*! xteventtest.ado 3.1.0 July 11, 2024 version 13 program define xteventtest, rclass #d; syntax, [ coefs(numlist) /*Coefficients to test */ cumul /* Test sum of coefficients */ LINpretrend /* Test for linear pre-trend */ CONStanteff /* Test for constant effects */ TRend(numlist <0 integer min=1 max=1) /* Test significance of a linear trend from time a*/ overidpre(numlist >0 integer min=1 max=1) /* Test the leftmost coefficients as overid restriction */ overidpost(numlist >1 integer min=1 max=1) /* Test the rightmost coefficients as overid restriction */ overid /* Test overid restrictions from xtevent command */ allpre /* Test all pre-event coefficients */ allpost /* Test all post-event coefficients */ testopts(string) /* Options to be passed to -test- */ ] ; #d cr tempname dim est * Error checking if "`coefs'"!="" & ("`linpretrend'"!="" | "`constanteff'"!="" | "`trend'"!="" | "`overidpre'"!="" | "`overidpost'"!="" | "`overid'"!="" | "`allpre'"!="" | "`allpost'"!="" ) { di as err _n "option {bf:coefs} not allowed with options {bf:linpretrend}, {bf:constanteff}, {bf:trend}, {bf:overidpre}, {bf:overidpost}, {bf:overid}, {bf:allpre}, or {bf:allpost}" exit 301 } if "`cumul'"!="" & ("`linpretrend'"!="" | "`constanteff'"!="" | "`trend'"!="" | "`overidpost'"!="" | "`overid'"!="") { di as err _n "option {bf:cumul} not allowed with options {bf:linpretrend}, {bf:constanteff}, {bf:trend}, {bf:overidpost}, or {bf:overid}" exit 301 } if "`linpretrend'"!="" & ("`constanteff'"!="" | "`trend'"!="" | "`overidpre'"!="" | "`overidpost'"!="" | "`overid'"!="" | "`allpre'"!="" | "`allpost'"!="") { di as err _n "option {bf:linpretrend} not allowed with options {bf:constanteff}, {bf:trend}, {bf:overidpre}, {bf:overidpost}, {bf:overid}, {bf:allpre}, or {bf:allpost}" exit 301 } if "`constanteff'"!="" & ("`trend'"!="" | "`overidpre'"!="" | "`overidpost'"!="" | "`overid'"!="" | "`allpre'"!="" | "`allpost'"!="" ) { di as err "option {bf:constanteff} not allowed with options {bf:trend}, {bf:overidpre}, {bf:overidpost}, {bf:overid}, {bf:allpre}, or {bf:allpost}" exit 301 } if "`trend'"!="" & ("`overidpre'"!="" | "`overidpost'"!="" | "`overid'"!="" | "`allpre'"!="" | "`allpost'"!="") { di as err _n "option {bf:trend} not allowed with options {bf:overidpre}, {bf:overidpost}, {bf:overid}, {bf:allpre}, or {bf:allpost}" exit 301 } if "`overidpre'"!="" & ("`overid'"!="" | "`allpre'"!="" | "`allpost'"!="" ) { di as err _n "option {bf:overidpre} not allowed with options {bf:overid}, {bf:allpre}, or {bf:allpost}" exit 301 } if "`overidpost'"!="" & ("`overid'"!="" | "`allpre'"!="" | "`allpost'"!="" ) { di as err _n "option {bf:overidpost} not allowed with options {bf:overid}, {bf:allpre}, or {bf:allpost}" exit 301 } loc names = e(names) *if previous trend adjustment, remove the endpoints from the stored list of event-time dummy variables if "`=e(trend)'"=="trend"{ loc lendp "_k_eq_m`=-`=`e(lwindow)'-1''" loc rendp "_k_eq_p`=`e(rwindow)'+1'" loc names: subinstr local names "`lendp'" "", all loc names: subinstr local names "`rendp'" "", all } * Turn overid into overidpre and overidpost if "`overid'"!="" { if e(pre)==. { * Default: All pre, two last loc i=0 foreach w in `names' { loc wordp: subinstr local w "_k_eq_p" "", all if "`wordp'"!="`w'" continue loc ++i } loc overidpre = `i' loc wordt: word count `names' loc overidpost = 2 } else { loc overidpre=e(overidpre) loc overidpost=e(overidpost)+1 } } *Change the coefficients to test pretrends if there was trend adjustment with ols method and requested number of coefficients is greater than the number of available ones. if "`=e(trendmethod)'"=="ols" & ("`overid'"!="" | "`overidpre'"!="") { *number of available pre-event coefficients loc j=0 foreach w in `names' { if regexm("`w'","_k_eq_m") loc ++j } if `j' == 0 { di as err _n "Cannot test pretrends if there are 0 available pre-event coefficients after trend adjustment with OLS method." exit 103 } loc checkadj = 0 if "`overid'"!="" & `overidpre'>`j' { di as text _n "{bf:overidpre} value from {cmd: xtevent} is `e(overidpre)', but available pre-event coefficients are {bf:`j'} after trend adjustment with OLS method." loc checkadj 1 } if "`overidpre'"!="" & "`overid'"=="" & `overidpre'>`j'{ di as text _n "You requested pretrend test with the first {bf:`overidpre'} coefficients, but there are only {bf:`j'} available pre-event coefficients after trend adjustment with OLS method." loc checkadj 1 } if `checkadj'==1 { di as text _n "The pretrend test will account only the {bf:`j'} available pre-event coefficients." loc overidpre=`j' } } * If overidpre, take the earlier coefs if "`overidpre'"!