Documentation for esttab
help esttab also see: estout, eststo, estadd, estpost
esttab -- Display formatted regression table
Table of contents
esttab [ namelist ] [ using filename ] [ , options ]
where namelist is a name, a list of names, or _all. The * and ? wildcards
are allowed in namelist. A name may also be ., meaning the current
(active) estimates.
options description
b(fmt) specify format for point estimates
beta[(fmt)] display beta coefficients instead of point est's
main(name [fmt]) display contents of e(name) instead of point e's
t(fmt) specify format for t-statistics
abs use absolute value of t-statistics
not suppress t-statistics
z[(fmt)] display z-statistics (affects label only)
se[(fmt)] display standard errors instead of t-statistics
p[(fmt)] display p-values instead of t-statistics
ci[(fmt)] display confidence intervals instead of t-stat's
aux(name [fmt]) display contents of e(name) instead of t-stat's
[no]constant do not/do report the intercept
Significance stars
[no]star[(list)] do not/do report significance stars
staraux attach stars to t-stat's instead of point est's
Summary statistics
r2|ar2|pr2[(fmt)] display (adjusted, pseudo) R-squared
aic|bic[(fmt)] display Akaike's or Schwarz's information crit.
scalars(list) display any other scalars contained in e()
sfmt(fmt [...]) set format(s) for scalars()
noobs do not display the number of observations
obslast place the number of observations last
wide place point est's and t-stat's beside one another
onecell combine point est's and t-stat's in a single cell
[no]parentheses do not/do print parentheses around t-statistics
brackets use brackets instead of parentheses
[no]gaps suppress/add vertical spacing
[no]lines suppress/add horizontal lines
noeqlines suppress lines between equations
compress reduce horizontal spacing
plain produce a minimally formatted table
label make use of variable labels
title(string) specify a title for the table
mtitles[(list)] specify model titles to appear in table header
nomtitles disable model titles
[no]depvars do not/do use dependent variables as model titles
[no]numbers do not/do print model numbers in table header
coeflabels(list) specify labels for coefficients
[no]notes suppress/add notes in the table footer
addnotes(list) add lines at the end of the table
Document format
smcl | fixed | tab | csv | scsv | rtf | html | tex | booktabs
set the document format (smcl is the default)
fragment suppress table opening and closing (LaTeX, HTML)
page[(packages)] add page opening and closing (LaTeX, HTML)
alignment(string) set alignment within columns (LaTeX, HTML, RTF)
width(string) set width of table (LaTeX, HTML)
longtable multi-page table (LaTeX)
replace overwrite an existing file
append append the output to an existing file
type force prining the table in the results window
noisily display the executed estout command
drop(list) drop individual coefficients
keep(list) keep individual coefficients
order(list) change order of coefficients
equations(list) match the models' equations
eform report exponentiated coefficients
margin report marginal effects/elasticities
unstack place multiple equations in separate columns
estout_options any other estout options
esttab is a wrapper for estout. It produces a pretty-looking
publication-style regression table from stored estimates without much
typing. The compiled table is displayed in the Stata results window or,
optionally, written to a text file specified by using filename. If
filename is specified without suffix, a default suffix is added depending
on the specified document format (".smcl" for smcl, ".txt" for fixed and
tab, ".csv" for csv and scsv, ".rtf" for rft, ".html" for html, and
".tex" for tex and booktabs).
namelist provides the names of the stored estimation sets to be
tabulated. You may use the * and ? wildcards in namelist. If namelist is
omitted, esttab tabulates the estimation sets stored by eststo (see help
eststo) or, if no such estimates are present, the currently active
estimates (i.e. the model fit last).
See help estimates for information about storing estimation results. An
alternative to the estimates store command is provided by eststo.
esttab can also be used to tabulate a Stata matrix applying syntax
esttab matrix(name), where name is the name of the matrix. Furthermore,
an e()-matrix or r()-matrix can be tabulated specifying esttab e(name) or
esttab r(name). Most options under the headings 'Main', 'Significance
stars', and 'Summary statistics' are irrelevant in this case. See help
estout for further details on tabulating matrices.
