Documentation for estpost

help estpost                           also see: esttab, estout, eststo, estadd


    estpost -- Post results from various commands in e()


        estpost command [...]

    command              description
    summarize            post summary statistics
    tabstat              post summary statistics
    ttest                post two-group mean-comparison tests
    prtest               post two-group tests of proportions
    tabulate             post one-way or two-way frequency table
    svy: tabulate        post frequency table for survey data
    correlate            post correlations
    ci                   post confidence intervals for means,
                             proportions, or counts
    stci                 post confidence intervals for means
                             and percentiles of survival time


    estpost posts results from various Stata commands in e() so that they can
    be tabulated using esttab or estout. Type ereturn list after estpost to
    list the elements saved in e().


    ----+ summarize +--------------------------------------------------------

    estpost summarize [varlist] [if] [in] [weight] [, detail meanonly
               listwise casewise quietly esample ]

    posts summary statistics computed by summarize. If no varlist is
    specified, summary statistics are calculated for all variables in the

    aweights, fweights, and iweights are allowed (however, iweights may not
    be used with the detail option); see weight.

    Options are:

        detail and meanonly as described in help summarize.

        listwise to handle missing values through listwise deletion, meaning
            that an observation is omitted from the estimation sample if any
            of the variables in varlist is missing for that observation. The
            default is to determine the used observations for each variable
            separately without regard to whether other variables are missing.
            casewise is a synonym for listwise.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following results vectors are saved in e():

        e(count)     number of observations
        e(mean)      mean
        e(min)       minimum
        e(max)       maximum
        e(sum)       sum of variable
        e(sum_w)     sum of the weights
        e(Var)       variance (unless meanonly)
        e(sd)        standard deviation (unless meanonly)
        e(p1)        1st percentile (detail only)
        e(p5)        5th percentile (detail only)
        e(p10)       10th percentile (detail only)
        e(p25)       25th percentile (detail only)
        e(p50)       50th percentile (detail only)
        e(p75)       75th percentile (detail only)
        e(p90)       90th percentile (detail only)
        e(p95)       95th percentile (detail only)
        e(p99)       99th percentile (detail only)
        e(skewness)  skewness (detail only)
        e(kurtosis)  kurtosis (detail only)


        . sysuse auto, clear
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . estpost summarize price mpg rep78 foreign
                     |  e(count)   e(sum_w)    e(mean)     e(Var)      e(sd) 
               price |        74         74   6165.257    8699526   2949.496 
                 mpg |        74         74    21.2973   33.47205   5.785503 
               rep78 |        69         69   3.405797   .9799659   .9899323 
             foreign |        74         74   .2972973   .2117734   .4601885 
                     |    e(min)     e(max)     e(sum) 
               price |      3291      15906     456229 
                 mpg |        12         41       1576 
               rep78 |         1          5        235 
             foreign |         0          1         22 
        . esttab ., cells("mean sd count") noobs
                             mean           sd        count
        price            6165.257     2949.496           74
        mpg               21.2973     5.785503           74
        rep78            3.405797     .9899323           69
        foreign          .2972973     .4601885           74

    ----+ tabstat +----------------------------------------------------------

    estpost tabstat varlist [if] [in] [weight] [, statistics(statname [...])
               columns(variables|statistics) by(varname) nototal missing
               listwise casewise quietly esample ]

    posts summary statistics computed by tabstat. aweights and fweights are
    allowed; see weight.

    Options are:

        statistics(), columns(), by(), nototal, and missing as described in
            help tabstat.

        listwise to handle missing values through listwise deletion, meaning
            that an observation is omitted from the estimation sample if any
            of the variables in varlist is missing for that observation. The
            default is to determine the used observations for each variable
            separately without regard to whether other variables are missing.
            casewise is a synonym for listwise.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    A vector of results is saved in e() for each specified variable or
    statistic, depending on columns().


