primary. Total UIS.E.0.AgI0.F - Pupils of the official school age. Pre-primary. Female UIS.E.0.AgI0.M - Pupils of the official school age. Pre-primary. Male UIS.E.0.PR - Enrolment in pre-primary. Private UIS.E.0.Pu - Enrolment in pre-primary. Public. All programmes. Total UIS.E.0.Pu.F - Enrolment in pre-primary. Public. All programmes. Female UIS.E.1.AgI1 - Pupils of the official school age. Primary. Total UIS.E.1.AgI1.F - Pupils of the official school age. Primary. Female UIS.E.1.AgI1.M - Pupils of the official school age. Primary. Male UIS.E.1.G1 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 1. Total UIS.E.1.G1.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 1. Female UIS.E.1.G2 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 2. Total UIS.E.1.G2.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 2. Female UIS.E.1.G3 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 3. Total UIS.E.1.G3.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 3. Female UIS.E.1.G4 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 4. Total UIS.E.1.G4.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 4. Female UIS.E.1.G5 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 5. Total UIS.E.1.G5.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 5. Female UIS.E.1.G6 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 6. Total UIS.E.1.G6.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 6. Female UIS.E.1.G7 - Enrolment in primary. Grade 7. Total UIS.E.1.G7.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade 7. Female UIS.E.1.Guk - Enrolment in primary. Grade unspecified. Total UIS.E.1.Guk.F - Enrolment in primary. Grade unspecified. Female UIS.E.1.PR - Enrolment in primary. Private UIS.E.1.Pu - Enrolment in primary. Public. All programmes. Total UIS.E.1.Pu.F - Enrolment in primary. Public. All programmes. Female UIS.E.2 - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Total UIS.E.2.F - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Female UIS.E.2.GPV - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Total UIS.E.2.GPV.F - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Female UIS.E.2.GPV.PU - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. General programmes. Total UIS.E.2.GPV.PU.F - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. General programmes. Female UIS.E.2.PU - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. All programmes. Total UIS.E.2.PU.F - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. All programmes. Female UIS.E.2.V - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.E.2.V.F - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.E.2.V.PU - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.E.2.V.PU.F - Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.E.23.AgI23 - Pupils of the official school age. Secondary. Total UIS.E.23.AgI23.F - Pupils of the official school age. Secondary. Female UIS.E.23.AgI23.M - Pupils of the official school age. Secondary. Male UIS.E.23.GPV.G1 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 1. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G1.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 1. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G10 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 10. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G10.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 10. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G2 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 2. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G2.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 2. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G3 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 3. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G3.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 3. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G4 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 4. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G4.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 4. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G5 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 5. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G5.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 5. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G6 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 6. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G6.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 6. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G7 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 7. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G7.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 7. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G8 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 8. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G8.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 8. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.G9 - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 9. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.G9.F - Enrolment in secondary. Grade 9. Female UIS.E.23.GPV.PU - Enrolment in total secondary. Public. General programmes. Total UIS.E.23.GPV.PU.F - Enrolment in total secondary. Public. General programmes. Female UIS.E.23.PR - Enrolment in total secondary. Private UIS.E.23.PU - Enrolment in total secondary. Public. All programmes. Total UIS.E.23.PU.F - Enrolment in total secondary. Public. All programmes. Female UIS.E.23.V.PU - Enrolment in total secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.E.23.V.PU.F - Enrolment in total secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.E.3 - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Total UIS.E.3.F - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Female UIS.E.3.GPV - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Total UIS.E.3.GPV.F - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Female UIS.E.3.GPV.PU - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. General programmes. Total UIS.E.3.GPV.PU.F - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. General programmes. Female UIS.E.3.PU - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. All programmes. Total UIS.E.3.PU.F - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. All programmes. Female UIS.E.3.V - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.E.3.V.F - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.E.3.V.PU - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.E.3.V.PU.F - Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.E.4 - Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public and private. All programmes. Total UIS.E.4.F - Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public and private. All programmes. Female UIS.E.4.PU - Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public. All programmes. Total UIS.E.4.PU.F - Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public. All programmes. Female UIS.E.5.A - Enrolment in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Total UIS.E.5.A.F - Enrolment in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Female UIS.E.5.B - Enrolment in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Total UIS.E.5.B.F - Enrolment in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Female UIS.E.56.F140 - Enrolment in education. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F140.F - Enrolment in education. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F200 - Enrolment in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F200.F - Enrolment in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F300 - Enrolment in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F300.F - Enrolment in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F400 - Enrolment in science. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F400.F - Enrolment in science. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F500 - Enrolment in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F500.F - Enrolment in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F600 - Enrolment in agriculture. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F600.F - Enrolment in agriculture. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F700 - Enrolment in health and welfare. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F700.F - Enrolment in health and welfare. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.F800 - Enrolment in services. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.F800.F - Enrolment in services. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.FOREIGN - International (or internationally mobile) students. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.Fuk - Enrolment in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.Fuk.F - Enrolment in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.56.Fuk2 - Enrolment in general programmes. Tertiary. Total UIS.E.56.Fuk2.F - Enrolment in general programmes. Tertiary. Female UIS.E.6 - Enrolment in 6 tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Total UIS.E.6.F - Enrolment in 6 tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Female UIS.ECDP.1 - Percentage of new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience. Total UIS.ECDP.1.F - Percentage of new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience. Female UIS.ECDP.1.GPI - Gender parity index for new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience UIS.ECDP.1.M - Percentage of new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience. Male UIS.EGGR.1 - Expected gross primary graduation ratio. Total UIS.EGGR.1.F - Expected gross primary graduation ratio. Female UIS.EGGR.1.GPI - Gender parity index for expected gross primary graduation ratio UIS.EGGR.1.M - Expected gross primary graduation ratio. Male UIS.FEP.23.GPV - Percentage of female students. Total secondary. General programmes UIS.FEP.4 - Percentage of female students. Post-secondary non-tertiary education UIS.FEP.5.A - Percentage of female students. Tertiary ISCED 5A UIS.FEP.5.B - Percentage of female students. Tertiary ISCED 5B UIS.FEP.56.FOREIGN - International (or internationally mobile) students. Tertiary. % Female UIS.FEP.6 - Percentage of female students. Tertiary ISCED 6 UIS.FGP.56 - Percentage of female graduates in tertiary education ISCED 5 UIS.FOSEP.56.F140 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in education UIS.FOSEP.56.F140.