Documentation for estout

help estout                           also see: esttab, eststo, estadd, estpost


    estout -- Making regression tables from stored estimates

Table of contents

    Saved results


        estout [ what ] [ using filename ] [ , options ]

    what                     description
    namelist                 tabulate stored estimation sets; namelist is
                               a name, a list of names, or _all; the * and
                               ? wildcards are allowed; a name may also be
                               ., meaning the current (active) estimates

    matrix(name[, subopts])  tabulate matrix name
    e(name[, subopts])       tabulate matrix e(name)
    r(name[, subopts])       tabulate matrix r(name)
        fmt(fmtlist)         set the display format(s)
        transpose            tabulate transposed matrix

    options                          description
    Parameter statistics
      cells(elements and subopts)    contents of the table cells, where
                                       an element's subopts are in paren-
                                       theses, i.e. element[(subopts)]
          b                          raw coefficient (point estimate)
          se                         standard error
          var                        variance
          t                          t or z statistic
          z                          t or z statistic (synonym for t)
          p                          p-value
          ci                         confidence interval
          ci_l                       lower bound of confidence interval
          ci_u                       upper bound of confidence interval
          _star                      "significance stars"
          _sign                      sign of point estimate
          _sigsign                   sign and significance of estimate
          .                          null element (empty cell)
          &                          combine elements in single cell
          myel                       results from e(myel)
          myel[#]                    results from row # in e(myel)
          myel[rowname]              results from row rowname in e(myel)

          subopts (for each element,
                except for . and &):
          [no]star                   attach "significance stars"
          fmt(fmt [fmt ...])         set the display format(s)
          label(string)              define a label for element
          par[(l r)] | nopar         place results in parentheses
          vacant(string)             print string if coefficient is absent
          drop(droplist)             drop certain individual results
          keep(keeplist)             keep certain individual results
          pattern(pattern)           model selection
          pvalue(name)               set p-values for star (default: p)
          [no]abs                    use absolute t-statistics
          [no]transpose              transpose e(myel) for tabulation

      drop(droplist)                 drop individual coefficients
      keep(keeplist)                 keep individual coefficients
      order(orderlist)               change order of coefficients
      indicate(groups [, subopt])    indicate presence of parameters
        subopt: labels(yes no)       redefine "Yes" and "No" labels
      rename(old new [old new ...])  rename individual coefficients
      equations(eqmatchlist)         match the models' equations
      eform[(pattern)] | noeform     report exponentiated coefficients
      transform(list [, subopt])     apply transformations to coefficients
        subopt: pattern(pattern)])   select models
      margin[(u|c|p)] | nomargin     report marginal effects/elasticities
      discrete(string) | nodiscrete  identify 0/1 variables (if margin)
      meqs(eq_list)                  select equations for marginal effects
      dropped[(string)] | nodropped  indicate null coefficients as dropped
      level(#)                       set level for confidence intervals

    Summary statistics
      stats(scalarlist[, subopts])   display summary statistics at the
                                     bottom of the table
          fmt(fmt [fmt ...])         set the display formats
          labels(strlist[,           label the summary statistics
          star[(sca'list)] | nostar  denote the model significance
          layout(array)              arrange the summary statistics
          pchar(symbol)              placeholder in layout(); default is @

    Significance stars
      starlevels(levelslist)         define thresholds and symbols,
                                       where 'levelslist' is 'symbol #
                                       [symbol # ...]' with # in (0,1] and
                                       listed in descending order
      stardrop(droplist)             drop stars for individual coefs
      starkeep(keeplist)             keep stars for individual coefs
      [no]stardetach                 display the stars in their own column

      varwidth(#)                    set width of the table's left stub
      modelwidth(# [# ...])          set width of the results columns
      [no]unstack                    place equations from multiple-
                                       equation models in separate columns
      begin(string)                  specify the beginning of the rows
      delimiter(string)              specify the column delimiter
      end(string)                    specify the ending of the table rows
      incelldelimiter(string)        specify delimiter within cell
      dmarker(string)                define the decimal marker
      msign(string)                  define the minus sign
      [no]lz                         print the leading zero of fixed
                                       format numbers in (-1,1)
      extracols(numlist)             add empty column to the table
      substitute(subst)              apply end-of-pipe substitutions, where
                                       'subst' is 'from to [from to ... ]'

      [no]label                      make use of variable labels
      [no]abbrev                     abbreviate long names and labels
      [no]wrap                       wrap long labels (if space permits)
      title(string)                  specify a title for the table
      note(string)                   specify a note for the table
      [no]legend                     add a significance symbols legend
      prehead(strlist)               add text before the table heading
      posthead(strlist)              add text after the table heading
      prefoot(strlist)               add text before the table footer
      postfoot(strlist)              add text after the table footer
      hlinechar(string)              specify look of @hline
      varlabels(matchlist[, sub.])   relabel the parameters
          blist(matchlist)           assign prefixes to certain rows
          elist(matchlist)           assign suffixes to certain rows
      labcol2(strlist[, subopts])    add a second labeling column
          title(strlist)             add column title in table header
          width(#)                   set width of column
      refcat(matchlist[, subopts])   add reference category information
          label(string) | nolabel    redefine the "ref." label
          below                      change positioning of refcat
      mlabels(strlist[, subopts])    label the models
          [no]depvars                use the name/label of the dependent
                                         variable as model label
          [no]titles                 use estimates title as model label
          [no]numbers                number models labels consecutively
      collabels(strlist[,            label the columns within models
      eqlabels(strlist[, subopts])   label the equations
          [no]merge                  merge equation and parameter labels
      mgroups(strlist[, subopts])    define and label groups of models
          pattern(pattern)           define the grouping of the models
      numbers[(l r)] | nonumbers     add a row containing model numbers

      [no]replace                    overwrite an existing file
      [no]append                     append the output to an existing file
      [no]type                       print the table in the results window
      [no]showtabs                   display tabs as <T>s
      topfile(filename)              insert file contents above table
      bottomfile(filename)           insert file contents below table

      style(style)                   specify a style for the output table

          smcl                       SMCL formatted table (screen default)
          tab                        tab delimited table (export default)
          fixed                      fixed format table
          tex                        table for use with LaTeX
          html                       table for use with HTML
          mystyle                    user defined addition

    label_subopts                    Description
      [no]none                       suppress the labels
      prefix(string)                 add a common prefix
      suffix(string)                 add a common suffix
      begin(strlist)                 add an overall prefix
      [no]first                      print the first occurrence of begin()
      end(strlist)                   add an overall suffix
      [no]last                       print the last occurrence of end()
      replace                        replace global begin()/end()
      [no]span                       span columns if appropriate
      erepeat(string)                add a "span" suffix
      lhs(string)                    label the table's left stub


    estout assembles a table of coefficients, "significance stars", summary
    statistics, standard errors, t- or z-statistics, p-values, confidence
    intervals, and other statistics for one or more models previously fitted
    and stored by estimates store or eststo.  It then displays the table in
    Stata's results window or writes it to a text file specified by using.
    The default is to use SMCL formatting tags and horizontal lines to
    structure the table. However, if using is specified, a tab-delimited
    table without lines is produced.

    namelist provides the names of the stored estimation sets to be
    tabulated. You may use the * and ? wildcards in namelist. The results
    estimated last may be indicated by a period (.), even if they have not
    yet been stored. If no model is specified, estout tabulates the
    estimation sets stored by eststo (see help eststo) or, if no such
    estimates are present, the currently active estimates (i.e. the model fit
    last).  estout may be used after any estimation command that returns its
    results in e().

    See the Introduction in the Examples section for an introduction on using
    estout. See help estimates for general information about managing
    estimation results. Furthermore, see help eststo for an alternative to
    the estimates store command.

    The default for estout is to produce a plain table containing point
    estimates. Producing a fully formatted end-product may involve specifying
    many options. However, note that a simple-to-use estout wrapper producing
    pre-formatted publication style tables is available as esttab.
    Furthermore, use estadd to make additional results available for
    tabulation (such as the standardized coefficients or the means and
    standard deviations of the regressors) and estpost to tabulate results
    from non-estimation commands such as summarize or tabulate.

    estout can also be used to tabulate the contents of a Stata matrix (see
    help matrix). Type estout marix(name), where name is the name of the
    matrix, instead of providing a namelist of stored estimation sets. See
    the examples below. Alternatively, you may also specify e(name) or
    r(name) to tabulate an e()-matrix or an r()-matrix. The cells() option is
    disabled if tabulating a matrix.

