{smcl} {hline} {hi:help xtset2}{right: v. 1.1 - 03. October 2020} {hline} {title:Title} {p 4 4}{cmd:xtset2} - advanced routines for {cmd: xtset} and {cmd: _xt}.{p_end} {title:Syntax} {p 4 13}{cmd:xtset2} [{it:panelvar} {it:timevar}] [{it:if}] [{cmd:,} {cmd:checkvars({varlist})} {cmd:matrix} {cmd:showxtset} {cmd:version} {cmd:tsoptions}] {p_end} {p 4 4}{it:panelvar} is the panel identifier (cross-section) and {it:timevar} the time identifier. {cmd:xtset2} without the panel and time identifier displays the current setting. {cmd:tsoptions} are options passed on to {help xtset}.{p_end} {title:Contents} {p 4}{help xtset2##description:Description}{p_end} {p 4}{help xtset2##options:Options}{p_end} {p 4}{help xtset2##about:About}{p_end} {p 4}{help xtset2##about:Saved Values}{p_end} {marker description}{title:Description} {p 4 4} {cmd:xtset2} extends {help xtset} and {help tsset}. {cmd:xtset2} checks if a panel is balanced with respect to the time, panel identifier and if defined with resepect to non missings in a {it:variablelist}. {cmd: xtset2} was developed for {help xtdcce2}. {p_end} {marker options}{title:Options} {p 4 4}{cmd:checkvars({varlist})} defines the variables the sample is restricted to. If a variable in {it:varlist} has a {help missing} value, it is removed from the sample.{p_end} {p 4 4}{cmd:matrix} saves a matrix with Panelid, T, Tmin, Tmax, Tbar and missings.{p_end} {p 4 4}{cmd:showxtset} display output of {help xtset}.{p_end} {p 4 4}{cmd:version} returns version number.{p_end} {p 4 4}{cmd:tsoptions}passes further options to {help xtset}.{p_end} {marker return}{title:Saved Values} {cmd:xtdcce2} stores the following in {cmd:r()}: {col 4} Scalars {col 8}{cmd: r(N)}{col 27} number of observations {col 8}{cmd: r(Tmax)}{col 27} maximum of time periods {col 8}{cmd: r(Tmean)}{col 27} mean of time periods {col 8}{cmd: r(Tmin)}{col 27} minimum of time periods {col 8}{cmd: r(NumGaps)}{col 27} number of gaps {col 8}{cmd: r(NumMissing)}{col 27} number of missings {col 8}{cmd: r(balancedN)}{col 27} number of balanced cross-sections {col 8}{cmd: r(N_g)}{col 27} number of groups {col 4} Macros {col 8}{cmd: r(timevar)}{col 27} name of time identifer {col 8}{cmd: r(panelvar)}{col 27} name of panel identifer {col 8}{cmd: r(balanced)}{col 27} balanced {col 4} Matrices {col 8}{cmd: r(PanelMatrix)}{col 27} table with details for each panel {marker about}{title:Author} {p 4}Jan Ditzen (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano){p_end} {p 4}Email: {browse "mailto:jan.ditzen@unibz.it":jan.ditzen@unibz.it}{p_end} {p 4}Web: {browse "www.jan.ditzen.net":www.jan.ditzen.net}{p_end} {title:Also see} {p 4 4}See also: {help xtset}, {help _xt}, {help tsset}{p_end}