EC 771B Econometrics (part b)

Spring 2001, Prof. Baum

Downloadable Syllabus (Adobe Acrobat format)

A one-hour quiz for 771B will be held on Tuesday 10 April 2001.   |   key

The final exam for 771B will be held on Wednesday 9 May at 9:00 AM.

Text: Greene, Econometric Analysis, 4th ed. (2000)

Listing of Errata in Greene 4th ed.

Handout on collinearity

Handout on Errors in variables / Hausman

Notes on timeseries modelling (pdf):

Part 1  | Part 2  | Part 3  | Part 4

Access to Economic and Financial Data at Boston College

BC Econ Guide to Information Resources

BC Econ Guide to Data Resources

You may send Baum an email message or contact him at 552-3673 (voicemail). Office hours scheduled for Thursdays 3:00-5:00 PM and by appointment.
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