{smcl} {* 30oct2020}{...} {cmd:help yalescheme} {hline} {title:Title} {phang} {cmd:yalescheme} {hline 2} A modern Stata scheme for Yale University-branded data visualizations. {title:Description} {pstd} The Yale Stata scheme provides a quick set of options for modern-looking graphs from Stata using Yale colors. The scheme is designed for use by the Yale Economic Growth Center's Research Team when designing visualizations for presentations and social media. There are no restrictions on its use. {title:Usage} {pstd} To use, simply specify the scheme at the start of a .do file: {cmd:.} {cmd: set scheme yale [, permanently]} {pstd} Alternatively, you can specify the scheme in the course of making an individual graph: {cmd:.} {cmd: sysuse auto} {cmd:.} {cmd: twoway scatter price mpg, scheme(yale)} {pstd} {bf:Note:} Once installed, you will need to restart Stata for the scheme to be recognized. {title:Fonts} {pstd} The {bf:Yale} scheme is intended to be used with Yale official fonts. If you are Yale EGC staff, please contact Vestal McIntyre for access to the proprietary {bf:Mallory }font. Fonts are specified independently of schemes; to set the fonts for the graph window, add the following to the top of any .do file using the Yale scheme: {cmd:.} {cmd: graph set window fontface "Mallory Thin"} {cmd:.} {cmd: graph set window fontfacemono default} {cmd:.} {cmd: graph set window fontfacesans "Mallory Thin"} {cmd:.} {cmd: graph set window fontfaceserif YaleNew} {cmd:.} {cmd: graph set window fontfacesymbol "Mallory Thin"} {title:Attribution} {pstd} The Yale scheme was written by Aaron Wolf. Bugs can be reported via the repository at Github (https://github.com/aarondwolf/scheme-yale). {pstd} This scheme used the user-written scheme {bf:cleanplots} as a base, with alterations made to reflect Yale's colors and stylistic preferences. {bf:cleanplots} was created by Trenton Mize, and documentation can be found at https://www.trentonmize.com/software/cleanplots. {bf:cleanplots} was itself influenced by Daniel Bischof's very excellent {bf:plotplain} scheme, documentation for which can be found at https://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=gr0070. {title:Authors} {pstd}Aaron Wolf, Yale University{p_end} {pstd}aaron.wolf@yale.edu{p_end}