program define wordconvert version 12.0 syntax anything(id="file source" name=filesource), [replace encoding(string)] token `"`filesource'"' if `"`2'"' == "" { disp as error `"you need to specify two files."' error 198 } if `"`3'"' != "" { disp as error `"you can only specify two files."' error 198 } if fileexists(`"`1'"') == 0 { disp as error `"file `1' not found"' error 198 } if fileexists(`"`2'"') == 1 & "`replace'" == "" { disp as error `"file `2' has already existed, please specify the option replace"' error 198 } if regexm(`"`1'"', "(\.doc|\.docx|\.dot|\.pdf|\.xps|\.rtf|\.htm|\.html)$") == 0 { disp as error `"filename extension is not specified correctly in `1'"' error 198 } if regexm(`"`2'"', "(\.doc|\.docx|\.dot|\.pdf|\.xps|\.rtf|\.htm|\.html)$") == 0 { disp as error `"filename extension is not specified correctly in `2'"' error 198 } if "`encoding'" != "" & `=c(stata_version)' < 14 { disp as error `"the option encoding could only be used in version 14 or above"' error 198 } if `=c(stata_version)' >= 14 & "`encoding'" == "" { disp as text "you are using Stata version `=c(stata_version)', be sure that the names and locations of the files do not have characters ASCII can not recognize, or you need to specify the option encoding()" } if index(`"`1'"', "/") + index(`"`1'"', "\") == 0 { local 1 `"`=c(pwd)'/`1'"' } if index(`"`2'"', "/") + index(`"`2'"', "\") == 0 { local 2 `"`=c(pwd)'/`2'"' } if "`encoding'" != "" { local 1 = `"`=ustrto(`"`1'"', "`encoding'", 1)'"' local 2 = `"`=ustrto(`"`2'"', "`encoding'", 1)'"' } qui { tempname handle file open `handle' using wordconvert.ps1, write replace file write `handle' `"\$word = new-object -ComObject "word.application""' _n file write `handle' `"\$word.Visible = \$false"' _n if regexm(`"`2'"', "\.pdf$") { file write `handle' `"\$format = 17"' _n } else if regexm(`"`2'"', "\.xps$") { file write `handle' `"\$format = 18"' _n } else if regexm(`"`2'"', "\.rtf$") { file write `handle' `"\$format = 6"' _n } else if regexm(`"`2'"', "(\.doc|\.dot)$") { file write `handle' `"\$format = 0"' _n } else if regexm(`"`2'"', "(\.htm|\.html)$"){ file write `handle' `"\$format = 10"' _n } else { file write `handle' `"\$format = 12"' _n } file write `handle' `"\$doc = \$"`1'")"' _n file write `handle' `"\$doc.SaveAs([ref]"`2'", [ref]\$format)"' _n file write `handle' `"\$doc.Close()"' _n file write `handle' `"\$word.quit()"' file close `handle' ! powershell "`=c(pwd)'/wordconvert.ps1" cap erase wordconvert.ps1 while _rc != 0 { ! del wordconvert.ps1 /f } } end