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in education UIS.FOSEP.56.F200 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in humanities and arts UIS.FOSEP.56.F200.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in humanities and arts UIS.FOSEP.56.F300 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in social sciences, business and law UIS.FOSEP.56.F300.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in social sciences, business and law UIS.FOSEP.56.F400 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in science UIS.FOSEP.56.F400.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in science UIS.FOSEP.56.F500 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in engineering, manufacturing and construction UIS.FOSEP.56.F500.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in engineering, manufacturing and construction UIS.FOSEP.56.F600 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in agriculture UIS.FOSEP.56.F600.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in agriculture UIS.FOSEP.56.F700 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in health and welfare UIS.FOSEP.56.F700.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in health and welfare UIS.FOSEP.56.F800 - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in services UIS.FOSEP.56.F800.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in services UIS.FOSEP.56.FUK - Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in unspecified and general programmes UIS.FOSEP.56.FUK.F - Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in general and unspecified programmes UIS.FTP.2 - Percentage female teachers. Lower secondary UIS.FTP.3 - Percentage female teachers. Upper secondary UIS.FTP.4 - Percentage female teachers. Post-secondary/non-tertiary UIS.G.56.F140.dcount - Graduates in education. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F140.dcount.F - Graduates in education. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F200.dcount - Graduates in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F200.dcount.F - Graduates in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F300.dcount - Graduates in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F300.dcount.F - Graduates in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F400.dcount - Graduates in science. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F400.dcount.F - Graduates in science. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F500.dcount - Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F500.dcount.F - Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F600.dcount - Graduates in agriculture. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F600.dcount.F - Graduates in agriculture. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F700.dcount - Graduates in health and welfare. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F700.dcount.F - Graduates in health and welfare. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.F800.dcount - Graduates in services. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.F800.dcount.F - Graduates in services. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.Fuk.dcount - Graduates in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.Fuk.dcount.F - Graduates in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Female UIS.G.56.Fuk2.dcount - Graduates in general programmes. Tertiary. Total UIS.G.56.Fuk2.dcount.F - Graduates in general programmes. Tertiary. Female UIS.GAP.1 - Graduation age population. Primary. Total UIS.GAP.1.F - Graduation age population. Primary. Female UIS.GAP.1.M - Graduation age population. Primary. Male UIS.GER.0.GPI - Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. Pre-primary UIS.GER.123 - Gross enrolment ratio. Primary & Secondary combined. Total UIS.GER.123.F - Gross enrolment ratio. Primary & Secondary combined. Female UIS.GER.123.M - Gross enrolment ratio. Primary & Secondary combined. Male UIS.GER.1t6.F - Gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary). Female UIS.GER.1t6.GPI - Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary) UIS.GER.1t6.M - Gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary). Male UIS.GER.2.GPI - Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. Lower secondary. All programmes UIS.GER.3.GPI - Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. Upper secondary. All programmes UIS.GGR.1.GPI - Gender parity index for gross primary graduation ratio UIS.GGR.2 - Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. All programmes. Total UIS.GGR.2.F - Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. All programmes. Female UIS.GGR.2.GPV - Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. General programmes. Total UIS.GGR.2.GPV.F - Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. General programmes. Female UIS.GGR.2.GPV.M - Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. General programmes. Male UIS.GGR.2.M - Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. All programmes. Male UIS.GGR.5.A.GPI - Gender parity index for gross graduation ratio. Tertiary (ISCED 5A) first degree UIS.GOER.56 - Gross outbound enrolment ratio. Tertiary UIS.GTVP.2.V - Technical/vocational enrolment in lower secondary (ISCED 2) as % of total enrolment in lower secondary (ISCED 2) UIS.GTVP.3.V - Technical/vocational enrolment in upper secondary (ISCED 3) as % of total enrolment in upper secondary (ISCED 3) UIS.LP.AG15T24 - Youth illiterate population. Total UIS.LP.AG15T24.F - Youth illiterate population. Female UIS.LP.AG15T24.M - Youth illiterate population. Male UIS.LP.AG15T99 - Adult illiterate population. Total UIS.LP.AG15T99.F - Adult illiterate population. Female UIS.LP.AG15T99.M - Adult illiterate population. Male UIS.LP.AG65 - Elderly illiterate population. Total UIS.LP.AG65.F - Elderly illiterate population. Female UIS.LP.AG65.M - Elderly illiterate population. Male UIS.LPP.AG15T24 - Youth illiterate population. % female UIS.LPP.AG15T99 - Adult illiterate population. % female UIS.LPP.AG65 - Elderly illiterate population. % female UIS.LR.AG15T99.GPI - Gender parity index for adult literacy rate UIS.LR.AG65 - Elderly (65+) literacy rate (%). Total UIS.LR.AG65.F - Elderly (65+) literacy rate (%). Female UIS.LR.AG65.GPI - Gender parity index for elderly literacy rate UIS.LR.AG65.M - Elderly (65+) literacy rate (%). Male UIS.MSEP.56 - Inbound mobility rate. Total UIS.NE.1.ECD - New entrants who have attended some ECCE programme. Total UIS.NE.1.ECD.F - New entrants who have attended some ECCE programme. Female UIS.NE.1.G1 - New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education. Total UIS.NE.1.G1.F - New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education. Female UIS.NER.0.GPI - Gender parity index for net enrolment rate. Pre-primary UIS.NER.1.GPI - Gender parity index for net enrolment rate. Primary UIS.NER.23.GPI - Gender parity index for net enrolment rate. Secondary UIS.NERT.1.GPI - Gender parity index for adjusted net enrolment rate. Primary UIS.NIR.1.AGM1 - Net intake rate. Primary. Under age (-1). Total UIS.NIR.1.AGM1.F - Net intake rate. Primary. Under age (-1). Female UIS.NIR.1.AGM1.M - Net intake rate. Primary. Under age (-1). Male UIS.NIR.1.AGP1 - Net intake rate. Primary. Over age (+1). Total UIS.NIR.1.AGP1.F - Net intake rate. Primary. Over age (+1). Female UIS.NIR.1.AGP1.M - Net intake rate. Primary. Over age (+1). Male UIS.NIR.1.GPI - Gender parity index for net intake rate. Primary. UIS.NIRA.1 - Adjusted net intake rate (%). Primary. Total UIS.NIRA.1.F - Adjusted net intake rate (%). Primary. Female UIS.NIRA.1.GPI - Gender parity index for adjusted net intake rate. Primary UIS.NIRA.1.M - Adjusted net intake rate (%). Primary. Male UIS.OAPP.1 - Over-age enrolment ratio. Total UIS.OAPP.1.F - Over-age enrolment ratio. Female UIS.OAPP.1.M - Over-age enrolment ratio. Male UIS.OE.56.40510 - Outbound mobile students (students from a given country studying abroad). Tertiary UIS.OFSPPT.1 - Out-of-school children of primary school age enrolled in pre-primary education. Total UIS.OFSPPT.1.F - Out-of-school children of primary school age enrolled in pre-primary education. Female UIS.OFSPPT.1.M - Out-of-school children of primary school age enrolled in pre-primary education. Male UIS.OFST.2 - Out-of-school children of lower secondary school age. Total UIS.OFST.2.F - Out-of-school children of lower secondary school age. Female UIS.OFST.2.M - Out-of-school children of lower secondary school age. Male UIS.OMR.56 - Outbound mobility ratio (%). Tertiary UIS.PRP.2.GPV - Percentage of private enrolment. Lower secondary. General programmes UIS.PRP.2.V - Percentage of private enrolment. Lower secondary. Technical/vocational programmes UIS.PRP.3.GPV - Percentage of private enrolment. Upper secondary. General programmes UIS.PRP.3.V - Percentage of private enrolment. Upper secondary. Technical/vocational programmes UIS.PTRHC.2 - Pupil-teacher ratio. Lower secondary UIS.PTRHC.3 - Pupil-teacher ratio. Upper secondary UIS.R.1 - Repeaters in primary. All grades. Total UIS.R.1.F - Repeaters in primary. All grades. Female UIS.R.1.G1 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Total UIS.R.1.G1.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Female UIS.R.1.G2 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Total UIS.R.1.G2.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Female UIS.R.1.G3 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Total UIS.R.1.G3.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Female UIS.R.1.G4 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Total UIS.R.1.G4.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Female UIS.R.1.G5 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Total UIS.R.1.G5.