.- help for ^wosload^ .-
Load datasets from Web of Science data ----------------------------------------------------------
^wosload^ filename1 filename2... Description -----------
^wosload^ Loads textfiles from Web of Science (Wos). Downloaded files from from WoS are saved as "Full record" (with or without Cited References) to "Tab-delimited (Win)"-files. ^wosload^ imports the address fields in multiple variables, so that the address field has no limit on its length. All other fields are limited to Stata's standard 244 character length. Variables that go beyond 244 characters, for example the abstract variable,will be truncated. Variables are labeled in accordance with the definitions provided by Thompson Reuters available here:
Before textfiles from Wos can be loaded by Stata hey need to be converted from UTF-16 text format. Open the text file using a text editor and save it in a format other than UTF-16. Only then can the files can be used by ^wosload^.
Note ----
For a more extensive description of this program see:
Bornmann, L. & Ozimek, A. (in press). Stata commands for importing bibliometric data and processing author address information. Journal of Informetrics
Examples --------
. ^wosload "C:\Documents\web_of_science_file1" "C:\Documents\web_of_science_fi > le2" "C:\Documents\web_of_science_file3"^ . ^cd "C:\Documents"^ . ^wosload "web_of_science_file1" "web_of_science_file2" "web_of_science_file3 > "^
. ^cd "C:\Documents"^ . ^wosload web_of_science_file1 web_of_science_file2 web_of_science_file3^
See Also ------- ^wosaddress^, ^groupdist^, ^geocode^
Authors -------
Adam Ozimek Econsult Corporation ozimek@econsult.com Lutz Bornmann Max Planck Society bornmann@gv.mpg.de