    Programms similar to estout include outreg by John Luke Gallup, outreg2
    by Roy Wada, modltbl by John H. Tyler, mktab by Nicholas Winter, outtex
    by Antoine Terracol, or est2tex by Marc Muendler. Also see Newson (2003)
    for a very appealing approach.



        Parameter statistics
        Summary statistics
        Significance stars

    ----+ Parameter statistics +---------------------------------------------

    cells(array) specifies the parameter statistics to be reported and how
        they are to be arranged. The default is for cells to report point
        estimates only, i.e. cells(b). cells(none) may be used to completely
        suppress the printing of parameter statistics.  Alternatively,
        cells(b se) would result in the reporting of point estimates and
        standard errors. Multiple statistics are placed in separate rows
        beneath one another by default. However, elements of array that are
        listed in quotes or in parentheses, e.g.  "b se" or `"b se"' or
        (b se), are placed beside one another. For example, cells("b p" se)
        or, equivalently, cells((b p) se) would produce a table with point
        estimates and p-values beside one another in first row and standard
        errors in the second row beneath the point estimates.

        The parameter statistics available are b (point estimates), se
        (standard errors), var (variance), t (t/z-statistics), z (synonym for
        t), p (p-values), and ci (confidence intervals; to display the lower
        and upper bounds in separate cells use ci_l and ci_u). Any additional
        parameter statistics included in the e()-returns for the models can
        be tabulated as well. If, for example, e(beta) contains the
        standardized coefficients, type cells(beta) to tabulate them (use 
        estadd to add statistics such as the standardized coefficients to the
        e()-returns of a model). The syntax name[#] or name[rowname] can be
        used to refer to specific rows in e(name). For example, type
        cell(ci_bc[1] ci_bc[2]) or cell(ci_bc[ll] ci_bc[ul]) to tabulate the
        lower and upper bounds of the bias-corrected confidence intervals
        after bootstrap.  The default is to report the results from the first
        row.  Also see the eform and margin options for more information on
        the kinds of statistics that can be displayed.

        Further available elements in array are _star, _sign, and _sigsign.
        _star causes stars denoting the significance of the coefficients to
        be printed (* for p<.05, ** for p<.01, and *** for p<.001;
        customizable via the starlevels() option below).  _star places the
        significance stars in their own cells. See the star suboption below
        if you want to attach the stars to another element. _sign prints the
        signs of the coefficients ("+", "-", or "0"). _sigsign, a combination
        of _star and _sign, repeats the signs of the coefficients where the
        number of repetitions reflects the level of significance
        (non-significant coefficients are left empty; however, you may set
        the first level to 1 in the starlevels() option).

        Finally, . and & may be used in array. . inserts a "null" element.
        Use this to add empty cells. For example, cells("b p" ". se") would
        produce a table with point estimates in the first column and p-values
        and standard errors beneath one another in the second column. & is
        used to combine elements in the same cell. Use the incelldelimiter()
        option to specify the text to be printed between the combined
        elements (the default is to print a single blank). For example, in
        HTML, use cell(b & se) and incelldelimiter(<br>) to include point
        estimates and standard errors in a single cell and insert a line
        break between them.

        A set of suboptions may be specified in parentheses for each element
        named in array (except for . and &). For example, to add significance
        stars to the coefficients and place the standard errors in
        parentheses, specify cells(b(star) se(par)). The following suboptions
        are available. Use:

            star to specify that stars denoting the significance of the
                coefficients be attached to the statistic: * for p<.05, **
                for p<.01, and *** for p<.001. The symbols and the values for
                the thresholds and the number of levels are fully
                customizable (see the Significance stars options).

            fmt(fmt [fmt ...]) to specify the display format(s) of a
                statistic. It defaults to %9.0g or the format for the first
                statistic in cells(). If only one format is specified, it is
                used for all occurrences of the statistic. For example, type

                    . estout ..., cells("b(fmt(3)) t(fmt(2))")

                to print coefficients and t-values beside one another using
                three decimal places for coefficients and two decimal places
                for t-values. If multiple formats are specified, the first
                format is used for the first regressor in the estimates
                table, the second format for the second regressor, and so on.
                The last format is used for the remaining regressors if the
                number of regressors in the table is greater than the number
                of specified formats.  For instance, type

                    . estout ..., cells(b(fmt(3 4 2)))

                to use three decimal places for the first coefficient, four
                decimal places for the second, and two decimal places for all
                remaining coefficients. Note that, regardless of the display
                format chosen, leading and trailing blanks are removed from
                the numbers. White space can be added by specifying a
                modelwidth() (see the Layout options). fmt may be any of
                Stata's numerical display formats, e.g., %9.0g or %8.2f, an
                integer # such as 1 or 3 to use a fixed format with # decimal
                places, or a# such as a1 or a3 to use estout's adaptive
                display format (see Numerical formats in the Remarks section
                for details).

            label(string) to specify a label to appear in the column heading.
                The default is the name of the statistic.

            par[(l r)] to specify that the statistic in question be placed in
                parentheses. It is also possible to specify custom
                "parentheses". For example, se(par({ })) would display the
                standard errors in curly brackets. Or, se(par(`"="("'
                `")""')) will write parentheses in a way that Excel can
                recognize. For ci the syntax is:

                    ci(par[(l m r)])

            vacant(string) to print string if a coefficient is not in the
                model. The default is to leave such cells empty.

            drop(droplist [, relax]) to cause certain individual statistics
                to be dropped. For example, specifying t(drop(_cons))
                suppresses the t-statistics for the constants.  droplist is
                specified as in the global drop() option (see below).

            keep(keeplist [, relax]) to cause certain individual statistics
                to be kept. For example, the specification t(keep(mpg)) would
                display the t-statistics exclusively for the variable mpg.
                keeplist is specified analogous to droplist in drop() (see

            pattern(pattern) to designate a pattern of models for which the
                statistics are to be reported, where the pattern consists of
                zeros and ones. A 1 indicates that the statistic be printed;
                0 indicates that it be suppressed. For example beta(pattern(1
                0 1)) would result in beta being reported for the first and
                third models, but not for the second.

            pvalue(name) to specify the p-values used to determine the
                significance stars (see star above). The default is
                pvalue(p), indicating that the standard p-values are to be
                used (i.e. the p-values computed form the coefficients vector
                and the variance matrix). Alternatively, specify
                pvalue(mypvalue), in which case the significance stars will
                be determined from the values in e(mypvalue). Values outside
                [0,1] will be ignored.

            abs to specify that absolute t-statistics be used instead of
                regular t-statistics (relevant only if used with t()).

            transpose to specify that e(myel) be transposed for tabulation.

    drop(droplist [, relax]) identifies the coefficients to be dropped from
        the table. A droplist comprises one or more specifications, separated
        by white space. A specification can be either a parameter name (e.g.
        price), an equation name followed by a colon (e.g. mean:), or a full
        name (e.g. mean:price). You may use the * and ? wildcards in equation
        names and parameter names. Be sure to refer to the matched equation
        names, and not to the original equation names in the models, when
        using the equations() option to match equations.  Specify the relax
        suboption to allow droplist to contain elements for which no match
        can be found.

    keep(keeplist [, relax]) selects the coefficients to be included in the
        table. keeplist is specified analogous to droplist in drop() (see
        above). Note that keep() does not change the the order of the
        coefficients. Use order() to change the order of coefficients.

    order(orderlist) changes the order of the coefficients and equations
        within the table. orderlist is specified analogous to droplist in
        drop() (see above). Reordering of coefficients is performed equation
        by equation, unless equations are explicitly specified. Coefficients
        and equations that do not appear in orderlist are placed last (in
        their original order). Extra table rows are inserted for elements in
        orderlist that are not found in the table.

    indicate(groups [, labels(yes no)]) indicates for each model (or, if
        unstack is specified, for each equation) the presence of certain
        groups of coefficients at the end of the table body. The syntax for
        groups is

            group [ group ... ]

        where a group is

            [name = ] list

        and list is a list of coefficient specifications as defined in drop()
        above. The single groups should be enclosed in quotes unless there is
        only one group and "name =" is specified. If "name =" is omitted, the
        first element of list is used as name. Note that name may contain

        For example, if some of the models contain a set of year dummies, say
        y1 y2 y3, specify

            estout ..., indicate(year effects = y1 y2 y3)

        to drop the dummies from the table and add a "year effects" row
        containing "Yes" for models in which at least one of the dummies is
        present, and "No" for the other models.

