/* Weaver Package Developed by E. F. Haghish (2014) Center for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics University of Freiburg, Germany haghish@imbi.uni-freiburg.de The Weaver Package comes with no warranty DESCRIPTION ============================== The weave command is used both for openning a HTML/LaTeX log file as well as closing it, turning it temporarily off, or on. This is the most important ado file of the package that installs the required software on demand and ensures the software is running propperly. */ program define weave version 11 syntax [anything] [using/], /// [INSTALl] /// install the required software [NOpdf] /// avoid printing PDF [pdf] /// avoif error due to "nopdf" option. [PRINTer(str)] /// path to executable wkhtmltopdf or pdflatex [MARKup(name)] /// document markup (HTML or LaTeX) [append|replace] /// append or replace the dynamic report [PAPERsize(name)] /// define the PDF paper size [Margin(numlist max=4 min=4 int >=3 <=50)] /// top right bottom left margins [STYle(name)] /// document style [TEMPlate(str)] /// attach CSS file or extract LaTeX heading [LANDscape] /// print landscape mode PDF [toc] /// create table of content in HTML and LaTeX [Font(str)] /// document font [TITle(str)] /// title of the document [AUthor(str)] /// author of the document [AFFiliation(str)] /// author's affiliation [ADDress(str)] /// email or mailing address or any relevant information [SUMmary(str)] /// document abstract [Date] /// document creation date [SYNoff] /// turn syntax highlighter off in HTML document [NOIsily] /// noisy performance; print on results window //[math(name)] /// default math in HTML document //[css(str)] /// attach CSS document in HTML document //[NOScheme] //[GRAYscale] //[EXEcute] **************************************************************************** * ESSENTIAL SYNTAX PROCESSING FOR CATEGORIZING THE COMMAND **************************************************************************** //Execute User-defined Weaver Paths capture prog drop weaversetup // because it may have just changed capture weaversetup // because it may not exist YET if missing("`papersize'") & !missing("$doc_paper") local papersize "$doc_paper" if !missing("`noisily'") | "$noisyWeaver" == "yes" { global noisyWeaver "yes" } else global noisyWeaver "no" if missing("`paper'") local paper a4 //define default paper //return an error for "weave" command alone if missing("`anything'") & missing("`using'") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } if !missing("`anything'") { if "`anything'" ~= "c" & "`anything'" ~= "cl" & "`anything'" ~= "clo" & /// "`anything'" ~= "clos" & "`anything'" ~= "close" & /// "`anything'" ~= "on" & "`anything'" ~= "of" & "`anything'" ~= "off" /// & "`anything'" ~= "query" & "`anything'" ~= "quer" & /// & "`anything'" ~= "que" & "`anything'" ~= "qu" & /// & "`anything'" ~= "q" & "`anything'" ~= "pdf" & /// "`anything'" ~= "mer" & "`anything'" ~= "merg" & /// "`anything'" ~= "merge" & "`anything'" ~= "preserve" & /// "`anything'" ~= "restore" & "`anything'" ~= "setup" { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } // `using' and `anything' together, return error if it is not merging if "`anything'" ~= "mer" & "`anything'" ~= "merg" & /// "`anything'" ~= "merge" & !missing("`using'") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } // Make sure `using' is defined with merge if "`anything'" == "mer" | "`anything'" == "merg" | /// "`anything'" == "merge" { if missing("`using'") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } } // Check syntax for options and weave commands if !missing("`append'") /// | !missing("`synoff'") | !missing("`toc'") /// | !missing("`landscape'") ///| !missing("`papersize'") /// | !missing("`margin'") | !missing("`title'") /// | !missing("`author'") | !missing("`affiliation'") /// | !missing("`address'") | !missing("`date'") /// | !missing("`summary'") | !missing("`style'") /// | !missing("`markup'") | !missing("`font'") /// | !missing("`install'") | !missing("`printer'") /// | !missing("`template'") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } if "`anything'" == "off" | "`anything'" == "on" /// | "`anything'" == "query" | "`anything'" == "q" | "`anything'" == "qu" /// | "`anything'" == "que" | "`anything'" == "quer" { if !missing("`replace'") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } } } // Setting up the Mathematics default // the weavermath global changes behavior of "txt" command global weavermath mathlatex **************************************************************************** * weave quary : check the log status * * check if the log is open and if it is "off" (saved