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Female UIS.R.1.G6 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Total UIS.R.1.G6.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Female UIS.R.1.G7 - Repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Total UIS.R.1.G7.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Female UIS.R.1.Guk - Repeaters in primary. Grade unspecified. Total UIS.R.1.Guk.F - Repeaters in primary. Grade unspecified. Female UIS.R.23.GPV - Repeaters in secondary. All grades. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.F - Repeaters in secondary. All grades. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G1 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G1.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G10 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 10. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G10.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 10. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G2 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G2.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G3 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G3.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G4 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G4.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G5 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G5.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G6 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G6.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G7 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G7.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G8 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G8.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Female UIS.R.23.GPV.G9 - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 9. Total UIS.R.23.GPV.G9.F - Repeaters in secondary. Grade 9. Female UIS.REPP.1.G1 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Total UIS.REPP.1.G1.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 1.Female UIS.REPP.1.G1.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Male UIS.REPP.1.G2 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Total UIS.REPP.1.G2.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Female UIS.REPP.1.G2.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Male UIS.REPP.1.G3 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Total UIS.REPP.1.G3.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Female UIS.REPP.1.G3.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Male UIS.REPP.1.G4 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Total UIS.REPP.1.G4.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Female UIS.REPP.1.G4.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Male UIS.REPP.1.G5 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Total UIS.REPP.1.G5.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Female UIS.REPP.1.G5.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Male UIS.REPP.1.G6 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Total UIS.REPP.1.G6.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Female UIS.REPP.1.G6.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Male UIS.REPP.1.G7 - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Total UIS.REPP.1.G7.F - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Female UIS.REPP.1.G7.M - Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Male UIS.REPP.1.GPI - Gender parity index for % repeaters. All grades. Primary UIS.REPP.2.GPV - Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Total UIS.REPP.2.GPV.F - Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Female UIS.REPP.2.GPV.M - Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G1 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G1.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G1.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G2 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G2.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G2.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G3 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G3.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G3.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G4 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G4.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G4.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G5 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G5.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G5.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G6 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G6.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G6.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G7 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G7.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G7.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Male UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G8 - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Total UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G8.F - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Female UIS.REPP.23.GPV.G8.M - Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Male UIS.REPP.3.GPV - Percentage of repeaters in upper secondary. All grades. Total UIS.REPP.3.GPV.F - Percentage of repeaters in upper secondary. All grades. Female UIS.REPP.3.GPV.M - Percentage of repeaters in upper secondary. All grades. Male UIS.REPR.1.G1 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 1. Total UIS.REPR.1.G1.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 1. Female UIS.REPR.1.G1.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 1. Male UIS.REPR.1.G2 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 2. Total UIS.REPR.1.G2.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 2. Female UIS.REPR.1.G2.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 2. Male UIS.REPR.1.G3 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 3. Total UIS.REPR.1.G3.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 3. Female UIS.REPR.1.G3.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 3. Male UIS.REPR.1.G4 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 4. Total UIS.REPR.1.G4.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 4. Female UIS.REPR.1.G4.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 4. Male UIS.REPR.1.G5 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 5. Total UIS.REPR.1.G5.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 5. Female UIS.REPR.1.G5.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 5. Male UIS.REPR.1.G6 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 6. Total UIS.REPR.1.G6.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 6. Female UIS.REPR.1.G6.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 6. Male UIS.REPR.1.G7 - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 7. Total UIS.REPR.1.G7.F - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 7. Female UIS.REPR.1.G7.M - Repetition rate in primary. Grade 7. Male UIS.ROFSPPT.1 - Share of primary school-age children enrolled in pre-primary education (%). Total UIS.ROFSPPT.1.F - Share of primary school-age children enrolled in pre-primary education (%). Female UIS.ROFSPPT.1.M - Share of primary school-age children enrolled in pre-primary education (%). Male UIS.ROFST.1 - Out-of-school rate for children of primary school age (%). Total UIS.ROFST.1.F - Out-of-school rate for children of primary school age (%). Female UIS.ROFST.1.M - Out-of-school rate for children of primary school age (%). Male UIS.ROFST.2 - Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Total UIS.ROFST.2.F - Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Female UIS.ROFST.2.M - Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Male UIS.SAP.1.G1 - School age population. Official entrance age. Total UIS.SAP.1.G1.F - School age population. Official entrance age. Female UIS.SAP.1.G1.M - School age population. Official entrance age. Male UIS.SAP.4 - School age population. Post-secondary. Total UIS.SAP.4.F - School age population. Post-secondary. Female UIS.SAP.4.M - School age population. Post-secondary. Male UIS.SLE.0 - School life expectancy (years). Pre-primary. Total UIS.SLE.0.F - School life expectancy (years). Pre-primary. Female UIS.SLE.0.M - School life expectancy (years). Pre-primary. Male UIS.SLE.123 - School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Total UIS.SLE.123.F - School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Female UIS.SLE.123.GPI - Gender parity index for school life expectancy. Primary to secondary. UIS.SLE.123.M - School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Male UIS.SLE.1t6.GPI - Gender parity index for school life expectancy. Primary to tertiary. UIS.SLE.56 - School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Total UIS.SLE.56.F - School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Female UIS.SLE.56.GPI - Gender parity index for school life expectancy. Tertiary. UIS.SLE.56.M - School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Male UIS.SR.1.G4 - Survival rate to grade 4. Total UIS.SR.1.G4.F - Survival rate to grade 4. Female UIS.SR.1.G4.GPI - Gender parity index for survival rate to grade 4 UIS.SR.1.G4.M - Survival rate to grade 4. Male UIS.SR.1.G5.GPI - Gender parity index for survival rate to grade 5 UIS.SR.1.GLAST.GPI - Gender parity index for survival rate to last grade of primary UIS.T.2 - Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total UIS.T.2.F - Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female UIS.T.2.GPV - Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total UIS.T.2.GPV.F - Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female UIS.T.2.V - Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.T.2.V.F - Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.T.23.GPV - Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total UIS.T.23.GPV.F - Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female UIS.T.23.V - Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.T.23.V.F - Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.T.3 - Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total UIS.T.3.F - Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female UIS.T.3.GPV - Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total UIS.T.3.GPV.F - Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female UIS.T.3.V - Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.T.3.V.F - Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.T.4 - Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total UIS.T.4.F - Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female UIS.T.4.GPV - Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total UIS.T.4.GPV.F - Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female UIS.T.4.V - Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total UIS.T.4.V.F - Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female UIS.T.5.A - Teaching staff in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total UIS.T.5.A.F - Teaching staff in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female UIS.T.5.B - Teaching staff in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total UIS.T.5.B.F - Teaching staff in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female UIS.TE_100000.56 - Number of students in tertiary education per 100,000 inhabitants. Total UIS.TE_100000.56.F - Number of students in tertiary education per 100,000 inhabitants. Female UIS.TE_100000.56.M - Number of students in tertiary education per 100,000 inhabitants. Male UIS.TEP.5.A - Distribution of students (%). ISCED Level 5A UIS.TEP.5.B - Distribution of students (%). ISCED Level 5B UIS.TEP.6 - Distribution of students (%). ISCED Level 6 UIS.thAge.0 - Entrance age of pre-primary UIS.thAge.3.A.GPV - Entrance age of 3A upper secondary UIS.thAge.4.A.GPV - Entrance age of 4A post-secondary UIS.thDur.0 - Duration of pre-primary UIS.thDur.2.A.GPV - Duration of 2A lower secondary UIS.thDur.3.A.GPV - Duration of 3A upper secondary UIS.thDur.4.A.GPV - Duration of 4A post-secondary UIS.TRANR.23.GPV.GPI - Gender parity index for transition rate, primary to secondary, general programmes UIS.TRANRA.23.GPV - Effective transition rate from primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes (%). Total UIS.TRANRA.23.GPV.F - Effective transition rate from primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes (%). Female UIS.TRANRA.23.GPV.GPI - Gender parity index for effective transition rate. Primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes UIS.TRANRA.23.GPV.M - Effective transition rate from primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes (%). Male UIS.TRTP.0 - Percentage of trained teachers. Pre-primary. Total UIS.TRTP.0.F - Percentage of trained teachers. Pre-primary. Female UIS.TRTP.0.GPI - Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Pre-primary UIS.TRTP.0.M - Percentage of trained teachers. Pre-primary. Male UIS.TRTP.1.GPI - Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Primary UIS.TRTP.2 - Percentage of trained teachers. Lower secondary. Total UIS.TRTP.2.F - Percentage of trained teachers. Lower secondary. Female UIS.TRTP.2.GPI - Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Lower secondary UIS.TRTP.2.M - Percentage of trained teachers. Lower secondary. Male UIS.TRTP.23.GPI - Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Secondary UIS.TRTP.3 - Percentage of trained teachers. Upper secondary. Total UIS.TRTP.3.F - Percentage of trained teachers. Upper secondary. Female UIS.TRTP.3.GPI - Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Upper secondary UIS.TRTP.3.M - Percentage of trained teachers. Upper secondary. Male UIS.UAPP.1 - Under-age enrolment ratio. Primary. Total UIS.UAPP.1.F - Under-age enrolment ratio. Primary. Female UIS.UAPP.1.M - Under-age enrolment ratio. Primary. Male UIS.XCURP.0 - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Pre-primary UIS.XCURP.2 - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Lower secondary UIS.XCURP.3 - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Upper secondary UIS.XCURP.4 - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Post secondary UIS.XCURP.UK - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education not allocated by level UIS.XGDP.0.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Pre-primary UIS.XGDP.0.FSGOV.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Pre-primary UIS.XGDP.0.FSpr.FDinst.FFd - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Pre-primary UIS.XGDP.1.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Primary UIS.XGDP.1.FSGOV.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Primary UIS.XGDP.1.FSpr.FDinst.FFd - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Primary UIS.XGDP.234.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary UIS.XGDP.234.FSpr.FDinst.FFd - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary UIS.XGDP.56.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Tertiary UIS.XGDP.56.FSpr.FDinst.FFd - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Tertiary UIS.XGDP.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. All levels UIS.XGDP.FSGOV.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. All levels UIS.XGDP.FSint.FDinst.FFd - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. International sources. All levels UIS.XGDP.FSpr.FDinst.FFd - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. All levels UIS.XGNP.FSGOV.FNCUR.FFD - Current expenditure on education as % of GNI UIS.XGOVEXP.FNCUR - Public current expenditure on education as % of total current government expenditure UIS.XNATURCP.1.FDPUB.FNS - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in primary education. All personnel salaries UIS.XNATURCP.1.FDPUB.FNTS - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in primary education. Teachers salaries UIS.XNATURCP.23.FDPUB.FNS - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in secondary education. All personnel salaries UIS.XNATURCP.23.FDPUB.FNTS - Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in secondary education. Teacher salaries UIS.XPUBP.0 - Educational expenditure in pre-primary as % of total educational expenditure UIS.XPUBP.2 - Educational expenditure in lower secondary as % of total educational expenditure UIS.XPUBP.3 - Educational expenditure in upper secondary as % of total educational expenditure UIS.XPUBP.4 - Educational expenditure in post secondary as % of total educational expenditure UIS.XPUBP.UK - Educational expenditure not allocated by level as % of total educational expenditure UIS.XSPENDP.1234.FDPUB.FNCAP - Educational expenditure on capital as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4. UIS.XSPENDP.1234.FDPUB.FNCUR - Educational expenditure on total current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4. UIS.XSPENDP.1234.FDPUB.FNNONS - Educational expenditure on other current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4. UIS.XSPENDP.1234.FDPUB.FNS - Educational expenditure on salaries as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4. UIS.XSPENDP.56.FDPUB.FNCAP - Educational expenditure on capital as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary. UIS.XSPENDP.56.FDPUB.FNCUR - Educational expenditure on total current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary. UIS.XSPENDP.56.FDPUB.FNNONS - Educational expenditure on other current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary. UIS.XSPENDP.56.FDPUB.FNS - Educational expenditure on salaries as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary. UNDP.HDI.HY.XD - Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) UNDP.HDI.HY.XQ - Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) rank UNDP.HDI.XD - Human development index (HDI) UPP.COM.POL.XQ - Combined polity score UPP.INS.AUTO.XQ - Institutionalized autocracy UPP.INS.DEMO.XQ - Institutionalized democracy UPP.REV.POL.XQ - Revised Combined Polity Score UREA_EE_BULK - Urea, E. Europe, bulk, $/mt, current$ VA.EST - Voice and Accountability: Estimate VA.NO.SRC - Voice and Accountability: Number of Sources VA.PER.RNK - Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank VA.STD.ERR - Voice and Accountability: Standard Error VC.BTL.DETH - Battle-related deaths (number of people) VC.IDP.TOTL.HE - Internally displaced persons (number, high estimate) VC.IDP.TOTL.LE - Internally displaced persons (number, low estimate) VC.IHR.PSRC.P5 - Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) VC.PKP.TOTL.UN - Presence of peace keepers (number of troops, police, and military observers in mandate) WHEAT_CANADI - Wheat, Canada, $/mt, current$ WHEAT_US_HRW - Wheat, US, HRW, $/mt, current$ WHEAT_US_SRW - Wheat, US, SRW, $/mt, current$ WOODPULP - Woodpulp, $/mt, current$ WP11623.MF.GAP - Male-female gap in the percent of population (15+) with an account at a formal financial institution WP11623_4.1 - Account at a formal financial institution (% age 15+) WP11623_4.10 - Account at a formal financial institution, rural (% age 15+) WP11623_4.11 - Account at a formal financial institution, urban (% age 15+) WP11623_4.2 - Account at a formal financial institution, male (% age 15+) WP11623_4.3 - Account at a formal financial institution, female (% age 15+) WP11623_4.4 - Account at a formal financial institution, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11623_4.5 - Account at a formal financial institution, older adults (% age 25+) WP11623_4.6 - Account at a formal financial institution, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11623_4.7 - Account at a formal financial institution, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11623_4.8 - Account at a formal financial institution, income, bottom 40% (% age 15+) WP11623_4.9 - Account at a formal financial institution, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11625.1 - Account used for business purposes (% age 15+) WP11625.10 - Account used for business purposes, rural (% age 15+) WP11625.11 - Account used for business purposes, urban (% age 15+) WP11625.2 - Account used for business purposes, male (% age 15+) WP11625.3 - Account used for business purposes, female (% age 15+) WP11625.4 - Account used for business purposes, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11625.5 - Account used for business purposes, older adults (% age 25+) WP11625.6 - Account used for business purposes, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11625.7 - Account used for business purposes, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11625.8 - Account used for business purposes, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11625.9 - Account used for business purposes, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11626.1 - Debit card (% age 15+) WP11626.10 - Debit card, rural (% age 15+) WP11626.11 - Debit card, urban (% age 15+) WP11626.2 - Debit card, male (% age 15+) WP11626.3 - Debit card, female (% age 15+) WP11626.4 - Debit card, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11626.5 - Debit card, older adults (% age 25+) WP11626.6 - Debit card, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11626.7 - Debit card, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11626.8 - Debit card, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11626.9 - Debit card, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11627.1 - Credit card (% age 15+) WP11627.10 - Credit card, rural (% age 15+) WP11627.11 - Credit card, urban (% age 15+) WP11627.2 - Credit card, male (% age 15+) WP11627.3 - Credit card, female (% age 15+) WP11627.4 - Credit card, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11627.5 - Credit card, older adults (% age 25+) WP11627.6 - Credit card, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11627.7 - Credit card, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11627.8 - Credit card, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11627.9 - Credit card, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11628.1.1 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.10 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.11 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.2 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.3 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.4 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11628.1.5 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11628.1.6 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.7 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.8 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.1.9 - 0 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.1 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.10 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.11 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.2 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.3 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.4 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11628.2.5 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11628.2.6 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.7 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.8 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.2.9 - 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.1 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.10 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.11 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.2 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.3 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.4 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11628.3.5 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11628.3.6 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.7 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.8 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628.3.9 - 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.1 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.10 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.11 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.2 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.3 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.4 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11628_9.1.5 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11628_9.1.6 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.7 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.8 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11628_9.1.9 - 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.1 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.10 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.11 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.2 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.3 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.4 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11629.1.5 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11629.1.6 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.7 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.8 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.1.9 - 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.1 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.10 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.11 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.2 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.3 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.4 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11629.2.5 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11629.2.6 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.7 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.8 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.2.9 - 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.1 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.10 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.11 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.2 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.3 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.4 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11629.3.5 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11629.3.6 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.7 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.8 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11629.3.9 - 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.1 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.10 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.11 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.2 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.3 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.4 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11630.1.5 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11630.1.6 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.7 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.8 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.1.9 - ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.1 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.10 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.11 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.2 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.3 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.4 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11630.2.5 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11630.2.6 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.7 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.8 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.2.9 - Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.1 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.10 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.11 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.2 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.3 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.4 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11630.3.5 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11630.3.6 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.7 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.8 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.3.9 - Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.1 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.10 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.11 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.2 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.3 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.4 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11630.4.5 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11630.4.6 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.7 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.8 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11630.4.9 - Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.1 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.10 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.11 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.2 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.3 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.4 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11631.1.5 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11631.1.6 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.7 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.8 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.1.9 - ATM is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.1 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.10 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.11 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.2 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.3 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.4 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11631.2.5 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11631.2.6 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.7 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.8 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.2.9 - Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.1 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.10 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.11 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.2 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.3 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.4 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11631.3.5 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11631.3.6 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.7 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.8 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.3.9 - Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.1 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.10 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.11 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.2 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.3 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.4 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24) WP11631.4.5 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+) WP11631.4.6 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.7 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.8 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+) WP11631.4.9 - Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+) WP11632.1 - Checks used to make payments (% age 15+) WP11632.10 - Checks used to make payments , rural (% age 15+) WP11632.11 - Checks used to make payments , urban (% age 15+) WP11632.2 - Checks used to make payments , male (% age 15+) WP11632.3 - Checks used to make payments , female (% age 15+) WP11632.4 - Checks used to make payments , young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11632.5 - Checks used to make payments , older adults (% age 25+) WP11632.6 - Checks used to make payments , primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11632.7 - Checks used to make payments , secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11632.8 - Checks used to make payments , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11632.9 - Checks used to make payments , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11633.1 - Electronic payments used to make payments (% age 15+) WP11633.10 - Electronic payments used to make payments, rural (% age 15+) WP11633.11 - Electronic payments used to make payments, urban (% age 15+) WP11633.2 - Electronic payments used to make payments, male (% age 15+) WP11633.3 - Electronic payments used to make payments, female (% age 15+) WP11633.4 - Electronic payments used to make payments, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11633.5 - Electronic payments used to make payments, older adults (% age 25+) WP11633.6 - Electronic payments used to make payments, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11633.7 - Electronic payments used to make payments, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11633.8 - Electronic payments used to make payments, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11633.9 - Electronic payments used to make payments, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11634.1 - Account used to receive wages (% age 15+) WP11634.10 - Account used to receive wages, rural (% age 15+) WP11634.11 - Account used to receive wages, urban (% age 15+) WP11634.2 - Account used to receive wages, male (% age 15+) WP11634.3 - Account used to receive wages, female (% age 15+) WP11634.4 - Account used to receive wages, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11634.5 - Account used to receive wages, older adults (% age 25+) WP11634.6 - Account used to receive wages, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11634.7 - Account used to receive wages, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11634.8 - Account used to receive wages, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11634.9 - Account used to receive wages, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11635.1 - Account used to receive government payments (% age 15+) WP11635.10 - Account used to receive government payments, rural (% age 15+) WP11635.11 - Account used to receive government payments, urban (% age 15+) WP11635.2 - Account used to receive government payments, male (% age 15+) WP11635.3 - Account used to receive government payments, female (% age 15+) WP11635.4 - Account used to receive government payments, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11635.5 - Account used to receive government payments, older adults (% age 25+) WP11635.6 - Account used to receive government payments, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11635.7 - Account used to receive government payments, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11635.8 - Account used to receive government payments, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11635.9 - Account used to receive government payments, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11636.1 - Account used to receive remittances (% age 15+) WP11636.10 - Account used to receive remittances , rural (% age 15+) WP11636.11 - Account used to receive remittances , urban (% age 15+) WP11636.2 - Account used to receive remittances , male (% age 15+) WP11636.3 - Account used to receive remittances , female (% age 15+) WP11636.4 - Account used to receive remittances , young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11636.5 - Account used to receive remittances , older adults (% age 25+) WP11636.6 - Account used to receive remittances , primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11636.7 - Account used to receive remittances , secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11636.8 - Account used to receive remittances , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11636.9 - Account used to receive remittances , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11637.1 - Account used to send remittances (% age 15+) WP11637.10 - Account used to send remittances , rural (% age 15+) WP11637.11 - Account used to send remittances , urban (% age 15+) WP11637.2 - Account used to send remittances , male (% age 15+) WP11637.3 - Account used to send remittances , female (% age 15+) WP11637.4 - Account used to send remittances , young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11637.5 - Account used to send remittances , older adults (% age 25+) WP11637.6 - Account used to send remittances , primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11637.7 - Account used to send remittances , secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11637.8 - Account used to send remittances , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11637.9 - Account used to send remittances , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11645.1 - Saved any money in the past year (% age 15+) WP11645.10 - Saved any money in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11645.11 - Saved any money in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11645.2 - Saved any money in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11645.3 - Saved any money in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11645.4 - Saved any money in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11645.5 - Saved any money in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11645.6 - Saved any money in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11645.7 - Saved any money in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11645.8 - Saved any money in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11645.9 - Saved any money in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11646.1 - Saved for future expenses in the past year (% age 15+) WP11646.10 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11646.11 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11646.2 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11646.3 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11646.4 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11646.5 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11646.6 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11646.7 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11646.8 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11646.9 - Saved for future expenses in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11647.1 - Saved for emergencies in the past year (% age 15+) WP11647.10 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11647.11 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11647.2 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11647.3 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11647.4 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11647.5 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11647.6 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11647.7 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11647.8 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11647.9 - Saved for emergencies in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11648.1 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+) WP11648.10 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11648.11 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11648.2 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11648.3 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11648.4 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11648.5 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11648.6 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11648.7 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11648.8 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11648.9 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11649.1 - Saved using a savings club in the past year (% age 15+) WP11649.10 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11649.11 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11649.2 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11649.3 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11649.4 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11649.5 