        Use the labels() suboption to redefine the indication labels to be
        printed in the table. The default is labels(Yes No). Use quotes if
        the labels include spaces, e.g. labels("in model"  "not in model").

    rename(matchlist) changes the names of individual coefficients, where
        matchlist is

            oldname newname [oldname newname ...]

        oldname can be a parameter name (e.g. price) or a full name including
        an equation specification (e.g. mean:price) (abbreviation and
        wildcards not allowed); newname is a name without equation
        specification and must not already occur in a model's equation.
        rename() is applied before matching the models and equations and can
        therefore be used to merge different coefficients across models (or
        equations if unstack is specified) into a single table row. See the
        varlabels() option if you are interested in relabeling coefficients
        after matching models and equations.

    equations(matchlist) specifies how the models' equations are to be
        matched. The default is to match all first equations into one
        equation (named main, if the equations have different names) and
        match the remaining equations by name. Specify equations("") to match
        all equations by name. Alternatively, specify matchlist, which has
        the syntax

                term [, term ... ]

        where term is

                [eqname =] #:#...:#              (syntax 1)

                [eqname =] #                     (syntax 2)

        In syntax 1, each # is a number or a period (.).  If a number, it
        specifies the position of the equation in the corresponding model;
        1:3:1 would indicate that equation 1 in the first model matches
        equation 3 in the second, which matches equation 1 in the third.  A
        period indicates that there is no corresponding equation in the
        model; 1:.:1 indicates that equation 1 in the first matches equation
        1 in the third.

        In syntax 2, you specify just one number, say, 1 or 2, and that is
        shorthand for 1:1...:1 or 2:2...:2, meaning that equation 1 matches
        across all models specified or that equation 2 matches across all
        models specified.

        eqname is used to name the matched equations. If it is suppressed, a
        name such as #1 or #2 etc. is used, depending on the position of the
        term. For example, equations(1) indicates that all first equations
        are to be matched into one equation named #1. All equations not
        matched by position are matched by name.

    eform[(pattern)] displays the coefficient table in exponentiated form.
        The exponent of b is displayed in lieu of the untransformed
        coefficient; standard errors and confidence intervals are transformed
        as well. Specify a pattern if the exponentiation is to be applied
        only for certain models. For instance, eform(1 0 1) would transform
        the statistics for Models 1 and 3, but not for Model 2. Note that,
        unlike regress and estimates table, estout in eform-mode does not
        suppress the display of the intercept. To drop the intercept in
        eform-mode, specify drop(_cons). Note: eform is implemented via the
        transform() option. If both options are specified, transform() takes
        precedence over eform.

    transform(list [, pattern(pattern)]) displays transformed coefficients,
        standard errors and confidence intervals. list may be

            fx dfx

        where fx is the transformation function and dfx is its first
        derivative. fx is applied to coefficients and confidence intervals,
        that is, fx(b) and fx(ci) is displayed instead of b and ci. dfx is
        used to delta transform standard errors, i.e. se*dfx(b) is displayed
        instead of se. Use @ as a placeholder for the function's argument in
        fx and dfx. For example, type

            estout ..., transform(exp(@) exp(@))

        to report exponentiated results (this is equivalent to specifying the
        eform option).

        Alternatively, list may be specified as

            coefs fx dfx [ ... [coefs] fx dfx ]

        where coefs identifies the coefficients to be transformed. Syntax for
        coefs is as explained above in the description of the drop() option
        (however, include coefs in quotes if it contains multiple elements).
        Say, a model has two equations, price and select, and you want to
        exponentiate the price equation but not the select equation. You
        could then type

            estout ..., transform(price: exp(@) exp(@))

        Note that omitting coef in the last transformation specification
        causes the last transformation to be applied to all remaining

        Specify the pattern() suboption if the transformations are to be
        applied only for certain models. For instance, pattern(1 0 1) would
        apply the transformation to Models 1 and 3, but not Model 2.

    margin[(u|c|p)] indicates that the marginal effects or elasticities be
        reported instead of the raw coefficients. This option has an effect
        only if mfx has been applied to a model before its results were
        stored (see help mfx) or if a dprobit (see help probit),
        truncreg,marginal (help truncreg), or dtobit (Cong 2000) model is
        estimated. One of the parameters u, c, or p, corresponding to the
        unconditional, conditional, and probability marginal effects,
        respectively, is required for dtobit. Note that the standard errors,
        confidence intervals, t-statistics, and p-values are transformed as

        Using the margin option with multiple-equation models can be tricky.
        The marginal effects of variables that are used in several equations
        are printed repeatedly for each equation because the equations per se
        are meaningless for mfx. To display the effects for certain equations
        only, specify the meqs() option. Alternatively, use the keep() and
        drop() options to eliminate redundant rows. The equations() option
        might also be of help here.

    discrete(string) may be used to override the default symbol and
        explanatory text used to identify dummy variables when reporting
        marginal effects. The first token in string is used as the symbol.
        The default is:

            discrete(" (d)" for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to

        To display explanatory text, specify either the legend option or use
        the @discrete variable (see the Remarks on using @-variables).

        Use nodiscrete to disable the identification of dummy variables as
        such. The default is to indicate the dummy variables unless they have
        been interpreted as continuous variables in all of the models for
        which results are reported (for dprobit and dtobit, however, dummy
        variables will always be listed as discrete variables unless
        nodiscrete is specified).

    meqs(eq_list) specifies that marginals be printed only for the equations
        in eq_list. Specifying this option does not affect how the marginals
        are calculated.  An eq_list comprises one or more equation names
        (without colons) separated by white space. If you use the equations()
        option to match equations, be sure to refer to the matched equation
        names and not to the original equation names in the models.

    dropped[(string)] causes null coefficients (coefficients for which e(b)
        and e(V) is zero) to be indicated as dropped. string specifies the
        text to be printed in place of the estimates. The default text is

    level(#) assigns the confidence level, in percent, for the confidence
        intervals of the coefficients (see help level).

    ----+ Summary statistics +-----------------------------------------------

    stats(scalarlist[, stats_subopts]) specifies one or more scalar
        statistics - separated by white space - to be displayed at the bottom
        of the table. The scalarlist may contain numeric e()-scalars such as,
        e.g., N, r2, or chi2, but also string e()-macros such as cmd or
        depvar. In addition, the following statistics are available:

            aic     Akaike's information criterion
            bic     Schwarz's information criterion
            rank    rank of e(V), i.e. the number of free parameters in model
            p       the p-value of the model (overall model significance)

        See [R] estimates table for details on the aic and bic statistics.
        The rules for the determination of p are as follows (note that
        although the procedure outlined below is appropriate for most models,
        there might be some models for which it is not):

            1) p-value provided: If the e(p) scalar is provided by the
               estimation command, it will be interpreted as indicating the
               p-value of the model.

            2) F test: If e(p) is not provided, estout checks for the
               presence of the e(df_m), e(df_r), and e(F) scalars and, if
               they are present, the p-value of the model will be calculated
               as Ftail(df_m,df_r,F). This p-value corresponds to the
               standard overall F test of linear regression.

            3) chi2 test: Otherwise, if neither e(p) nor e(F) is provided,
               estout checks for the presence of e(df_m) and e(chi2) and, if
               they are present, calculates the p-value as
               chi2tail(df_m,chi2). This p-value corresponds to the
               Likelihood-Ratio or Wald chi2 test.