----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------
b(fmt) sets the numerical display format for the point estimates. The
default format is a3. (See Numerical formats below for details on
available formats.)
beta[(fmt)] requests that standardized beta coefficients be displayed in
place of the raw point estimates and, optionally, sets the display
format (the default is to print three decimal places). Note that beta
causes the intercept to be dropped from the table (unless constant is
main(name [fmt]) requests that the statistics stored in e(name) be
displayed in place of the point estimates and, optionally, sets the
display format (the default is to use the display format for point
estimates). For example, e(name) may contain statistics added by
estadd (see help estadd).
t(fmt) sets the display format for t-statistics. The default is to
display two decimal places.
abs causes absolute values of t-statistics to be reported.
not suppresses the printing of t-statistics.
z[(fmt)] requests that z-statistics be displayed. z-statistics are the
same as t-statistics. Hence, specifying z does not change the table
contents, it only changes the label.
se[(fmt)] requests that standard errors be displayed in place of
t-statistics and, optionally, sets the display format (the default is
to use the display format for point estimates).
p[(fmt)] requests that p-values be displayed in place of t-statistics
and, optionally, sets the display format (the default is to print
three decimal places)
ci[(fmt)] requests that confidence intervals be displayed in place of
t-statistics and, optionally, sets the display format (the default is
to use the display format for point estimates). level(#) assigns the
confidence level, in percent. The default is level(95) or as set by
set level.
aux(name [fmt]) requests that the statistics stored in e(name) be
displayed in place of t-statistics and, optionally, sets the display
format (the default is to use the display format for point
estimates). For example, e(name) may contain statistics added by
estadd (see help estadd, if installed).
noconstant causes the intercept be dropped from the table. Specify
constant to include the constant in situations where it is dropped by
----+ Significance stars +-----------------------------------------------
star[(symbol level [...])] causes stars denoting the significance of the
coefficients to be printed next to the point estimates. This is the
default. Type nostar to suppress the stars. The default symbols and
thresholds are: * for p<.05, ** for p<.01, and *** for p<.001.
Alternatively, for example, type star(+ 0.10 * 0.05) to set the
following thresholds: + for p<.10 and * for p<.05. Note that the
thresholds must lie in the (0,1] interval and must be specified in
descending order.
staraux causes the significance stars be printed next to the t-statistics
(or standard errors, etc.) instead of the point estimates.
----+ Summary statistics +-----------------------------------------------
r2[(fmt)], ar2[(fmt)], and pr2[(fmt)] include the R-squared, the adjusted
R-squared, and the pseudo-R-squared in the table footer and,
optionally, set the corresponding display formats (the default is to
display three decimal places).
aic[(fmt)] and bic[(fmt)] include Akaike's and Schwarz's information
criterion in the table footer and, optionally, set the corresponding
display formats (the default is to use the display format for point
scalars(list) may be used to add other e()-scalars to the table footer
(type ereturn list to display a list of available e()-scalars after
fitting a model; see help ereturn). For example, scalars(df_m) would
report the model degrees of freedom for each model. list may be a
simple list of names of e()-scalars, e.g.
. esttab, scalars(ll_0 ll chi2)
or, alternatively, a list of quoted name-label pairs, e.g.
. esttab, scalars("ll Log lik." "chi2 Chi-squared")
sfmt(fmt [...]) sets the display format(s) for the statistics specified
in scalars() (the default is to use the display format for point
estimates). If sfmt() contains less elements than scalars(), the last
specified format is used for the remaining scalars. That is, only one
format needs to be specified if the same format be used for all
noobs suppresses displaying information on the number of observations.
The default is to report the number of observations for each model in
the table footer.
obslast displays the number of observations in the last row of the table
footer. The default is to use the first row.
----+ Layout +-----------------------------------------------------------
wide causes point estimates and t-statistics (or standard errors, etc.)
to be printed beside one another instead of beneath one another.
onecell causes point estimates and t-statistics (or standard errors,
etc.) to be combined in a single table cell. This option is useful
primarily in rtf or html mode. In these modes a line break is
inserted between the two statistics. The benefit from using onecell
in rtf or html mode is that long coefficients labels do not derange
the table layout. The default for other modes is to insert a blank
between the statistics. Use estout's incelldelimiter() option to
change this.
parentheses encloses t-statistics (or standard errors, etc.) in
parentheses. This is the default. Specify noparentheses to suppress
the parentheses.
brackets uses square brackets, [], instead of parentheses. Note that
brackets are the default for confidence intervals.
gaps adds empty rows (or, more generally, additional vertical space)
between coefficients to increase readability (empty rows are also
inserted between the table's header, body, and footer, unless lines
is activated). This is the default unless wide or not is specified.