        . sysuse auto, clear
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . estpost tabstat price mpg rep78, listwise ///
        >     statistics(mean sd)
        Summary statistics: mean sd
             for variables: price mpg rep78
                     |  e(price)     e(mpg)   e(rep78) 
                mean |  6146.043   21.28986   3.405797 
                  sd |   2912.44   5.866408   .9899323 
        . esttab ., cells("price mpg rep78")
                            price          mpg        rep78
        mean             6146.043     21.28986     3.405797
        sd                2912.44     5.866408     .9899323
        N                      69                          
        . estpost tabstat price mpg rep78, listwise ///
        >     statistics(mean sd) columns(statistics)
        Summary statistics: mean sd
             for variables: price mpg rep78
                     |   e(mean)      e(sd) 
               price |  6146.043    2912.44 
                 mpg |  21.28986   5.866408 
               rep78 |  3.405797   .9899323 
        . esttab ., cells("mean(fmt(a3)) sd")
                             mean           sd
        price              6146.0       2912.4
        mpg                 21.29        5.866
        rep78               3.406        0.990
        N                      69             
        . estpost tabstat price mpg rep78, by(foreign) ///
        >     statistics(mean sd) columns(statistics) listwise
        Summary statistics: mean sd
             for variables: price mpg rep78
          by categories of: foreign
             foreign |   e(mean)      e(sd) 
        Domestic     |                      
               price |   6179.25   3188.969 
                 mpg |  19.54167   4.753312 
               rep78 |  3.020833    .837666 
        Foreign      |                      
               price |  6070.143   2220.984 
                 mpg |  25.28571   6.309856 
               rep78 |  4.285714   .7171372 
        Total        |                      
               price |  6146.043    2912.44 
                 mpg |  21.28986   5.866408 
               rep78 |  3.405797   .9899323 
        . esttab ., main(mean) aux(sd) nostar unstack ///
        >     noobs nonote label
                                 Domestic      Foreign        Total
        Price                      6179.3       6070.1       6146.0
                                 (3189.0)     (2221.0)     (2912.4)
        Mileage (mpg)               19.54        25.29        21.29
                                  (4.753)      (6.310)      (5.866)
        Repair Record 1978          3.021        4.286        3.406
                                  (0.838)      (0.717)      (0.990)

    ----+ ttest +------------------------------------------------------------

    estpost ttest varlist [if] [in], by(groupvar) [ unequal welch listwise
               casewise quietly esample ]

    posts two-group mean-comparison tests computed by ttest.

    Options are:

        by(), unequal, and welch as described in help ttest.

        listwise to handle missing values through listwise deletion, meaning
            that an observation is omitted from the estimation sample if any
            of the variables in varlist is missing for that observation. The
            default is to determine the used observations for each variable
            separately without regard to whether other variables are missing.
            casewise is a synonym for listwise.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following results vectors are saved in e():

        e(b)         mean difference
        e(count)     number of observations
        e(se)        standard error of difference
        e(t)         t statistic
        e(df_t)      degrees of freedom
        e(p_l)       lower one-sided p-value
        e(p)         two-sided p-value
        e(p_u)       upper one-sided p-value
        e(N_1)       number of observations in group 1
        e(mu_1)      mean in group 1
        e(N_2)       number of observations in group 2
        e(mu_2)      mean in group 2


        . sysuse auto, clear
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . estpost ttest price mpg headroom trunk, by(foreign)
                     |      e(b)   e(count)      e(se)       e(t)    e(df_t) 
               price | -312.2587         74   754.4488  -.4138899         72 
                 mpg | -4.945804         74   1.362162  -3.630848         72 
            headroom |  .5402098         74   .2070884   2.608596         72 
               trunk |  3.340909         74   1.022208   3.268327         72 
                     |    e(p_l)       e(p)     e(p_u)     e(N_1)    e(mu_1) 
               price |  .3400925   .6801851   .6599075         52   6072.423 
                 mpg |  .0002627   .0005254   .9997373         52   19.82692 
            headroom |  .9944757   .0110486   .0055243         52   3.153846 
               trunk |    .99917     .00166     .00083         52      14.75 
                     |    e(N_2)    e(mu_2) 
               price |        22   6384.682 
                 mpg |        22   24.77273 
            headroom |        22   2.613636 
               trunk |        22   11.40909 
        . esttab ., wide
        price              -312.3         (-0.41)
        mpg                -4.946***      (-3.63)
        headroom            0.540*         (2.61)
        trunk               3.341**        (3.27)
        N                      74                
        t statistics in parentheses
        * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

    ----+ prtest +-----------------------------------------------------------

    estpost prtest varlist [if] [in], by(groupvar) [ listwise casewise
               quietly esample ]

    posts two-group tests of proportions computed by prtest.