            4) If neither e(p), e(F), nor e(chi2) is available, no p-value
               will be reported.

        Type ereturn list after estimating a model to see a list of the
        returned e()-scalars and macros (see help ereturn). Use the estadd
        command to add extra statistics and other information to the

        The following stats_subopts are available. Use:

            fmt(fmt [fmt ...]) to set the display formats for the scalars
                statistics in scalarlist.  fmt may be any of Stata's
                numerical display formats, e.g., %9.0g or %8.2f, an integer #
                such as 1 or 3 to use a fixed format with # decimal places,
                or a# such as a1 or a3 to use estout's adaptive display
                format (see Numerical formats in the {help
                estout##rem:Remarks} section for details). For example, fmt(3
                0) would be suitable for stats(r2_a N). Note that the last
                specified format is used for the remaining scalars if the
                list of scalars is longer than the list of formats. Thus,
                only one format needs to be specified if all scalars are to
                be displayed in the same format. If no format is specified,
                the default format is the display format of the coefficients.

            labels(strlist[, label_subopts]) to specify labels for rows
                containing the scalar statistics. If specified, the labels
                are used instead of the scalar names. For example:

                    . estout ..., stats(r2_a N, labels("Adj. R-Square"
                    "Number of Cases"))

                Note that names like r2_a produce an error in LaTeX because
                the underscore character has a special meaning in LaTeX (to
                print the underscore in LaTeX, type \_). Use the label()
                suboption to rename such statistics, e.g. stats(r2_a,
                labels(r2\_a)). An alternative approach is to use estout's
                substitute() option (see the Layout options).

            star[(scalarlist)] to specify that the overall significance of
                the model be denoted by stars. The stars are attached to the
                scalar statistics specified in scalarlist. If scalarlist is
                omitted, the stars are attached to the first reported scalar
                statistic. The printing of the stars is suppressed in empty
                results cells (i.e. if the scalar statistic in question is
                missing for a certain model). The determination of the model
                significance is based on the p-value of the model (see

                Hint: It is possible to attach the stars to different scalar
                statistics within the same table. For example, specify
                stats(,star(r2_a r2_p)) when tabulating OLS estimates and,
                say, probit estimates. For the OLS models, the F test will be
                carried out and the significance stars will be attached to
                the r2_a; for the probit models, the chi2 test will be used
                and the stars will appear next to the r2_p.

            layout(array) to rearrange the summary statistics. The default is
                to print the statistics in separate rows beneath one another
                (in each model's first column). The syntax for array is

                    <row> [ <row> ... ]

                where row is

                    <cell> [ <cell> ... ]

                and @ is used as a placeholder for the statistics, one after
                another. Rows and cells that contain blanks have to be
                embraced in quotes. For example,

                     ... stats(chi2 df_m N, layout("@ @" @))

                prints for each model in row 1/column 1 the chi-squared, in
                row1/column 2 the degrees of freedom, and in row 2/column 1
                the number of observations. Cells may contain multiple
                statistics and text other than the placeholder symbol is
                printed as is (provided the cells' statistics are part of the
                model). For example,

                     ... stats(chi2 df_m N, layout(`""@ (@)""' @))

                prints a cell containing "chi2 (df_m)" in the first row and
                the number of observations in the second row. Note that the
                number of columns in the table only depends on the cells()
                option (see above) and not on the layout() suboption. If, for
                example, the table has two columns per model and you specify
                three columns of summary statistics, the summary statistics
                in the third column are not printed.

            pchar(symbol) to specify the placeholder symbol used in layout().
                The default placeholder is @.

    ----+ Significance stars +-----------------------------------------------

    starlevels(levelslist) overrides the default thresholds and symbols for
        "significance stars". For instance, starlevels(+ 0.10 * 0.05) sets
        the following thresholds: + for p<.10 and * for p<.05. Note that the
        thresholds must lie in the (0,1] interval and must be specified in
        descending order. To, for example, denote insignificant results, type
        starlevels(* 1 "" 0.05).

    stardrop(droplist [, relax]) identifies the coefficients for which the
        significance stars be suppressed. droplist is specified as in drop()
        (see above).

    starkeep(keeplist [, relax]) selects the coefficients for which the
        significance stars, if requested, be printed. keeplist is specified
        analogous to droplist in drop() (see above).

    stardetach specifies that a delimiter be placed between the statistics
        and the significance stars (i.e. that the stars are to be displayed
        in their own column).

    ----+ Layout +-----------------------------------------------------------

    varwidth(#) specifies the number of characters used to display the names
        (labels) of regressors and statistics (i.e. varwidth specifies the
        width of the table's left stub). Long names (labels) are abbreviated
        (depending on the abbrev option) and short or empty cells are padded
        out with blanks to fit the width specified by the user.  varwidth set
        to 0 means that the names are not abbreviated and no white space is
        added. Specifying low values may cause misalignment.

    modelwidth(# [# ...]) designates the number of characters used to display
        the results columns. If a non-zero modelwidth is specified, model
        names are abbreviated if necessary (depending on the abbrev option)
        and short or empty results cells are padded out with blanks. In
        contrast, modelwidth does not shorten or truncate the display of the
        results themselves (coefficients, t-statistics, summary statistics,
        etc.) although it may add blanks if needed.  modelwidth set to 0
        means that the model names are not abbreviated and no white space is
        added. Specifying low values may cause misalignment. Specify a list
        of numbers in modelwidth() to assign individual widths to the
        different results columns (the list is recycled if there are more
        columns than numbers).

        The purpose of modelwidth is to be able to construct a fixed-format
        table and thus make the raw table more readable. Be aware, however,
        that the added blanks may cause problems with the conversion to a
        table in word processors or spreadsheets.

    unstack specifies that the individual equations from multiple-equation
        models (e.g. mlogit, reg3, heckman) be placed in separate columns.
        The default is to place the equations below one another in a single
        column. Summary statistics will be reported for each equation if
        unstack is specified and the estimation command is either reg3,
        sureg, or mvreg (see help reg3, help sureg, help mvreg).

    begin(string) specifies a string to be printed at the beginning of every
        table row. It is possible to use special functions such as _tab or
        _skip in begin(). For more information on using such functions, see
        the description of the functions in help file.

    delimiter(string) designates the delimiter used between the table
        columns. See the begin option above for further details.

    end(string) specifies a string to be printed at the end of every table
        row. See the begin option above for further details.

    incelldelimiter(string) specifies text to be printed between parameter
        statistics that have been combined in a single cell by the &
        operator. See the cells() option for details. The default string is a
        single blank.

    dmarker(string) specifies the form of the decimal marker. The standard
        decimal symbol (a period or a comma, depending on the input provided
        to set dp; see help format) is replaced by string.

    msign(string) determines the form of the minus sign. The standard minus
        sign (-) is replaced by string.

    lz specifies that the leading zero of fixed format numbers in the
        interval (-1,1) be printed. This is the default. Use nolz to advise
        estout to omit the leading zeros (that is, to print numbers like
        0.021 or -0.33 as .021 and -.33).

    extracols(numlist) inserts empty table columns at the indicated
        positions. For example, extracols(1) adds an extra column between the
        left stub of the table and the first column.

    substitute(subst_list) specifies that the substitutions specified in
        subst_list be applied to the estimates table after it has been
        created. Specify subst_list as a list of substitution pairs, that is:

            from to [from to ...]

        For example, specify substitute(_ \_) to replace the underscore
        character (as in _cons or F_p) with it's LaTeX equivalent \_.

