{smcl} {txt}{net "from http://repec.org/bocode":SSC} Stata modules created or revised 2024-11-21 to 2024-12-21 {hline} {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/multisite_varlate":MULTISITE_VARLATE} {txt} module to estimate and conduct inference on the variance of LATEs across sites in multi-site randomized trials{txt} Authors: Clement de Chaisemartin Antoine Deeb Req: Stata version 14.2 {txt} Created: 2024-12-20 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/multisite_varitt":MULTISITE_VARITT} {txt} module to estimate and conduct inference on the variance of ITTs across sites in multi-site randomized trials{txt} Authors: Clement de Chaisemartin Antoine Deeb Req: Stata version 14.2 {txt} Created: 2024-12-20 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/e/etr":ETR} {txt} module to calculate the cost of capital and forward-looking effective tax rates{txt} Authors: Shafik Hebous Andualem Mengistu Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Created: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/geoboundary":GEOBOUNDARY} {txt} module for administrative boundaries{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Created: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/getnhs":GETNHS} {txt} module to download NHANES data{txt} Authors: Zumin Shi Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Created: 2024-12-12 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/pace":PACE} {txt} module to convert between minutes per mile and miles per hour{txt} Authors: Ariel Linden Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Created: 2024-12-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/t/topsis":TOPSIS} {txt} module to calculate comprehensive scores based on the entropy method or the entropy-TOPSIS method{txt} Authors: Wang Qiang Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Created: 2024-11-30 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/crossvalidate2":CROSSVALIDATE2} {txt} module to implement Cross-Validation in Stata{txt} Authors: William R. Buchanan Steven D. Brownell Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-16 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/mswtable":MSWTABLE} {txt} module to provide wrapper for putdocx table{txt} Authors: John Casterline Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/j/julia":JULIA} {txt} module to provide interface to Julia{txt} Authors: David Roodman Req: Stata version 14.1 and Julia 1.11 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/stpm3":STPM3} {txt} module to fit flexible parametric survival models{txt} Authors: Paul Lambert Req: Stata version 16.1 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-95 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/b/bumparea":BUMPAREA} {txt} module to produce bump area graphs{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and colorpalettes, colrspace from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/pinocchio":PINOCCHIO} {txt} module that randomly generates false econometric statements{txt} Authors: Marco Santacroce Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-26 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/pretty_suite":PRETTY_SUITE} {txt} module with programs to aid with routine reporting for clinical trials{txt} Authors: Rafael Gafoor Req: Stata version 17 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-26 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/a/alluvial":ALLUVIAL} {txt} module for Alluvial graphs{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/spider":SPIDER} {txt} module for spider plots{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/marimekko":MARIMEKKO} {txt} module for marikmekko charts{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtregtwo":XTREGTWO} {txt} module to estimate panel regression with standard errors robust to two-way clustering and serial correlation in time effects{txt} Authors: Harold D. Chiang Bruce E. Hansen Yuya Sasaki Req: Stata version 14.2 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-09 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/o/oneclick":ONECLICK} {txt} module to screen for control variables that keep the explanatory variables at a certain level of significance{txt} Authors: Shutter Zor Req: Stata version 14 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/f/frapply":FRAPPLY} {txt} module to nondestructively apply command(s) to a frame{txt} Authors: Gorkem Aksaray Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-26 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtbunitroot":XTBUNITROOT} {txt} module to perform unit root tests for panel data with structural breaks{txt} Authors: Pengyu Chen Yiannis Karavias Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Revised: 2027-07-29 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/stpp":STPP} {txt} module to compute Pohar-Perme non-parametric estimate of marginal relative (net) survival{txt} Authors: Paul Lambert Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/r/rforest":RFOREST} {txt} module to implement Random Forest algorithm{txt} Authors: Rosie Yuyan Zou Matthias Schonlau Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-30 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/t/table1_mc":TABLE1_MC} {txt} module to create "table 1" of baseline characteristics for a manuscript {txt} Authors: Mark Chatfield Req: Stata version 14.2 (15.1 for docx output) {txt} Revised: 2024-12-19 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/n/numdate":NUMDATE} {txt} module to generate date-times or components {txt} Authors: Nicholas J. Cox Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Revised: 2024-11-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/r/repest":REPEST} {txt} module to run estimations with weighted replicate samples and plausible values{txt} Authors: Francesco Avvisati François Keslair Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Revised: 2024-12-11 {hline} {txt} End of recent additions and updates