RePEc: Research Papers in Economics

How you can use RePEc   |   RePEc information for participants   |   Major participants and activity

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of over 100 volunteers in 30 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. Any institution is welcome to join in contributing its research materials. All RePEc material is freely available.

Please note that RePEc does not contain full-text journal articles; RePEc services provide links to many full text articles, but you may need a personal or institutional subscription to follow those links. If a working paper or journal article is not indicated as "downloadable", please contact the author or publisher for assistance.

The RePEc database holds over 174,000 items of interest, over 83,000 of which are available online:
107,000  working papers
65,000  journal articles
830  software components
4,700  author contact listings
6,500  institutional contact listings
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How you can use RePEc:

The following web sites offer all or part of the RePEc database for you to browse or search:
RePEc RePEc Author Service: Author registration
IDEAS IDEAS: the complete RePEc database at your disposal. Working papers, journal articles, software components, author information, directory of institutions.


EconPapers: Economics at your fingertips. EconPapers provides access to RePEc, the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software.


NEP NEP (New Economics Papers): Free email notification of new downloadable working papers for over 40 specific fields.
Mirrors: UK   USA   Japan


edirc EDIRC: Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Mirrors: UK   USA   Japan   Russia


CitEc CitEc: Citations from items in the RePEc database


WoPEc WoPEc: Full-text downloadable working papers and journal articles.
Mirrors: UK   USA   Japan


EconWPA EconWPA: Authors can submit their papers to have them included in the RePEc database.
BibEc BibEc: bibliographic information on (non-downloadable) working papers and journal articles.
Mirrors: UK   USA   Japan
WebEc WebEc: free information on economics on the web (WWW Virtual Library)
Mirrors: UK   USA   Japan
Inomics Inomics: downloadable working papers integrated with information on economics conferences, job information, and Internet search for economists
Socionet Socionet: A Russian (and Russian language) implementation of the RePEc method and database as the collective information environment for the social sciences. Database customization and filtration by a "personal information robot".
Decomate Decomate: another search engine for RePEc
LogEc LogEc: Detailed access statistics for RePEc items and authors.
IDEAS, EDIRC, EconPapers, EconWPA, WoPEc and BibEc are highlighted in
Google's Web Directory for Economics.

RePEc information for participants

What is RePEc?
RePE brochure (print doublesided and fold) in US Letter and A4 formats (English), Portuguese and Italian
Authors: register yourself and link to your works with the RePEc Author Service
Providers: please note these restrictions on use of RePEc data.
How scholarly societies may benefit from collaboration with RePEc.
Who is involved with RePEc? Learn more about the RePEc Team.
What RePEc is all about: the Guildford protocol.
Full documentation of the file syntax: about ReDIF (Resource Description Information Format).
To make it easy: Step by step instructions to create a working paper archive.
To make it even easier: templates for copying and pasting.
Once you are participating: Tips and tricks for RePEc archive maintainers.
To keep up to date on current events in RePEc: the repec-admin mailing list.
For more information about RePEc's future direction: RePEc documents.
Looking for scripts to automate access to research information? See RePEc scripts.
To contact us: email

Recent activity

Scenes from the RePEc Team summit, May 2002

A LogEc list of the top 25 RePEc series last month (in terms of the number of file downloads) is available.

Although IDEAS is only one of the RePEc services providing access to these archives, information on last month's activity on the IDEAS archive is indicative of the worldwide interest in the materials they contain.

Major participants

Among the many participating institutions providing over 1000 RePEc series, the 30 largest contributing RePEc archives are:
RePEc emerged from the NetEc group, which received support for its WoPEc project between 1996-1999 by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the UK Higher Education Funding Councils, as part of its Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib).

Analog 4.11 for Macintosh Recent access statistics for
This page maintained by Kit Baum and Christian Zimmermann. Last modified 14 Sep 2002.