    ----+ Labeling +---------------------------------------------------------

    label specifies that variable labels be displayed instead of variable
        names in the left stub of the table.

    abbrev specifies that long names and labels be abbreviated if a
        modelwidth() and/or a varwidth() is specified.

    wrap causes long variable labels to be wrapped if space permits and a
        varwidth() is specified. The wrap option is only useful if several
        parameter statistics are printed beneath one another and, therefore,
        white space is available beneath the labels.

    title(string) may be used to specify a title for the table.  The string
        is printed at the top of the table unless prehead(), posthead(),
        prefoot(), or postfoot() is specified. In the latter case, the
        variable @title can be used to insert the title.

    note(string) may be used to specify a note for the table.  The string is
        printed at the bottom, of the table unless prehead(), posthead(),
        prefoot(), or postfoot() is specified. In the latter case, the
        variable @note can be used to insert the note.

    legend adds a legend explaining the significance symbols and thresholds.

    prehead(strlist), posthead(strlist), prefoot(strlist), and
        postfoot(strlist) may be used to define lists of text lines to appear
        before and after the table heading or the table footer. For example,
        the specification

            . estout ..., prehead("\S_DATE \S_TIME" "")

        would add a line containing the current date and time followed by an
        empty line before the table. Various substitution functions can be
        used as part of the text lines specified in strlist (see the Remarks
        on using @-variables). For example, @hline plots a horizontal "line"
        (series of dashes, by default; see the hlinechar() option) or @M
        inserts the number of models in the table. @M could be used in a
        LaTeX table heading as follows:

            . estout ..., prehead(\begin{tabular}{l*{@M}{r}})

    hlinechar(string) specifies the character(s) to be used in @hline. The
        default is hlinechar(-), resulting in a dashed line. To produce a
        solid line, specify hlinechar(`=char(151)') (Windows only; other
        systems may use other codes).

    varlabels(matchlist[, suboptions]) may be used to relabel the regressors
        from the models, where matchlist is

            name label [name label ...]

        A name is a parameter name (e.g. price) or a full name (e.g.
        mean:price) (abbreviation and wildcards not allowed). For example,
        specify varlabels(_cons Constant) to replace each occurrence of _cons
        with Constant. (Note that, in LaTeX, the underscore character
        produces an error unless it is specified as \_. Thus, names such as
        _cons should always be changed if the estimates table is to be used
        with LaTeX. The substitute() may also be helpful; see the Layout
        options.) The suboptions are:

            blist(matchlist) to assign specific prefixes to certain rows in
                the table body. Specify the matchlist as pairs of regressors
                and prefixes, that is:

                    name prefix [name prefix ...]

                A name is a parameter name (e.g. price), an equation name
                followed by a colon (e.g. mean:), or a full name (e.g.
                mean:price) (abbreviation and wildcards not allowed). Note
                that equation names cannot be used if the unstack option is

            elist(matchlist) to assign specific suffixes to certain rows in
                the table body (see the analogous blist() option above). This
                option may, for example, be useful for separating thematic
                blocks of variables by adding vertical space at the end of
                each block. A LaTeX example:

                    . estout ..., varlabels(,elist(price \addlinespace mpg

                (the macro \addlinespace is provided by the booktabs package
                in LaTeX)

            label_subopts, which are explained in their own section.

    labcol2(strlist[, suboptions]) adds a second column containing additional
        labels for the coefficients and summary statistics. Labels containing
        spaces should be embraced in double quotes ("label 1" "label 2"
        etc.). An example would be to add a column indicating the
        hypothesized directions of effects, e.g.,

        . estout ..., labcol2(+ - +/- + 0)

        The suboptions are:

            title(strlist) to add text in the table header above the column.
                Use double quotes to break the title into several rows (given
                there are multiple header rows), i.e. specify strlist as
                "line 1" "line 2" etc.

            width(#) to set the width, in number of characters, of the
                column. The default is the value of modelwidth().

    refcat(matchlist[, suboptions]) may be used to insert a row containing
        information on the reference category of a categorical variable in
        the model. matchlist is

            name refcat [name refcat ...]

        A name is a parameter name (e.g. _Irep78_2) (abbreviation and
        wildcards not allowed). For example, assume that you include the
        categorical variable rep78 ("Repair Record 1978" from the auto
        dataset) in some of your models using xi (see help xi). Since rep78
        has five levels, 1 through 5, xi will create 4 dummy variables,
        _Irep78_2 through _Irep78_5. You can now type

            . estout ..., refcat(_Irep78_2 _Irep78_1)

        to add a table row containing "_Irep78_1" in the left stub and "ref."
        in each column in which the _Irep78_2 dummy appears. The suboptions

            label(string) to specify the label that is printed in the table
                columns. The default is label(ref.). Type nolabel to suppress
                the default label.

            below to position the reference category row below the specified
                coefficient's row. The default is above. For example, if the
                5th category of rep78 is used as reference category, i.e. if
                _Irep78_1 through _Irep78_4 are included in the models, you
                might want to type refcat(_Irep78_4 _Irep78_5, below).

    mlabels(strlist[, suboptions]) determines the model captions printed in
        the table heading. The default is to use the names of the stored
        estimation sets (or their titles, if the label option is specified
        and titles are available). The suboptions for use with mlabels are:

            depvars to specify that the name (or label) of the (first)
                dependent variable of the model be used as model label.

            titles to specify that, if available, the title of the stored
                estimation set be used as the model label. Note that the
                label option implies titles (unless notitles is specified).
                depvars takes precedence over titles.

            numbers to cause the model labels to be numbered consecutively.

            label_subopts, which are explained in their own section.

    collabels(strlist[, label_subopts]) specifies labels for the columns
        within models or equations. The default is to compose a label from
        the names or labels of the statistics printed in the cells of that
        column. The label_subopts are explained in their own section below.

    eqlabels(strlist[, suboptions]) labels the equations. The default is to
        use the equation names as stored by the estimation command, or to use
        the variable labels if the equation names correspond to individual
        variables and the label option is specified. The suboptions for use
        with eqlabels are:

            merge to merge equation labels and parameter labels instead of
                printing equation labels in separate rows. Equation and
                parameter labels will be separated by ":" unless another
                delimiter is specified via the suffix() suboption (see
                label_subopts).  merge has no effect if unstack is specified.

            label_subopts, which are explained in their own section. Note
                that eqlabels(none) causes _cons to be replaced with the
                equation name or label, if _cons is the only parameter in an
                equation. This is useful, e.g., for tabulating ologit or
                oprobit results in Stata 9. Specify eqlabels("", none) to not
                replace _cons.

    mgroups(strlist[, suboptions]) may be used to labels groups of
        (consecutive) models at the top of the table heading. The labels are
        placed in the first physical column of the output for the group of
        models to which they apply. The suboptions for use with mgroups are:

            pattern(pattern) to establish how the models are to be grouped.
                pattern should be a list of zeros and ones, with ones
                indicating the start of a new group of models. For example,

                    . estout ..., mgroups("Group 1" "Group 2", pattern(1 0 0
                    1 0))

                would group Models 1, 2, and 3 together and then groups
                Models 4 and 5 together as well. Note that the first group
                will always start with the first model regardless of whether
                the first token of pattern is a one or a zero.

            label_subopts, which are explained in their own section. In
                particular, the span suboption might be of interest here.

    numbers[(l r)] adds a row to the table header displaying consecutive
        model numbers. The default is to enclose the numbers in parentheses,
        i.e. (1), (2), etc.  Alternatively, specify l and r to change the
        tokens on the left and right of each number. For example, numbers(""
        ")") would result in 1), 2), etc.

    ----+ Output +-----------------------------------------------------------

    replace permits estout to overwrite an existing file.

    append specifies that the output be appended to an existing file. It may
        be used even if the file does not yet exist.

    type specifies that the assembled estimates table be printed in the
        results window and the log file. This is the default unless using is
        specified. Use notype to suppress the display of the table.

    showtabs requests that tabs be displayed as <T>s in both the results
        window and the log file instead of in expanded form. This option does
        not affect how tabs are written to the text file specified by using.

    topfile(filename) and bottomfile(filename) may be used to insert text
        before and after the table, where the text is imported from a file on
        disk. Note that substitute() does not apply to text inserted by
        topfile() or bottomfile().

    ----+ Defaults +---------------------------------------------------------

    style(style) specifies a "style" for the output table. defaults(style) is
        a synonym for style(style). A "style" is a named combination of
        options that is saved in an auxiliary file called estout_style.def.
        In addition, there are five internal styles called smcl (default for
        screen display), tab (export default), fixed, tex, and html. The smcl
        style is suitable for displaying the table in Stata's results window
        and is the default unless using is specified. It includes SMCL
        formatting tags and horizontal lines to structure the table. The
        particulars of the other styles are:

            settings                 styles
                         tab     fixed   tex     html
            begin                                <tr><td>
            delimiter    _tab    " "     &       </td><td>
            end                          \\      </td></tr>
            varwidth     0       12/20*  12/20*  12/20*
            modelwidth   0       12      12      12
            abbrev       off     on      off     off
                                         (* if label is on)

        tab is the default export style (i.e. if using is specified).