="" { di as txt _n "Overidentification test for pretrends: `overidpre' pre-event coefficients are 0" loc c "" forv i=1(1)`overidpre' { loc cplus: word `i' of `names' loc c "`c' `cplus'" if "`overid'"!="" loc cpre "`c'" } loc cbreak: subinstr local c "_p" "", all if "`c'"!="`cbreak'" { di as err _n "Cannot test more pre-event coefficients than were estimated" exit 199 } if "`c'"=="" { di as err _n "No pre-event coefficients to test" exit 199 } } * If overidpost, take the latter coefs and test equality if "`overidpost'"!="" { di as txt _n "Overidentification test for effects leveling off: `overidpost' last post-event coefficients are equal" * allow overidpre here if "`overidpre'"=="" loc c "" else loc c "(`c')" loc cplus "" loc wordt: word count `names' forv i=1(1)`overidpost' { loc cadd: word `=`wordt'-`i'+1' of `names' loc cplus "`cplus' `cadd'" } loc cplus = strltrim("`cplus'") loc cplus : subinstr local cplus " " "=", all if "`overid'"!="" loc cpost "`cplus'" if "`overidpre'"!="" loc cplus "(`cplus')" loc c "`c' `cplus'" loc cbreak: subinstr local cplus "_m" "", all if "`cplus'"!="`cbreak'" { di as err _n "Cannot test more post-event coefficients than were estimated" exit 199 } if "`cplus'"=="" { di as err _n "No post-event coefficients to test" exit 199 } } * Check that coefs were estimated and gather if "`coefs'"!="" { loc c "" foreach j in `coefs' { if `j'<0 { loc jj = abs(`j') loc cplus "_k_eq_m`jj'" } else if `j'>=0 loc cplus "_k_eq_p`j'" loc match = 0 foreach name in `names' { if "`cplus'"=="`name'" loc ++ match } if `match'!=0 { loc c "`c' `cplus'" } else { di as err _n "Coefficient for event-time `j' not found" exit 301 } } } * Gather pre estimates if all pre if "`allpre'"=="allpre" { di as txt _n "Test for all pre-event coefficients = 0" loc c "" foreach j in `names' { loc sub : subinstr local j "_k_eq_m" "", all if "`sub'"!="`j'" loc c "`c' `j'" } } * Gather post estimates if all post if "`allpost'"=="allpost" { di as txt _n "Test for all post-event coefficients = 0" * Allow allpre combination if "`allpre'"!="allpre" loc c "" foreach j in `names' { loc sub : subinstr local j "_k_eq_p" "", all if "`sub'"!="`j'" loc c "`c' `j'" } } * Gather post estimates with equal signs if constanteff if "`constanteff'"=="constanteff" { loc c "" di as txt _n "Test for constant post-event coefficients" foreach j in `names' { loc sub : subinstr local j "_k_eq_p" "", all if "`sub'"!="`j'" loc c "`c' `j'" } loc c = strltrim("`c'") loc c : subinstr local c " " "=", all } * Accumulate if cumul if "`cumul'"=="cumul" { di as txt _n "Test sums of coefficients" loc c: subinstr local c " " "+",all loc c=substr("`c'",2,.) loc c = "`c' = 0" } * Linear pre-trend specification test if "`linpretrend'"!="" { loc tt "" foreach j in `names' { loc sub : subinstr local j "_k_eq_m" "", all if "`sub'"!="`j'" loc tt "`tt' `j'" } loc d : word count `tt' scalar `dim' = `d' if `dim'<2 { di as err _n "Cannot test linear pre-trend with less than 2 pre-event coefficients" exit 199 } mata: trendtest("`dim'") * scalar li Q loc df = `dim' - 2 loc p = chi2tail(`df',Q) loc df: di %3.0f `df' loc q : di %8.2f `=Q' loc p: di %8.4f `p' di as txt _n "Specification test for linear pre-trend" di as txt _col(12) "chi2(`df') =" as res `q' di as txt _col(10) "Prob > chi2 =" as res `p' } * Trend test if "`trend'"!="" { loc trend "trend(`trend', method(ols))" loc cmd = e(cmdline) loc cmd = regexr("`cmd'","trend\(.*\)","") _estimates hold `est' *di as txt _n "Estimating trend using {cmd:xtevent, trend(, method(ols))}" di as txt _n "Estimating trend by OLS" qui `cmd' `trend' di as txt _n "Significance test for linear trend" test _ttrend _estimates unhold `est' } * Test if "`overid'"!="" { di as txt _n "Overidentification test for pretrends: `overidpre' pre-event coefficients are 0" test `cpre', `testopts' returntest pre return add di as txt _n "Overidentification test for effects leveling off: `overidpost' last post-event coefficients are equal" test `cpost', `testopts' returntest post return add di as txt _n "Joint overidentification test" test (`cpre') (`cpost'), `testopts' returntest prepost return add } else { if "`c'"!="" test `c', `testopts' return add } end program define returntest, rclass args stub foreach x in p F df_r chi2 ss rss drop { if r(`x')!=. return scalar `stub'_`x' = r(`x') } end mata: mata clear void trendtest(dim) { real matrix b,V,Vinv,X,ab,eta real scalar Q dim=st_numscalar(dim) b=st_matrix("e(b)")'[1..dim,1] V=st_matrix("e(V)")[1..dim,1..dim] Vinv=cholinv(V) X = (J(dim,1,1),range(1,dim,1)) ab = cholinv(X'*Vinv*X)*(X'*Vinv*b) eta = b - (X*ab) Q = eta'*Vinv*eta st_numscalar("Q",Q) } end