{smcl} {txt}{net "from http://repec.org/bocode":SSC} Stata modules created or revised 2024-06-18 to 2024-07-18 {hline} {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/d/did_multiplegt_stat":DID_MULTIPLEGT_STAT} {txt} module for heterogeneity-robust difference-in differences (DID) estimators{txt} Authors: Clément de Chaisemartin Diego Ciccia Xavier D'Haultfoeuille Felix Knau Felix Pasquier Doulo Sow Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Created: 2024-07-15 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/pyramid_chart":PYRAMID_CHART} {txt} module to generate a population pyramid chart {txt} Authors: Masud Rahman Req: Stata version 17 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/stute_test":STUTE_TEST} {txt} module to compute Stute (1997) linearity test.{txt} Authors: Clément de Chaisemartin Xavier D'Haultfoeuille Diego Ciccia Felix Knau Doulo Sow Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Created: 2024-07-06 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/cc_xd_didtextbook":CC_XD_DIDTEXTBOOK} {txt} module to provide do-files and datafiles for textbook{txt} Authors: Clément de Chaisemartin Xavier D'Haultfoeuille Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Created: 2024-07-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/d/diff_plot":DIFF_PLOT} {txt} module to visualize classic difference-in-differences model {txt} Authors: Kabira Namit Req: Stata version 11.2 and elabel from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Created: 2024-07-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/t/timeuse":TIMEUSE} {txt} module to transform an episode file into a diary-level file containing basic time use information{txt} Authors: Juana Lamote de Grignon Pérez Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Created: 2024-07-03 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/r/r2_nakagawa":R2_NAKAGAWA} {txt} module for computing Nakagawa's R-squared statistic for multilevel mixed-effects linear regression{txt} Authors: Daniel Klein Ariel Linden Req: Stata version 16.1 {txt} Created: 2024-06-27 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/n/number_exporting":NUMBER_EXPORTING} {txt} module to format a numeric value and export in LaTeX format{txt} Authors: Olena Bogdan Adrien Matray Pablo E. Rodriguez Chenzi Xu Req: Stata version 13 {txt} Revised: 2024-06-29 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/matstat":MATSTAT} {txt} module to format tabstat, assembling of results in one matrix{txt} Authors: John Casterline Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/mswtable":MSWTABLE} {txt} module to provide wrapper for putdocx table{txt} Authors: John Casterline Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-15 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/d/did_had":DID_HAD} {txt} module to estimate the effect of a treatment on an outcome in a heterogeneous adoption design with no stayers but some quasi stayers{txt} Authors: Clément de Chaisemartin Diego Ciccia Xavier D'Haultfoeuille Felix Knau Doulo Sow Req: Stata version 12 and lprobust (search nprobust) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/l/lpdid":LPDID} {txt} module implementing Local Projections Difference-in-Differences (LP-DiD) estimator{txt} Authors: Alexander Busch Daniele Girardi Req: Stata version 13 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-01 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/k/kappalate":KAPPALATE} {txt} module to estimate the local average treatment effect (LATE) using Abadie's kappa approach and other weighting estimators{txt} Authors: Derya Uysal Tymon Słoczyński Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Req: Stata version 17 {txt} Revised: 2024-06-30 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/pheatplot":PHEATPLOT} {txt} module to visualize p-values{txt} Authors: Elisa Brini Solveig T. Borgen Nicolai T. Borgen Req: Stata version 17 and heatplot from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/d/did_multiplegt_dyn":DID_MULTIPLEGT_DYN} {txt} module to estimate event-study Difference-in-Difference (DID) estimators in designs with multiple groups and periods, with a potentially non-binary treatment that may increase or decrease multiple times{txt} Authors: Clément de Chaisemartin Diego Ciccia Xavier D'Haultfoeuille Felix Knau Mélitine Malézieux Doulo Sow Req: Stata version 12 and gtools from SSC (q.v.avity2) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-01 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/geoplot":GEOPLOT} {txt} module to draw maps{txt} Authors: Ben Jann Req: Stata version 16.1 and moremata, palettes, colrspace from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-17 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/stpm3":STPM3} {txt} module to fit flexible parametric survival models{txt} Authors: Paul Lambert Req: Stata version 16.1 {txt} Revised: 2024-06-26 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/b/bumparea":BUMPAREA} {txt} module to produce bump area graphs{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and