        Note that explicitly specified options take precedence over settings
        provided by a style. For example, if you type

            . estout, delimiter("") style(tab)

        then the column delimiter will be set to empty string since the
        delimiter() option overwrites the default from the tab style.
        Similarly, specifying noabbrev will turn abbreviation off if using
        the fixed style.

        See Defaults files in the Remarks section to make available your own

    ----+ label_subopts +----------------------------------------------------

    The following suboptions may be used within the mgroups(), mlabels(),
    collabels(), eqlabels(), varlabels(), and stats(, labels()) options:

    none suppresses the printing of the labels or drops the part of the table
        heading to which it applies. Note that instead of typing
        option(, none) you may simply specify option(none).

    prefix(string) specifies a common prefix to be added to each label.

    suffix(string) specifies a common suffix to be added to each label.

    begin(strlist) specifies a prefix to be printed at the beginning of the
        part of the table to which it applies. If begin is specified in
        varlabels() or stats(,labels()), the prefix will be repeated for each
        regressor or summary statistic.

    first specifies that the first occurrence of the begin()-prefix in
        varlabels() or stats(,labels()) be printed. This is the default. Use
        nofirst to suppress the first occurrence of the prefix. In
        varlabels(), nofirst applies equation-wise, i.e., the first
        begin()-prefix in each equation is suppressed (unless unstack is

    end(strlist) specifies a suffix to be printed at the end of the part of
        the table to which it applies. If end is specified in varlabels() or
        stats(,labels()), the suffix will be repeated for each regressor or
        summary statistic.

    last specifies that the last occurrence of the end()-suffix in
        varlabels() or stats(,labels()) be printed. This is the default. Use
        nolast to suppress the last occurrence of the suffix. In varlabels(),
        nolast applies equation-wise, i.e., the last end()-suffix in each
        equation is suppressed (unless unstack is specified).

    replace causes the label suboption begin()-prefix and end()-suffix to be
        used instead of the global begin() and end() strings. The default is
        to print both. replace also applies to blist() and elist() if
        specified in varlabels().

    span causes labels to span columns, i.e. extends the labels across
        several columns, if appropriate. This suboption is relevant only for
        the mgroups(), mlabels(), eqlabels(), and collabels() options. The
        @span string returns the number of spanned columns if it is included
        in the label, prefix, or suffix. A LaTeX example:

        . estout ..., mlabels(, span prefix(\multicolumn{@span}{c}{)

    erepeat(string) specifies a string that is repeated for each group of
        spanned columns at the very end of the row if the span suboption is
        specified. This suboption is relevant only for the mgroups(),
        mlabels(), eqlabels(), and collabels() options. If the @span string
        is included in string it will be replaced by the range of columns
        spanned. A LaTeX example:

        . estout ..., mlabels(, span erepeat(\cline{@span}))

    lhs(string) inserts string into the otherwise empty cell in the left stub
        of the row of the table heading to which it applies. This suboption
        is relevant only for the mgroups(), mlabels(), eqlabels(), and
        collabels() options.

    ----+ matrix_subopts +---------------------------------------------------

    The following suboptions may be applied within the matrix(), e(), or r()
    argument used to tabulate a matrix:

    fmt(fmtlist) sets the display formats for the matrix.  fmtlist contains a
        list of format specifications, one for each column of the matrix.
        fmtlist is recycled if it supplies less specifications than there are
        columns in the matrix. A format specification may be a single fmt
        such as, e.g., %9.0g or a3 (see Numerical formats in the Remarks
        section for details) to be applied to all cells in the column.
        Alternatively, a format specification may be a list of fmts, enclosed
        in double quotes, to be used for the cells in the column one by one.
        The last format in the list is used for the remaining cells if the
        number of cells in the column is greater than the number of formats
        in the list. Also see the examples below.

    transpose causes the matrix to be transposed for tabulation.


        Publication style table
        t-statistics for selected variables only
        Summary statistics only
        Table of descriptives
        Unstack multiple equations
        Marginal effects
        Tabulating a matrix

    Please first read the Introduction. The other examples are more advanced
    and intended for users already familiar with the basic features of
    estout. Additional examples can be found in Jann (2005) and at

    ----+ Introduction +-----------------------------------------------------

    The full syntax of estout is rather complex and is to be found above.
    However, consider the following basic syntax, which includes only the
    most important options:

        estout [ namelist ] [ using filename ] [ , cells(array)
               stats(scalarlist) style(style) more_options ]

    where namelist is a list of the names of stored estimation sets (the name
    list can be entered as * to refer to all stored estimates). The cells()
    and stats() options determine the primary contents of the table. The
    style() option determines the basic formatting of the table.

    Basic usage

    The general procedure for using estout is to first store several models
    using the estimates store or the eststo command and then apply estout to
    display or save a table of the estimates. By default, estout displays a
    plain table of the coefficients of the models and uses SMCL tags and
    horizontal lines to structure the table:

        . sysuse auto
        (1978 Automobile Data)

        . replace price = price / 1000
        price was int now float
        (74 real changes made)

        . replace weight = weight / 1000
        weight was int now float
        (74 real changes made)

        . quietly regress price weight mpg
        . estimates store m1, title(Model 1)
        . generate forXmpg = foreign * mpg
        . quietly regress price weight mpg forXmpg foreign
        . estimates store m2, title(Model 2)
        . estout m1 m2
                               m1           m2
                                b            b
        weight           1.746559     4.613589
        mpg             -.0495122     .2631875
        forXmpg                      -.3072165
        foreign                       11.24033
        _cons            1.946068    -14.44958

    Alternatively, if using is specified, estout writes a raw tab-delimited
    table (without SMCL tags and without lines) to the indicated file (* is
    used in the following example to indicate that all stored models be

        . estout * using example.txt
        (output written to example.txt)

        . type example.txt
                m1      m2
                b       b
        weight  1.746559        4.613589
        mpg     -.0495122       .2631875
        forXmpg         -.3072165
        foreign         11.24033
        _cons   1.946068        -14.44958
    The table looks messy in the Stata results window or the Stata log
    because the columns are tab-separated (note that tab characters are not
    preserved in the results window or the log). However, the table would
    look tidy if "example.txt" were opened, for example, in a spreadsheet

    Choosing a style

    estout has a style() option to set the basic format of the table. The
    default style for screen display is the smcl style.  The default export
    style (i.e. if using is specified) is the tab style. (See the examples
    above.) Other predefined styles are fixed, tex, and html, but it is also
    possible to define one's own styles (see Defaults files in the Remarks
    section). The tex style, for example, modifies the output table for use
    with LaTeX's tabular environment:

        . estout *, style(tex) varlabels(_cons \_cons)
                    &          m1&          m2\\
                    &           b&           b\\
        weight      &    1.746559&    4.613589\\
        mpg         &   -.0495122&    .2631875\\
        forXmpg     &            &   -.3072165\\
        foreign     &            &    11.24033\\
        \_cons      &    1.946068&   -14.44958\\
    Note that _cons has been replaced by its LaTeX equivalent in the example
    above using the varlabels() option (the underscore character produces an
    error in LaTeX unless it is preceded by a backslash). For more
    information on the varlabels() option, see estout's Labeling options.

