How to deal with more than one dataset in Stata ?

Graduate Statistical Assistant Program, FMRC
If the difficulty is that you have too many variables in the datafile, use Stata/SE. Note that Stat/Transfer may be updated (for free) to create datasets in the Stata/SE binary dataset format. If you do not have Stata/SE, or are interested in combining datasets for other purposes, please continue with this document.

When the number of variables in a data set to be analyzed with Stata is larger than 2,047 (very likely with large surveys), the dataset is divided into several segments, each saved as a Stata dataset (.dta file). In order to work with information contained in two or more .dta files it is necessary to merge the segments into a new single file which must not contain more than 2,047 variables. Here is a list of steps to construct a new database with information merged from different files. Recall that any manipulation of the data made with a Stata do-file allows you to review and/or repeat the procedure more easily, an example of how to make a do-file is given below.

1. Review the codebook or list of variables and determine what information is needed and which files contain the desired variables.

2. Read into Stata the first file, or segment:

	use filename.dta

Note that an unique ID for each case (observation) must be provided in each file to be merged. Typically the ID for a time series database is the date of the observation. For a cross section, it is the ID of the cross section unit (family identifier, firm CUSIP, etc.) , and in panel data two characteristics are needed to identify each observation: date and ID. However for panel data, sometimes a "case ID" is provided to facilitate merging.

It is important to ensure that the form in which the unique ID is held in each file must match: i.e. you can not match a "str8" (8-character string) to an "str6" ID, nor can you match a string to an integer. Use Stata's "describe" command to ensure that the name and data type of the ID variable are the same in all files.

3. Discard the variables that are NOT needed (keeping the case ID); this can be done in at least two ways. Wildcards (*) and hyphens (-) may be used in the varlists; see "help varlist" for their use.

if the useful variables can be listed more easily:

	keep caseID varname1 varname2 .... varnameN

if the unwanted variables can be listed more easily:

	drop varname1 varname2 ..... varnameN

Remember that the case ID must be part of the new file.

4. Verify that only the desired variables are in memory:


5. Sort the data by case ID:

	sort caseID

6. Save the sorted data currently in memory with a different name:

	save newfile#.dta

7. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for all files containing the desired variables. Finally you will end up with a set of new files (newfile1.dta, newfile2.dta, .... newfileJ.dta) to be merged into a new dataset. Now you are ready to merge the data.

The merge command merges corresponding observations from the dataset currently in memory (called the master dataset) with those from a different Stata-format dataset (called the using dataset) into single observations. A new variable _merge is created for informative purposes (described below). Both files must be previously sorted by the merge variable(s), e.g. case ID.

8. Merge the first two new files.

a) Read the master dataset (newfile1.dtarecently created):

	use newfile1.dta, clear

b) Merge the data with the using dataset (newfile2.dta):

	merge caseID using newfile2.dta

c) Tabulate _merge:

	tab _merge

The variable _merge is created automatically and it takes the following values:

	_merge==1    if the observation was taken from the master data only                      
	_merge==2    if the observation was taken from the using data only                       
	_merge==3    if the observation match both master and using data      

You can use the tabulated information to check if the data were merged as desired.

d) Drop the _merge variable:

	drop _merge

e) If there are more than two files to be merged, use the current data in memory as the master dataset and repeat steps 8b-8d for each file to be merged (newfile3.dta, newfile4.dta, .... newfileJ.dta).

9. Save the new dataset:

	save newdataset.dta

Sample program

Here is an example of how a do-file can be used to merge data contained in three hypothetical segments.

This do file merges some variables from the .dta files: segment1.dta, segment2.dta and segment3.dta into a new file named newdatabase.dta. This do-file will be documented in the log-file logmerge.smcl for further reference.

/* open the log file*/

log using logmerge.smcl, replace

/*Generates three .dta files containing only desired variables*/

use segment1.dta, clear 
keep ID X11 X12 X13
sort ID
save newfile1.dta, replace

use segment2.dta, clear 
keep ID X21 X22 X23
sort ID
save newfile2.dta, replace

use segment2.dta, clear 
keep ID X31 X32 X33
sort ID
save newfile3.dta, replace

/*Merges the three new files generated*/

use newfile1.dta, clear
merge ID using newfile2.dta
tab _merge  /*check the file logmerge.smcl to verify that _merge takes the appropriate value*/
drop _merge     

/* if _merge is not dropped an error will  be generated, up to this point two segments 
were merged successfully*/

merge ID using newfile3.dta
tab _merge  /*check the file logmerge.smcl to verify that _merge takes the appropriate value*/
drop _merge

/* the three segments were merged successfully, now save the final new database*/

save newdatabase.dta
log close

/* The individual segment files may now be discarded or compressed if desired */

Thanks to Petia Petrova for contributions to this document.
Last updated: 05 March 2002 by Kolver Hernandez / cfb