Type nogaps to suppress the extra spacing.
lines adds horizontal lines to the table separating the table's header,
body, and footer and, in the case of multiple equation models, the
equations. This is the default. Specify nolines to suppress the
lines. Lines are always suppressed in the tab and csv modes.
noeqlines suppresses the horizontal lines between equations in the case
of multiple equation models.
compress reduces the amount of horizontal spacing (so that more models
fit on screen without line breaking). The option has no effect in the
tab and csv modes. Furthermore, note that in the TeX and HTML modes
the compress option only changes the arrangement the table's code,
but not the look of the compiled end-product. In rtf, however,
compress changes the look of the formatted table.
plain produces a minimally formatted table. It is a shorthand to
specifying nostar, nodepvars, nonumbers, noparentheses, nogaps,
nolines and nonotes and setting all formats to %9.0g. Note that the
disabled options can be switched on again. For example, type
. esttab, plain star
to produce a plain table including significance stars.
----+ Labeling +---------------------------------------------------------
label specifies that variable labels be used instead of variable names
(and estimation set titles be used instead of estimation set names).
Furthermore, label prints "Constant" instead of "_cons".
title(string) may be used to provide a title for the table. If specified,
string is printed at the top of the table. Note that specifying a
title causes the table to be set up as a floating object in LaTeX
mode. You may want to set a label for referencing in this case. For
example, if you type title(...\label{tab1}), then "\ref{tab1}" could
be used in the LaTeX document to point to the table.
mtitles, without argument, specifies that for each model the title (or,
if empty, the name) of the stored estimation set be printed as the
model's title in the table header. If mtitles is omitted, the default
is to use name or label of the dependent variable as the model's
title (see the depvar option). Alternatively, use mtitles(list)
specifies a list of model titles. Enclose the titles in double quotes
if they contain spaces, e.g. mtitles("Model 1" "Model 2").
nomtitles suppresses printing of model titles.
depvars prints the name (or label) of the (first) dependent variable of a
model as the model's title in the table header. This is the default.
Specify nodepvars to use the names of the stored estimation sets as
numbers includes a row containing consecutive model numbers in the table
header. This is the default. Specify nonumbers to suppress printing
the model numbers.
coeflabels(name label [...]) specifies labels for the coefficients.
Specify names and labels in pairs and, if necessary, enclose labels
in double quotes, e.g. coeflabels(mpg Milage rep78 "Repair Record").
notes prints notes at the end of the table explaining the significance
symbols and the type of displayed statistics. This is the default.
Specify nonotes to suppress the notes.
addnotes(list) may be used to add further lines of text at the bottom of
the table. Lines containing blanks must be enclosed in double quotes,
e.g. addnotes("Line 1" "Line 2").
----+ Document format +--------------------------------------------------
smcl, fixed, tab, csv, scsv, rtf, html, tex, and booktabs choose the
table's basic output format. The default format is smcl unless using
is specified, in which case the default format depends on the
filename's suffix (smcl for ".smcl", csv for ".csv", rtf for ".rtf",
html for ".htm" or ".html", tex for ".tex", and fixed for all other
smcl produces a SMCL formatted table to be displayed in the Stata
results window or the Stata viewer.
fixed produces a fixed-format ASCII table. This is suitable, for
example, if the table be displayed in a text editor.
tab produces a tab-delimited ASCII table.
csv produces a CSV (Comma Separated Value format) table for use with
Microsoft Excel. Delimiter is a comma. In order to prevent Excel from
interpreting the contents of the table cells, they are enclosed
double quotes preceded by an equal sign (i.e. ="..."). However, if
the plain option is specified, the table cells are enclosed in double
quotes without the leading equal sign. The first method is
appropriate if you want to preserve the table's formatting. The
second method is appropriate if you want to use the table's contents
for further computations in Excel.
scsv is a variant on the CSV format that uses a semicolon as the
delimiter. This is appropriate for some non-English versions of Excel
(e.g. the German version).
