program define reclink version 8.2 *! v 1.2 19-Sep-2007 M. Blasnik syntax varlist using/ , IDMaster(str) IDUsing(str) Gen(str) [WMatch(str) WNOMatch(str) EXClude(str) /* */ UVarlist(str) MINScore(real 0.6) MINBigram(real 0.6) ORBLock(str) REQuired(str) /* */ _Merge(str) UPRefix(str) EXActstr(str) ] if "`_merge'"=="" local _merge "_merge" cap confirm variable `_merge' if _rc==0 { di as err "`_merge' already exists" exit 198 } local nvars: word count `varlist' if "`wmatch'"=="" local wmatch: di _dup(`nvars') " 1 " if "`wnomatch'"=="" local wnomatch "`wmatch'" if "`uprefix'"=="" local uprefix "U" foreach val in `wmatch' `wmnomatch' { if `val'<1 { di as error " weights must be >=1" exit 198 } } local nwms: word count `wmatch' local nwnms: word count `wnomatch' if `nvars'!=`nwnms' | `nvars'!=`nwms' { di as error "wmatch and wnomatch must each have the same # of elements as varlist" exit 198 } if "`uvarlist'"=="" local uvarlist "`varlist'" local nuvars: word count `uvarlist' if `nvars'!=`nuvars' { di as error "uvarlist must have the same # of elements as varlist" exit 198 } if "`orblock'"=="" & `nvars'>3 local orblock "`varlist'" local i=1 foreach var of local varlist { local v`i' "`var'" local wm`i': word `i' of `wmatch' local wnm`i': word `i' of `wnomatch' local uv`i': word `i' of `uvarlist' cap confirm string var `var' local string`i'=(_rc==0) local nobigram: list var & exactstr local bigram`i'=("`nobigram'"=="") local inreq: list var & required local inreq`i'=("`inreq'"!="") local i=`i'+1 } * scaling factor for bigram score mapping to matchscore local biscale=.5/(1-`minbigram')^(1/3) preserve quietly { isid `idmaster' gen `gen'=0 label var `gen' "reclink matching score" local mobs=c(N) tempfile m u matched results idusingmatched idmastermatched keep `idmaster' `gen' `varlist' sort `idmaster' local idmtype: type `idmaster' save `m' if "`exclude'"!="" { tempfile midexclude uidexclude using2 tempvar mrgtmp use `idmaster' `idusing' using `exclude' drop if missing(`idmaster') | missing(`idusing') save `midexclude' bysort `idusing': keep if _n==1 keep `idusing' sort `idusing' save `uidexclude' use `midexclude' bysort `idmaster': keep if _n==1 keep `idmaster' sort `idmaster' merge `idmaster' using `m', _merge(`mrgtmp') keep if `mrgtmp'==2 drop `mrgtmp' sort `idmaster' local mobs2match=c(N) save `m', replace use `using' local uobs=c(N) sort `idusing' merge `idusing' using `uidexclude', _merge(`mrgtmp') nokeep keep if `mrgtmp'==1 drop `mrgtmp' save `using2' } else { local using2 "`using'" } use `using2' local uobs2match=c(N) if "`uobs'"=="" local uobs=c(N) isid `idusing' keep `idusing' `uvarlist' local i=1 foreach var of varlist `uvarlist' { if "`var'"!="`v`i''" { cap rename `var' `v`i'' } local i=`i'+1 } sort `varlist' local idutype: type `idusing' tempvar uidtmp egen `uidtmp'=group(`varlist'), missing save `u' * create lookup table back to original id variable in using dataset keep `uidtmp' `idusing' tempfile uids sort `uidtmp' save `uids' * now collapse the using dataset down to unique combinations of varlist use `u' drop `idusing' bysort `uidtmp' : keep if _n==1 sort `varlist' save `u', replace local uniqusingn=c(N) * identify perfect matches use `m' sort `varlist' merge `varlist' using `u', nokeep keep if _merge==3 local perfectn=c(N) noi di as result _n "`perfectn' perfect matches found" _n if `perfectn'>0 { replace `gen'=1 keep `idmaster' `uidtmp' `gen' sort `idmaster' save `matched' * save using ids for perfect matches keep `uidtmp' sort `uidtmp' save `idusingmatched' * save master ids for perfect matches use `matched' keep `idmaster' sort `idmaster' save `idmastermatched' * get rid of perfect matches from using datafile use `u' sort `uidtmp' merge `uidtmp' using `idusingmatched' keep if _merge==1 drop _merge save `u', replace * get rid of perfect matches from master data file use `m' sort `idmaster' merge `idmaster' using `idmastermatched' keep if _merge==1 drop _merge save `m', replace } else { use `m', replace } local tomatch=c(N) tempname post postfile `post' `idmtype' `idmaster' long `uidtmp' float `gen' using `results' if `tomatch'>1000 { noi di as text "Going through `tomatch' observation to assess fuzzy matches, each .=5% complete" } forvalues obs=1(1)`tomatch' { use `m' in `obs', replace if int(20*`obs'/`tomatch')!=int(20*(`obs'-1)/`tomatch') & (`tomatch'>1000) noi di "." _c local ifall local ifany local ifreq * OR blocking local orblock : list orblock - required if lower("`orblock'")!="none" & "`orblock'"!="" { local i=1 foreach v of local orblock { local thisval=`v'[1] if "`thisval'"!="" { if `"`ifany'"'!