    The cells option

    Use the cells() option to specify the parameter statistics to be
    tabulated and how they are to be arranged. The parameter statistics
    available are b (point estimates; the default), se (standard errors), t
    (t-/z-statistics), p (p-values), ci (confidence intervals; to display the
    lower and upper bounds in separate cells use ci_l and ci_u), as well as
    any additional parameter statistics included in the e()-returns for the
    models (see estout's Parameter Statistics options). For example, cells(b
    se) results in the reporting of point estimates and standard errors:

        . estout *, cells(b se)
                               m1           m2
                             b/se         b/se
        weight           1.746559     4.613589
                         .6413538     .7254961
        mpg             -.0495122     .2631875
                          .086156     .1107961
        forXmpg                      -.3072165
        foreign                       11.24033
        _cons            1.946068    -14.44958
                          3.59705      4.42572

    Multiple statistics are placed in separate rows beneath one another by
    default as in the example above. However, elements that are listed in
    quotes or in parentheses are placed beside one another. For example,
    specifying cells("b se t p") or, equivalently, cells((b se t p)) produces
    the following table:

        . estout m2, cells("b se t p")
                                b           se            t            p
        weight           4.613589     .7254961     6.359219     1.89e-08
        mpg              .2631875     .1107961     2.375421     .0203122
        forXmpg         -.3072165     .1085307    -2.830687     .0060799
        foreign          11.24033     2.751681     4.084896     .0001171
        _cons           -14.44958      4.42572     -3.26491     .0017061

    The two approaches can be combined. For example, cells("b p" se) would
    produce a table with point estimates and standard errors beneath one
    another in the first column and p-values in the top row of the second
    column for each model.

    Note that for each statistic named in the cells() option a set of
    suboptions may be specified in parentheses. For example, in social
    sciences it is common to report standard errors or t-statistics in
    parentheses beneath the coefficients and to indicate the significance of
    individual coefficients with stars. Furthermore, the results are rounded.
    Just such a table can be created using the following procedure:

        . estout *, cells(b(star fmt(3)) t(par fmt(2)))
                               m1              m2
                              b/t             b/t
        weight              1.747**         4.614***
                           (2.72)          (6.36)   
        mpg                -0.050           0.263*  
                          (-0.57)          (2.38)   
        forXmpg                            -0.307** 
        foreign                            11.240***
        _cons               1.946         -14.450** 
                           (0.54)         (-3.26)   

    The estout default is to display * for p<.05, ** for p<.01, and *** for
    p<.001. However, note that the significance thresholds and symbols are
    fully customizable (see estout's Significance stars options).

    The stats option

    Finally, use the stats() option to specify scalar statistics to be
    displayed for each model in the table footer. The available scalar
    statistics are aic (Akaike's information criterion), bic (Schwarz's
    information criterion), rank (the rank of e(V), i.e. the number of free
    parameters in model), p (the p-value of the model), as well as any
    numeric or string scalars contained in the e()-returns for the models
    (see estout's Summary statistics options). For example, specify stats(r2
    bic N) to add the R-squared, BIC, and the number of cases:

        . estout *, stats(r2 bic N)
                               m1           m2
                                b            b
        weight           1.746559     4.613589
        mpg             -.0495122     .2631875
        forXmpg                      -.3072165
        foreign                       11.24033
        _cons            1.946068    -14.44958
        r2               .2933891     .5516277
        bic              356.2918     331.2406
        N                      74           74

    ----+ Publication style table +------------------------------------------

        . label variable foreign "Foreign car type"
        . label variable forXmpg "Foreign*Mileage"
        . estout *, cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par))                ///
        >     stats(r2_a N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(R-squared))      ///
        >     legend label collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant)
                                  Model 1         Model 2
        Weight (lbs.)               1.747**         4.614***
                                  (0.641)         (0.725)   
        Mileage (mpg)              -0.050           0.263*  
                                  (0.086)         (0.111)   
        Foreign*Mileage                            -0.307** 
        Foreign car type                           11.240***
        Constant                    1.946         -14.450** 
                                  (3.597)         (4.426)   
        R-squared                   0.273           0.526   
        N                              74              74   
        * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

    ----+ t-statistics for selected variables only +-------------------------

        . estout *, cells(b(star) t(par keep(mpg)))
                               m1              m2
                              b/t             b/t
        weight           1.746559**      4.613589***
        mpg             -.0495122        .2631875*  
                      (-.5746806)      (2.375421)   
        forXmpg                         -.3072165** 
        foreign                          11.24033***
        _cons            1.946068       -14.44958** 

    ----+ Summary statistics only +------------------------------------------

        . estout *, cells(none) stats(r2_a bic N, star)
                               m1              m2
        r2_a             .2734846***     .5256351***
        bic              356.2918        331.2406   
        N                      74              74   

    ----+ Table of descriptives +--------------------------------------------

        . quietly generate x = uniform()
        . quietly regress x price weight mpg foreign
        . estadd mean

        added matrix:
                       e(mean) :  1 x 5
        . estadd sd, nobinary

        added matrix:
                         e(sd) :  1 x 5
        . estout, cells("mean sd") stats(N) mlabels(,none) drop(_cons)
                             mean           sd
        price            6.165257     2.949496
        weight           3.019459     .7771936
        mpg               21.2973     5.785503
        foreign          .2972973             
        N                      74             

    ----+ Unstack multiple equations +---------------------------------------

        . quietly sureg (price foreign weight length) ///
        >               (mpg displ = foreign weight)
        . estout, cells(b t(par)) stats(r2 chi2 p) unstack
                            price          mpg displacement
                              b/t          b/t          b/t
        foreign           3.57526    -1.650029     -25.6127
                       (5.749891)  (-1.565555)  (-2.047999)
        weight           5.691462    -6.587886     96.75485
                       (6.182983)  (-10.55641)   (13.06594)
        length          -.0882711                          
        _cons            4.506212      41.6797    -87.23547
                       (1.255897)   (19.64914)   (-3.46585)
        r2                .548808     .6627029     .8115213
        chi2             89.73586     145.3912     318.6174
        p                2.50e-19     2.68e-32     6.50e-70

    ----+ Marginal effects +-------------------------------------------------

        . generate record = 0
        . replace record = 1 if rep > 3
        (34 real changes made)

        . eststo raw: quietly logit foreign mpg record
        . eststo mfx: quietly mfx
        . estout raw mfx, cells("b Xmfx_X(pattern(0 1))" se(par)) margin legend
                              raw          mfx
                             b/se         b/se       Xmfx_X
        mpg              .1079219     .0184528      21.2973
                       (.0565077)   (.0101674)             
        record (d)       2.435068     .4271707     .4594595
                       (.7128444)   (.1043178)             
        _cons           -4.689347                          
        (d) for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1

    ----+ Tabulating a matrix +----------------------------------------------

    Use estout matrix(matname) to tabulate Stata matrix matname. Example:

        . set seed 123
        . matrix A = matuniform(3,2)
        . matrix list A

                c1         c2
        r1  .91204397   .0075452
        r2  .28085881  .46027868
        r3  .56010592  .67319061
        . estout matrix(A)
                               c1           c2
        r1                .912044     .0075452
        r2               .2808588     .4602787
        r3               .5601059     .6731906

    Numeric formats for the columns can be set using the fmt() suboption:

        . estout matrix(A, fmt(2 3))
                               c1           c2
        r1                   0.91        0.008
        r2                   0.28        0.460
        r3                   0.56        0.673

    A list of formats can be specified for each column:

        . estout matrix(A, fmt("2 3 4" "4 3 2"))
                               c1           c2
        r1                   0.91       0.0075
        r2                  0.281        0.460
        r3                 0.5601         0.67



        Numerical formats
        Special characters
        Using @-variables
        Defaults files

    ----+ Numerical formats +------------------------------------------------

    Numerical display formats may be specified in estout as follows:

     1. Official Stata's display formats: You may specify formats, such as
        %9.0g or %8.2f. See help format for a list of available formats. %g
        or g may be used as a synonym for %9.0g.

     2. Fixed format: You may specify an integer value such as 0, 1, 2, etc.
        to request a display format with a fixed number of decimal places.
        For example, cells(t(fmt(3))) would display t-statistics with three
        decimal places.

