Fitting Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) Regression Models in Stata |
The Quadratic Assignment Procedure (QAP) |
The Normal Mixture Decomposition |
Post-estimation commands for regression models for categorical andcount outcomes |
Testing for omitted variables |
Computing Variances from Data with Complex Sampling Designs: A Comparison of Stata and SPSS |
svytabs: A program for producing complex survey tables |
Simple Cases of Multi-Level Models |
Date and Time Tags for Filenames in WinXX |
Efficient Management of Multi-Frequency Panel Data with Stata |
Challenges of Creating and Working with Cross-Year-Family-Individual Files: An Example from the PSID data set |
Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Stata, Splus and SAS |
Stata Teaching Tools |
Three-Valued Logic Operations in Stata |
Analysing circular data in Stata |
Panel data analysis in Stata: An extended example |
The evolving nature of the Stata Technical Bulletin |
Report to Users |
Wishes and grumbles |