    Options are:

        by() as described in help prtest.

        listwise to handle missing values through listwise deletion, meaning
            that an observation is omitted from the estimation sample if any
            of the variables in varlist is missing for that observation. The
            default is to determine the used observations for each variable
            separately without regard to whether other variables are missing.
            casewise is a synonym for listwise.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following results vectors are saved in e():

        e(b)         difference in proportions
        e(count)     number of observations
        e(se)        standard error of difference
        e(se0)       standard error under Ho
        e(z)         z statistic
        e(p_l)       lower one-sided p-value
        e(p)         two-sided p-value
        e(p_u)       upper one-sided p-value
        e(N_1)       number of observations in group 1
        e(P_1)       proportion in group 1
        e(N_2)       number of observations in group 2
        e(P_2)       proportion in group 2


        . webuse cure2, clear
        . estpost prtest cure, by(sex)
                     |      e(b)   e(count)      e(se)     e(se0)       e(z) 
                cure | -.0729167        109   .0933123   .0942404  -.7737309 
                     |    e(p_l)       e(p)     e(p_u)     e(N_1)     e(P_1) 
                cure |   .219545     .43909    .780455         64     .59375 
                     |    e(N_2)     e(P_2) 
                cure |        45   .6666667 
        . esttab ., cell("b se0 z p")
                                b          se0            z            p
        cure            -.0729167     .0942404    -.7737309       .43909
        N                     109                                       

    ----+ tabulate +---------------------------------------------------------

    One-way table:

        estpost tabulate varname [if] [in] [weight] [, missing nolabel sort
               subpop(varname) nototal quietly esample ]

    Two-way table:

        estpost tabulate varname1 varname2 [if] [in] [weight] [, missing
               nolabel chi2 exact[(#)] gamma lrchi2 taub v nototal quietly
               esample ]

    estpost tabulate posts a one-way or two-way table computed by tabulate.
    aweights, fweights, and iweights are allowed; see weight.

    Options are:

        missing, nolabel, sort, subpop(), chi2, exact, gamma, lrchi2, taub,
            and v as described in help tabulate.

        nototal to omit row and column totals.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following vectors are saved in e():

        e(b)         frequency counts
        e(pct)       percent
        e(cumpct)    cumulative percent (one-way only)
        e(colpct)    column percent (two-way only)
        e(rowpct)    row percent (two-way only)

    If two-way options such as, e.g., chi2 or exact are specified, the
    results of the tests added as scalars in e() using the names documented
    in [R] tabulate.

    The value labels of the row variable are stored as names in the saved
    vectors, unless no label exceeds 30 characters or contains unsuitable
    characters in which case the labels are stored in macro e(labels). Type
    varlabels(`e(labels)') in esttab or estout to use the labels stored
    e(labels). The value labels of the column variable are stored as equation
    names or, alternatively, in macro e(eqlabels). Type
    eqlabels(`e(eqlabels)') in esttab or estout to use the labels stored in


        . sysuse auto, clear
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . estpost tabulate foreign
             foreign |      e(b)     e(pct)  e(cumpct) 
            Domestic |        52   70.27027   70.27027 
             Foreign |        22   29.72973        100 
               Total |        74        100            
        . esttab ., cells("b pct(fmt(2)) cumpct(fmt(2))") noobs
                                b          pct       cumpct
        Domestic               52        70.27        70.27
        Foreign                22        29.73       100.00
        Total                  74       100.00             
        . estpost tabulate rep78 foreign
        foreign      |                                            
               rep78 |      e(b)     e(pct)  e(colpct)  e(rowpct) 
        Domestic     |                                            
                   1 |         2   2.898551   4.166667        100 
                   2 |         8    11.5942   16.66667        100 
                   3 |        27   39.13043      56.25         90 
                   4 |         9   13.04348      18.75         50 
                   5 |         2   2.898551   4.166667   18.18182 
               Total |        48   69.56522        100   69.56522 
        Foreign      |                                            
                   1 |         0          0          0          0 
                   2 |         0          0          0          0 
                   3 |         3   4.347826   14.28571         10 
                   4 |         9   13.04348   42.85714         50 
                   5 |         9   13.04348   42.85714   81.81818 
               Total |        21   30.43478        100   30.43478 
        Total        |                                            
                   1 |         2   2.898551   2.898551        100 
                   2 |         8    11.5942    11.5942        100 
                   3 |        30   43.47826   43.47826        100 
                   4 |        18   26.08696   26.08696        100 
                   5 |        11   15.94203   15.94203        100 
               Total |        69        100        100        100 
        . esttab ., cell(colpct(fmt(2))) unstack noobs
                         Domestic      Foreign        Total
                           colpct       colpct       colpct
        1                    4.17         0.00         2.90
        2                   16.67         0.00        11.59
        3                   56.25        14.29        43.48
        4                   18.75        42.86        26.09
        5                    4.17        42.86        15.94
        Total              100.00       100.00       100.00
        . esttab ., cell(colpct(fmt(2)) count(fmt(g) par keep(Total))) ///
        >     collabels(none) unstack noobs nonumber nomtitle          ///
        >     eqlabels(, lhs("Repair Rec."))                           ///
        >     varlabels(, blist(Total "{hline @width}{break}"))
        Repair Rec.      Domestic      Foreign        Total
        1                    4.17         0.00         2.90
        2                   16.67         0.00        11.59
        3                   56.25        14.29        43.48
        4                   18.75        42.86        26.09
        5                    4.17        42.86        15.94
        Total              100.00       100.00       100.00