in weaversaver global) **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "query" | "`anything'" == "q" | "`anything'" == "qu" /// | "`anything'" == "que" | "`anything'" == "quer" { // If the log file is closed or off if missing("$weaver") { if missing("$weaversaver") di as txt "(Weaver log closed)" _n if !missing("$weaversaver") { di as txt _n /// "{hline}" _n /// `" name: {ul:{bf:{browse `"${weaverFullPath}"':$htmldoc}}} "' _n /// " log: {bf:$weaverFullPath}" _n /// " log type: {bf:$weaverMarkup} " _n /// " status: {bf:off}" _n } } // If the log file is open if !missing("$weaver") { di as txt _n /// "{hline}" _n /// `" name: {ul:{bf:{browse `"${weaverFullPath}"':$htmldoc}}} "' _n /// " log: {bf:{bf:$weaverFullPath}}" _n /// " log type: {bf:$weaverMarkup} " _n /// " status: {bf:on}" _n } } **************************************************************************** * weave off : Turning the Weaver log off **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "off" | "`anything'" == "of" { // If the log file is closed if missing("$weaver") { if missing("$weaversaver") { di as err "no weaver log file open" exit 606 } else di as txt "($weaverMarkup log already off)" } // If the log file is open if !missing("$weaver") { di as txt _n "{hline}" _n /// `" name: {ul:{bf:{browse `"${weaverFullPath}"':$htmldoc}}} "' _n /// " log: {bf:$weaverFullPath}" _n /// " log type: {bf:$weaverMarkup} " _n /// " paused on: {bf:`c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'}" _n // Print information about the log as comment tempname canvas capture file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc" , write text append if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { file write `canvas' /// `""' _n /// `""' _n /// "" _n /// "" _n /// "" _n /// "" _n } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { file write `canvas' /// `"% name : $htmldoc"' _n /// `"% log : $weaverFullPath "' _n /// "% software : Weaver package $weaverversion on Stata" /// "`c(stata_version)'" _n /// "% machine : `c(machine_type)' version `c(osdtl)'" _n /// "% resumed on: `c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'" _n /// "% username : `c(username)'" _n } global weaversaver $weaver global weaver //reset weaver } } **************************************************************************** * weave on Command **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "on" { // If log file is already on if !missing("$weaver") { di as txt "($weaverMarkup log file already on)" } if missing("$weaver") { if missing("$weaversaver") { di as err "no weaver log file open" exit 606 } } // If the log file is off if missing("$weaver") { if !missing("$weaversaver") { di as txt _n /// "{hline}" _n /// `" name: {ul:{bf:{browse `"${weaverFullPath}"':$htmldoc}}} "' _n /// " log: {bf:$weaverFullPath}" _n /// " log type: {bf:$weaverMarkup} " _n /// "resumed on: {bf:`c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'}" _n tempname canvas capture file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc" , write text append if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { file write `canvas' /// `""' _n /// `""' _n /// `"" _n /// `""'_n /// `""'_n /// `""' _n } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { file write `canvas' /// `"% name : ${htmldoc}"' _n /// `"% log : $weaverFullPath"' _n /// `"% software : Weaver package $weaverversion on Stata"' /// "`c(stata_version)'" _n /// `"% machine : `c(machine_type)' version `c(osdtl)'"'_n /// `"% resumed on: `c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'"'_n /// `"% username : `c(username)'"' _n } global weaver $weaversaver global weaversaver //reset to nothing } } } **************************************************************************** * weave preserve **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "preserve" { // if no log is "open" or "on" return an error if missing("$weaver") { if missing("$weaversaver") { di as err "no weaver log file open" exit 606 } } // If log file is already on if !missing("$weaver") { capture quietly copy "$weaverFullPath" "$weaverFullPathPreserve", replace public } // If the log file is off if missing("$weaver") { if !missing("$weaversaver") { *capture quietly copy "$weaversaver" "_$weaversaver", replace public capture quietly copy "$weaversaver" "$weaverFullPathPreserve", replace public } } di as txt "(log preserved in _$htmldoc)" } **************************************************************************** * weave restore **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "restore" { // if weaversaver and weaver are missing return an error if missing("$weaver") { if missing("$weaversaver") { di