EC 202.02 Macroeconomic Theory

Spring 1999, Prof. Baum, Ms. Sayinta

Downloadable Syllabus (Adobe Acrobat format)

Revision: Chapter 18 will be covered in place of Chapter 19.2.

Final Exam: Saturday 8 May, 9:00 AM

Review Session: Wed 5 May, Noon - 1:00 PM, Carney 011

Interactive Macro Models

Simple Keynesian Model Dynamic Keynesian Model Really Dynamic Keynesian Model

Access to Economic and Financial Data at Boston College

BC Econ Guide to Information Resources

BC Econ Guide to Data Resources

Department of Commerce STAT-USA/Internet (only within the BC network)

Budget of the U.S. Government, FY 1999

Economic Report of the President (Feb. 1998) downloadable Statistical Tables

Problem Sets:

Problem Set # Date handed out Date due, at classtime Answer sheet (PDF format)
One 26 Jan 2 Feb PS One Answers
Two 2 Feb 9 Feb PS Two Answers
Three 9 Feb 16 Feb PS Three Answers
Four 16 Feb 23 Feb PS Four Answers
Five 23 Feb 9 Mar PS Five Answers
Six 16 Mar 25 Mar PS Six Answers
Seven 25 Mar 6 Apr PS Seven Answers
Eight 6 Apr 13 Apr PS Eight Answers

You may send Baum an email message or contact him at 552-3673 (voicemail). Office hours regularly scheduled for Mondays 10:00-12:00 and by appointment. We Don't Do Windows!