    ----+ svy: tabulate +----------------------------------------------------

    One-way table:

        estpost svy [vcetype] [, svy_options] : tabulate varname [if] [in] [,
               nototal quietly esample svy_tabulate_opts ]

    Two-way table:

        estpost svy [vcetype] [, svy_options] : tabulate varname1 varname2 [
               if] [in] [, nototal quietly esample svy_tabulate_opts ]

    estpost svy: tabulate posts a one-way or two-way table for complex survey
    data computed by svy: tabulate. Stata 9 or newer is required.

    Options are as described in [SVY] svy: tabulate oneway or [SVY] svy:
    tabulate twoway, respectively, and:

        nototal to omit row and column totals (synonym for nomarginals).

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    estpost svy: tabulate posts results in e() (except e(V)) as documented in
    [SVY] svy: tabulate oneway and [SVY] svy: tabulate twoway, respectively,
    and adds or replaces the following matrices:

        e(b)      cell, column, or row proportions or percentages,
                    or weighted counts, depending on options
        e(se)     standard errors of e(b)
        e(lb)     lower confidence bounds for e(b)
        e(ub)     upper confidence bounds for e(b)
        e(deff)   deff for variances of e(b)
        e(deft)   deft for variances of e(b)
        e(cell)   cell proportion or percentages
        e(row)    row proportion or percentages (two-way only)
        e(col)    column proportion or percentages (two-way only)
        e(count)  weighted counts
        e(obs)    number of observations

    The value labels of the row variable are stored as names in the saved
    vectors, unless no label exceeds 30 characters or contains unsuitable
    characters in which case the labels are stored in macro e(labels). Type
    varlabels(`e(labels)') in esttab or estout to use the labels stored
    e(labels). The value labels of the column variable are stored as equation
    names or, alternatively, in macro e(eqlabels). Type
    eqlabels(`e(eqlabels)') in esttab or estout to use the labels stored in


        . webuse nhanes2b, clear
        . svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
          Single unit:missing
             Strata 1:stratid
                 SU 1:psuid
                FPC 1:<zero>
        . estpost svy: tabulate race
        (running tabulate on estimation sample)
        Number of strata=        31            Number of obs      =      10351
        Number of PSUs=        62              Population size    =  117157513
                                               Design df          =         31
        1=white,  |
        2=black,  |
        3=other   | proportions
            White |       .8792
            Black |       .0955
            Other |       .0253
            Total |           1
          Key:  proportions  =  cell proportions
        saved vectors:
                     e(b) =  cell proportions
                    e(se) =  standard errors of cell proportions
                    e(lb) =  lower 95% confidence bounds for cell proportions
                    e(ub) =  upper 95% confidence bounds for cell proportions
                  e(deff) =  deff for variances of cell proportions
                  e(deft) =  deft for variances of cell proportions
                  e(cell) =  cell proportions
                 e(count) =  weighted counts
                   e(obs) =  number of observations
        . esttab ., cell("b(f(4)) se deft")
                                b           se         deft
        White              0.8792       0.0167       5.2090
        Black              0.0955       0.0127       4.4130
        Other              0.0253       0.0105       6.8246
        Total              1.0000       0.0000             
        N                   10351                          
        . estpost svy: tabulate race diabetes, row percent
        (running tabulate on estimation sample)
        Number of strata=        31            Number of obs      =      10349
        Number of PSUs=        62              Population size    =  117131111
                                               Design df          =         31
        1=white,  |  diabetes, 1=yes,  
        2=black,  |        0=no        
        3=other   |     0      1  Total
            White |  96.8  3.195    100
            Black |  94.1  5.903    100
            Other | 97.97  2.034    100
            Total | 96.58  3.425    100
          Key:  row percentages
        Uncorrectedchi2(2)        =   21.3483
        Design-basedF(1.52, 47.26)=   15.0056     P = 0.0000
        saved vectors:
                     e(b) =  row percentages
                    e(se) =  standard errors of row percentages
                    e(lb) =  lower 95% confidence bounds for row percentages
                    e(ub) =  upper 95% confidence bounds for row percentages
                  e(deff) =  deff for variances of row percentages
                  e(deft) =  deft for variances of row percentages
                  e(cell) =  cell percentages
                   e(row) =  row percentages
                   e(col) =  column percentages
                 e(count) =  weighted counts
                   e(obs) =  number of observations
        . esttab ., b(2) se(2) scalars(F_Pear) nostar unstack ///
        >     mtitle(`e(colvar)')
                                0            1        Total
        White               96.80         3.20       100.00
                           (0.20)       (0.20)             
        Black               94.10         5.90       100.00
                           (0.61)       (0.61)             
        Other               97.97         2.03       100.00
                           (0.76)       (0.76)             
        Total               96.58         3.42       100.00
                           (0.18)       (0.18)             
        N                   10349                          
        F_Pear              15.01                          
        Standard errors in parentheses