="" { local ifany `" `ifany' | "' } if `string`i''==1 { local ifany `" `ifany' `v'=="`thisval'" "' } else { local ifany `" `ifany' `v'==`thisval' "' } } local i=`i'+1 } local ifall `" if (`ifany') "' } /* end of OR blocking */ * now add required matches if "`required'"!="" { local i=1 foreach v of local required { local thisval=`v'[1] if `"`ifreq'"'!="" { local ifreq `" `ifreq' & "' } if `string`i''==1 { local ifreq `" `ifreq' `v'=="`thisval'" "' } else { local ifreq `" `ifreq' `v'==`thisval' "' } local i=`i'+1 } if `"`ifall'"'!="" local ifall `" `ifall' & (`ifreq') "' else local ifall `" if (`ifreq') "' } /* end of required matches */ local thisidmaster=`idmaster'[1] local i=1 foreach v of local varlist { local thisv`i'=`v'[1] local i=`i'+1 } * still need to go thru varlist to drop single quotes that cause macro problems? * load using data which meets required and orblock use `u' `ifall', replace local upossn=c(N) if `upossn'>0 { * scale bigram matches from minscore to 1 into 0->1 tempvar M NM score bi gen `M'=0 gen `NM'=0 local i=1 foreach v of local varlist { if "`thisv`i''"!="" { if `inreq`i''!=1 { if `string`i''==1 & `bigram`i''==1 { bigram1 `v', match(`thisv`i'') gen(`bi') } else { cap drop `bi' if `string`i''==1 gen `bi'=(`v'=="`thisv`i''") else gen `bi'=(`v'==`thisv`i'') } replace `M'=`M'+`wm`i''*(.5*`bi'^2+cond(`bi'>`minbigram',`biscale'*(`bi'-`minbigram')^(1/3),0)) replace `NM'=`NM'+`wnm`i''*cond(`bi'<(`minbigram'-.2),1,cond(`bi'<`minbigram',1-`bi'^2,(1-`bi')^2)) if !missing(`v') } else { replace `M'=`M'+`wm`i'' } } * missing in one, not other = 30% non-match replace `NM'=`NM'+`wnm`i''*0.3 if (missing("`thisv`i''") + missing(`v')) ==1 local i=`i'+1 } gen `score'=`M'/(`M'+`NM') replace `score'=0 if `score'==. sort `score' * now keep the cases with the highest score and post them keep if `score'==`score'[_N] & `score'>`minscore' local matches=c(N) if `matches'>0 { local scoreval=`score'[1] forval j=1(1)`matches' { local thisidusing = `uidtmp'[`j'] post `post' (`thisidmaster') (`thisidusing') (`scoreval') if `score'>.89 & `score'<.895 { noi di "M=" `M'[`j'] noi di "NM=" `NM'[`j'] noi di "bigram=" `bi'[`j'] } } } } } postclose `post' * now merge the matching back into master use `results', replace local resobs=c(N) if `perfectn'>0 { append using `matched' } tempvar tmrg sort `uidtmp' merge `uidtmp' using `uids', nokeep _merge(`tmrg') assert `tmrg'==3 drop `tmrg' `uidtmp' sort `idmaster' save, replace * clean up using data -- make sure no varnames in common so mismatches can be examined use `using', replace forvalues i=1(1)`nvars' { cap confirm var `v`i'' if _rc==0 rename `v`i'' `uprefix'`v`i'' } tempfile u2 sort `idusing' save `u2' * now back to original dataset and merge results into that, then using dataset into that restore sort `idmaster' merge `idmaster' using `results', _merge(`tmrg') assert `tmrg'!=2 sort `idusing' merge `idusing' using `u2' , nokeep _merge(`_merge') local fobs=c(N) qui count if missing(`idusing') local nomatch=r(N) forvalues i=1(1)`nvars' { cap move `uprefix'`v`i'' `v`i'' cap move `v`i'' `uprefix'`v`i'' } } format `gen' %5.4f noi di _n "Added: `idusing'= identifier from `using' `gen' = matching score" noi di as res "Observations: Master N = `mobs' `using' N= `uobs' " if "`exclude'"!="" { noi di as res " # Obs after excluding matches in `exclude': Master = `mobs2match' `using': `uobs2match' " } noi di as res " Unique Master Cases: matched = " `mobs'-`nomatch' " (exact = `perfectn'), unmatched = `nomatch'" end program define bigram1 version 8.2 *! version 2.2 M Blasnik 19-Sep-2005 syntax varlist (max=1) , gen(str) match(str) tempvar slen wink cap confirm var `gen' if _rc==0 replace `gen'=0 else gen `gen'=0 local mlen=length("`match'") gen `slen'=length(`varlist') local poss=`mlen'-1 if `mlen'>2 { forval i=1(1)`poss' { qui replace `gen'=`gen'+1 if index(`varlist',substr("`match'",`i',2))>0 } qui replace `gen'=`gen'*2/(`slen'+`mlen'-2) } * deal with strings <3 characters qui replace `gen'=0 if (`mlen'<3 | `slen'<3) & !index("`match'",`varlist') & !index(`varlist',"`match'") qui replace `gen'=min(`mlen',`slen')/(`mlen'+`slen'-1) if (`mlen'<3 | `slen'<3) & ( index("`match'",`varlist') | index(`varlist',"`match'") ) * Winkler adjustment: adjusts score upward based on first 1,2,3, or 4 characters matching gen byte `wink'=0 forval i=1(1)4 { qui replace `wink'=`wink'+1 if substr(`varlist',1,`i')==substr("`m2'",1,`i') } qui replace `gen'=`gen'+`wink'*(1-`gen')/10 * make sure exact matches =1 and missing =0 qui replace `gen'=1 if `varlist'=="`match'" qui replace `gen'=0 if `slen'==0 end