EC 228 Econometrics

Spring 2003, Prof. Baum

Downloadable Syllabus (Adobe Acrobat format)

Midterm Exam: Monday 10 March

Final Exam: Thursday 8 May, 9:00 AM

Course materials:

Worked examples using Stata from Wooldridge text

Wooldridge datasets: descriptions and access commands

Example of linear regression

Lecture Notes (pdf):

Introduction to Stata and Intermediate Stata (pdf slide shows)  

Stata GradPlan site

The BCEC Statistical Software Component Archive of StataList contributions

Access to Economic and Financial Data at Boston College

BC Econ Guide to Information Resources

BC Econ Guide to Data Resources

You may send Prof. Baum an email message or contact him at 552-3673 (voicemail). Office hours scheduled for Thursdays 1:00-3:00 and by appointment.