as err "no weaver log file open" exit 606 } } // If log file is already on or else, it is off if !missing("$weaver") | missing("$weaver") & !missing("$weaversaver") { //check that the preserve file exists *cap quietly findfile "_$weaver" cap quietly findfile "_$htmldoc", path("$weaverDir") if "`r(fn)'" != "" { *capture quietly copy "_$weaver" "$weaver", replace copy "$weaverFullPathPreserve" "$weaverFullPath", replace } else { di as err "restored $weaverMarkup log not found" exit 601 } di as txt "($weaverMarkup log restored)" } // If the log file is off /* if missing("$weaver") { if !missing("$weaversaver") { //check that the preserve file exists *cap quietly findfile "_$weaversaver" cap quietly findfile "_$weaver", path("$weaverDir") if "`r(fn)'" != "" { capture quietly copy "_$weaversaver" "$weaversaver", replace } else { di as err "restored $weaverMarkup log not found" exit 601 } } } */ } **************************************************************************** * weave setup : editing the default file paths **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "setup" { capture quietly findfile weaversetup.ado if _rc != 0 { local d : pwd qui cd "`c(sysdir_plus)'w" capture copy weavercontroller.ado weaversetup.ado qui cd "`d'" } quietly findfile weaversetup.ado local fp `"`r(fn)'"' local root : environment HOME if strpos(`"`fp'"', "~") == 1 & !missing(`"`root'"') { local file : subinstr local file "~" "`root'" } di as txt "{p} edit the file below to setup the default file path for " /// "the required software" di as smcl `"{browse `"`fp'"' }"' doedit `"`fp'"' } **************************************************************************** * weave merge Command **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "mer" | "`anything'" == "merg" | "`anything'" == "merge" { //Make sure the Weaver Log exists cap quietly findfile "$htmldoc", path("$weaverDir") if "`r(fn)'" == "" { findfile "$htmldoc" //return an error } // If log file is off if missing("$weaver") { if !missing("$weaversaver") { di as err "$weaverMarkup log file not on" exit 606 } else { di as err "no Weaver log file open" exit 606 } } // check the suffix of the appended file confirm file `using' local suffix : display substr("`using'",-4,.) if "`suffix'" ~= "html" & "`suffix'" ~= "HTML" & "`suffix'" ~= /// ".htm" & "`suffix'" ~= ".HTM" & "`suffix'" ~= ".tex" { di as txt "{p}({it:filename} does not have {bf:html}, {bf:htm} ," /// " {bf:xhtml}, or {bf:tex} suffix)" } *if "$weaver" != "" cap confirm file "$weaver" tempname canvas needle *cap file open `canvas' using "$weaver", write text append cap file open `canvas' using "$weaverFullPath", write text append file open `needle' using "`using'", read file read `needle' line if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { while r(eof)==0 { local word1 : word 1 of `"`line'"' local line : subinstr local line ""' "" //local line : subinstr local line " " "/script-->", all if `"`macval(line)'"' == `""' /// { cap file read `needle' line local word1 : word 1 of `"`line'"' } //If the document has JavaScript give a warning if substr(`"`word1'"',1,7) == ">>>> ADDING REPLACE OPTION FOR "WEAVE CLOSE" WAS SO ANNOYING // If the log file is on if !missing("$weaver") { // check if the pdfdoc is existing //local path : pwd //cap qui findfile "$pdfdoc", path("`path'") //if !missing("`r(fn)'") { // if missing("`replace'") { // di as err "{bf:replace} option is required" // di as err "{p}file `r(fn)' already exists{smcl}" // exit 602 // } // if !missing("`replace'") weavend //} //if missing("`r(fn)'") { //} //Make sure the Weaver Log exists cap quietly findfile "$htmldoc", path("$weaverDir") if "`r(fn)'" == "" { di as err "file $htmldoc not found" //return an error quietly weavend } else { //If the file is in LaTeX, first end it noisily weavend // CALL THE WEAVEND PROGRAM } } } **************************************************************************** * weave pdf : creating pdf "report" **************************************************************************** if "`anything'" == "pdf" { // If $weaver and $weaversaver log are missing *if missing("$weaver") & missing("$weaversaver") { * di as err "no log file open" _n * exit 606 *} // If the log file is off if missing("$weaver") & !missing("$weaversaver") { //turn log on, temporarily (for report.ado) local temp temp global weaver $weaversaver } // If the log file is on if !missing("$weaver") { //Make sure the Weaver Log exists cap quietly findfile "$htmldoc", path("$weaverDir") if "`r(fn)'" == "" { findfile "$htmldoc" //return an error } // check if the pdfdoc is existing local path : pwd cap qui findfile "$pdfdoc", path("$weaverDir") if !missing("`r(fn)'") { if missing("`replace'") { di as err "{bf:replace} option is required" di as err "{p}file `r(fn)' already exists{smcl}" exit 602 } if !missing("`replace'") report } if missing("`r(fn)'") { // If the program is written in LaTeX, make a preview copy of it, // terminate the preview, and print the pdf *capture quietly copy "$weaver" "_$weaver_preview", replace public report // CALL THE REPORT PROGRAM } } //make the log off again if "`temp'" == "temp" global weaver //turn it off } **************************************************************************** * * * weave using Command : THIS IS THE MAIN BODY OF THE WEAVE COMMAND * * **************************************************************************** if missing("`anything'") & !missing("`using'") { // If for unrecognized reason, Weaver failes to open a HTML log, // Remove all the global macros if !missing("$ErrorDetected") { macro drop weaver macro drop weaversaver macro drop weaverFullPathPreserve // full path preserved log macro drop format // for img command macro drop nopdf2 // for printing pdf document macro drop doc_toc //macro drop gray_scale macro drop doc_orientation macro drop doc_paper macro drop footer_font macro drop margin_top macro drop margin_right macro drop margin_left macro drop margin_bottom macro drop weavermath // for MathJax markup macro drop mathjax // MathJax path macro drop weaverstyle // for div & codes command macro drop savescheme macro drop printer macro drop setpath macro drop htmldoc macro drop pdfdoc macro drop pandoc macro drop weaverexecute // runs pdf docs macro drop weaverMarkup // markup language *macro drop pathMathJax // path to MathJax *macro drop pathPdflatex // path to pathPdflatex *macro drop pathWkhtmltopdf // path to pathWkhtmltopdf } global ErrorDetected 1 // error exists in the process // Make sure the log file is not already open or even temporarily off if !missing("$weaver") { di as err "$weaverMarkup log file already open" exit 604 } if missing("$weaver") & !missing("$weaversaver") { di as err "$weaverMarkup log file already open" exit 604 } // DEFINE THE MARKUP LANGUAGE // ============================== if "`markup'" == "HTML" | "`markup'" == "html" { global weaverMarkup html } else if "`markup'" == "LATEX" | "`markup'" == "LaTeX" | "`markup'" == /// "tex" | "`markup'" == "latex" { global weaverMarkup latex } else if !missing("`markup'") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } // DEFINING THE FILE NAMES // ============================== if missing("`markup'") { local suffix : display substr("`using'",-4,.) if "`suffix'" == "html" { local using : display substr("`using'",1,length("`using'")-5) global weaverMarkup html local markup html } else if "`suffix'" == ".tex" { local using : display substr("`using'",1,length("`using'")-4) global weaverMarkup latex local markup latex } if "`suffix'" != "html" & "`suffix'" != ".tex" { //di as err "{p}define the {bf: markup(}{it:name}{bf:)} option " /// //"or specify the file suffix which can be {bf:.html} or {bf:.tex}" _n //exit 198 global weaverMarkup html local markup html } } if "`markup'" == "html" { local suffix : display substr("`using'",-4,.) if "`suffix'" == "html" { local using : display substr("`using'",1,length("`using'")-5) } global using "`using'" // name of the file global pdfdoc `"`using'.pdf"' // name of PDF file global htmldoc `"`using'.html"' // HTML Log } if "`markup'" == "latex" { local suffix : display substr("`using'",-3,.) if "`suffix'" == "tex" { local using : display substr("`using'",1,length("`using'")-4) } global using "`using'" // name of the file global pdfdoc `"`using'.pdf"' // name of PDF file global htmldoc `"`using'.tex"' // LaTeX Log File } // WEAVER SAVINGS // ============================== qui global location "`c(pwd)'" // current working directory if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { global printer wkhtmltopdf // Define the PDF printer } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { global printer pdfLaTeX // Define the PDF printer } global weaverDir : pwd // Weaver log directory if "`c(os)'"=="Unix" | "`c(os)'" == "MacOSX" { global weaverFullPath : di "$weaverDir""/""$htmldoc" global weaverFullPathPDF : di "$weaverDir""/""$pdfdoc" global weaverFullPathPreserve : di "$weaverDir""/_""$htmldoc" } if "`c(os)'"=="Windows" { global weaverFullPath : di "$weaverDir""\""$htmldoc" global weaverFullPathPDF : di "$weaverDir""\""$pdfdoc" global weaverFullPathPreserve : di "$weaverDir""\_""$htmldoc" } global savescheme `c(scheme)' // default scheme global weaverstyle "`style'" // alters "div" & "codes" global weaversynoff "`synoff'" // alters "div" & "codes" global weaverexecute `execute' // runs the pdf files if !missing("`nopdf'") global nopdf2 1 // for img command if missing("`landscape'") global format "normal" if !missing("`landscape'") global format "landscape" // for img command ************************************************************************ * PRINTER, , PRINTER PATH, DOCUMENT MARGINS, PAPERSIZE ************************************************************************ if "`toc'" == "toc" global doc_toc /// "toc --page-offset -1 --toc-text-size-shrink 1.0 " //if !missing("`grayscale'") global gray_scale "--grayscale" if !missing("`landscape'") global doc_orientation "--orientation Landscape" if !missing("`paper'") { foreach lname in A0 a0 A1 a1 A2 a2 A3 a3 A4 a4 A5 a5 A6 a6 A7 a7 /// A8 a8 A9 a9 B0 b0 B1 b1 B2 b2 B3 b3 B4 b4 B5 b5 B6 b6 B7 /// b7 B8 b8 B9 b9 B10 b10 C5E c5e Comm10E comm10e DLE dle /// Executive executive Folio folio Ledger Legal legal Letter /// letter Tabloid tabloid { // if the defined name exists in the list if "`paper'" == "`lname'" { global doc_paper "--page-size `paper'" } } if !missing("`paper'") & missing("$doc_paper") { di as err "invalid syntax" exit 198 } } local latexFont if !missing("`font'") & "`markup'" == "latex" { foreach nam in cmtt lmtt pcr cmss lmss pag phv cmr lmr pbk bch pnc /// ppl ptm { if "`font'" == "`nam'" { local latexFont "`nam'" } } if missing("`latexFont'") { display as err "{p}{bf:`font'} is not a valid " /// "LaTeX font name. Visit the link below for more information" /// `"{browse "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Fonts#Available_LaTeX_Fonts_.5B2.5D"}"' exit 198 } } if !missing("`margin'") { local i = 0 tokenize `"`margin'"' , parse(" ") while `"`1'"' ~= "" { loc i `++i' local m`i' = `"`1'"' macro shift } } if !missing("`landscape'") { if missing("`margin'") { global margin_top "--margin-top 12mm" global margin_right "--margin-right 13mm" global margin_left "--margin-left 6mm" global margin_bottom "--margin-bottom 6mm" } } if missing("`landscape'") { if missing("`margin'") { global margin_top "--margin-top 10mm" global margin_right "--margin-right 15mm" global margin_bottom "--margin-bottom 10mm" global margin_left "--margin-left 15mm" } } if !missing("`margin'") { global margin_top "--margin-top `m1'mm" global margin_right "--margin-right `m2'mm" global margin_bottom "--margin-bottom `m3'mm" global margin_left "--margin-left `m4'mm" } // check the Printer path if !missing("`printer'") { global setpath `"`printer'"' confirm file "$setpath" } ************************************************************************ * CHECKING THE SYNTAX COMMANDS AND OPTIONS ************************************************************************ // check the options that can be used with append if !missing("`append'") { if !missing("`replace'") local a1 "{bf:replace}" if !missing("`synoff'") local a3 "{bf:synoff}" if !missing("`font'") local a4 "{bf:font()}" if !missing("`title'") local a5 "{bf:title()}" if !missing("`author'") local a6 "{bf:author()}" if !missing("`address'") local a7 "{bf:address()}" if !missing("`affiliation'") local a8 "{bf:affiliation()}" if !missing("`date'") local a9 "{bf:date}" if !missing("`summary'") local a10 "{bf:summary()}" if !missing("`template'") & "$weaverMarkup" == "html" local a10 "{bf:css()}" local j 1 forvalues i = 1/11 { if !missing("`a`i''") { local name`j' `a`i'' local j = `j'+1 //di as err "option `a`i'' not allowed" } } if `j' == 2 { di as err "option `name1' not allowed" _n exit 198 } if `j' > 2 { local k 2 di as err "options `name1'" _c while `j' != `k' { if `k'+1 != `j' di as err ", `name`k''" _c if `k'+1 == `j' di as err ", and `name`k''" _c local k = `k'+1 } di as err " not allowed" exit 198 } } //di as err "option {bf:append} not allowed" _n e 198 // Setup Style, Font, & Scheme // ============================== //DEFAULT STYLE IS STATA if "`style'" == "" local style stata if !missing("`style'") & "`style'" ~= "modern" & "`style'" ~= "minimal" /// & "`style'" ~= "elegant" & "`style'" ~= "classic" & "`style'" ~= /// "stata" & "`style'" ~= "empty" { di as err "option {bf:style(`style')} not allowed" exit 198 } if "`style'" == "modern" { if missing("`font'") { local font Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif global footer_font --footer-font-name "Arial" } else global footer_font --footer-font-name "`font'" //if missing("`noscheme'") cap set scheme s2color8 } if "`style'" == "classic" { if missing("`font'") { local font Times New Roman, Times, serif global footer_font --footer-font-name "Times New Roman" } else global footer_font --footer-font-name "`font'" //if missing("`noscheme'") cap set scheme