EC 228 01 Econometric Methods

Fall 2008, Prof. Baum, Ms. Phillips (tutor), Mr. Dmitriev (grader)

Tutorial sessions (shared with Prof. Seitz' section):
Monday 3:00-4:00 PM (Carney 002), Wednesday 9:00-10:00 AM, Friday 12:00-1:00 PM (Carney 009)

Prof. Baum's office hours scheduled for Tu, Th 1:30-3:00 PM (LCOB room 486) and by appointment.
No office hours 9 September, 13 November.

Downloadable Syllabus

Midterm Exam: Tuesday 28 October | sample exam

Final Exam: Tuesday 16 December, 9:00 AM | sample exam (no key available)

Problem Sets:

Course materials:

Worked examples using Stata from Wooldridge text

Wooldridge datasets: descriptions and access commands

Example of Stata usage (pdf)

Lecture Notes (pdf):

Introduction to Stata (pdf slide show)  

Stata GradPlan site

The BCEC Statistical Software Component Archive of StataList contributions

Access to Economic and Financial Data at Boston College

BC Econ Guide to Information Resources

BC Econ Guide to Data Resources

You may send Prof. Baum an email message.