
Jann, Ben (2005): Making regression tables from stored estimates. The Stata Journal 5(3): 288-308.

Jann, Ben (2007): Making regression tables simplified. The Stata Journal 7(2): 227-244.


Jann, Ben: "Automated table generation and reporting with Stata", CEPS/INSTEAD, Differdange, Luxembourg, October 24, 2008.

Jann, Ben: "From estimation output to document tables: A long way made short", 2007 North American Stata Users Group meeting, August 13–14, 2007, Boston.
More Information

Jann, Ben: "Making regression tables simplified", 2007 German Stata Users Group meeting, April 2, 2007, Essen.
More Information

Jann, Ben: "From regression estimates to document tables: output formatting using estout", 2005 UK Stata Users Group Meeting, May 17–18, 2005, London.
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