*! version 1.2 16Nov2023 *! version 1.06 2023/7/24 22:57 * 2023/7/24 22:57 添加两个功能:wwwhelp_ms(MS剪切板) & Section定位 * 2023/5/11 14:25 wwwhelp * 2023/4/23 22:11 BUG(Stata14, wwwhelp import eexcel) --> wwwhelp_similar line264 * 2023/4/19 11:09 weixin option --> txt option * 2023/4/16 14:52 line 103 121: local hlp ([D] import_fred --> [D] import fred) * 2023/4/15 16:58 wwwhelp_ucap (error: wwwhelp stata) --> add lines: gen link_a * 2023/2/23 0:02 clipout support Windows, MacOS * 2023/2/22 11:23 !echo | set /p=text| clip * 2023/2/22 10:17, wwwhelp regress postestimation##estatvif * v 1.03 2023/2/18 9:28 findfile, path(BASE) * 2023/2/17 21:18 add option -web- * 2021/8/23 15:01 add option -latex- * v 1.02 2021/5/19 11:51 *! Author: Yongli Chen, Yujun Lian (arlionn@163.com) /* cap program drop wwwhelp */ program define wwwhelp, rclass version 14.0 syntax [anything(everything)] /// [, Markdown /// TXT /// Weixin /// Latex /// Texfull /// Clipoff /// Notip /// WEB /// Format(integer 0) /// MS /// ] if "`txt'"!="" { local weixin `txt' } if "`anything'"=="" { dis as error `"Please input an official Stata command name, see {stata `"help"'}"' exit 100 } *-1.get full command if index(`"`anything'"', "#"){ /*add: Lian, 2023/2/18 11:02*/ gettoken mainhlp subcmd: anything, parse("#") /*chg: Lian, 2023/2/22 11:26*/ local section = "yes" local subcmd = subinstr("`subcmd'", "#", "", .) local subcmd1 = substr("`subcmd'", 1, 1) local subcmd2 = substr("`subcmd'", 2, .) local anything "`mainhlp'" /*chg: Lian, 2023/2/22 11:26*/ } local hlp = subinstr("`anything'", " ", "_", .) //identifiable parameters if strmatch("`hlp'", "*()") { local hlp = subinstr("`hlp'", "()", "", .) local hlp "f_`hlp'" } local Base `"`c(sysdir_base)'"' cap findfile `hlp'.sthlp, path(`"`Base'"') /*chg: Lian, 2023/2/18 9:36*/ *cap findfile `hlp'.sthlp // get the full name of the unrecognized parameter if _rc != 0 { // ?help_alisa.maint (include "grogramming function") wwwhelp_similar `hlp', sup local hlp1 = `"`r(fname)'"' if "`hlp1'" != "" local hlp "`hlp1'" } *-2. url of the help documents *-2a. get pdf-link local pref_text = fileread(`"`r(fn)'"') //open help file (.sthlp) if strmatch(`"`pref_text'"', "*mansection*") { //get pdf-link local fname = substr(`"`pref_text'"', strpos(`"`pref_text'"', "mansection")+11, 50) local fname = lower(substr(`"`fname'"', 1, strpos(`"`fname'"', `""}"')-1)) local pref = lower(substr(`"`fname'"', 1, strpos(`"`fname'"', " ")-1)) local fname = subinstr(`"`fname'"', " ", "", .) local fname = subinstr(`"`fname'"', "()", "", .) //mata help file } if `"`fname'"'=="" { wwwhelp_ucap `hlp' if `"`r(url)'"' != "" { local url = `"`r(url)'"' local pref = r(pref) } else { wwwhelp_similar `hlp', sim c if `r(N)'==0 { dis as error `"'`anything'' is not an official Stata command. See {stata `"help `anything'"'}, and {stata "help gs"}, {stata "help help"}"' *dis as error `"'`anything'' is unrecognized. Only official Stata command is supported. "' *dis in yellow `"See {stata `"help `hlp'"'}, and {stata "help gs"}, {stata "help help"}"' _n } else { dis as error `"Please input the full name of the command to make the link to help file accurate and unique. See {stata `"help `anything'"'}"' _n wwwhelp_similar `hlp', sim } exit 0 } } else { local url "https://www.stata.com/manuals/`fname'.pdf" } *-2b. get web-link 增加网页版帮助文件的链接 if "`url'"!="" { local url_web "https://www.stata.com/help.cgi?`hlp'" } *-2c. Section if "`url'"!