     3. Automatic format: You may specify a1, a2, ..., or a9 to cause esttab
        to choose a reasonable display format for each number depending on
        the number's value. a may be used as a synonym for a3. The # in a#
        determines the minimum precision according to the following rules:

          o Absolute numbers smaller than 1 are displayed with # significant
            decimal places (i.e. with # decimal places ignoring any leading
            zeros after the decimal point). For example, 0.00123456 is
            displayed as 0.00123 if the format is a3.

          o Absolute numbers greater than 1 are displayed with as many digits
            required to retain at least one decimal place and are displayed
            with a minimum of (# + 1) digits. For example, if the format is
            a3, 1.23456 is displayed as 1.235, 12.3456 is displayed as 12.35,
            and 1234.56 is displayed as 1234.6.

          o In any case, integers are displayed with zero decimal places, and
            very large or very small absolute numbers are displayed in
            exponential format.

    ----+ Special characters +-----------------------------------------------

    The \ and $ characters and quotation marks have special meanings in
    Stata. You should therefore consider the following instructions if you,
    for example, intend to specify akward delimiters or specify special
    characters in labels:

      - Strings containing unmatched quotes should be enclosed in compound
        double quotes (thus, delimiter(`"""') results in columns delimited by
        ", while delimiter(") produces an error).

      - The backslash character is used to delay macro expansion in Stata.
        Specifying \\ in Stata 8 just results in the printing of \. To get a
        double backslash in Stata 8 (the \newline command in TeX), type \\\.

      - The dollar sign is used for global macro expansion in Stata. Thus, $x
        would result in the display of the contents of global macro x (or
        nothing, if the macro is empty). Therefore, use \$ to produce $ in
        the output. For math mode in LaTeX I recommend using \(...\) instead
        of $...$.

    Stata's char() function may also be used to specify odd characters (see
    help strfun). In particular, "`=char(9)'" results in a tab character and
    "`=char(13)'" results in a carriage return. For example,
    delimiter(" `=char(9)' ") specifies that a tab character with a leading
    and a trailing blank be used as delimiter.

    Tip: It is sometimes very useful to set the format of all cells in a
    spreadsheet to "Text" before pasting the estimates table. This prevents
    the spreadsheet program from trying to interpret the cells and ensures
    that the contents of the table remain unchanged.

    ----+ Using @-variables +------------------------------------------------

    estout features several variables that can be used within string
    specifications. The following list provides an overview of these

     o  In prehead(), posthead(), prefoot(), and postfoot(), in the begin()
        and end() label suboptions, and in the blist() and elist() suboptions
        in varlabels():

            @span to return the value of a count variable for the total
                number of physical columns of the table.

            @M to return the number of models in the table.

            @E to return the total number columns containing separate

            @width to return the total width of the table (number of

            @hline to return a horizontal line (series of dashes, by default;
                see the hlinechar() option).

     o  In prehead(), posthead(), prefoot(), and postfoot():

            @title to return the title specified with the title() option.

            @note to return the note specified with the note() option.

            @discrete to return the explanations provided by the discrete()
                option (provided that the margin option is activated).

            @starlegend to return a legend explaining the significance

     o  In the prefix() and suffix() suboptions of mgroups(), mlabels(),
        eqlabels(), and collabels(), and in the labels specified in these

            @span to return the number of spanned columns.

     o  In the erepeat() suboption of mgroups(), mlabels(), eqlabels(), and

            @span to return the range of spanned columns (e.g. 2-4 if columns
                2, 3 and 4 are spanned).

    ----+ Defaults files +---------------------------------------------------

    Creating new defaults files:

    To make available an own set of default options, proceed as follows:

        1. Download "estout_mystyle.def" from the SSC Archive (click here to
           copy the file from SSC and store it in the working directory).

        2. Open "estout_mystyle.def" in a text editor and make the desired
           modifications (click here to open "estout_mystyle.def" in Stata's
           Do-File Editor).

        3. Save the file in the current directory or elsewhere in the
           ado-file path as estout_newstyle.def (see help sysdir).

    To use the new options set in estout, then type:

        . estout ... , style(newstyle)

    Defaults files syntax:

    estout has two main types of options, which are treated differentially in
    defaults files. On the one hand, there are simple on/off options without
    arguments, like legend or showtabs. To turn such an option on, enter the
    option followed by the options name as an argument, i.e. add the line

        option option

    to the defaults file. For example,

        legend legend

    specifies that a legend be printed in the table footer. Otherwise, if you
    want to turn the option of, just delete or comment out the line that
    contains it (or specify option without an argument).

    To temporarily turn off an option that has been activated in a defaults
    file, specify nooption in the command line (do not, however, use nooption
    in defaults files). For example, if the legend has been turned on in the
    defaults file, but you want to suppress it in a specific call of estout,

        . estout ..., nolegend

    On the other hand, there are options that take arguments, such as
    prehead(args), delimiter(args), or stats(args, ...). Such options are
    specified as

        option args

    in the defaults file (where args must not include suboptions; see below).
    Specifying an option in the command line overwrites the settings from the
    defaults file. However, note that a no form, which exists for the first
    options type, is not available here.

    Last but not least, there are two options that reflect a combination of
    the first and second types: eform[(args)] and margin[(args)]. These
    options can be specified as either

        option option


        option args

    in the defaults file; the no form is allowed.

    Many estout options have suboptions, i.e., an option might take the form
    option(..., suboption) or option(..., suboption(args)). In the defaults
    file, the suboptions cannot be included in the definition of a
    higher-level option. Instead, they must be specified in their own lines,
    as either

        optionsuboption suboption


        optionsuboption args

    In the case of a two-level nesting of options, the name used to refer to
    the suboption is a concatenation of the option's name and the suboption's
    name, i.e. "optionsuboption"="option"+"suboption". For example, the
    labels() suboption of the stats() option would be set by the term
    statslabels. Analogously, the three level nesting in the stats() option
    yields suboption names composed of three names. For instance, the
    suboption called by the command

        . estout ..., stats(..., labels(..., prefix(args)))

    would be referred to as

        statslabelsprefix args

    in the defaults file. The cells() option represents an exception to this
    rule. It may be defined in the defaults file using only a plain array of
    cells elements without suboptions, e.g.

        cells "b se" p

    However, the suboptions of the cells elements may be referred to as
    el_suboption, for example

        b_star star


        se_par [ ]

    Comments in defaults files:

    Be aware that the support for comments in defaults files is limited. In
    particular, the /* and */ comment indicators cannot be used.  The other
    comment indicators work (more or less) as usual, that is:

     o  Empty lines and lines beginning with * (with or without preceding
        blanks) will be ignored.

     o  // preceded by one or more blanks indicates that the rest of the line
        should be ignored. Lines beginning with // (with or without preceding
        blanks) will be ignored.

     o  /// preceded by one or more blanks indicates that the rest of the
        line should be ignored and the part of the line preceding it should
        be added to the next line. In other words, /// can be used to split
        commands into two or more lines of code.

Saved results

    estout saves the following in r():

      r(nmodels)    number of models
      r(ccols)      number of columns per model in r(coefs)

      r(cmdline)    command as typed
      r(names)      names of models
      r(m#_name)    model-specific macros where # is the model number and
                    name is macro name

      r(coefs)      coefficients
      r(stats)      summary statistics


    Cong, R. (2000). sg144: Marginal effects of the tobit model.  Stata
        Technical Bulletin 56: 27-34.

    Jann, B. (2005). Making regression tables from stored estimates.  The
        Stata Journal 5(3): 288-308.

    Jann, B. (2007). Making regression tables simplified.  The Stata Journal
        7(2): 227-244.

    Newson, R. (2003). Confidence intervals and p-values for delivery to the
        end user. The Stata Journal 3(3): 245-269.


    I would like to thank numerous people for their comments and suggestions.
    Among them are Joao Pedro Azevedo, Kit Baum, Elisabeth Coutts, Henriette
    Engelhardt, Jonathan Gardnerand, Simone Hirschvogl, Daniel Hoechle,
    Friedrich Huebler, Maren Kandulla, J. Scott Long, David Newhouse, Clive
    Nicholas, Fredrik Wallenberg, Ian Watson, and Vince Wiggins.


    Ben Jann, ETH Zurich,

Also see

    Manual:  [R] estimates

    SJ:      SJ5-3 st0085 (Jann 2005)
             SJ7-2 st0085_1 (Jann 2007)

    Online:  help for estimates, estcom, estimates table, ereturn, format, 
             file, mfx, eststo, esttab, estadd, estpost