s1color } if "`style'" == "minimal" { if missing("`font'") { local font Times New Roman, Times, serif global footer_font --footer-font-name "Times New Roman" } else global footer_font --footer-font-name "`font'" //if missing("`noscheme'") cap set scheme s1mono } if "`style'" == "elegant" { if missing("`font'") { local font Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif global footer_font --footer-font-name "Arial" } else global footer_font --footer-font-name "`font'" //if missing("`noscheme'") cap set scheme s1color } if "`style'" == "stata" { if missing("`font'") { local font Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif global footer_font --footer-font-name "Arial" } else global footer_font --footer-font-name "`font'" //if "`noscheme'" == "" cap set scheme s2color } ************************************************************************ * CHECKING THE REQUIRED SOFTWARE * * note that weavercheck requires $weaverMarkup global ************************************************************************ weavercheck, `install' `synoff' ************************************************************************ * OPEN A PARALLEL LOG FILE ************************************************************************ local path : pwd cap qui findfile "$htmldoc", path("`path'") tempname canvas file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc", write text all /// `append' `replace' // checking if the Weaver canvas already exists if _rc == 602 { di as err `"{p}file `r(fn)' already exists{smcl}"' exit 602 } // If it does not exist, create the weaver global global weaver "$htmldoc" ************************************************************************ * IF APPEND IS SPECIFIED, PREPARE THE LOG ************************************************************************ if !missing("`append'") { global weaverAppend 1 // for IMG command if "`markup'" == "latex" | "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { tempfile tmp tempname testcanvas needle cap file open `testcanvas' using "`tmp'", write text append file open `needle' using "$htmldoc", read file read `needle' line while r(eof)==0 { local word1 : word 1 of `"`line'"' while substr(`"`macval(line)'"',1,14) != "\end{document}" & /// r(eof) == 0 { cap file write `testcanvas' `"`macval(line)'"' _n cap file read `needle' line local word1 : word 1 of `"`line'"' local warning 1 } cap file read `needle' line } file close `needle' file close `testcanvas' file close `canvas' if !missing("`warning 1'") copy "`tmp'" "$htmldoc", replace if _rc != 0 & !missing("`warning 1'") { di as err "{p}`using' includes {bf:\end{document}} command which will " /// "cause trouble in typesetting the LaTeX document (i.e. multiple document problem). Weaver " /// "attempted to remove {bf:\end{document}} but failed to replace" /// " the file due to limited access rights in the working " /// "directory. Erase {bf:\end{document}} from `using' manually " /// "and try again. {smcl}" exit 198 } tempname canvas capture file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc", write text all /// `append' `replace' // checking if the Weaver canvas already exists if _rc == 602 { di as err `"{p}file `r(fn)' already exists{smcl}"' exit 602 } } local path : pwd cap qui findfile "$htmldoc", path("`path'") local sep "`r(fn)'" if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { local sep : subinstr local sep "/" "\", all } if "`markup'" == "html" | "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { file write `canvas' /// `""' _n /// `""' _n /// "" _n /// `""'_n /// `""'_n /// "" _n } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { file write `canvas' /// "% name : ${htmldoc} " _n /// "% log : $weaverFullPath " _n /// "% software : Weaver package $weaverversion on Stata " /// "`c(stata_version)' " _n /// "% machine : `c(machine_type)' version `c(osdtl)' "_n /// "% append on : `c(current_date)', `c(current_time)' "_n /// "% username : `c(username)' " _n } } ************************************************************************ * IF APPEND IS NOT SPECIFIED, COPY ALL THE STYLE AND JAVASCRIPT FILES ************************************************************************ if missing("`append'") { local path : pwd cap qui findfile "$htmldoc", path("`path'") local sep "`r(fn)'" if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { local sep : subinstr local sep "/" "\", all } if "`markup'" == "html" { if "`style'" != "empty" { file write `canvas' `""' _n(4) } file write `canvas' /// `""' _n /// `""' _n /// "" _n /// `""'_n /// `""'_n /// "" _n /// "" _n(3) if "`style'" != "empty" { file write `canvas' `""' _n /// "" _n /// `""' _n /// `""' _n /// `""' _n(2) if !missing("`title'") { file write `canvas' `"`title'"' _n } } } if "`markup'" == "latex" { file write `canvas' _n /// `"% name : ${htmldoc}"' _n /// `"% log : $weaverFullPath"' _n /// "% software : Weaver package $weaverversion on Stata " /// "`c(stata_version)'" _n /// `"% machine : `c(machine_type)' version `c(osdtl)'"' _n /// `"% opened on : `c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'"' _n /// "% username : `c(username)'" _n /// "% Weaver package is developed by E. F. Haghish " /// "(http://www.haghish.com)" _n(3) if "`style'" != "empty" { file write `canvas' "\documentclass[11pt]{article}" _n /// "\usepackage{geometry} %change page dimensions" _n /// "\usepackage{booktabs} %for tables" _n /// "\usepackage{caption} %for caption alignment" _n /// "\usepackage{hyperref} %create links" _n /// "\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %table of content" _n /// "\usepackage{pdfpages} %insert PDF" _n /// "\usepackage{epsfig} %insert PostScript" _n /// "\usepackage{graphicx} %insert figures" _n /// "\geometry{`paper'paper" _n /// if !missing("`margin'") { file write `canvas' /// ", top=`m1'mm, right=`m2'mm, bottom=`m3'mm, left=`m4'mm" _n } file write `canvas' /// "} %paper size & margins" _n /// if !missing("`landscape'") { file write `canvas' /// "\geometry{landscape} %landscape document" _n } if !missing("`latexFont'") { //Roman fonts foreach nam in cmr lmr pbk bch pnc ppl ptm { if "`latexFont'" == "`nam'" file write `canvas' /// "\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}" _n } //Sans Serif Fonts foreach nam in cmss lmss pag phv { if "`latexFont'" == "`nam'" file write `canvas' /// "\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}" _n } //Typewriter Fonts foreach nam in cmtt lmtt pcr { if "`latexFont'" == "`nam'" file write `canvas' /// "\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\ttdefault}" _n } file write `canvas' /// "\usepackage{sectsty} %change the font" _n /// "\sectionfont{\fontfamily{`latexFont'}\selectfont}" _n /// "\subsectionfont{\fontfamily{`latexFont'}\selectfont}" _n /// "\subsubsectionfont{\fontfamily{`latexFont'}\selectfont}" _n } file write `canvas' /// "\makeatletter %reduce verbatim font" _n /// "\def\verbatim@font{\ttfamily\footnotesize}" _n /// "\makeatother" _n } // Append external template file if !missing("`template'") { confirm file "`template'" tempname latexstyle file open `latexstyle' using "`template'", read file read `latexstyle' line while r(eof)==0 & substr(trim(`"`macval(line)'"'),1,16) != /// "\begin{document}"{ cap file write `canvas' `"`macval(line)'"' _n cap file read `latexstyle' line } file close `latexstyle' } } ******************************************************************** * ADD DOCUMENT CSS STYLES TO HTML LOG ******************************************************************** file close `canvas' weaverstyle, style("`style'") font("`font'") `landscape' markup("`markup'") qui file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc" , write text append ******************************************************************** * ADD WEAVER MARKUP TO HTML LOG ******************************************************************** if "`markup'" == "html" & "`style'" != "empty" { file close `canvas' weavermarkup capture file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc" , write text append ******************************************************************** * JQuary files ******************************************************************** file write `canvas' _n /// " "' _n /// //`" "' _n(2) /// //cap quietly findfile "jquery.min.js", path("`c(sysdir_plus)'Weaver") //if "`r(fn)'" == "" { // local install install // if `"`install'"' == "install" { // qui local sub "`c(pwd)'" // qui cd "`c(sysdir_plus)'/Weaver" // cap qui copy "http://www.haghish.com/software/jquery.min.js" /// // "jquery.min.js", replace // qui cd "`sub'" // local jqinstalled 1 // } // if `"`install'"' ~= "install" { // file write `canvas' _n `" "' _n(2) // } //} //if "`r(fn)'" ~= "" | !missing("`jqinstalled'") { // qui local sub "`c(pwd)'" // qui cd "`c(sysdir_plus)'/Weaver" // local d : pwd // local jqpath : di "`d'/jquery.min.js" // file write `canvas' _n `" "' _n(2) //tempname jq //qui file open `jq' using "`jqpath'" , read //file read `jq' line //file write `canvas' _n "" _n //qui file close `jq' // qui cd "`sub'" //} **************************************************************** * JavaScript "Easing" and Smooth Zoom Codes **************************************************************** file close `canvas' weaverzoom qui file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc" , write text append **************************************************************** * JavaScript Syntax Highlighter for Stata **************************************************************** if "`synoff'" ~= "synoff" { file close `canvas' global weaverstatax weaverstatax // Communicates with Statax statax using "$htmldoc", css("`template'") append capture file open `canvas' using "$htmldoc" , write text append } } ******************************************************************** * ADD STATAX LATEX SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER ******************************************************************** if "`markup'" == "latex" & "`style'" != "empty" & missing("`synoff'") { capture quietly findfile statax.tex if _rc == 0 { tempname stx qui local sub "`c(pwd)'" qui cd "`c(sysdir_plus)'s" local d : pwd local statax : di "`d'/statax.tex" qui cd "`sub'" file open `stx' using "`statax'" , read file read `stx' line while r(eof) == 0 { qui file write `canvas' `"`macval(line)'"' _n qui file read `stx' line } qui file close `stx' } } ******************************************************************** * Adding MathJax.js script * * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The MathJax Consortium * license: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Developed by https://www.mathjax.org/ ******************************************************************** if !missing("$mathjax") { if "`markup'" == "html" { file write `canvas' _n(3) /// _n(2) `"" _n(2) /// "" _n(2) } } // If missing, add the online link to the HTML file! else if "`markup'" == "html" { global localMathJax 1 // tell TXT command file write `canvas' _n(3) /// "" _n(2) /// _n(2) `"" _n(2) } ******************************************************************** * * LOADING ALL THE JavaScript codes * ******************************************************************** if "`markup'" == "html" { file write `canvas' _n(3) /// `" "_n(2) /// `" "_n(4) } ******************************************************************** * ending the HTML head tag, printing title, author, and doc info ******************************************************************** if "`markup'" == "html" { file write `canvas' "" _n(2) /// `""' _n(10) // defining the title of the report, which appears on the first page if !missing("`title'") | !missing("`author'") | /// !missing("`affiliation'") | !missing("`address'") { file write `canvas' `"
"' _n } if "`author'" ~= "" { file write `canvas' `"`author'"' _n } if "`affiliation'" ~= "" { file write `canvas' `"`affiliation'"' _n } if `"`address'"' ~= "" { file write `canvas' `"`address'"' _n } if "`date'" == "date" { file write `canvas' /// `""' /// `"`c(current_date)'"' _n(2) } if `"`summary'"' ~= "" { file write `canvas' _n(4) /// `"

"' /// `"`summary'

"' _n } if !missing("`title'") | !missing("`author'") | /// !missing("`affiliation'") | !missing("`address'") { file write `canvas' `"
"' _n } } if "`markup'" == "latex" & "`style'" != "empty" { file write `canvas' _n(5) "\begin{document}" _n if !missing("`latexFont'") file write `canvas' /// "\fontfamily{`latexFont'}\selectfont" _n if "`title'" ~= "" { file write `canvas' `"\title{`title'}"' _n } if !missing("`author'") | !missing("`affiliation'") /// | !missing("`address'") { file write `canvas' "\author{" if "`author'" ~= "" file write `canvas' `"`author' "' if "`affiliation'" ~= "" file write `canvas' "\\ `affiliation' " if `"`address'"' ~= "" file write `canvas' "\\ `address' " file write `canvas' "}" _n if missing("`date'") file write `canvas' "\date{}" _n(2) } if "`date'" == "date" { file write `canvas' /// `"\date{`c(current_date)'}"' _n(2) } if !missing("`title'") | !missing("`author'") | /// !missing("`affiliation'") | !missing("`address'") { file write `canvas' `"\maketitle"' _n(5) } if `"`summary'"' ~= "" { file write `canvas' `"\begin{abstract}"' _n /// `"`summary'"' _n /// `"\end{abstract}"' _n(2) } if !missing("`toc'") { file write `canvas' "\clearpage" _n /// "\tableofcontents" _n /// "\clearpage" _n(2) } } } local path : pwd cap qui findfile "$htmldoc", path("`path'") local sep "`r(fn)'" if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { local sep : subinstr local sep "/" "\", all } di as txt _n /// "{hline}" _n /// `" name: {ul:{bf:{browse `"${weaverFullPath}"':$htmldoc}}} "' _n /// " log: {bf:$weaverFullPath}" _n /// " log type: {bf:$weaverMarkup}" _n /// " software: {bf:Weaver $weaverversion on Stata " /// "`c(stata_version)'}" _n /// " hardware: {bf:`c(machine_type)' version `c(osdtl)'}"_n /// " opened on: {bf:`c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'}" _n(2) macro drop ErrorDetected // log was created error-free } end