^zcq^ program ___________________ zcq calculates the score for the ^ZCQ^ (Zurich Claudication Questionnaire) from your records ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^DISCLAIMER^: Every effort is made to test code as thoroughly as possible but user must accept responsibility for use ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: ^zcq^ varlist, dim(dimension) gen(scorename) [per] ^varlist^ needs to contain 7 variables for the computation of the symptom severity subscale score. ^varlist^ needs to contain 5 variables for the computation of the physical function subscale score. ^varlist^ needs to contain 6 variables for the computation of the satisfaction subscale score. Any kind of variable name is admissible. ^dim(^dimension^)^ specifies which scale is scored and needs to be specified. Admissible dimensions are "symptom", "function", and "satisfaction". "symptom" indicates computation of the symptom severity subscale score. "function" indicates computation of the physical function subscale score. "satisfaction" indicates computation of the satisfaction subscale score. ^gen(^scorename^)^ specifies the name of the generated subscale score and needs to be specified. Any scorename is admissible. ^per^ is optional and expresses all scores in percent of the maximum score for the applicable subscale. Examples: ^zcq^ varlist, dim(symptom) gen(symptomscore) ^zcq^ varlist, dim(function) gen(functionscore) ^zcq^ varlist, dim(satisfaction) gen(satisfactionscore) Admissible Values: Admissible values vary across questions and subscales. For all but two items of the symptom severity subscale the following value labels describe the pain experienced by respondents: 1: None 2: Mild 3: Moderate 4: Severe 5: Very Severe The balance disturbance item of the symptom severity subscale is scored as follows: 1: None 3: Sometimes 5: Often The frequency of pain item of the symptom severity is scored as follows: 1: Less than once a week 2: At least once a week 3: Everyday, for at least a few minutes 4: Everyday, for most of the day 5: Every minute of the day For all but one item of the physical function subscale the following value labels describe the walking ability of respondents: 1: Yes, comfortably 2: Yes, but sometimes with pain 3: Yes, but always with pain 4: No The walk distance item of the physical function subscale is scored as follows: 1: Over 2 miles 2: Over 2 blocks but less than 2 miles 3: Over 50 feet but less than 2 blocks 4: Less than 50 feet The satisfaction subscale is scored as follows: 1: Very satisfied 2: Satisfied 3: Dissatisfied 4: Very dissatisfied Values outside these ranges for any variable will terminate the program. Treatment of Missing Data: Missing data is replaced by the mean score for the applicable subscale. There is a limit of 2 missing values for the symptom severity subscale. There is a limit of 1 missing value for the physical function subscale. There is a limit of 1 missing value for the satisfaction subscale. References: Stucki G, Daltroy L, Liang MH, Lipson SJ, Fossel AH, Katz JN. Measurement Properties of a Self-Administered Outcome Measure in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Spine 21: 796-803, 1996. Pratt RK, Fairbank JCT, Virr A. The Reliability of the Shuttle Walking Test, the Swiss Spinal Stenosis Questionnaire, the Oxford Spinal Stenosis Score, and the Oswestry Disability Index in the Assessment of Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Spine 27: 84-91, 2002. ________________________________________________________ AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation Program author: Johann Blauth and Monica Daigl Date: 26.06.2012