Analysis of Waiting Time Distribution
The term wtd refers to Waiting Time Distribution data and the commands for analyzing them, all of which begins with the letters wtd. For a description of the Waiting Time Distribution concept, please refer to Støvring and Vach (2005). Estimation of prevalence and incidence based on occurrence of health-related events. Stat Med 2005; 24:3139-54.
In short, the concept of the Waiting Time Distribution allows estimation of incidence and prevalence of for example drug use, based exclusively on occurrence of health-related events, in this case individual drug redemptions from pharmacies. Another example is incidence and prevalence of hypertension treatment based on occurrence of hypertension related consultations with physicians.
Consider for example redemption of oral antidiabetics. This class of drugs is known to be a good indicator for treatment of type II diabetes. The approach of the Waiting Time Distribution can then be used to estimate the prevalence and incidence of treated type II diabetes in a given population. The procedure can allow for information on migration and survival if such data are available along with data on individual redemptions of oral antidiabetics. The Waiting Time Distribution has a characteristic shape which arise from only considering the first event for each individual in a given time window.
The first step to analyzing Waiting Time Distribution data is to wtdset it. Then you can use any of the other wtd commands. This is analogous to the st commands for survival time data, see help st. The wtd commands are
wtdset Declare data to be Waiting Time Distribution data.
wtd Short descriptive table of the wtd data currently in memory, cf. help wtdset.
wtdml Perform Maximum-likelihood estimation.
wtddiag Diagnostic plots of observed waiting time distribution
wtdq Q-Q-plot of fitted versus empirical Waiting Time Distribution.
For a detailed description of the Waiting Time Distribution concept, please refer to
Støvring and Vach (2005). Estimation of prevalence and incidence based on occurrence of health-related events. Stat Med 2005; 24:3139-54.
H. Støvring, Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark. Please email if you have comments, questions or observe any problems.
Also see
On-line: help for wtdset; st, ml