    ----+ correlate +--------------------------------------------------------

    estpost correlate varlist [if] [in] [weight] [, matrix nohalf print(#)
               bonferroni sidak listwise casewise quietly esample ]

    posts the pairwise correlations between the first variable in varlist and
    the remaining variables. Alternatively, if the matrix option is
    specified, all pairwise correlations among the variable in varlist are

    aweights, fweights, iweights and pweights are allowed; see weight.

    Methods and formulas are as described in [R] correlate. However, if
    pweights are specified, the p-values of the correlations are computed as
    suggested in the Stata FAQ on "Estimating correlations with survey data".

    Options are:

        matrix to return the (lower triangle) of the correlation matrix of
            the variables in varlist. The default is to return the pairwise
            correlations between the first variable in varlist and the
            remaining variables.

        nohalf to return the full correlation matrix rather than just the
            lower triangle. nohalf has no effect unless matrix is specified.

        print(#) to suppress (leave blank) correlation coefficients with a
            p-value larger than #. print() only affects what is saved in
            e(rho), e(p), and e(count), but not what is saved in e(b).

        bonferroni to apply the Bonferroni adjustment to the p-values.

        sidak to apply the Sidak adjustment to the p-values.

        listwise to handle missing values through listwise deletion, meaning
            that an observation is omitted from the estimation sample if any
            of the variables in varlist is missing for that observation. The
            default is to handle missing values by pairwise deletion, i.e.
            all available observations are used to calculate a pairwise
            correlation without regard to whether variables outside that pair
            are missing. casewise is a synonym for listwise.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following vectors are saved in e():

        e(b)         correlation coefficients
        e(rho)       correlation coefficients
        e(p)         p-values
        e(count)     number of observations


        . sysuse auto, clear
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . estpost correlate price mpg turn foreign, matrix
                     |      e(b)     e(rho)       e(p)   e(count) 
        price        |                                            
               price |         1          1                    74 
                 mpg | -.4685967  -.4685967   .0000255         74 
                turn |  .3096174   .3096174   .0072662         74 
             foreign |  .0487195   .0487195   .6801851         74 
        mpg          |                                            
                 mpg |         1          1                    74 
                turn | -.7191863  -.7191863   5.30e-13         74 
             foreign |  .3933974   .3933974   .0005254         74 
        turn         |                                            
                turn |         1          1                    74 
             foreign | -.6310965  -.6310965   1.66e-09         74 
        foreign      |                                            
             foreign |         1          1                    74 
        . esttab ., not unstack compress noobs
                       price          mpg         turn      foreign   
        price              1                                          
        mpg           -0.469***         1                             
        turn           0.310**     -0.719***         1                
        foreign       0.0487        0.393***    -0.631***         1   
        * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
        . bysort foreign: eststo: ///
        >     estpost correlate price turn weight rep78, listwise
        -> Domestic
               price |      e(b)     e(rho)       e(p)   e(count) 
                turn |  .4328091   .4328091   .0021229         48 
              weight |  .6864719   .6864719   7.19e-08         48 
               rep78 | -.0193249  -.0193249   .8962741         48 
        (est1 stored)
        -> Foreign
               price |      e(b)     e(rho)       e(p)   e(count) 
                turn |  .5102425   .5102425   .0181155         21 
              weight |  .8315886   .8315886   2.99e-06         21 
               rep78 |  .1797879   .1797879   .4354917         21 
        (est2 stored)
        . esttab est1 est2, not mtitles
                              (1)             (2)   
                         Domestic         Foreign   
        turn                0.433**         0.510*  
        weight              0.686***        0.832***
        rep78             -0.0193           0.180   
        N                      48              21   
        * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

    ----+ ci +---------------------------------------------------------------

    estpost ci [varlist] [if] [in] [weight] [, binomial poisson
               exposure(varname) exact wald wilson agresti jeffreys level(#)
               listwise casewise quietly esample ]

    posts standard errors and confidence intervals computed by ci. aweights
    and fweights are allowed, but aweights may not be specified with options
    binomial or poisson; see weight.