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11649.6 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11649.7 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11649.8 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11649.9 - Saved using a savings club in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11651.1 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+) WP11651.10 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11651.11 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11651.2 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11651.3 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11651.4 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11651.5 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11651.6 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11651.7 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11651.8 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11651.9 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11651_5.1 - Loan in the past year (% age 15+) WP11651_5.10 - Loan in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11651_5.11 - Loan in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11651_5.2 - Loan in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11651_5.3 - Loan in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11651_5.4 - Loan in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11651_5.5 - Loan in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11651_5.6 - Loan in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11651_5.7 - Loan in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11651_5.8 - Loan in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11651_5.9 - Loan in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11652.1 - Loan through store credit in the past yearq (% age 15+) WP11652.10 - Loan through store credit in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11652.11 - Loan through store credit in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11652.2 - Loan through store credit in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11652.3 - Loan through store credit in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11652.4 - Loan through store credit in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11652.5 - Loan through store credit in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11652.6 - Loan through store credit in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11652.7 - Loan through store credit in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11652.8 - Loan through store credit in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11652.9 - Loan through store credit in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11653.1 - Loan from family or friends in the past year (% age 15+) WP11653.10 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11653.11 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11653.2 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11653.3 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11653.4 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11653.5 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11653.6 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11653.7 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11653.8 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11653.9 - Loan from family or friends in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11654.1 - Loan from an employer in the past year (% age 15+) WP11654.10 - Loan from an employer in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11654.11 - Loan from an employer in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11654.2 - Loan from an employer in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11654.3 - Loan from an employer in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11654.4 - Loan from an employer in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11654.5 - Loan from an employer in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11654.6 - Loan from an employer in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11654.7 - Loan from an employer in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11654.8 - Loan from an employer in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11654.9 - Loan from an employer in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11655.1 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year (% age 15+) WP11655.10 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, rural (% age 15+) WP11655.11 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, urban (% age 15+) WP11655.2 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, male (% age 15+) WP11655.3 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, female (% age 15+) WP11655.4 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11655.5 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, older adults (% age 25+) WP11655.6 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11655.7 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11655.8 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11655.9 - Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11656.1 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home (% age 15+) WP11656.10 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , rural (% age 15+) WP11656.11 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , urban (% age 15+) WP11656.2 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , male (% age 15+) WP11656.3 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , female (% age 15+) WP11656.4 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11656.5 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , older adults (% age 25+) WP11656.6 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11656.7 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11656.8 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11656.9 - Outstanding loan to purchase a home , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11658.1 - Personally paid for health insurance (% age 15+) WP11658.10 - Personally paid for health insurance, rural (% age 15+) WP11658.11 - Personally paid for health insurance, urban (% age 15+) WP11658.2 - Personally paid for health insurance, male (% age 15+) WP11658.3 - Personally paid for health insurance, female (% age 15+) WP11658.4 - Personally paid for health insurance, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11658.5 - Personally paid for health insurance, older adults (% age 25+) WP11658.6 - Personally paid for health insurance, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11658.7 - Personally paid for health insurance, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11658.8 - Personally paid for health insurance, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11658.9 - Personally paid for health insurance, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11659.1 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.10 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, rural (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.11 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, urban (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.2 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, male (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.3 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, female (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.4 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, young adults (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.5 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, older adults (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.6 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, primary education or less (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.7 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, secondary education or more (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.8 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11659.9 - Personally paid for agriculture insurance, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+) WP11668.1 - Outstanding loan for home construction (% age 15+) WP11668.10 - Outstanding loan for home construction, rural (% age 15+) WP11668.11 - Outstanding loan for home construction, urban (% age 15+) WP11668.2 - Outstanding loan for home construction, male (% age 15+) WP11668.3 - Outstanding loan for home construction, female (% age 15+) WP11668.4 - Outstanding loan for home construction, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11668.5 - Outstanding loan for home construction, older adults (% age 25+) WP11668.6 - Outstanding loan for home construction, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11668.7 - Outstanding loan for home construction, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11668.8 - Outstanding loan for home construction, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11668.9 - Outstanding loan for home construction, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11669.1 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees (% age 15+) WP11669.10 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, rural (% age 15+) WP11669.11 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, urban (% age 15+) WP11669.2 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, male (% age 15+) WP11669.3 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, female (% age 15+) WP11669.4 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11669.5 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, older adults (% age 25+) WP11669.6 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11669.7 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11669.8 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11669.9 - Outstanding loan to pay school fees, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11670.1 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies (% age 15+) WP11670.10 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, rural (% age 15+) WP11670.11 