="" { if "`section'"=="yes" { local url_section "`url'#`fname'`=upper("`subcmd1'")'`subcmd2'" local url_web_section "`url_web'#`subcmd'" } else { local url_section "`url'" local url_web_section "`url_web'" } } * 3.open pdfhelp | markdown-link | wechat-link if "`web'"=="" { local hlp = subinstr("`hlp'", "_", " ", .) local text_f1 [**[`=upper("`pref'")']** `hlp'](`url') local text_f2 [`hlp'](`url') local text_f3 [help `hlp'](`url') local mtext_m [**[`=upper("`pref'")']** `hlp'](`url') local mtext_w [`=upper("`pref'")'] `hlp': `url' local mtext_latex \stwwwhelp[`pref']{`hlp'} // new command Latex text local urlManual "https://www.stata.com/manuals/" local mtext_Tex_full "\href{`url'}{\bfseries{[\MakeUppercase{`pref'}] `hlp'}}" local link_ms `url' // Note: 「\;」 表示Latex中的空格 /* \newcommand{\stwwwhelp}[2][r]{ \href{https://www.stata.com/manuals/#1#2.pdf}{\bfseries{[\MakeUppercase{#1}] #2}} } % Usesage in Latex: See \stwwwhelp{regress} and \stwwwhelp[xt]{xtreg} */ } else { local hlp = subinstr("`hlp'", "_", " ", .) local text_f1 [**[`=upper("`pref'")']** `hlp'](`url_web') local text_f2 [`hlp'](`url_web') local text_f3 [help `hlp'](`url_web') local mtext_m [**[`=upper("`pref'")']** `hlp'](`url_web') local mtext_w [`=upper("`pref'")'] `hlp': `url_web' local mtext_latex \stwwwhelp[`pref']{`hlp'} // new command Latex text local mtext_Tex_full "\href{`url_web'}{\bfseries{[\MakeUppercase{`pref'}] `hlp'}}" local link_ms `url_web' } if "`markdown'`weixin'`latex'`texfull'`ms'"=="" & `format'==0 { if "`web'"=="" { view browse `url_section' } else { view browse `url_web_section' } } else { if inlist(`format', 1, 2, 3) { dis in y `"`text_f`format''"' clipout "`text_f`format''", `clipoff' `notip' } else if "`markdown'"!="" { dis in y `"`mtext_m'"' clipout "`mtext_m'", `clipoff' `notip' } else if "`weixin'"!="" { dis in y `"`mtext_w'"' clipout "`mtext_w'", `clipoff' `notip' } else if "`latex'"!="" { dis in y `"`mtext_latex'"' clipout "`mtext_latex'", `clipoff' `notip' } else if "`texfull'"!="" { dis in y `"`mtext_Tex_full'"' clipout "`mtext_Tex_full'", `clipoff' `notip' } else if "`ms'"!="" { wwwhelp_ms, url("`link_ms'") b("[`=upper("`pref'")']") t("`hlp'") `clipoff' } } return local link_f3 `text_f3' // Format(3) return local link_f2 `text_f2' // Format(2) return local link_f1 `text_f1' // Format(1) return local link_l2 `mtext_latex' // Latex text return local link_l1 `mtext_Tex_full' // Latex text full return local link_txt `mtext_w' // Weixin return local link_m `mtext_m' // Markdown return local link_web `url_web' return local link `url' end *------------------------------------------------------------ clipout.ado --v2-- * version 1.01 2023/2/23 16:15 * echo text to clipboard. Support: Windows, MacOSX * Tips * 1. The 'notice' appears no more than 3 times * 2. Once -NOTIP- specified, the 'notice' will not appear before you restart Stata * 3. You can execute "global clipout__times_ = 10" to hind 'notice' * notice := "Text is on clipboard. Press '`shortcut'' to paste" * =refs: * https://www.alphr.com/echo-without-newline/ * https://linuxhandbook.com/echo-without-newline/ /* cap program drop clipout */ program define clipout syntax anything [, Clipoff NOTIP] if "`clipoff'" ~= ""{ exit } if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { *local shellcmd `"shell echo | set /p="`anything'" | clip"' local shellcmd `"shell echo | set /p=`anything'| clip"' local shortcut "Ctrl+V" } if "`c(os)'" == "MacOSX" { local shellcmd `"shell echo -n `anything'| pbcopy"' local shortcut "Command+V" } `shellcmd' // auto copy to clipboard local tip_times = 5 // the notice appears no more than # times if "`notip'" == ""{ global clipout__times_ = $clipout__times_ + 1 } else{ global clipout__times_ = `=`tip_times'+1' } if $clipout__times_ <= `tip_times'{ dis as text "Text is on clipboard. Press '`shortcut'' to paste" } end *----------------------------------------- *-------------------------------------------------------- wwwhelp_similar.ado ---- // cap program drop wwwhelp_similar program define wwwhelp_similar, rclass syntax anything(everything)[, SIMilar SUPplement Count] *-1.