Documentation for eststo

help eststo                           also see: esttab, estout, estadd, estpost


    eststo -- Store estimates


        [_]eststo [name] [, options ] [ : estimation_command ]

        [_]eststo dir

        [_]eststo drop {#|name} [ {#|name} ... ]

        [_]eststo clear

    options           description
    [no]esample       do not/do store e(sample)
    title(string)     specify a title for the stored set
    prefix(prefix)    specify a name prefix; default is est
    addscalars(...)   add scalar statistics
    refresh[(#)]      overwrite a previously stored set
    nocopy            clear e() after storing the set
    missing           use missing values in the by groups
    by is allowed with eststo if eststo is used as a prefix command, i.e.

        by ... : eststo ... : estimation_command
    to apply estimation_command to each by group and store an estimation set
    for each group; see help by. Note that the implementation of by with
    eststo requires estimation_command to follow standard Stata syntax and
    allow the if qualifier. Do not use the by ...: eststo: construct with svy


    eststo stores a copy of the active estimation results for later
    tabulation. If name is provided, the estimation set is stored under name.
    If name is not provided, the estimation set is stored under est#, where #
    is a counter for the number of stored estimation sets.

    eststo may be used in two ways: Either after fitting a model as in

        . regress y x
        . eststo

    or as a prefix command (see help prefix):

        . eststo: regress y x

    _eststo is a variant on eststo that, by default, does not store the
    estimation sample information contained in e(sample).  Essentially,
    _eststo is a shortcut to eststo, noesample.

    eststo dir displays a list of the stored estimates.

    eststo drop drops estimation sets stored by eststo. If name is provided,
    the estimation set stored under name is dropped (if * or ? wildcards are
    used name, all matching sets are dropped). Alternatively, if # is
    provided, the estimation set stored as est# is dropped.

    eststo clear drops all estimation sets stored by eststo (and clears
    eststo's global macros).

    eststo is an alternative to official Stata's estimates store. The main
    differences are:

         o  eststo does not require the user to specify a name for the stored
            estimation set.

         o  eststo may be used as a prefix command (see help prefix).

         o  eststo provides the possibility to store estimates without the
            e(sample) function (either specify the noesample option or use
            the _eststo command). Omitting e(sample) saves memory and also
            speeds up tabulation programs such as estimates table, estout or 
            esttab.  Warning: Some post-estimation commands may not work with
            estimation sets that do not contain the e(sample).

         o  eststo can add additional scalar statistics to be stored with the
            estimation set.


    esample causes the information in e(sample) to be stored with the
        estimates. This is the default in eststo. Type noesample or use the
        _eststo command to omit the e(sample). Note that some post-estimation
        commands may not be working correctly with estimation sets that have
        been stored without e(sample).

    title(string) specifies a title for the stored estimation set.

    addscalars(name exp [...] [, replace]) may be used to add additional
        results to the e()-scalars of the estimation set before storing it.
        Specify the names and values of the scalars in pairs. For example,
        addscalars(one 1 two 2) would add e(one) = 1 and e(two) = 2. See
        below for an example. The replace suboption permits overwriting
        existing e()-returns. Not allowed as names are "b", "V", or "sample".
        See estadd for a more sophisticated tool to add additional results to

    prefix(prefix) specifies a custom prefix for the automatic names of the
        stored estimation sets. The default prefix is est.

    refresh[(#)] may be used to overwrite a previously stored estimation set
        instead of storing the estimates under a new name. refresh, specified
        without argument, will overwrite the last saved set. Alternatively,
        refresh(#) will overwrite the set named est# if it exists. If name is
        provided to eststo, existing sets of the same name will always be
        overwritten whether or not refresh is specified. refresh() with
        argument is not allowed in this case.

    nocopy specifies that after the estimation set has been stored, it no
        longer be available as the active estimation set.

    missing is for use of eststo with the by prefix command and causes
        missing values to be treated like any other values in the by
        variables. The default is to discard observations with missing values
        in the by variables.


    Applying eststo after fiting a model to store the model's results, as in
    the following example:

        . sysuse auto
        (1978 Automobile Data)
        . quietly regress price weight
        . eststo model1
        . quietly regress turn weight foreign
        . eststo model2
        . estout
                           model1       model2
                                b            b
        weight           2.044063     .0042183
        foreign                      -1.809802
        _cons           -6.707353     27.44963

    Applying eststo as a prefix commmand to fit and store a model in one

        . eststo model1: quietly regress price weight
        . eststo model2: quietly regress turn weight foreign
        . estout
                           model1       model2
                                b            b
        weight           2.044063     .0042183
        foreign                      -1.809802
        _cons           -6.707353     27.44963
    Using eststo with automatic names:

        . eststo clear
        . eststo: quietly regress price weight
        (est1 stored)
        . eststo: quietly regress turn weight foreign
        (est2 stored)
        . estout
                             est1         est2
                                b            b
        weight           2.044063     .0042183
        foreign                      -1.809802
        _cons           -6.707353     27.44963

    Adding ancillary statistics:

        . eststo clear
        . quietly regress price weight mpg
        . test weight = mpg
         ( 1)  weight - mpg = 0
               F(  1,    71) =    0.36
            Prob > F =    0.5514
        . eststo, add(p_diff r(p))
        (e(p_diff) = .55138216 added)
        (est1 stored)
        . estout, stat(p_diff)
        weight           1.746559
        mpg             -49.51222
        _cons            1946.069
        p_diff           .5513822

    Using the by prefix to store subbroup models:

        . eststo clear
        . quietly by foreign: eststo: quietly reg price weight mpg
        . esttab, label nodepvar nonumber
                                 Domestic         Foreign   
        Weight (lbs.)               4.415***        5.156***
                                   (4.66)          (5.85)   
        Mileage (mpg)               237.7          -19.78   
                                   (1.71)         (-0.34)   
        Constant                 -13285.4*        -5065.8   
                                  (-2.32)         (-1.58)   
        Observations                   52              22   
        t statistics in parentheses
        * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Returned results

    The name under which an estimation set is stored, is added to the set in

    In addition, eststo maintains two global macros. $eststo contains a list
    of the names of the stored estimation sets. $eststo_counter contains the
    count of stored estimation sets.


    Bill Gould suggested to make eststo "byable".


    Ben Jann, ETH Zurich,

Also see

    Manual:  [R] estimates

    Online:  help for estimates, esttab, estout, estadd, estpost