rtf produces a Rich Text Format table for use with word processors.
html produces a simple HTML formatted table.
tex produces a LaTeX formatted table.
booktabs produces a LaTeX formatted table for use with LaTeX's
booktabs package.
fragment causes the table's opening and closing specifications to be
suppressed. This is relevant primarily in LaTeX and HTML mode.
page[(packages)] adds opening and closing code to define a whole LaTeX or
HTML document. The default is to produce a raw table that can then be
included into an existing LaTeX or HTML document. Specifying packages
in parentheses causes \usepackage{packages} to be added to the
preamble of the LaTeX document (note that the booktabs package is
automatically loaded if booktabs is specified).
alignment(string) may be used to specify the alignment of the models'
columns in LaTeX, HTML, or RTF mode.
In LaTeX mode string should be a LaTeX column specifier. The default
is to center the columns. To produce right-aligned columns, for
example, type alignment(r). If the table contains multiple columns
per model/equation, the alignment specification should define all
columns. For example, if the wide option is specified, you could type
alignment(cr) to, say, center the point estimates and right-align the
t-statistics. Note that more sophisticated column definitions are
often needed to produce appealing results. In particular, LaTeX's
dcolumn package proves useful to align columns on the decimal point.
In HTML mode string should be a HTML alignment specifier. The default
is to omit alignment specification, which results in left aligned
columns. To center the columns in HTML, for example, specify
alignment(center). Other than in LaTeX mode, the same alignment is
used for all columns if the table contains multiple columns per
model/equation in the HTML mode.
In RTF mode string should be one of l, c, r, and j. The default is to
center the columns. To produce right-aligned columns, for example,
type alignment(r). The same alignment is used for all columns if the
table contains multiple columns per model/equation in the RTF mode.
Note that alignment() does not change the alignment of the variable
names/labels in the left stub of the table. They are always
width(string) sets the overall width of the table in LaTeX or HTML.
string should be LaTeX or HTML literal. For example, specify
width(\hsize) in LaTeX or width(100%) in HTML to span the whole page.
The table columns will spread regularly over the specified width.
Note that in RTF mode estout's varwidth() and modelwidth() options
may be used to change the width of the table columns.
longtable causes the longtable environment to be used in LaTeX. Use
longtable for tables that are too long to fit on a single page.
longtable cannot be combined with width().
----+ Output +-----------------------------------------------------------
replace permits esttab to overwrite an existing file.
append specifies that the output be appended to an existing file. It may
be used even if the file does not yet exist. Specifying append
together with page in TeX or HTML mode causes the new table to be
inserted at the end of the body of an existing document (esttab seeks
a line reading "\end{document}" or "</body>", respectively, and
starts appending from there; contents after this line will be
overwritten). In RTF mode, existing documents are assumed to end with
a line containing a single "}".
type specifies that the assembled table be printed in the results window
and the log file. This is the default unless using is specified.
noisily displays the executed estout command.
----+ Advanced +---------------------------------------------------------
drop(droplist) identifies the coefficients to be dropped from the table.
A droplist comprises one or more specifications, separated by white
space. A specification can be either a parameter name (e.g. price),
an equation name followed by a colon (e.g. mean:), or a full name
(e.g. mean:price). You may use the * and ? wildcards in equation
names and parameter names. Be sure to refer to the matched equation
names, and not to the original equation names in the models, when
using the equations() option to match equations.
keep(keeplist) selects the coefficients to be included in the table.
keeplist is specified analogous to droplist in drop() (see above).
order(orderlist) changes the order of the coefficients and equations
within the table. orderlist is specified analogous to droplist in
drop() (see above). Coefficients and equations that do not appear in
orderlist are placed last (in their original order).
equations(eqmatchlist) specifies how the models' equations are to be
matched. This option is passed to the internal call of estimates
table. See help estimates on how to specify this option. The most
common usage is equations(1) to match all the first equations in the
eform displays the regression table in exponentiated form. The exponent
of a coefficient is displayed in lieu of the untransformed
coefficient; standard errors and confidence intervals are transformed
as well. Note that the intercept is dropped in eform-mode, unless
constant is specified.
margin indicates that the marginal effects or elasticities be reported
instead of the raw coefficients. A prerequisite for this option to
work correctly is that mfx has been applied to a model prior to
storing its results (see help mfx). Note that the standard errors,
etc. are transformed as well. Furthermore, the intercept is dropped,
unless constant is specified.
unstack specifies that the individual equations from multiple-equation
models (e.g. mlogit, reg3, heckman) be placed in separate columns.