获取可识别的命令参数 local hlp = subinstr("`anything'", " ", "_", .) preserve local s1 = substr("`anything'", 1, 1) cap findfile `s1'help_alias.maint if _rc!=0 { dis as error `"'`anything'' is not an official Stata command. See {stata `"help `anything'"'}, and {stata "help gs"}, {stata "help help"}"' exit 198 } qui import delimited using "`r(fn)'", clear delimiters("\t ", collapse) qui count if strmatch(v1, "`hlp'") //Completion command (v1: all abbreviations v2: corresponding full cmd) if "`supplement'"!="" & `r(N)' == 1 { qui keep if strmatch(v1, "`hlp'") local hlp = v2[1] cap findfile `hlp'.sthlp return local fn = `"`r(fn)'"' return local fname = `"`hlp'"' // return scalar N = 1 } //Similar commands if "`similar'"!="" { qui keep if strmatch(v1, "`hlp'*") if "`count'" != "" { cap levelsof v2, clean return scalar N = wordcount("`r(levels)'") exit 0 } if _N == 0 { exit 0 } // gsort v2 -v1 qui duplicates drop v2, force // qui replace v1 = v2 if strmatch(v2, v1+"*") local cnt = _N local dis_text "" // sort v1 forvalues k = 1/`cnt' { local hlp = v2[`k'] // local hlp = v1[`k'] local dis_text `dis_text' {stata `"wwwhelp `hlp'"': `hlp'} | } local dis_text = substr(`"`dis_text'"', 1, strlen(`"`dis_text'"')-2) local add_s = cond(`cnt'>1, "s", "") dis in y `"Find `cnt' similar command`add_s':"' dis in w `"`dis_text'"' } restore end *----------------------------------------- *----------------------------------------------------------- wwwhelp_ucap.ado ---- // cap program drop wwwhelp_ucap program define wwwhelp_ucap, rclass syntax anything(everything) local hlp = subinstr("`anything'", " ", "_", .) clear qui set obs 1 cap findfile `hlp'.sthlp, path(`"`Base'"') if _rc == 0 { local pref_text = fileread(`"`r(fn)'"') if strmatch(`"`pref_text'"', "*findalias*") { // `hlp'.sthlp local fname = substr(`"`pref_text'"', strpos(`"`pref_text'"', "findalias")+10, 50) local fname = lower(substr(`"`fname'"', 1, strpos(`"`fname'"', "}")-1)) // dis in y "`fname'" if `"`fname'"' !="" { // asmcl_alias.maint preserve qui findfile asmcl_alias.maint qui import delimited using "`r(fn)'", clear delimiters("{vieweralsosee", asstring) qui replace v1 = trim(v1) qui replace v2 = trim(v2) qui count if strmatch(v1, `"`fname'"') if `r(N)' == 1 { qui keep if strmatch(v1, "`fname'") qui gen link = substr(v2, strpos(v2, "mansection")+11, strpos(v2, `""}"')-strpos(v2, "mansection")-11) qui gen link_a = lower(subinstr(subinstr(v2, "] ", "", .), `""["', "", .)) qui replace link_a = subinstr(link_a, "example ", "example", .) if strmatch(link_a, "*example*") format link_a %20s qui replace link_a = substr(link_a, 1, strpos(link_a, " ")-1) qui replace link_a = substr(link_a, 1, strpos(link_a, `"""')-1) if strmatch(link_a, `"*""') qui replace link_a = substr(link_a, 1, strpos(link_a, ".")-1) if strmatch(link_a, "*.*") qui split link return local pref = link1[1] qui replace link2 = lower(link1) + link2 gen temp_link = "https://www.stata.com/manuals/" + link_a + ".pdf#" + link2 return local url "https://www.stata.com/manuals/`=link_a[1]'.pdf#`=link2[1]'" } restore } } } end *----------------------------------------- *----------------------------------------------------------- wwwhelp_ms.ado ---- // cap program drop wwwhelp_ms program define wwwhelp_ms, rclass //clipbord text syntax, URL(string) [Bold(string) Text(string) Clipoff] if "`clipoff'" ~= ""{ exit } local text_ws
`bold' `text' local ws_start: display %09.0f strpos(`"`text_ws'"', "") local ws_end: display %09.0f strpos(`"`text_ws'"', "") + strlen("