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, urban (% age 15+) WP11670.2 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, male (% age 15+) WP11670.3 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, female (% age 15+) WP11670.4 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11670.5 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, older adults (% age 25+) WP11670.6 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11670.7 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11670.8 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11670.9 - Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11671.1 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings (% age 15+) WP11671.10 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, rural (% age 15+) WP11671.11 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, urban (% age 15+) WP11671.2 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, male (% age 15+) WP11671.3 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, female (% age 15+) WP11671.4 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11671.5 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, older adults (% age 25+) WP11671.6 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11671.7 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11671.8 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11671.9 - Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11672.1 - Mobile phone used to pay bills (% age 15+) WP11672.10 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, rural (% age 15+) WP11672.11 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, urban (% age 15+) WP11672.2 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, male (% age 15+) WP11672.3 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, female (% age 15+) WP11672.4 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11672.5 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, older adults (% age 25+) WP11672.6 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11672.7 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11672.8 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11672.9 - Mobile phone used to pay bills, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11673.1 - Mobile phone used to send money (% age 15+) WP11673.10 - Mobile phone used to send money , rural (% age 15+) WP11673.11 - Mobile phone used to send money , urban (% age 15+) WP11673.2 - Mobile phone used to send money , male (% age 15+) WP11673.3 - Mobile phone used to send money , female (% age 15+) WP11673.4 - Mobile phone used to send money , young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11673.5 - Mobile phone used to send money , older adults (% age 25+) WP11673.6 - Mobile phone used to send money , primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11673.7 - Mobile phone used to send money , secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11673.8 - Mobile phone used to send money , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11673.9 - Mobile phone used to send money , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) WP11674.1 - Mobile phone used to receive money (% age 15+) WP11674.10 - Mobile phone used to receive money , rural (% age 15+) WP11674.11 - Mobile phone used to receive money , urban (% age 15+) WP11674.2 - Mobile phone used to receive money , male (% age 15+) WP11674.3 - Mobile phone used to receive money , female (% age 15+) WP11674.4 - Mobile phone used to receive money , young adults (% ages 15-24) WP11674.5 - Mobile phone used to receive money , older adults (% age 25+) WP11674.6 - Mobile phone used to receive money , primary education or less (% age 15+) WP11674.7 - Mobile phone used to receive money , secondary education or more (% age 15+) WP11674.8 - Mobile phone used to receive money , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+) WP11674.9 - Mobile phone used to receive money , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+) XGDP.234.FSGOV.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary XGDP.56.FSGOV.FDINSTADM.FFD - Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Tertiary XMKT - Export Market Growth Index ZINC - Zinc, cents/kg, current$
. wbopendata, country(chn - China) clear
. wbopendata, language(en - English) topics(2 - Aid Effectiveness) clear
. wbopendata, language(en - English) indicator(ag.agr.trac.no - Agricultural machinery, tractors) clear
. wbopendata, language(en - English) indicator(ag.agr.trac.no - Agricultural machinery, tractors) long clear
. wbopendata, country(ago;bdi;chi;dnk;esp) indicator(sp.pop.0610.fe.un) clear
. wbopendata, indicator(si.pov.dday; ny.gdp.pcap.pp.kd) clear long
. tempfile tmp . wbopendata, language(en - English) indicator(it.cel.sets.p2) long cle > ar latest . sort countrycode . save `tmp', replace . sysuse world-d, clear . merge countrycode using `tmp' . sum year . local avg = string(`r(mean)',"%16.1f") . spmap it_cel_sets_p2 using "world-c.dta", id(_ID) > /// clnumber(20) fcolor(Reds2) ocolor(none ..) > /// title("Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)", size(*1 > .2)) /// legstyle(3) legend(ring(1) position(3)) > /// note("Source: World Development Indicators (latest available ye > ar: `avg') using /// Azevedo, J.P. (2011) wbopendata: Stata module to " "access Worl > d Bank databases, /// Statistical Software Components S457234 Boston College Departme > nt of Economics.", size(*.7)){p_end} (click to run)
. wbopendata, indicator(si.pov.2day ) clear long . drop if si_pov_2day == . . sort countryname year . bysort countryname : gen diff_pov = (si_pov_2day-si_pov_2day[_n-1])/ > (year-year[_n-1]) . encode regioncode, gen(reg) . encode countryname, gen(reg2) . keep if region == "Aggregates" . alorenz diff_pov, gp points(20) fullview xdecrease markvar(reg2) // > / ytitle("Change in Poverty (p.p.)") xtitle("Proportion of regional / > // episodes of poverty reduction (%)") legend(off) title("Poverty Redu > ction") /// legend(off) note("Source: World Development Indicators using Azeved > o, J.P. /// (2011) wbopendata: Stata module to " "access World Bank databases, > Statistical /// Software Components S457234 Boston College Department of Economics. > ", size(*.7)){p_end} (click to run)
. wbopendata, indicator(si.pov.2day ) clear long . drop if si_pov_2day == . . sort countryname year . keep if region == "Aggregates" . bysort countryname : gen diff_pov = (si_pov_2day-si_pov_2day[_n-1])/ > (year-year[_n-1]) . gen baseline = si_pov_2day if year == 1990 . sort countryname baseline . bysort countryname : replace baseline = baseline[1] if baseline == . . gen mdg1 = baseline/2 . gen present = si_pov_2day if year == 2008 . sort countryname present . bysort countryname : replace present = present[1] if present == . . gen target = ((baseline-mdg1)/(2008-1990))*(2015-1990) . sort countryname year . gen angel45x = . . gen angle45y = . . replace angel45x = 0 in 1 . replace angle45y = 0 in 1 . replace angel45x = 80 in 2 . replace angle45y = 80 in 2 . graph twoway /// (scatter present target if year == 2008, mlabel( countrycode)) > /// (line angle45y angel45x ), > /// legend(off) xtitle("Target for 2008") ytitle(Present) > /// title("MDG 1b - 2 USD") > /// note("Source: World Development Indicators (latest available > year: 2008) /// using Azevedo, J.P. (2011) wbopendata: Stata module to " "ac > cess /// World Bank databases, Statistical Software Components S45723 > 4 Boston /// College Department of Economics.", size(*.7)){p_end} (click to run)
. wbopendata, indicator(si.pov.dday; ny.gdp.pcap.pp.kd) clear long lates > t
. graph twoway /// (scatter si_pov_dday ny_gdp_pcap_pp_kd, msize(*.6)) /// (scatter si_pov_dday ny_gdp_pcap_pp_kd if region == "Aggregates", ms > ize(*.8) /// mlabel(countryname) mlabsize(*.8) mlabangle(25)) /// (lowess si_pov_dday ny_gdp_pcap_pp_kd) , /// xtitle("GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $)") // > / ytitle("Poverty headcount ratio at 1.25 dollar-a-day") /// legend(off) /// note("Source: World Development Indicators (latest available yea > r as off 2012-08-08) /// using Azevedo, J.P. (2011) wbopendata: Stata module to " "acces > s World Bank databases, /// Statistical Software Components S457234 Boston College Departm > ent of Economics.", /// size(*.7)){p_end}
(click to run)
Africa Development Indicators; Doing Business; Education Statistics; Enterprise Surveys; Global Development Finance; Gender Statistics; Health Nutrition and Population Statistics; International Development Association - Results Measurement System; Millennium Development Goals; World Development Indicators; Worldwide Governance Indicators.
David C. Elliott, 2002. "TKNZ: Stata module to tokenize string into named macros," Statistical Software Components S426302, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 17 Oct 2006.
This program was developed by the LAC Team for Statistical Development, from the Latin American and Caribbean Poverty Reduction and Economic Managment Group from the World Bank, in collaboration with the World Bank Data Group. This work was lead by Joao Pedro Azevedo. A special thanks to the World Bank API team, in particular, Malarvizhi Veerappan, Lakshmikanthan Subramanian, Shanmugam Natarajan, and Ugendran Machakkalai. The author would like to thanks comments received from Minh Cong Nguyen, Aart C. Kraay, Amer Hasan, Johan Mistiaen, Roy Shuji Katayama, Dean Mitchell Jolliffe, Nobuo Yoshida, Manohar Sharma, Gabriel Demombynes, Paolo Verme, Elizaveta Perova, Kit Baum, Kerry Kammire, Derek Wagner, Neil Fantom and Loiuse J. Cord. The usual disclaimer applies. I would like to dedicate this ado file to Dr Richard Sperling, who asked us to support intelligent and well thought out public policies that help those in society who are less fortunate than we are. www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2011-02/msg00062.html wbopendata uses the Stata user written command _pecats produced by J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese, and tknz written by David C. Elliott and Nick Cox. Author
Joao Pedro Azevedo (jazevedo@worldbank.org)
Also see
Online: spmap tknz (if installed)