{smcl} {* *! version 1.0 16April2019}{...} {* *! Author: Volker Ludwig} {vieweralsosee "[XT] xtset" "help xtset"}{...} {vieweralsosee "[XT] xtreg" "help xtreg"}{...} {hline} {title:Title} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:xtart} {hline 2} User-written ado for Artificial Regression Test (ART) version of the Hausman test {p_end} {title:Syntax} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:xtart} [{it:Model A}] [{cmd:,}] [{cmd:addvars(}{varlist}{cmd:)}] [{cmd:keepvars(}{varlist}{cmd:)}] [{cmd:fe}] [{cmd:predicted(}{it:stub1 stub2}{cmd:)}] {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:xtart} implements the ART version of the Hausman test. {cmd:xtart} is used after estimation of a linear Fixed-Effects models with Individual-Specific Slopes (FEIS) (Wooldridge 2010, pp. 374-381). It tests the Null hypothesis that there are no systematic differences in coefficients between an FEIS and a standard FE model. The ART is intended as a test for inconsistency of FE estimates due to heterogeneous slopes of a subset of covariates. {cmd:xtart} can also be used to test for differences between standard FE and standard Random-Effects (RE) estimates, a typical application of the ART version of the Hausman test (Arellano 1993), and to test for differences between FEIS and RE estimates. {pstd} {cmd:xtart} requires estimation of a regression model using {cmd:xtfeis} before the ART test is conducted. You may specify the name of {it:Model A} after saving regression results with {cmd:estimates store} (see [XT] estimates). If {it:Model A} is not specified, {cmd:xtart} uses regression results of the most recent model estimated by {cmd:xtfeis}. The ART tests for systematic differences in coefficients between {it:Model A} and a restricted {it:Model B}. {title:Options} {dlgtab:Options} {phang} {opt fe} requests the ART for comparing coefficients of standard FE and RE models. By default, coefficients of an FEIS and an FE model are compared. {phang} {opt re} requests the ART for comparing coefficients of an FEIS and an RE model. By default, coefficients of an FEIS and an FE model are compared. {phang} {opt addvars(varlist)} adds further covariates in varlist to the specification of {it:Model B}. {phang} {opt keep(varlist)} requests that the ART be conducted only for the specified subset of common coefficients of {it:Model A} and {it:Model B}. {phang} {opt predicted(stub1 stub2)} adds variables to the data set carrying unit-specific means and predicted values for the dependent variable and covariates of {it:Model A}. Names of the variables carrying predicted values are original variable names prefixed by {it:stub1}. Variable names for the means are prefixed by {it:stub2}. If {it:stub1} and {it:stub2} are left unspecified, default prefixes {it:pred} and {it:mean} are used. {title:Examples} {cmd:. webuse nlswork} Estimate Fixed-Effects model with Individual-specific Slope for total work experience {cmd:. xtfeis ln_wage msp tenure year, slope(ttl_exp) cluster(idcode)} {cmd:. estimates store FEIS} Test for FEIS versus FE model {cmd:. xtart} Test for FE versus RE model {cmd:. xtart FEIS, fe} Test for FEIS versus RE model {cmd:. xtart FEIS, re} Compute test for subset of specified variables {cmd:. xtart FEIS, keep(msp)} Add variables with predicted and mean values to current data set {cmd:. est restore FEIS} {cmd:. xtart FEIS, predicted(_p_ _m_)} Compute test "by hand" {cmd:. return list} {cmd:. `r(estcmd)'} {cmd:. test _p_msp _p_tenure _p_year} {title:References} Arellano, M. (1993). On the testing of correlated effects with panel data. Journal of Econometrics 59: 87-97. Wooldridge, J. (2010). Econometrics of Cross Section and Panel Data, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2nd edition. {title:Author} Volker Ludwig Technische Universität Kaiserslautern ludwig@sowi.uni-kl.de {title:Citation} Please cite this software as follows: Ludwig, V. (2019). XTFEIS: Stata module to estimate linear Fixed-Effects model with Individual-specific Slopes (FEIS). https://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:boc:bocode:s458045