colorpalettes, colrspace from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/b/bumpline":BUMPLINE} {txt} module to produce bump line graphs{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and colorpalettes, colrspace from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/styletextab":STYLETEXTAB} {txt} module to style LaTeX tables exported by collect suite of commands{txt} Authors: Gorkem Aksaray Req: Stata version 17 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-15 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/sunburst":SUNBURST} {txt} module for (half) sunburst plots{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/sankey":SANKEY} {txt} module for Sankey diagrams {txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/t/treemap":TREEMAP} {txt} module for treemaps{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace, labmask from SSC {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/b/bimap":BIMAP} {txt} module to produce bivariate maps{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and spmap, palettes, colrspace from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/streamplot":STREAMPLOT} {txt} module to produce streamplots{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2024-06-22 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/v/validarcae":VALIDARCAE} {txt} module to provide several functionalities for dealing with codes from the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities (CAE){txt} Authors: BPLIM Req: Stata version 15 and savesome from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-06-21 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/cnevent":CNEVENT} {txt} module to carry out an event study with Chinese publicly listed firms{txt} Authors: Chuntao Li Yizhuo Fang Req: Stata version 17 and cntrade from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/i/inflate":INFLATE} {txt} module to inflate variables to real dollars using the CPI-U series{txt} Authors: Sean McCulloch Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2024-06-30 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/t/twostep":TWOSTEP} {txt} module to perform twostep multilevel analysis{txt} Authors: Ulrich Kohler Johannes Giesecke Req: Stata version 16 and labutil from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-15 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtevent":XTEVENT} {txt} module to estimate and visualize linear panel event-study models{txt} Authors: Simon Freyaldenhoven Christian Hansen Jorge Eduardo Perez Perez Jesse Shapiro Req: Stata version 11.2 and ivreghdfe, reghdfe, ftools, ivreg2, ranktest from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-12 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/sequences":SEQUENCES} {txt} module for generating versatile numeric sequences{txt} Authors: Ariel Linden Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-03 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/colrspace":COLRSPACE} {txt} module providing a class-based color management system in Mata{txt} Authors: Ben Jann Req: Stata version 14.2 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/palettes":PALETTES} {txt} module to provide color palettes, symbol palettes, and line pattern palettes{txt} Authors: Ben Jann Req: Stata version 14.2 and colrspace from SSC (q.v.); (version 9.2 for colorpalette9) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/e/entropyetc":ENTROPYETC} {txt} module for entropy and related measures for categories{txt} Authors: Nicholas J. Cox Req: Stata version 8.2 (entropyyetc), 11.2 (entropyetc2) {txt} Revised: 2024-06-21 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/georoute":GEOROUTE} {txt} module to calculate travel distance and travel time between two addresses or two geographical points{txt} Authors: Sylvain Weber Martin Péclat Req: Stata version 11 and insheetjson, libjson from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2024-06-21 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/pwmc":PWMC} {txt} module to compute pairwise multiple comparisons (unequal variances){txt} Authors: Daniel Klein Req: Stata version 12.1 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-17 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/o/ovbd":OVBD} {txt} module to generate correlated random binomial data{txt} Authors: Joseph Coveney Req: Stata version 18 {txt} Revised: 2024-07-07 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/metan":METAN} {txt} module for fixed and random effects meta-analysis{txt} Authors: David Fisher Ross Harris Mike Bradburn Jon Deeks Roger Harbord Doug Altman Thomas Steichen Jonathan Sterne Julian Higgins Req: Stata version 11 (version 9 for metan9, or version 7 for metan7) {txt} Revised: 2024-07-15 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtabond2":XTABOND2} {txt} module to extend xtabond dynamic panel data estimator {txt} Authors: David Roodman Req: Stata version 7.0 (with 21jun2002 update); version 9.0 for Mata version {txt} Revised: 2024-07-11 {hline} {txt} End of recent additions and updates