The default is to place the equations below one another in a single
estout_options are any other estout options (see help estout). Note that
estout options take precedence over esttab options. For example,
cells() disables b(), beta(), main(), t(), abs, not, se(), p(),
ci(), aux(), star, staraux, wide, onecell, parentheses,
and brackets,
stats() disables r2(), ar2(), pr2(), aic(), bic(), scalars(),
sfmt(), noobs, and obslast.
Other estout options that should be used with care are begin(),
delimiter(), end(), prehead(), posthead(), prefoot(), postfoot(),
mlabels(), and varlabels().
----+ Numerical formats +------------------------------------------------
Numerical display formats may be specified in esttab as follows:
1. Official Stata's display formats: You may specify formats, such as
%9.0g or %8.2f. See help format for a list of available formats. %g
or g may be used as a synonym for %9.0g.
2. Fixed format: You may specify an integer value such as 0, 1, 2, etc.
to request a display format with a fixed number of decimal places.
For example, t(3) would display t-statistics with three decimal
3. Automatic format: You may specify a1, a2, ..., or a9 to cause esttab
to choose a reasonable display format for each number depending on
the number's value. a may be used as a synonym for a3. The # in a#
determines the minimum precision according to the following rules:
o Absolute numbers smaller than 1 are displayed with # significant
decimal places (i.e. with # decimal places ignoring any leading
zeros after the decimal point). For example, 0.00123456 is
displayed as 0.00123 if the format is a3.
o Absolute numbers greater than 1 are displayed with as many digits
required to retain at least one decimal place and are displayed
with a minimum of (# + 1) digits. For example, if the format is
a3, 1.23456 is displayed as 1.235, 12.3456 is displayed as 12.35,
and 1234.56 is displayed as 1234.6.
o In any case, integers are displayed with zero decimal places, and
very large or very small absolute numbers are displayed in
exponential format.
The following examples are intended to illustrate the basic usage of
esttab. Additional examples can be found at
The procedure is to first fit and store some models (see eststo) and then
apply esttab to these stored estimates:
. eststo clear
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg
(est1 stored)
. eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg foreign
(est2 stored)
. esttab, ar2
(1) (2)
price price
weight 1.747** 3.465***
(2.72) (5.49)
mpg -49.51 21.85
(-0.57) (0.29)
foreign 3673.1***
_cons 1946.1 -5853.7
(0.54) (-1.73)
N 74 74
adj. R-sq 0.273 0.478
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
The same table using labels:
. esttab, ar2 label
(1) (2)
Price Price
Weight (lbs.) 1.747** 3.465***
(2.72) (5.49)
Mileage (mpg) -49.51 21.85
(-0.57) (0.29)
Car type 3673.1***
Constant 1946.1 -5853.7
(0.54) (-1.73)
Observations 74 74
Adjusted R-squared 0.273 0.478
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Plain table:
. esttab, ar2 plain
est1 est2
b/t b/t
weight 1.746559 3.464706
2.723238 5.493003
mpg -49.51222 21.8536
-.5746808 .2944391
foreign 3673.06
_cons 1946.069 -5853.696
.541018 -1.733408
N 74 74
adj. R-sq .2734846 .4781119
Using standard errors in brackets and suppress significance stars:
. esttab, se nostar brackets
(1) (2)
price price
weight 1.747 3.465
[0.641] [0.631]
mpg -49.51 21.85
[86.16] [74.22]
foreign 3673.1
_cons 1946.1 -5853.7
[3597.0] [3377.0]
N 74 74
Standard errors in brackets
Printing beta coefficients:
. esttab, beta
(1) (2)
price price
weight 0.460** 0.913***
(2.72) (5.49)
mpg -0.097 0.043
(-0.57) (0.29)
foreign 0.573***
N 74 74
Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Ben Jann, ETH Zurich,
Also see
Manual: [R] estimates
Online: help for estimates, estcom, estout, eststo, estadd, estpost