    Options are:

        binomial, poisson, exposure(), exact, wald, wilson, agresti,
            jeffreys, and level() as described in help ci.

        listwise to handle missing values through listwise deletion, meaning
            that an observation is omitted from the estimation sample if any
            of the variables in varlist is missing for that observation. The
            default is to determine the used observations for each variable
            separately without regard to whether other variables are missing.
            casewise is a synonym for listwise.

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following results vectors are saved in e():

        e(b)         mean
        e(count)     number of observations
        e(se)        estimate of standard error
        e(lb)        lower bound of confidence interval
        e(ub)        upper bound of confidence interval


        . sysuse auto, clear
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . estpost ci price mpg rep78, listwise
        (confidence level is 95%)
                     |      e(b)   e(count)      e(se)      e(lb)      e(ub) 
               price |  6146.043         69   350.6166   5446.399   6845.688 
                 mpg |  21.28986         69   .7062326   19.88059   22.69912 
               rep78 |  3.405797         69   .1191738   3.167989   3.643605 
        . esttab ., cells("b lb ub") label
                                        b           lb           ub
        Price                    6146.043     5446.399     6845.688
        Mileage (mpg)            21.28986     19.88059     22.69912
        Repair Record 1978       3.405797     3.167989     3.643605
        Observations                   69                          
        . eststo exact: estpost ci foreign, binomial exact
        (confidence level is 95%)
                     |      e(b)   e(count)      e(se)      e(lb)      e(ub) 
             foreign |  .2972973         74   .0531331    .196584   .4148353 
        . eststo agresti: estpost ci foreign, binomial agresti
        (confidence level is 95%)
                     |      e(b)   e(count)      e(se)      e(lb)      e(ub) 
             foreign |  .2972973         74   .0531331    .204807   .4097942 
        . esttab exact agresti, cells(lb ub) mtitles
                              (1)          (2)
                            exact      agresti
                            lb/ub        lb/ub
        foreign           .196584      .204807
                         .4148353     .4097942
        N                      74           74

    ----+ stci +-------------------------------------------------------------

    estpost stci [if] [in] [, by(groupvar) median rmean emean p(#) ccorr
               level(#) quietly esample ]

    posts confidence intervals for means and percentiles of survival time
    computed by stci. Stata 9 or newer is required.

    Options are:

        by(groupvar) to report separate summaries for each group defined by
            groupvar, along with an overall total.

        median, rmean, emean, p(), ccorr, and level() as described in help 

        quietly to suppress the output.

        esample to mark the estimation sample in e(sample).

    The following vectors are saved in e():

        e(count)     number of subjects
        e(p50)       median (if median specified; the default)
        e(p#)        #th percentile (if p(#) specified)
        e(rmean)     restricted mean (if rmean specified)
        e(emean)     extended mean (if emean specified)
        e(se)        standard error
        e(lb)        lower bound of CI
        e(ub)        upper bound of CI


        . webuse page2, clear
        . estpost stci
        (confidence level is 95%)
                     |  e(count)     e(p50)      e(se)      e(lb)      e(ub) 
               total |        40        232   2.562933        213        239 
        . esttab ., cell("count p50 se lb ub") noobs compress
                       count       p50        se        lb        ub
        total             40       232  2.562933       213       239
        . estpost stci, by(group)
        (confidence level is 95%)
                     |  e(count)     e(p50)      e(se)      e(lb)      e(ub) 
                   1 |        19        216   5.171042        190        234 
                   2 |        21        233   2.179595        232        280 
               total |        40        232   2.562933        213        239 
        . esttab ., cell("count p50 se lb ub") noobs compress
                       count       p50        se        lb        ub
        1                 19       216  5.171042       190       234
        2                 21       233  2.179595       232       280
        total             40       232  2.562933       213       239


    Ben Jann, ETH Zurich,

Also see

    Manual:  [R] estimates

    Online:  help for estimates, estout, esttab, eststo, estadd