capture log close clear set memory 100m set more off estimates clear matrix drop _all log using sug_groups_sim, replace version 9 // - stata user's group - july 2006 // simulation data illustrating invariance of predictions // Scott Long - 20Jul2006 // create artifical data clear set seed 11020 set obs 5000 local half = _N/2 local half1 = `half'+1 * indep variable is uniform gen x = uniform() label var x "articles" * divide into two groups gen f = _n < `half1' label var f "is female?" replace f = 0 if _n > `half' gen m = 1 - f label var m "is male?" * group interactions gen fx = f*x label var fx "female*articles" gen mx = m*x label var fx "female*articles" // specify parameters - same slopes for men and women, different variances local alpha = -1 local beta = 2 * sd for men and women differ local f_sd = 2 // twice as large for women local m_sd = 1 // generate errors, ystar and y gen double e = invnorm(uniform()) label var e "normal errors" * rescale errors for each group replace e = e*`f_sd' if f==1 replace e = e*`m_sd' if f==0 * ystar gen ystar = `alpha' + `beta'*x + e label var ystar "latent y*" * observed binary y gen y = ystar>0 label var y "observed y" // estimates based on female only sample probit y x if f==1 , nolog predict f_p label var f_p "Pr(y) females only model" local f_ll = e(ll) estimates store f_only // estimates based on male only sample probit y x if f==0 , nolog predict m_p label var m_p "Pr(y) males only model" local m_ll = e(ll) estimates store m_only // compare predictions for men and women sort x twoway line f_p m_p x // estimate model using interactions probit y m mx f fx , nolog nocon mat b = e(b) predict all_p label var all_p "Pr(y) combined male/female model" local all_ll = e(ll) local m_f_ll = `f_ll' + `m_ll' estimates store mf_inter // compare variables for men and women sum all_p f_p y ystar x e if f==1 sum all_p m_p y ystar x e if f==0 // compare pr(y) from two models * predictions for women sum f_p all_p if f==1 pwcorr f_p all_p if f==1 * predictions for men sum f_p all_p if f==0 pwcorr m_p all_p if f==0 // compare model results di "LL in interaction model: `all_ll'" di "LL-male + LL-female: `m_f_ll'" estimates table _all, stats(N ll) eform b(%9.3f) t(%6.2f) log close